HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-01-94MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH T/~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December 1, 1994 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session December 1, 1994, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Mason, Strohm Mosbacher ROL____L_LCALL Director Jones was excused to attend ACWA Conference. STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Sharp, R. Johnson, Hussmann, Brown, Hydrick, Schrempp, Noble, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Frank DuQuite/City Council Shop Steward: No report. Staff requested Consent Item 3 be removed as the situation had been resolved satis- factorily. Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Jones Excused/ Passed to add Ordinance No. 439 to the agenda as an emergency item. This item was agendized and discussed during a meeting held earlier in the week. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Jones Excused/Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Authorized sale of unusable, outdated surplus computer equipment to Arizona Water Company and Copano Bay Trading Company; 2) Authorized two week disconnection pro- cedures for failure to perform annual backflow assembly test on the property located at 3801 Paradise, APN 27-082-151. ST056593 REGULAR BOARD NEETING ~INUTES - DECaNtER 1, 1994 PAGE - 2 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Nancy Hussmann reviewed proposals received and recommended contracting with Colonial Life and Accident Insurance Company. IRS SECTION 125 FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PLAN Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Jones Excused/Passed to approve contracting with Colonial Life and Accident Insurance Company to administer a comprehensive, flexible benefits plan for District em- ployees. Richard Solbrig stated a grading deadline extension has been obtained to allow for for complete site investigation and test- ing to determine the cleanup efforts needed. UNDERGROUND FUEL TANK SITE CLEANUP AT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Moved Strohm/Second Mason/Jone~ Excused/Passed to authorize Geraghty and Miller, Inc. to conduct next phase of test- ing and monitoring in the amount of $17,500. Moved Strohm/Second Mosbacher/Jones Excused/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $555,594.32. This item was added to the agenda as an emergency item by a 4/5 vote of the Board. This item was agendized and discussed previously this week. Due to the nature of the building season and upcoming pro- jects, this item was placed on the agenda for discussion. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ORDINANCE NO. 439 Director Mason outlined possible alterna- tives to include in the Ordinance regarding how the water usage of new connections is determined, which will assist in determining the connection fee. The Board discussed the pros and cons of the alternatives. No Board action. Roles/Functions County Water Agency: Director Strohm reported the E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors voted not to support the proposed contract submitted by the E1 Dorado County Water Agency's General Manager, Jonas Minton. Losing Jonas will be a big loss, not only for the District, but for the County as well. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS ST056594 REGUL~R BO~D ~ETING NTNUTES - DEC~NnER 1, 1994 PAGE - 3 Water rights for E1 Dorado County will continue to be pursued by directors of the water agency. Manaqer: Manager Baer reported on four items: 1) Managers have been soliciting input from crews regarding future projects and budgeting process. 2) Authorized an increase to $18,000 for the amount of work being done by Dale Sare on the Future Facility Plan review. 3) EPA Trailer Bill - Chris Rissetto, from Holland & Knight, sent a memo recapping the Los Angeles decision on the CAP Rule. L.A. was ruled against with no substantive dis- cussion. This serves to affirm that the approach of legislative relief being used by Rissetto on the District's behalf is the proper way to go. A briefing package is being prepared for Doolittle, Feinstein, and Boxer. Sare will speak to Doolittle's California staff. 4) Director Mason will be in Palm Springs at the same time the CASA Conference is being held there. Bob agreed to attend and represent the District. Assistant Manager/Enqineer: Richard Solbrig reported three neighborhood meetings are scheduled to provide the public an opportunity to contribute input regarding the Paloma Well, Bakersfield Well, and Arrowhead Tank project process. Attorney Sare reported on two items: 1) Mr. Butterfield, who has served as the executive director of Lahontan, was appoint- ed by Governor Wilson to the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. This is a favorable appointment. 2) The guidelines of the attorneys meetings of CASA may be changed. In the future, if Dale attends these meetings and functions of BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) STAFF REPORT~ ST056595 REGULAR BO~D MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 1, 1994 PAGE - 4 a similar nature, he may request payment for travel and lodging. His time and per diem will not be charged for, if the sub- ject relates to legal education or spec- ializaiton. 