HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-95 M'~ NUT E S REGULP~R MEET'rNG OF THE BOLD OF D~'RECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBL'rC UT'rL'rTY D'rSTR'rCT i~ugust 17, 1995 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session August 17, 1995, 4:00 PM, city Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. DOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Strohm, Mason, Mosbacher, Jones Solbrig, McFarlane, Sharp, Hoggatt, Brown, R. Johnson, Hrbacek, Hoggatt, Twomey, Thiel, Regan, Rieger, Noble, Attorney Sare (Baer arrived at 5:05 pm from jury duty.) Frank DuQuite/City Council, Joyce Blackstone Shop Steward - None present. Staff requested Consent Item 5 be brought forward for discussion, and requested Consent Item 7 be removed (Highway 50 Waterlines - Approaches to Trout Creek and South Upper Truckee Bridges). Director Mosbacher requested Consent Item 6 be brought forward for discussion/action. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Approved payment to Bing Materials for road base and gravel used on the High- way 50 bridge waterlines in an amount not to exceed $12,000; COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR 2) Authorized modification of existing Special Use Permit to allow a maximum flow of 100 gpm for Terrible Herbst service station; 3) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for Luther Pass Pump Station Reroof; ST056386 ~EGUL~R BO~n MEETING MTI~L~TES - AUGUST 17, 1995 pAGE - 2 4) Approved rollover of available approp- riations from 1994/95 fiscal year budget to the 1995/96 fiscal year budget; 8) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for the 1995 Paving Project. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWI~.D FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Director Mosbacher asked for and received clarification regarding a motion made, and also noted a minor language correction. BOARD MEETING AUGUST 3~ 1995 (Consent Item 6) MINUTES: Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to adopt Regular Board Meeting Minutes: August 3, 1995 with the language correction. Minor language changes were made to the agreement. This item will be brought back before the Board for action at the September 7, 1995 Regular Board meeting to allow Lakeside Park representatives suf- ficient time to review. LAKESIDE PART MUTUAL WATER COMPANY INTERTIE: LONG-TERM WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT (Consent Item 5) No Board action. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Ken Schroeder. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. SPOILS DISPOSAL Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to: A) Waive the District Purchasing Policy; B) Approve Sierra Tahoe Concrete to continue with disposal of spoils in an amount not to exceed $20,000. Presented by Chris Twomey. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. FAIRWAY SEWER REPLACEMENT pROJECT Moved Jones/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to award contract to lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, Miller Pipeline, in the amount of $352,053. Hoggatt reported that CalTrans has unexpectedly rejected the plans required for an encroachment permit. Staff will appeal their decision at a meeting being held on August 21st. Letters of support for the project have been provided by the city of SLT, and the Chamber of Commerce. HIGHWAY 50 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT ST056387 REGUL2~ BO~U~ NEET~NG NTNUTES - ~UGUST L7, 1995 Moved Jones/Second Mosbacher/Passed UDanimously to award contract to lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, Utility Boring, in the amount of $1,399,000.00, contingent upon the outcome of the 8/21/95 meeting with CalTrans. Hoggatt reported proposals have not yet been received. A Special Board Meeting will be held on September 14th for action on this item. FAGE - 3 HIGHWAY 50 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT (Continued) INSPECTION OF B-LINE No Board action. Richard gave an update on the status of this item, which was declared a Great Emergency at the June 1, 1995, Regular Board meeting. Due to the unexpected demand by CalTrans that the District complete the approachment within a two- week period, the District was not enable to pursue the state bidding process. The Great Emergency was found to exist based on the CalTrans restrictions on the project. Solbrig noted that three informal quotes were received from three contractors - CB Ebright being the lowest. Approximately $269,000 has been expended to date. This amount includes work done by CB Ebright, pipe purchase, AB material for backfill, and asphalt. An increase of $75,000 is necessary due to extending the waterlines; stockpiling, test- ing and hauling of contaminated soils; in- crease in paving thickness; and working at night to allow for completion of the under- ground piping for the abutments. Terrible Herbst will be billed for costs associated with contaminated soil removal. