HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-93MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOI~RD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TI~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NAY 6, 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 6, 1993, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Pierini, Directors Mason, Onysko, Mosbacher. Director Wallace absent due to illness. Director Onysko left the meeting at 5:20 PM and returned at 5:40 PM during the discussion of Future Connections EIR/EIS. STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, Noble, Garcia, Hussmann, Brown, Twomey, Thiel, Swain, Attorney Sare. GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite/City Council, Steve Shaffer, Gary Sheerin, Attorney/Van Sickle Property, Ty Baldwin Shop Steward No report. Director Mosbacher requested Consent Items 3 & 8 be brought forward for discussion. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Wallace Absent/Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of April 15, 1993; 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer/water accounts listed on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein); 4) Awarded Alpine County property grazing lease to high bidder: Gansberg Ranch; ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055729 REGULi~R BOil, RD ~EETING HINUTES - I~Y 6~ ~993 P~GE - 2 5) Made a determination that the Martin Ave. Water Main Replace- ment project was exempt from CEQA and authorized filing Notice-of-Exemption with E1 Dorado County; 6) Authorized Director Mosbacher to attend the May 7 Senate District Advisory Group meeting in Rocklin, CA; 7) Rejected the vehicle damage claim submitted by Tom Fay, Jr. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Director Mosbacher questioned the price per pound being charged for the fish. SUMMER '93 ALPINE COUNTY FISH PURCHASE: $30,450.00 (Consent Item 3) Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Wallace Absent/Passed to table Consent Item 3 for further negotiation (of the price per pound being charged the District). Staff responded to questions from Director Mosbacher. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Wallace Absent/Passed to approve payment of the Dept. of Health Services regulatory fee. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES: REGULATORY FEE (Consent Item 8) PUBLIC HEARING (A) (B) (c) (D) (E) 4:34 PM - Public Hearing Opened by President Pierini; Staff Report by Finance officer McFarlane, Assisted by Rod Gwinn. McFarlane noted the final budget would be brought to the Board for approval at the next Board meeting; Public Comments: Ty Baldwin comp- limented staff on the budget presentation; Board Member Comments: Director Mosbacher felt the budget presented this year was easily understood; 5:08 PM - Public Hearing Closed by President Pierini. 1993/94 F.Y.BUDGETS: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND ST055730 REGULAR BOi~D NBgTING NINUTES - I~Y 6~ ~993 P~GE - ~ ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Chris Twomey with comments by Attorney Sare regarding the legal agreement with the property owner which said the District would not be held re- sponsible for the operation or non-opera- tion of the french drain on the Van Sickle property. Attorney Sare also requested the Board authorize staff to participate in the qualified exemption process. Moved Mason/Second.Onykso/Wallace Absent/Passed to allow staff to par- ticipate in the exempt or qualified exempt process to clean the existing french drain by Mr. Van Sickle. Presented by Diane Noble. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Wallace Absent/Passed to approve an additional $20,000 for the ultra low-flow rebate program. Presented by John Thiel. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Wallace Absent/Passed to authorize staff to solicit price quotes to construct an addition to the existing well house and negotiate with the most favorable respondent. Presented by John Thiel. Attorney Sare noted TRPA and Lahontan had been involved in the scoping of this document; EPA had been invited to par- ticipate, but had declined. Attorney Sare proposed a change on Page 9 of the Initial Study prepared by EIP Associates; Director Mason questioned some wording on Page 11; Director Pierini requested changes on Pages 13, 14, & 18; Director Onysko requested a change on Page 4 and the location of the District within the boundaries of E1 Dorado Co. as represented in the Study. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Wallace Absent/Passed to approve the Initial Study with the noted changes and to auth- orize circulation of Notice-of-Prepara- tion and Notice-of-Intent. STATELINE RESERVOIR AREA FRENCH DRAIN INSTALLATION WITHIN DISTRICT EASEMENT ULTRA LOW-FLOW REBATE PROGRAM SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE STAND- BY GENERATOR FUTURE CONNECTIONS: EIR/EIS ST055731 RE~UL~ BO2%RD M~ET~N~ N~NUTES - N~Y 6~ ~993 P~E - 4 Presented by Attorney Sare who recom- mended the purchase, but with the Board's knowledge there may be future problems due to building restrictions on that particular lot. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Wallace Absent/Passed to reconfirm the Board's decision to close escrow on the purchase of the lot. Presented by Rhonda McFarlane. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Wallace Absent/Passed to authorize staff to select a professional pension plan administrator by use of the RFP process. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Mason Abstained/Wallace Absent/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $638,842.06. (This amount reflects deletion of Check No. 15370/Alpine County fish purchase and the addition of a check to cover the purchase of the Paloma Avenue lot.) TEST WELL SITE PURCHASE: PALOMA AVENUE PENSION PLAN ADMINISTRATOR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Director Mosbacher reported: 1) She had attended ACWA and was favorably impressed. She would have a detailed report at a later Board meeting; 2) She had attended a Park & Rec. meeting .... a recreational plan for the entire basin may be ready by next year; 3) She had attended the County Water Agency meeting; 4) She & Rick Hydrick planned to attend the meeting with Senator Leslie on 5/7. Director Pierini stated he wanted staff to continue working on the City Water Agreement. General Manaqer Manager Baer reported on 3 items: 1) He, too, had gone to the ACWA con- ference, but had attended different sessions than Ms. Mosbacher; 2) He had received the new CASA dues schedule ..... our annual dues would be about $9,000; 3) Protection of Lake Tahoe Property Tax for sewer districts .... TRPA adopted a Resolution of support, Lahontan will adopt a Resolution of support next week. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS & BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS ST055732 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 6, 1993 Past Meetinqs/Event~ STAFF REPORTS 4/21/93 - League/A.G. Re: Future Connections (continued) 4/27-30 - ACWA @ So. Lake Tahoe 4/28/93 - TRPA @ NTPUD Re: Porter-Cologne 5/03/93 - County Water Agency 5/03/93 - Budget Public Hearing 5/03/93 - Workshop: Lakeside Park Assn. 5/05/93 - SWRCB Workshop: Grant Increase Assistant Manaqer/Enqinee~ PAGE - 5 1) Solbrig distributed the counter offer in written form proposed by the Board and staff which was the outcome of the 5/3/93 Workshop meeting. He stated the offer would be given to Lakeside Park Association. Discussion followed. 2) He reported on a staff meeting with TRPA and Lahontan re in-basin reuse of treated wastewater (effluent) on District lawns. Attorney 1) E1 Dorado County has made a ledger entry giving the District back the money the State tried to take. He and Baer agreed it was time to empty the District's account at the County; 2) Multicounty status is still a viable issue; 3) He will be in Washington, D.C. during the time of the next Board meeting...Bill Cherry will fill-in for him; 4) He had appeared before the SWRCB Workshop for the additional $1 Million grant dollars. He plans to attend the SWRCB Board Mtg. on 5/20/93. 5/20/93 - 9:00 AM - SWRCB Board Mtg: Grant Increase 5/20/93 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 6:32 PM 6:43 PM NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1)/Dis- cussion of significant exposure to litigation/HDR CLAIM, STPUD vs EL DORADO COUNTY; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/MANAGE- MENT MOU'S - INSTRUCT DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE~ ST055733 REGULI~R BOARD MEETING MINUTES - I~Y 6t 2993 PAGE ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Wallace Absent/Passed to authorize an additional $30,000 to Dale L. Sare and William B. Cherry for legal services. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Wallac~ & Onysko Absent/Passed to authorize A) an additional $50,000 to Monteleone & McCrory for legal services; B) an additional $25,000 to Dale L. Sare & William B. Cherry for legal services. 7:31 PM STPUD vs EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY HDR CLAIM ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: ~BOIJ PIERINI, d~I~h~ OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, ~LERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055734 Attachment 1 May 6, 1993 ITEM ACCT. # 1. 23-462-161 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS MAY 6, 1993 BOARD MEETING NAME SERV. ADDRESS Kenneth Corrigan 814 Tata Lane $ 374.42 2. 23-501-181 Elena Sirignano 777 Clement St. 293.07 ~ 3. _ 23-523-101 Runnels Aut~7,otive 980 Emerald Bay ~~.-.4~ 23-743-19]~ Ro_~_C~%e Z3UU Utah Ave 3z4.-U~3 5. 25-382-061 Alexander Graf 1246 Lester St. 288.90 ~ __6_, .25 -~4~31-1--~ La ur-y-Ot-ivas 359.89 7. 25-631-111 Paul Hydrick 1401 Rancho Way 204.53 8. 25-765-011 9. 26-044-041 Stephen Cosenza Albert Bartel 1418 Friant Dr. 901 Merced Ave 354.22 338.90 10. 26-094-281 Philip Patchin 734 Modesto Ave 449.51 11. 26-103-131 Carol Neal 12. 26-241-101 John Hyllested 3070 Sacramento Ave 3043 Lake Tahoe Bi. 277.59 241.70 13. 27.-071-091 Jet Thru Car Wash 14. 27-082-031 Robert Jacobsen fl 15. 27-082-161 Ariel Sanchez 3668 Lk Tahoe Bi 3764 Osgood Ave 3797 Paradise 2,381.76 295.32 287.80 ST055735 PAGE FOUR 48. 32-242-191 49. 32-272-031 50. 32-278-371 Dick Yaglesian T. Schlaich Paul Love 1168 Tata Lane 1883 Delta 1124 Dedi Ave 488.45 841.49 302.79 51. 33-304-041 Jeanann Dana 1414 Pebble Beach 454.26 53. 33-513-141 Doretta 0cr~738 Shoshon9 ~ _ Donna Blakely 530 Lk Tahoe Bi 298.68 54. 34-222-021 34-253-1~ John Romo 1648 Choctaw ,~dward ojorUm--------TgB'0 MojaVe 298.71 312.82 56. 34-283-051 57. 34-313-031 Tim Greene 1989 Hopi Ave 299.66 Wanda Pelkey 1020 Mohawk St. 302.95 58. 34-473-131 Derrick Herbert 1828 Toppenwetah 306.25 59. 34-801-221 Peter Gazdik 1130 San Diego 302.16 De~nBis_Lindsay ........ -2-3-6'9-To-tteca-Ct ............ 299., ~6 ............. 61. 35-242-181 David McConnell 2356 Blitzen Rd 302.95 62. 81-073-011 Raymond Boothe 1565 Crystal Aire 298.29 TOTAL ST055738