HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-93MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 20, 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 20, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Pierini, Directors Mason, Wallace, Onysko, Mosbacher STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, Noble, Garcia, Brown, Rieger, Eppler, Johnson, Hydrick, Swain, Attorney Cherry GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite/City Council, David Cooper, Ty Baldwin Diane Noble gave a staff report on the circumstances leading to Mr. Cooper's request for a 6 month payment plan to pay for 4 additional sewer units for the new business on his commercial property. Mr. Cooper also spoke to the Board and reviewed the problem related to the need for the additional sewer units (connection fees and other costs: $8,374.84). Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Mason, Pierini, & Onysko Voted No/Motion Defeated to grant a variance (to the Sewer Unit Connection Fee Ordinance) for Mr. Cooper due to extenuating circum- stances and allow 6 month payment plan arrangements. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Pierini, & Onysko Voted No/Motion Passed to grant a variance (to the Sewer Unit Connection Fee Ordinance) for this project with payments to be outlined in a 2nd Motion, due to extraordinary circumstances. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Abstained/Motion Passed to authorize a payment plan of $4,000 of the connection fee be paid immediately along with the service charges and the balance to be paid over a 6 month period, if desired. ROLL CALL REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: DAVID COOPER ST055721 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 20, 1993 PAGE - 2 Staff Members: Gene Eppler reported on the District's Alpine County facilities and responded to questions from Board members. His report included information re the status of the Indian Creek Reservoir and the Harvey Place water storage areas, snow damage during the winter months and water elevations at both locations. Eppler advised the Board of his concerns about some legal trespass issues and re- sponded to questions about the people who had access (gate keys) to the property. Director Onysko requested a Board tour of Harvey Place since it is so close to being at full capacity. Eppler also re- ported the Snowshoe Thompson ~1 ditch (3,000 - 4,000 ft.) needed to be cleared of brush. Diane Noble reported on liability claims brought against the District which have been turned over to the CSRMA insurance adjuster. Staff felt many of the sewage blockage claims were the result of roots seeking a water source due to recent drought conditions. Director Mosbacher requested staff's attention to the sewage backup problem with the house at the end of her cul-de-sac. Richard Solbriq reported on the status of the $5 Million loan application for replacement of District water lines. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Staff requested Consent Item 3/Property Disconnect be removed, as the problem had be resolved; Director Pierini re- quested Consent Item 2/Delinquent Accounts be brought forward for individual vote. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: May 6, 1993; 4) Extended Management's present MOU plus the negotiated agreement on overtime pay and auto reimburse- ment rate to 6/3/93; CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055722 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 20, 1993 PAGE - 3 5) Approved issuance of Special Use Permit to the Station House Inn well project; 6) Adopted Resolution 2574/Water Enter- prise Fund Budget (F.Y. 1993/94) and Resolution 2575/Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget (F.Y. 1993/94); 7) Authorized staff to hire Rudy's Plumbing & Heating to correct heating and ventilation deficiencies in the Administration building. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Pierini Abstained/Passed to authorize staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures on the list of accounts on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein.) DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER/WATER ACCOUNTS (Consent Item 2) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to authorize payment to the County of Alpine in the amount of $30,050. Presented by Diane Noble. Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to negotiate a contract with Bi-Tech soft- ware for license purchase of Bi-Tech Logis Utility Billing System. Rick Hydrick reported on the two bids received from RDC in the amount of $8,845 and Art Pederson in the amount of $11,005. Since the low bid amount was below the General Manager's author- ization limit, no Board action was required. Staff awarded the odor scrubber installation to RDC. Rick Hydrick reported the staff had T.V.'d the casing a second time and discovered a lot of holes in it. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to declare a great emergency to allow sole source repairs for the Helen Well No. 2 seal casing. SUMMER 1993 ALPINE COUNTY FISH PURCHASE UTILITY BILLING SOFTWARE REPLACEMENT AL TAHOE SEWAGE PUMP STATION: INSTALLATION OF ODOR SCRUBBER HELEN WELL NO. 2: CASING REPAIR SEAL ST055723 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 20, 1993 PAGE - 4 Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize repairs by Bey- lik for an estimated amount of $14,080. Presented by Rhonda McFarlane. Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Onysko Voted No/Passed to authorize legal counsel to foreclose the lien on the 5 properties in arrears of their assessments. (The list of properties becomes a part of these minutes as Attachment 2.) Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $412,828.01. Director Mosbacher reported on the 5/10 E1 Dorado Co. Supervisors meeting she had attended and their joint meeting with the Placer Co. Board of Supervisors. Director Mosbacher noted Bob Reeb would not be supportive of our request for a grant from the E1 Dorado Co. Water Agency at their June 21st meeting. Director Wallace had attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting and noted the Attorney General had received 90 phone calls re- flecting displeasure with the League to Save Lake Tahoe pulling out of an agree- ment. Director Onysko stated he did not want it to be construed that the Board was unanimous in objecting to the League's participation in City or Utility District matters. Director Pierini questioned the need to mow the District's lawn every week and suggested setting-up a mulch area. Manager Manager Baer reported on 4 items: 1) Announced Brian Taylor was leaving the Tribune and that this would be his last meeting he reported for the Tribune; 2) Attended SWRCB meeting with Dale Sare where they rejected the District's re- quest for additional grant funds. Attorney Rissetto has been asked for an estimate of the costs to carry the appeal to EPA; HELEN WELL NO. 2: CASING REPAIR SEAL (continued) FALLEN LEAF LAKE PROPER- TIES: DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS & BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS ST055724 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 20, 1993 PAGE - 5 3) Announced Chris Rissetto had changed firms: Holland & Knight. District will issue a letter to his old firm to allow him to transfer the District's files to the new firm; 4) Staff is in the process of revising the Engineering Agreements with Karen Winters. Past Meetinqs/Events 5/07/93 - Senate District Advisory Group in Rocklin 5/12/93 - Lakeside Park Assn. Assumption 5/13/93 - Lahontan re Property Tax Shift Exemption for Tahoe Utility Dists. 5/20/93 - SWRCB Board re Gant Increase Attorney No Report. 5/21/93 - 1:00 PM - Lahontan Water Quality Control Plan 5/24&25 - - Calif. Special Districts Association @ Sacramento 5/26/93 - 9:00 AM - ACWA Legislative Seminar @ Sacramento 6/03/93 - 9:00 AM - Local 39/Union Negotia- tions 6/03/93 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting 6:23 PM 6:36 PM 7:04 PM STAFF REPORTS (continued) NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (3)/HDR claim; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Real property negotiations - Lakeside Park Asso¢ia- tion ADJOURNMENT LOU PIERINI, BOARD PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH,' CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055725 Attachment 1 May 20, 1993 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS MAY 20t 1993 ITEM ACCT. # 1. 21-261-151 NAME Gartley Grant SERV. ADDRESS 990 Fallen Leaf AMT. DUE $ 147.27 S/O 2~-. 2 - G~-orga Alger 8~grant Rd.- ~ S/~-~ 3. .- - .eteiski 4. 22-195-081 Stan Sturman z2OT--Mont~r~=y Dr. 8 Christie Dr. 146.55 S/O 5 .~-----22'= 3 2I=-17I .......... Br e'nt--Tur~e~-- 144.96 S/O 99-352-031 7. 22-381-241 Alan Hosking 219 Beach Dr. 144 ._2~ 366.40 S/O 8. 23-111-221 Sandy Hord 2041 W. Lukins Wy. 144.96 S/O 9. 23-151-111 Mark Herrmann 2028'12th St. 267.57 S/O 10. 23-161-201 Richard Munk 780 Eloise Ave. 218.55 S/O 11. 23-221-131 Edward Feldman 2276 Eloise Ave. ~._2~3__-35]-_?~91 ----~qod1~g~ ±zquier~o gI8 Glorene~. __ 307.94 13. 23-645-231 Alfred B. Pedigo 727 Hazel Dr. 191.61 14. 23-653-011 John Smith 778 Tahoe Isl. Dr. 218.72 15. 27-132-061 John Hammaker 3736 Forest Ave. 399.25 ST055726 Attachment 2 May 20, 1993 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Unpaid Assessments (Installment 1 only) As of May 12, 1993 [Fallen Leaf Lake Properties] APN Name and Address Amount 021-261-331-0 Richard H. & L.C. Bjorkman P.O. Box 547 San Andreas, CA 95249 286.81 021-301-201-0 Samuel L. Jr. & T.M. Wright P.O. Box 350 Aptos, CA 95001 335.92 021-301-231-0 John Robert Hammett, Trustee 1470 Vancouver Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 565.53 021-321-031-0 Allen Leslie Dobbins 222 SE Spokane Street Portland, OR 97202 606.53 210-051 0 Trustcc Lane 286.81 286.91 021-391-031-0 Jean C. Deanesly, Trustee 123 Parkside Drive Berkeley, CA 94705 T O T A L 286.81 ST055728