HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-03-93 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 3, 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an executive session at 3:00 PM and a regular session at 4:00 PM on June 3, 1993, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. EXECUTIVE SESSION BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Wallace. Director Onysko was absent due to a potential conflict of interest. STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, Hoggatt, Attorney McCrory 3:12 PM ROLL CALL EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (b) (1)/HDR CLAIM - INSTRUCT ATTORNEY REGULAR SESSION BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Pierini, Directors Mason, Onysko, Mosbacher, Wallace STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, Noble, Garcia, Hussmann, Brown, Twomey, Johnson, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Jeff DeLong/Tahoe Daily Tribune, John Cefalu Mr. Cefalu spoke briefly requesting the Board grant him a waiver to the Ordinance requiring installation of a detector check valve. He requested an extension of the deadline because the use of the property had changed. ROLL CALL REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: JOHN CEFALU ST055713 REGULi%R BO2~RD N~ETING N~NUTES - ~UNE 3~ 1993 Director Mosbacher stated it appeared Mr. Cefalu was not asking that he not put in the check valve, he was only asking for more time to install it. Manager Baer noted this was not con- sistent with the Ordinance. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to approve a time extension of one year for installation of the detector check valve, providing a use, such as a laundry, was not initiated. Shop Steward: No report. None. Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as presented: 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of May 20, 1993; 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer/water accounts listed on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein); 3) Approved issuance of contracts to low chemical bidders for 1993/94: Sierra Chemical - Chlorine @ $57,591.11 & Caustic Soda @ $19,838.55, and All Pure Chemical - Sodium Hypochlorite @ $10,605.68; 4) Extended Management's present MOU plus the negotiated agree- ment on overtime pay and auto reimbursement rate to 6/17/93; 5) Adopted Resolution No. 2576/ November Board Election; 6) Adopted Resolution No. 2577/Sewer Enterprise Fund Appropriations Subject to Limitation-F.Y. 1993/94; 7) Authorized a $7,500 budget increase to Attorneys Sare/Cherry to pursue property tax transfer issue for F.Y. 1992/93 & 1993/94; PAGE - 2 REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: JOHN CEFALU (continued) COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055714 REgULaR BO~ ~ET[N~ N~NUTES - ~UNE ~ 199~ P~GE - ~ 8) Approved A1 Tahoe Well No. 2, R.D.C. Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $4,382.22; 9) Authorized $28,494 to rebuild the rotating element on Pump No. 1 @ Luther Pass Pump Station. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Chris Twomey who distributed a correction to the insurance portion of the Master Agreement to the Board. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize entering into a Master Agreement and a Task Order in the amount of $10,000 with Western Botanical Services. Manager Baer recommended to the Board that they receive a brief update from Ross Johnson on the proposed water reuse project. Baer suggested the Board postpone any action until after he, Ross Johnson, and Director Mosbacher met with SWRCB staff on 6/4 to discuss the concept. Ross Johnson, Wastewater Operations Manager, outlined the problems which may arise with upcoming legislation and Title 22 requirements for greater disin- fection for water reuse. Director Onysko felt, in view of the problem outlined by Johnson, that the Board should not spend any more time or money on this concept. No Board Action. Presented by Rhonda McFarlane who requested direction from the Board on the repayment of $175,000. Attorney Sare recommended paying the $175,000 into the E1 Dorado County Superior Court. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to pay $175,000 into the E1 Dorado County Superior Court in an interest bearing account. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $540,437.33. COLD CREEK RESERVOIR ACCESS ROAD EROSION CONTROL PROJECT: CONSULTANT SVS. PILOT PROJECT: IN-BASIN WASTEWATER RECLAMATION EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY LOAN AGREEMENT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ST055715 REGULI%R BO/%RD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 3, 1993 Director Mosbacher reported: 1) Some city Council members have proposed city staff revisit the concept of a toll booth into the basin. Mosbacher suggested our General Manager send a letter to the city requesting we be a party to the study committee; 2) The City Council reps. and League Board reps. plan to meet every 2-months. One item they plan to discuss is the Loop Road project with Cai-Trans. She requested Bob Baer be allowed to write the city Manager and request to be in- cluded in the Loop Road discussions, due to the potential impacts to District facilities; 3) She will try to attend the Lahontan meeting in Bridgeport. General Manaqe~ Manager Baer reported on 2 items: 1) Lakeside Park Association proposal from the District will be put to their general membership vote June 4th; 2) Conflict of July 1 Board meeting time due to the sidewalk replacement at the front of the building. Board members agreed to meet earlier at 3:00 PM. Past Meetinqs/Events 5/21/93 - Lahontan Water Quality Control Plan @ So. Lake Tahoe 5/24&25 - Calif. Special Districts Assn. 5/26/93 - ACWA Legislative Seminar/Sac. 6/03/93 - Union Negotiations/Local 39 Attorney Attorney Sare Reported on 2 items: 1) Noted the Washington, D.C. trip (for the basin-wide grant) had been canceled because the lobbyists had not set-up appointments with our elected represent- atives. June 16, 1993 is the date they will start taking testimony for Clean Water grant funding. Sare will attempt to reach Mr. Crabb to rekindle interest in the Clean Water Grant Bill. 2) He had received a proposed budget from Mr. Rissetto to continue the appeal process to EPA for additional grant funding. He will make a recommenda- tion to the Finance Committee. PAGE - 4 BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS & BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS ST055716 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 3, 1993 PAGE - 5 6/04/93 - 10:00 AM - League/A.G. NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 6/07/93 - 9:00 AM - Union Negotiations 6/10-11 - - Lahontan @ Bridgeport: NPDES Storm Water Permit 6/17/93 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting 6/18/93 - 10:00 AM - EDWPA @ SLT 4:40 PM MEETING BREAK 4:50 PM Director Onysko left at 5:00 PM due to personal business. MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/UNION NEGOTIATIONS - INSTRUCT DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES 5:23 PM ADJOURNMENT LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PA~ A. MAMATH, ~ERK 6F BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055717 CONSENT ITEM #2 REVISED LIST FOR BOARD MEETING Attachment 1 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS JUNE ~, 1993 ITEM ACCT. 1. 23-161-221 NAME SERV. ADDRESS AMT.DUE Keith Schwaiger 772 James Ave. $ 293.11 2. 23-191-181 Robert Barry 921 Emerald Bay Rd 262.12 3. 23-271-211 Lon Dean Saunders 733 Eloise Ave. 293.12 4. 23-311-301 Thomas K. Pischel 937 Third St. 529.37 5. 23-462-201 Joe & Lydia Ventura 798 Tata Ln. 423.63 6. 25-391-061 Vernon C. Lee 3385 Becka Dr. 297.01 7. 25-863-111 Stephanie Gibbons 1151 Kulow St. 270.29 8. 26-081-171 Kaz!avka/Rose 923 Alameda Ave. 9. 26-086-071 Robert W. Koser 3115 Harrison Ave 347.39 11. 27-351-051 Copenhagen Partners 3535 Fawn Way 1,687.05 12. 28-041-061 John R. Ballentine 3716 Pioneer Trl. 709.19 13. 28-311-271 Fosca Picchi 3385 Pine Hill Rd 170.54 14. 29-031-021 Jose E. Meris, Jr. 832 Stateline Ave. 854.92 Tahoe A~t-i~,, 4~[-3-t~nrrz-annit~--A~ze.; --3-5-4~-7-- Mote/L. & E. Bernstein ST055718 PAGE TWO - Accounts Submitted for Authorization of Disconnection Proceedings - June 3, 1993 ...... 471 Clover Leaf Inc. ~x,255~72 17. 29-062-021 John & Judith Hulin 970 Poplar St. 645.17 18. 2~-064-06-I D47 19. 29-141-161 Michael Blank 3988 Pine Blvd. King Franklin Motel 1,578.89 20. 29-415-241 Minoru/Mary Furuto 3928 Larch Ave. 217.42 21 91--Io9_~1 22. 31-186-131 Manuel Lastimosa 2525 Rose Ave. 217.40 23. 31-224-111 24.~!-290-!5! Daniel Slater Winnifred Slater~ 2605 Fountain Ave Ernie Pereirra 233.76 299.69 25. 32-141-120 David Manwili 1117 Bonanza Ave. 249.36 26. 32-141-121 Five Pines Apts. David Manwill 1117 Bonanza Ave 1,171.40 27. 33-662-041 William Phillips Yvonne Phillips 1126 Acoma Cir. 257.08 28. 35-133-041 Bennie D. Morris 2169 Lindenwood Dr. 249.76 29. 35-162-131 Daniel Prieto 2156 Chiapa Dr. 238.73 30. 36-130-062 Carsten Johansen 2966 So. Upper Trkee 253.13 31. 36-290-122 32. 36-621-061 Elmer Jarman Bonnie K. Jones 24 Upper Trkee Brdg 2688 Blitzen Rd. 172.51 262.37 ST055719 PAGE THREE - Accounts Submitted for Authorization of Disconnection Proceedings - June 3, 1993 33. 80-155-101 Tom Troglia 1187 Prospector $ 231.50 34. 81-074-031 Moises Ticas Sr. 1581 Tionontati 217.55 35. 23-071-1602 Alva Barton 1080 Emerald Bay 383.07 TOTAL $16,019.37 ST055720