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to increase authorization under declaration of great emergency by $75,000. After review by legal staff, Attorney Sare recommended the District comply with the request from LAFCO's executive officer, Margaret Stone, and include all "islands" in the annexation. HIGHWAY 50 WATERLINES - APPROACHES TO TROUT CREEK AND SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE BRIDGES LAFCO: ANNEXATION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES ST056388 ~EGULP~R BOiM~D ~E~T[NG N~NUTES - ~UGUST 17, 1995 F~GE - 4 Moved Mason/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to authorize the annexation take place and to include the "islands" as recommended by LAFCO. LAFCO: ANNEXATION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES (Continued) Moved Strohm/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $1,242,641.09. Director Mason abstained due to a potential financial conflict. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met with representatives from the Ski Run Embassy Vacation Resorts timeshare project. An idea to build a new pump station is being developed to help relieve the demand the additional flows would place on the Bijou Pump Station. Staff will make a presentation before the Board at the September 7th Regular Board Meeting. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS ~ Special districts will be a topic of discussion at the August 21st LAFCO meet- ing. Baer will attend. Roles/Functions County Water Agency: The new general manager, Merv de Haas, will attend the October 13th EDWPA meeting in Georgetown. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC CQMMITTEE REPORTS Sare reported based upon the District's past litigation with the agency, Tahoe city PUD has filed a similar suit against Placer County's water agency. A1 Tahoe Well 2 Alleqed Impacts: The com- mittee met. A summary of options available will be presented at the September 7th Re- gular Board meeting. 5:30 PM ~EETING BREAK 5:35 PM ~EETING RESUMED District Information officer: Julie Regan STAFF REPORTS reported on the two focus groups that were developed as a research tool to aide with the formation of the upcoming telephone customer survey. Regan reviewed various public per- ceptions of the District, and summarized the consultant's recommendations and conclusions. $T056389 ~Euu~R BOi~D N~..~'~][N~ I~'~NUTES - i%U~UST 1.7, :1.995 Manager Baer reported on six items: 1) The export system has been shut down for for three days to allow for the instal- lation of larger air release valves. All valves on the A-Line have been replaced. B-Line valves will be replaced after the TV inspection is complete. 2) Staff reported there have been less leaks in the water system this summer than nor- mal. This may be attributed to waterline replacements and lower operating pressures. 3) The Coordinate Transit System agreement is on the TRPA agenda for approval at their August meeting. The agreement will be presented to the Board for approval in September. 4) Tahoe city PUD has protested the water rights portion of Heavenly Valley's mas- ter plan. Tahoe City PUD's position is that Heavenly should be using USFS water rights since snowmaking activity takes place on USFS lands. 5) Staff will meet with Lahontan to discuss: a) policy for mitigation programs; b) ex- port pipeline spill, B-Line inspection, and compliance schedule; c) support for grant appeal at SWRCB; and, d) wellhead protection program. 6) At the request of the Alpine County Grand Jury, Baer will attend their next meeting and explain the District's contract, par- ticularly, how the amount of the mitiga- tion/impact fee is determined. Finance officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported the annual audit is underway. STAFF REPORTS (Continued) Attorney Sare reported on three items: 1) Mr. Pimberton, legal counsel for Alpine County, contacted Sare regarding Sorenson's request that the District allow an assign- ment of capacity. ST056390 ~E~uLKRBOKRDME~ING MINUTES - ~UGUST 17, 1995 2) CASA recently contacted Sare to inquire STAFF REPORTS why the District discontinued membership. (Continued) Sare responded that due to pressing water issues, the District joined ACWA instead of CASA. The way CASA dues are structured, the District cannot afford to belong to both associations. 3) The lot line adjustment is in process with VanSickle for the Stateline tanks. Once the corner markers are reinstalled, another meeting with Mr. VanSickle will be held for his final approval. 5:25 PM pAGE - 6 ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 6:50 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION TAKEN ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EX~..C~IgE SESSION The Board directed staff to continue Pursuant to Government Code work on this item. Section 54956.9/Schwake vs. STPUD, Case No. CV-N-93- 851-DWH The Board directed staff to continue work on this item. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9/Northbrook Property and Casualty In- surance Co., Case No. SV-0499 6:58 PM ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Kathy ShaFt, Clerk of ~Boar South Tahgge Public Utility District ST056391 DATE: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET. COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST056392