HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-93 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE l?t 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session at 4:00 PM on June 17, 1993, city Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Pierini, Directors Mason, Onysko, Mosbacher Director Wallace was absent due to a scheduled vacation. STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, Noble, Garcia, Hussmann, Brown, Johnson, Thiel, Schroeder, Fay Jr., Hydrick, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Frank Du Quite/City Council, Tom Fay, Jeff DeLong/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Jim Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Boyer representing Bob Foglia Tom Fay, Jr. presented his case and asked the Board to reverse their earlier decis- ion to reject his auto damage claim caused by ice falling from a District building roof. Fay sighted instances in the past where the Board had paid for others' auto damage. Attorney Sare stated that just because the District had acted, or possibly had acted, unrealistically in the past, does not mean it is going to continue acting that way. That is, talking about "precedent" isn't always something'~he would recommend to the Board to "buy". If the District had acted irresponsibly in the past doesn't mean we are going to ~continue to act irresponsibly into the T.'future.. Sare said he'~would support Fay ...~ii~getting paid because there were no signs saying "park at your own risk", but not '~i~"~'because something had been paid in the -:~.past. ~During the discussion, it was determined . ~any. employee could park in any place chose, Within reason, except those ~reserved for visitors or the handicapped. ROLL CALL REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: TOM FAY, JR. ST055704 REGUL2~ BO~ a~ETING NINUTES - ~UNE L7~ L99~ Moved Mason/Second Onysko/Wallace Absent/ Passed to pay the claim to Ed's Auto Body in the amount of $401.03. Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, representing Bob Foglia the property owner, requested the Board consider allowing them to make payments of $75/month (to pay the $1,037.21) + the $23/month current fees rather than the payments suggested by District staff. After discussion, the Board concurred with the payment plan District staff had prev- iously presented to the customer: Imme- diate payment of $554 (1/2 the $1,037.21 sewer & water fees owed) with accelerated payments of $70/month to pay the balance plus payments to keep the new quarter current. No Board Action. Shop Steward: No report. Ross Johnson, Wastewater Operations Mqr.: Sludqe Incineration Monitorinq - Ross Johnson reported EPA had written new rules for sludge incineration and a monit- oring program for same. However, the mon- itoring equipment recommended by EPA does not exist at the present time. Further, since the District furnace meets the emission requirements, he was comfortable not meeting the monitoring deadline, be- cause the equipment did not exist. Discussion followed with Johnson listing the alternatives to incineration of sludge which would meet EPA requirements and the related capital costs of each. He recom- mended to stay with sludge incineration for the present time, as it was the most cost effective method for the District. He noted he planned to stay abreast of new technology for incineration and monitoring. Rick Hydrick, Water Operations Mqr.: Federal Lead & Copper Rule and Water Conservation Rick Hydrick reported the District's pot- able water had passed the recent Federal standard tests for Lead & Copper contam- inents. PAGE REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: TOM FAY, JR. (continued) REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: BOB FOGLIA COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE STAFF REPORTS ST055705 REGULAR BOARD N~TING MINUTES - JUNE 17t 1993 PAGE Hydrick also reported on the planned activities for water conservation for the coming fiscal year. Manager Baer requested the Board consider Action Item 6/HDR Claim: Expert Witness Budget, after the Executive Session. