HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-19-95M~' NUT E S REGULi~ MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH T~M'IOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 19, 1995 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session January 19, 1995, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Wallace, Directors Strohm, Jones, Mosbacher Director Mason and Attorney Sare were excused to attend the CASA Conference. STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Sharp, Regan, Hydrick, Herbacek, Schroeder, Noble, Thiel, R. Johnson, Garcia, Attorney Cherry GUESTS: Frank DuQuite/City Council; Jennifer Whitehair/Tahoe Daily Tribune; Dr. Ed Ives, Rick Madrid, Wes Wiens, John Hargrove, Scott Odegard/Sierra Pacific Power Company; Pat Amundson, Steve Denzler, John Cefalu, Judy Cefalu/Tahoe Forest Homeowners Assoc., Philip Trowbridge, AGRA Earth & Environ. Dr. Ed Ives, representing Sierra Pacific Power Company, gave an oral and visual pre- sentation covering the California Regula- tory Reform and how it changes the basic way electricity is sold to retail customers. Shop Steward: Not present. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: Sierra Pacific Power Company COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Rick Hydrick distributed the third draft of the AGRA study which concludes that combined with the effects of the drought, the operation of A1 Tahoe Well No. 2 may impact surrounding private wells. AL TAHOE WELL 2: IMPACT ON PRIVATE WELLS STUDY ST056563 REGU?.~,~ BO~.D I~EET'rNG M'rNUTES - ~,NU~RY ~.9~ ~.995 P~GE - 2 Pat Amundson and Steve Denzler outlined occurrences caused by the operation of A1 Tahoe Well 2, Paloma Well, and both wells running concurrently. They, and the Board agreed, will be informed in advance if more than 2,000 gpm was being pumped from A1 Tahoe Well 2, or if Paloma is used. A neighborhood meeting will be held in the near future to discuss possible solutions. AL TAHOE WELL 2: IMPACT ON PRIVATE WELLS STUDY (Continued) No Board Action. None. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Mason Excused Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as presented: 1) Authorized staff to implement the two- week disconnection procedures for delinquent accounts; 2) Approved San Luis Tank Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $2,186 for the State- line Storage Project - Phase One Tank; 3) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: 1/5/95; 4) Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes: 11/10/94, 11/11/94, 11/28/94, 12/1/94. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Rick Hydrick. The Operations Committee reviewed this item and discussed possible access routes to the site. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Mason Excused/ Passed to authorize purchase of site for $96,000 plus other conditions as set forth in the land purchase agreement. Presented by Richard Solbrig. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. ARROWHEAD TANK SITE PURCHASE EXPORT PIPELINE PROJECT - REPLACEMENT OF SEZ PORTION OF "A" LINE ST056564 REGULAR BO~ NEETIN~ ~INUTES - ~ANUARY ~9~ 1995 PA~E - 3 Moved Strohm/Second Jones/Mason Excused/ Passed to approve Task Order with John Carollo Engineers in an amount not to exceed $417,000 to design pipeline and provide design service during construction. Richard Solbrig explained this agreement is required by E1 Dorado County to receive reimbursement for an erosion control pro- ject on Chinquapin. This agreement was modeled from a similar agreement used to pass through funds for the Lake Christopher project. Several weaknesses in the agreement were pointed out, which could result in the District being mistakenly held liable in the remote possibility that an accident were to take place as a result of this project. Moved Strohm/Second Wallace/Jones Voted No/Mosbacher Voted No/Mason Excused/Motion Did Not Pass to approve agreement with the County. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Mason Excused/ Passed to return the agreement to the Dis- trict's Attorney to write amendments which will ensure fairness to both parties. The EIR/EIS began circulating 1/18/95. the document is accepted, the way sewer units are determined will be revised. If It was the consensus of the Board to direct the Ad Hoc Committee to make minor changes in the wording of the Transportation MOU. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Mason Excused/ Passed to approve payment in the amount of $538,527.11. Finance Committee: January 30th. A meeting will be held Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met prior to the Board Meet- ing. Projects discussed include: ERB Pipe- line, Dressier-On-Farm Repairs, Thunderbird Intertie, Paloma Well, Bakersfield Well, EXPORT PIPELINE PROJECT - REPLACEMENT OF SEZ PORTION OF "A" LINE (Continued) EL DORADO COUNTY EROSION CONTROL WORK - CHINQUAPIN FUTURE SEWER CONNECTIONS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS ST056565 REGUL~R BOARD HEETIN~ ~T~UTES - ~U~%RY ~9~ L995 P~GE - 4 Arrowhead Tank, Stateline Tank, Export Pipe- BOARD MEMBER STANDING line, Fairway Sewer Project, and Boulder COMMITTEE REPORTS Mountain Booster Station. (Continued) Executive Committee: The committee met with manager's negotiation team to convey Board's response. citizens Advisory Committee: The committee met January 18th to refine the draft bylaws, which will be circulated during the week of the 23rd. Discussion was held regarding the pros and cons of delaying the rate study until the committee was fully formed. LAFCO: The election for Special Districts Representation will be held January 30th. Wallace and Strohm will attend. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS The general manager will review each agenda for LAFCO's monthly meeting and assign the staff member who is most familiar with the issues listed on their agenda to represent the District at these meetings. Roles/Functions County Water Agency: The County Water Agency will be meeting to review the District's requests for funding. Rick Hydrick will attend this meeting. Director Jones reported that he has been receiving information on arsenic. He will serve on ACWA's Water Quality Committee and be active on the arsenic subcommittee. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Strohm stated John Upton will be traveling to Washington D.C. at the end of February and is willing to represent the District's concerns to delegates there. The EPA issue should be given special con- sideration. Manager: Manager Baer reported on two items: 1) March 20th marks the end of the comment period for the EIR/EIS. A public hearing may be needed to discuss the CEQA require- ments; STAFF REPORTS ST056566 REGULAR BOARD IiEETZNG ll'rNUTEB - D~,,...,,-,.,-~ -.., .... PAGE - 5 2) A proposal was received from Leonard Turnbaugh,the Director of Public Works in Alpine County. Alpine County, along with the Washoe tribe, is pursing a federal grant, possibly for economic development. One idea they are considering is to con- struct a new golf course on the former Schwake property now owned by the District. The idea may be feasible if considerations were given to the following: A) The flood channel on the property must be maintained; B) the District must retain water rights to maintain the level of Indian Creek Reser- voir. Different methods of water supply were discussed. If Alpine County is serious about the proposal, Mr. Turnbaugh will write the District a letter and make a presentation before the Board. Manaqer of Maintenance: Ken Schroeder reported two residents on Fairway Avenue have been repeatedly flooded due to the sewerline on that street which was originally installed with no laterals. The only way to guarantee these two res- idences are not flooded again, is to install two new sewer pump stations. Attorney: No report. 8:10 PM STAFF REPORTS (Continued) ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Ka{hy' Sh~p,~Clerk df Board/Executive Secretary South TaP~oe Public Utility District ST056567 DATE: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST056568