HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-04-94MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 4, 1994 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Executive Session at 2:17 PM at the District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, and a Regular Session at 4:00 PM at the City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. 2:17 PM - 3:20 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION President Wallace called the meeting to order and immediately adjourned to Executive Session. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Strohm, Jones, Mosbacher CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, Attorney Sare (who was excused during a portion of the meeting), Attorney Clifford (who spoke via tele- phone). EXECUTIVE SESSION Litigation File #SV93-3240/ BOTTINI ET AL VS. STPUD 3:20 PM ADJOURNMENT (MOVED TO CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 4:00 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR BOARD MEETING 4:00 P.M. REGULAR BOARD MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Mason, Strohm, Jones, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, McFarlane, Hydrick, Regan, Adams, Hoggatt, Johnson, Sharp, Attorney Sate GUESTS: Jeff Delong/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite/City Council, Frank Auten, Vee Hembrow, Marjorie Springmeyer Marjorie Sprinqmeyer came before the Board to remind them of an agreement to maintain COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ST056651 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 4, 1994 PAGE - 2 either real or plastic flowers around the COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE conservancy sign located on A1 Tahoe Blvd. (continued) Shop Steward - Mike Adams reported relations between union members and management is very good. Rick Hydrick requested Consent Item 3/ Paloma Well be removed from the Consent Calendar and be included with Action Item 2/Meyers Exploratory Test Wells for discussion. CORRECTIONS TO CONSENT CALENDAR AGENDA Attorney Sare requested Consent Item 4/ Regular Board Meeting Minutes: July 7, and July 21, 1994 be brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Determined the Meyers Exploratory Test Wells, Paloma Well, and Christmas Valley Tank Water Line Replacement projects are exempt from CEQA and authorized filing a Notice of Exemp- tion with the E1 Dorado County Clerk; 2) Approved purchase of a Lachat XYZ Sampler and Auto Diluter in the amount of $15,012.77. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Attorney Sare requested Consent Item 4/ Regular Board Meeting Minutes: July 21, 1994, Page 5, last paragraph, the word "reached" be changed to "addressed." Moved Jones/Strohm/Passed Unanimously to adopt Regular Board Meeting Minutes: July 7, and July 21, 1994 with above noted change. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Rick Hydrick. Moved Strohm, Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to authorize land purchase agreement in the amount of $15,000 providing the test well is successful. MEYERS EXPLORATORY WELLS- ACQUISITION OF BAKERSFIELD SITE APN 34-811-05 ST056652 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINu~S Jim Hoggatt recommended rejecting the only bid received for drilling the Meyers Exploratory Wells as too high. The bid received is for $286,155, which is far more than the engineer's estimate of $120,000. Jim requested the Board authorize com- bining the Bakersfield Well and Paloma Well projects and advertise for bids. Bakersfield is the best choice of test well sites. The pilot hole can be used as a test hole to check the quantity and quality of water. Once the testing has been completed and if the tests prove the water is good, the contractor will ream out the hole and will install casing for new production well. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to reject the bid received from Beylik Drilling on the basis that it is not in financial compliance with the job specs. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Passe~ Unan~ to authorize staff to advertise for bids to drill exploratory pilot wells followed by production wells if warranted at the Paloma Well and Bakersfield Well sites. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimousl~ to authorize staff to advertise for bids for construciton of a pressure reducing station. Rick Hydrick reported an alternative to providing fall protection ladders may be to retrofit existing ladders with Saf-T- Climb systems pending written consent from OSHA. AUGUST 4, 1994 PAGE - 3 PALOMA WELL AND MEYERS EXPLORATORY TEST WELLS PRESSURE REDUCING STATION BETWEEN FLAGPOLE AND TWIN PEAKS PRESSURE ZONES FALL PROTECTION LADDERS FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY No action taken.. Richard Solbrig stated there has been delays in receiving fully executed easement agreements and will bring this item back before the Board on August 18th. CHRISTMAS VALLEY TANK WATER LINE REPLACEMENT No action taken. President Wallace requested reconsideration of the 60 month lease through Bank of America for the heavy equipment financing at Director Mosbacher's urging. The equip- ment could possibly be financed internally, the sewer fund has sufficient capital outlay reserves to fund the water fund LEASE PURCHASE OF HEAVY DUTY CAMEL VACUIIMTRUCKAND TEN WHEEL 10-12 YARD DUMP TRUCK FOR UNDERGROUND REPAIR ST056653 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MIRu~ES - AUGUST 4, 1994 camel and dump truck purchases. Full re- payment will be made over 60 months. Moved Mosbacher/Second Jones/passe~ Unanimousl~ to lease purchase the uamel vacuum and dump truck by financing it through the sewer reserve fund at the rate of 6% fully amortized over 60 months, un- less the state's payment on our savings be- comes higher than 6%, at which time it will be brought back for renegotiation. The Board directed Finance officer McFarlane to withdraw the loan application to Bank of America. Moved Strohm/Second jones/MasonAbstained Passed to approve payment in the amount uf $462,667.27. Finance Committee:. Director Strohm invited Director Mosbacher to provide her alter- nate plan to the Finance Committee for consideration. Operations Committee: The committee met prior to the regular Board meeting to discuss: Meyers Test Well Drilling Pro- ject; Paloma Well Project; Construction in Progress Updates of A1 Tahoe Loop Line, Stateline Tanks, Christmas Valley Tank Line, Regina Water Line, Elk's Club Well Generator Building; Confined Space Pro- ect/Access/Safety Ladders; Lachat Equipment Purchase; and Flagpole/Twin Peaks Intertie. President Wallace reported he has been monitoring the progress of the Meyer's Community Plan. Director Mosbacher commented: 1) The District Information officer, Julie Regan, did a good job producing the news- letter that was distributed with the bills. 2) TRPA revegetation requirements may be the reason for soaring water usage. Director Mason announced he will be going to Stanford for testing and may miss a few meet- ings. President Wallace stated Bob will be accommodated in any way possible and wished him well. PAGE - 4 LEASE PURCHASE OF HEAVY DUTY CAMEL VACIIUMTRUCKAND TEN WHEEL 10-12 YARD DUMP TRUCK FOR UNDERGROUND REPAIR (continued) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS ST056654 REgulAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 4, 1994 Assistant Manager Solbrig stated the E1 Dorado Grand Jury notified the District it will be part of their ongoing investiga- tion of governmental agencies in the Tahoe area. PAGE - 5 STAFF REPORTS Attorney Sara reported on three items: 1) Ordinance review is nearly complete. He would like to get the staff and Board involved with rewriting them. One thing to consider is the fact that the state limit for staff expenditures has been placed between $20,000 - $25,000; the Ordinance requires staff to bring before the Board anything over $10,000. The Ordinance should be rewritten to provide a trigger mechanism for either the presi- dent or another designated person to approve $10,000 - $25,000, because during these crunch building seasons, a lot of things could be taken care of without the two week waiting period to come before the Board. 2) The land received by the District in exchange for the transfer of some of the on-farm operation in Alpine County was sup- posed to have been fenced and new property surveys performed (existing surveys were done in error). Dale will update the Board at the next meeting. 3) ACWA Region 3 meetings will be held soon. Dale applied for an associate membership with CASA. Next week he will attend CASA's one day attorney meeting. 5:45 PM 5:55 PM MEETING BREAK RESUME MEETING ANDADJOURN- MENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 6:00 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR BOARD MEETING ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION No action taken.. The Board directed Attorney Clifford regarding settlement negotiations. 