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Wallace Absent/Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as presented: 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of June 3, 1993; 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer/water accounts listed on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein); 3) Authorized staff to obtain price quotes for 1993/94 computer equipment purchases; 4) Extended Management's present MOU plus the negotiated agree- ment on overtime pay and auto reimbursement rate to 7/1/93. STAFF REPORTS (continued) CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Ross Johnson who explained the need for the various bins and the potential long term savings if the District purchased bins vs. renting them. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Wallace Absent/Passed to authorize the expend- iture of unbudgeted funds for purchase of trash bins as outlined, up to $17,497.11. Ken Schroeder reported on the demonstra- tion he and the Operations Committee had seen with the new TV camera on District sewer lines. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Wallace Absent/Passed to approve purchase of a new Qube TV unit from Cues in the amount of $28,800 plus tax. TRASH BIN PURCHASE SEWER LINE TV INSPECTION SYSTEM ST055706 REGUt~R BO~D MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 17, 1993 P~GE - 4 President Pierini reported on the delib- erations of the Finance Committee on this subject. Finance officer McFarlane reviewed the District's various outstand- ing loans and payment obligations for the purchase of water companies and the sewer land acquisition agreements. REFINANCE STATE OF CALIF. DEPT. OF WATER RESOURCES LOAN DATED 9/13/78 Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Wallace Absent/Mason Voted No/Passed to pay $921,929.98 with money borrowed from the sewer enterprise fund reserves to the State of California, Dept. of Water Resources for the loan dated 9/13/78 at terms to be determined and applied retroactively. In addition to the motion, the Board concurred to have the Finance officer determine: (1) Can the Sanwa Gel refinancing package be extended for 30 days? (2) What other loans can be paid off? (3) What water enterprise fund reserves we have to keep, to remain legal with all water obligations? (4) If we pay off all the loans we are able to, what kind of payments that we've been making will we be able to apply to the repayment to the sewer funds? (5) Proper interest rate to pay back to the sewer fund? Presented by John Thiel. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Wallace Absent/Passed to: A) Approve 3-party agreement between TRPA/EIP/STPUD with the implementation of Attorney Cherry's proposed revisions; B) Approve EIR/EIS Work Plan; C) Approve EIP Task Order 3 in an amount not to exceed $132,720; D) Approve Montgomery Watson Task Order No. 14 in an amount not to exceed $15,000. Presented by Dale Sare. He assured the Board the costs related to the assistance would be monitored and the authorization to the legal firm would be in $5,000 increments. FUTURE CONNECTIONS: EIR/EIS HARVEY PLACE RESERVOIR CONSTRUCTION GRANT Moved Mason/Second Onysko/Wallace Absent/Passed to authorize $15,000 for Holland & Knight (Chris Rissetto) to assist in filing an appeal to EPA, Region IX for additional grant funding. ST055707 RE~UL2~R BOi~D NEET~N~ N~NUTES - ~UNE LT~ 199~ P~GE - 5 Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Wallace Absent/ Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $1,736,499.63. (This amount was given to the Board by Finance officer McFarlane to include the $921,929.98 payment from the Sewer Enterprise Fund to pay the State loan.) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Director Mosbacher reported on: 1) The Lahontan Board meeting she had attended in Bridgeport on June 10th; 2) The June 22nd EDWPA meeting agenda which was to include discussion on changes to the Coordination Agreement. She reviewed the list of suggested changes and asked for STPUD Board input prior to her responses at the EDWPA meeting. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Mosbacher also asked for discus- sion re the Board's responses to Employee suggestions placed in the suggestion boxes. It was the consensus of the Board to have the General Manager bring the suggestions to the Board at the Board meetings under his staff report. The Board as a whole will direct the G.M. re the suggestions. General Manaqer STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported on 10 items: 1) Lakeside Park Association water assumption ballots were to be counted on June 21st; 2) Jaye Yon Klug will be at the 7/1 Board Meeting to discuss the Park Ave. Redevelopment project; 3) Union MOU - staff is meeting 