5:10 PM 5:20 PM 5:55 PM STAFF REPORTS (Continued) MEETING BREAK RESUME MEETING AND AJOURN- MENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR BOARD MEETING ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to continue with property negotia- tions. 6:00 PM ARROWHEAD TANK REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATIONS ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Shar~/ Clerk %~ _~.~rd/Executive Secretary South Taho~ Public Utility District ST056596 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 1, 1994 P~GE - 2 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Nancy Hussmann reviewed proposals received IRS SECTION 125 FLEXIBLE and recommended contracting with Colonial BENEFITS PLAN Life and Accident Insurance Company. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Jones Excused/Passed to approve contracting with Colonial Life and Accident Insurance Company to administer a comprehensive, flexible benefits plan for District em- ployees. Richard Solbrig stated a grading deadline extension has been obtained to allow for for complete site investigation and test- ing to determine the cleanup efforts needed. UNDERGROUND FUEL TANK SITE CLEANUP AT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Moved Strohm/Second Mason/Jones Excused/Passed to authorize Geraghty and Miller, Inc. to conduct next phase of test- ing and monitoring in the amount of $17,500. Moved Strohm/Second Mosbacher[Jones Excused/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $555,594.32. ~/~_- This item was added/o the agenda as an emergency item by a vote of the Board. This item was agendized and discussed previously this week. Due to the nature of the building season and upcoming pro- jects, this item was placed on the agenda for discussion. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ORDINANCE NO. 439 Director Mason outlined possible alterna- tives to include in the Ordinance regarding how the water usage of new connections is determined, which will assist in determining the connection fee. The Board discussed the pros and cons of the alternatives. No Board action. Roles/Functions County Water Aqency: Director Strohm reported the E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors voted not to support the proposed contract submitted by the E1 Dorado County Water Agency's General Manager, Jonas Minton. Losing Jonas will be a big loss, not only for the District, but for the County as well. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS ST056597 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 1, 1994 PAGE - 3 Water rights for E1 Dorado County will continue to be pursued by directors of the water agency. Manaqer: BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported on four items: 1) Managers have been soliciting input from crews regarding future projects and budgeting process. 2) Authorized an increase to $18,000 for the amount of work being done by Dale Sare on the Future Facility Plan review. 3) EPA Trailer Bill - Chris Rissetto, from Holland & Knight, sent a memo recapping the Los Angeles decision on the CAP Rule. L.A. was ruled against with no substantive dis- cussion. This serves to affirm that the approach of legislative relief being used by Rissetto on the District's behalf is the proper way to go. A briefing package is being prepared for Doolittle, Feinstein, and Boxer. Sare will speak to Doolittle's California staff. 4) Director Mason will be~in Palm Springs at the same time the ACWA Conference is being held there. Bob agreed to attend and represent the District. Assistant Manager/Enqineer: Richard Solbrig reported three neighborhood meetings are scheduled to provide the public an opportunity to contribute input regarding the Paloma Well, Bakersfield Well, and Arrowhead Tank project process. Attorney: Attorney Sare reported on two items: 1) Mr. Butterfield, who has served as the executive director of Lahontan, was appoint- ed by Governor Wilson to the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. This is a favorable appointment. 2) The guidelines of the attorneys meetings of CASA may be changed. In the future, if Dale is r~q,,ir~a_ t~ attendjthese meetings ST056598 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER it 1994 PAGE - 4 and functions of a similar nature, he ~ STAFF REPORTS request payment for travel and lodging, (Continued) His time and per diem will not be charged 5:20 PM RESUME MEETING AND AJOURN- MENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 5:55 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR BOARD MEETING ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to continue with property negotia- tions' " 6:00 PM ARROWHEAD TANK REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATIONS ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of Board/Executive Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ST056600 DATE: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR A'n'ENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST056601