6:05 PM AGUILAR-LEAL VS. STPUD BOTTINI ET AL VS. STPUD ADJOURNMENT ST056655 REGULAR BOARD MR~TING MINUTES - AUGUST 4, 1994 PAGE - 6 DUANE WALLACE, PRESIDEN BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT KATHY SHAH/ ASSISTANT C~ERK OF BOARD SOUTH TA~_q~PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST056656 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 4, 1994 PAGE - 4 fund camel and dump truck purchases. Full repayment will be made over 60 months. Moved Mosbacher/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to lease purchase the camel vacuum and dump truck by financing it through the sewer reserve fund at the rate of 6% fully amortized over 60 months, un- less the state's payment on our savings be- comes higher than 6%, at which time it will be brought back for renegotiation. LEASE PURCHASE OF HEAVY DUTY CAMEL VACUUM TRUCKAND TEN WHEEL 10-12 YARD DUMP TRUCK FOR UNDERGROUND REPAIR (continued) The Board directed Finance Officer McFarlane to withdraw the loan application to Bank of America. Moved Strohm/Second Jones/MasonAbstained Passed to approve payment in the amount of $462,667.27. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Finance Committee: Director Strohm invited Director Mosbacher to provide her alter- nate plan to the Finance Committee for consideration. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Operations Committee: The committee met prior to the regular Board meeting to discuss: Meyers Test Well Drilling Pro- ject; Paloma Well Project; Construction in Progress Updates of A1 Tahoe Loop Line, Stateline Tanks, Christmas Valley Tank Line, Regina Water Line, Elk's Club Well Generator Building; Confined Space Pro- ect/Access/Safety Ladders; Lachat Equipment Purchase; and Flagpole/Twin Peaks Intertie. President Wallace reported he has been monitoring the progress of the Meyer's Community Plan. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Mosbacher commented: 1) The District Information Officer, Julie Regan, did a good job producing the news- letter that was distributed with the bills. 2) TRPA revegetation requirements may be the reason for soaring water usage. Director Mason announced he has been diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma and will be going to Stanford for testing. He may miss a few meetings. President Wallace stated Bob will be accommodated in any way possible and wished him well. ST056657 REGULAR BOARD M~TING MINUTES - AUGUST 4, 1994 PAGE - 3 Jim Hoggatt recommended rejecting the only bid received for drilling the Meyers Exploratory Wells as too high. The bid received is for $286,155, which is far more than the engineer's estimate of $120,000. PALOMA WELL AND MEYERS EXPLORATORY TEST WELLS Jim requested the Board authorize com- bining the Bakersfield Well and Paloma Well projects and advertise for bids. Bakersfield is the best choice of test well sites. The pilot hole can be used as a test hole to check the quantity and quality of water. Once the testing has been completed and if the tests prove the water is good, the contractor will ream out the hole and will install casing for new production well. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to reject the bid received from Beylik Drilling on the basis that it is not in financial compliance with the job specs. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to advertise for bids to drill exploratory pilot wells followed by production wells if warranted at the Paloma Well and Bakersfield Well sites. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to advertise for bids for construciton of a pressure reducing station. Rick Hydrick reported an alternative to providing fall protection ladders may be to retrofit existing ladders with Saf-T- Climb systems pending written consent from OSHA. PRESSURE REDUCING STATION BETWEEN FLAGPOLE AND TWIN PEAKS PRESSURE ZONES FALL PROTECTION LADDERS FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY No action taken. Richard Solbrig stated there has been delays in receiving fully executed easement agreements and will bring this item back before the Board on August 18th. CHRISTMAS VALLEY TANK WATER LINE REPLACEMENT ST056658 No action taken. President Wallace requested reconsideration of the 60 month lease through Bank of America for the heavy equipment financing. He proposed the equipment be financed internally - the sewer fund has sufficient capital outlay reserves to fund the water LEASE PURCHASE OF HEAVY DUTY CAMEL VACUUM TRUCKAND TEN WHEEL 10-12 YARD DUMP TRUCK FOR UNDERGROUND REPAIR DATE: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST056659