6/18 with Union representatives; 4) Management MOU - Mgmt. staff's comments were given to Baer; he and Karen Winters were reviewing them and planned to meet with the Mgmt. reps. on 6/22; 5) Baer, Solbrig, Mosbacher & U.S.F.S. reps. met at Luther Pass re disposal of rocks and coverage problems connected with a truck turn-around area. U.S.F.S. is willing to issue a Special Use Permit plus they will allow the District to acquire the land under STPUD facilities with a land exchange worked out between the U.S.F.S. and STPUD. Baer hoped to have the Special Use Permit to the Board at the next Board meeting and asked the Board to be prepared to help staff set some project priorities; ST055708 REGUL~ BO~RD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 17, 1993 6) A revised Basin Plan for the Lahontan Region has been received with District comments back to Lahontan by 7/14; 7) Reminded the Board the District picnic is scheduled for 6/22; 8) State Water Board finally had two members appointed: John Brown/Boyle Engineers and Mary Jane Forester/Irvine Ranch Water District. Director Mosbacher noted the State Water Board members receive $88,000 a year for their services; 9) He and Director Mosbacher planned to attend the County Water Agency meeting on June 21st. 10) Past Meetinqs/Events 6/04/93 - League & A.G. 6/07/93 - Union Negotiations W/Local 39 5/26/93 - ACWA Legislative Seminar/Sac. 6/10-11 - Lahontan @ Bridgeport Assistant Manager/Enqineer Richard Solbrig reported on the city overlay project. He stated the District was responsible for $1,790 which he will ask the city to credit against their in-kind services. Attorney Dale Sare stated he and his staff were working on the Design Engineer Report, Management MOU, Union Contract, Water Agency law suit, Resolution for the annexation of the Heavenly Valley area for multicounty issue, meeting with Dennis Crabb & Lungren (Calif. A.G.) people...Lungren will be back in July to review T.R.P.A. plan. Sare also noted he had not received a response to the Augmentation letter. 6/18/93 - 9:00 AM - Union Negotiations 6/18/93 - 10:00 AM - EDWPA @ city of SLT 6/22/93 - 11:30 AM - District Picnic 6/29/93 - - HDR Trial Date 7/01/93 - 3:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 8:17 PM Director Onysko left at 8:17 PM due to a potential conflict of interest. 8:25 PM PAGE - 6 STAFF REPORT~. (continued) NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1)/HDR CLAIM ST055709 REGULAR BO~D M~ETING MINUTES - JUNE 17, 1993 8:38 PM Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Wallace and Onysko Absent/Passe~ to authorize an increase of $33,000 to the Expert Witness budget. 8:40 PM PAGE - 7 RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION FOR ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION HDR CLAIM: EXPERT WITNESS BUDGET ADJOURNMENT LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, ~LERK SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055710 CONSENT ITEM #2 REVISED LIST FOR BOARD MEETING OF ~m~ i~, [~q5 Attachment 1 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 24, 1993 ITEM ACCT. ~ 1. 23-321-101 NAME Dave Hobbs SERV. ADDRESS 614 Glorene Ave AMT.DUE $ 431.46 2. 23-501-111 Brian Magdison 753 Clement Ave. 148.03 3. 23-613-061 W.M, Funderburk 917 Julie Lane 154.77 23-761-061 Gary Enos 23-763-051 Frank Moore 898 Keys Blvd. 842 Keys Blvd. 153.27 148.18 6. 23-781-021 Jan Gault 783 So Shore Dr. 144.96 7. 25-351-121 ' Riuhard Davis 1413 M=adow Cz=st i, 51.47 - 8. 25 351 """ Richard Davis 1401 ~4eawduw C£=~t 151.4-7-- 9. 25-371-031 Edward Rock 1191 Jobs Peak Dr 193.22 10. 25-395-031 John Baunhausser 3412 Janet Dr. 148.81 11. 25-551-221 ~ John Baunhausser 3096 Pioneer Trl 196.18 12. 26-039-131 Mary M. Wilson 3161 Oakland Ave 135.71 13. 26-263-061 Robert Ormaas 2901 Freel Peak 175.90 14, 27-073-191 Jeffrey Hayes 3681 Paradise Ave 144 . 24 15. 29-041-031 Franklin Moore 4147 Manzanita Ave 238.94 ST055711 PAGE TWO - Accounts Submitted for Authorization of Disconnection Proceedings - June 24, 1993 16. 29-066-101 18. 31-281-201 19. 33-151-071 20. 34-421-031 22. 34-793-041 23. 273-620-703 E1 Dorado Motel A .......... D~1, Ronald Rasmussen Michael Luerken Denniss O'Connor Kichard Larsen Stephen Hayward Decor & Design R. Bucci 4139 Lk Tahoe Blvd 798.11 ~28 P~rk Av~ 101 ..gh - 2459 Conestoga 167.15 Jewell St. 149.66 1709 No. Upper Trkee 186.96 1621 Og!a!a 1661 Bakersfield 175.90 3356 Sandy Way 263.89 TOTAL $4,815.41 ST055712