HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-15-93 MINUTES RF~GULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 15, 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session at 4:00 PM on July 15, 1993, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Pierini, Directors Mason, Wallace, Onysko, Mosbacher STAFF: Baer, McFarlane, Mamath, Noble, Eddy, Garcia, Brown, Johnson, Hussmann, Hydrick, Swain, Hrbacek, Hoggatt, Twomey, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Jeff DeLong/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Mel Schwake, Jr., James R. Jones, Chris Strohm Carl Corzan postponed his request re a penalties and interest rebate; Lake Tahoe Community College represent- atives removed their request related to reserve sewer unit capacity. Shop Steward: No report. Consent Items No. 4, 7, & 8 were brought forward for questions/discussion. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: July 1, 1993; 2) Authorized implementation of two- week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer/water accounts listed on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein.) 3) Approved rollover of available appropriation from 92/93 F.Y. sewer budget to 93/94 F.Y. sewer budget for utility billing ROLL CALL REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055689 REGULAR BOARD NEETING NI~U~ES - ~ULY 15~ ~993 5) software system; Approved $11,865.40 expenditure representing STPUD's share of So. Shore Water Purveyor's 1993 Water Conservation Program budget; 6) Approved Wunschel & Small's Change Order No. 1/$33,249 for the 1993 Water Main Line Replacement project. PA~E - 2 CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to extend Management's present MOU plus the negotiated agreement on overtime pay and auto reimbursement rate to 8/5/93. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve RDC's Change Order No. 2/$7,928. Attorney Sare explained the conditions surrounding the annexation of the Heavenly Valley Ski area which includes both E1 Dorado County and Alpine County. Some confusion surrounds the area to be annexed because the 1893 legal descrip- tion for state lines (Calif. & Nevada) were never adjusted to the match the newer established state lines. The item was continued to the August 5, 1993 Regular Board Mtg. MANAGEMENT MOU (Consent Item 4) AL TAHOE WELL NO. 2 (Consent Item 7) MULTICOUNTY ANNEXATION (Consent Item 8) No Board Action. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Chris Twomey. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimou__~ to award the construction contract to the lowest, responsive, re- sponsible bidder, Manuel Bros. in the amount of $159,780.00. Presented by Jimmie Hoggatt. Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Onysko Voted No/Passed to authorize advertisement o~ the parking lot paving portion of the project. MARTIN AVENUE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT LOWER SHOP SEWER AND PARK- ING LOT PROJECT ST055690 ~EGULAR BOARD MEETING NINUTES - JULY L5t ~993 Presented by Jimmie Hoggatt. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to A) Begin Qualified Special Use Permit Process with U.S.F.S; B) Modify plans for submittal to TRPA, LRWQCB, USFS; C) Advertise for construction bids. Finance Officer McFarlane gave a debt review report prior to Board action. She recommended payoff of the loans listed on the Agenda for the total amount of $479,000. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Wallace, Mason Voted No/Passed to authorize early payoff of the balance of the Tahoe South- Side Water Utility note in the amount of $97,352.25. Melvin Schwake, Jr. was present and gave his views regarding the payoff of his note. He was opposed to the payoff. Attorney Sare offered him the opportunity to renegotiate the interest rate. Schwake declined. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Wallace, Mason Voted No/Passed to authorize early payoff of the Melvin Schwake, Jr. notes dated July 19, 1990 in the amount of $205,017.47. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Wallace, Mason Voted No/Passed to authorize early payoff of the Tahoe Sierra Water Co., Inc. note in the amount of $176,087.34. Finance Officer McFarlane reviewed the various interest rate options related to this transaction. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Mason Voted No/Passed to repay $921,929.98 from the Water Enterprise Fund to the Sewer Enterprise Fund for repayment of the debt. ~ ~,~, PAGE - LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION SITE RESTORATION PROJECT EARLY PAYOFF OF DISTRICT NOTES WATER ENTERPRISE FUND BORROWING FROM SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $904,511.08. None PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS ST055691 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 15, 1993 PAGE - 4 Director Mosbacher referenced a recent letter addressed to the Board. It was a customer complaint regarding the District policy on continuing to bill customers for water & sewer service after turn-off. She requested President Pierini refer the com- plaint to the Board Planning Committee. Director Wallace reported on the City Counsel's discussion of a city utility tax. Manager: Manager Baer reported on: 1) A Lakeside Park Association mtg. he had attended re discussion of STPUD acquiring their water service interests; 2) The College Well, which recently tested way below the EPA uranium level standards; 3) The wastewater treatment plant flows over the July 4th weekend (6.06 mgd) com- pared to previous July 4th weekends; 4) The basin-wide tax shift exemption: it was removed from the Bill, but Senator Leslie is still pursuing it; 5) Water Agreement with City has been reviewed by the Finance Committee... ready for City staff review; 6) Casa informational bulletin: State plans for realigning/reinventing local government; 7) Union MOU negotiations .... still some vacation buy-back language concerns (to comply with IRS rulings), but members agreed to the version accepted by the Board; 8) Meeting with League & A.G. for tour of Treatment Plant. Will meet again on 8/20 re 1994 sewer capacity. Past Meetings/Events 7/03/93 - Lakeside Park Assn/General Membership Mtg. 7/07/93 - League/A.G.: Future Sewer Connections 7/08/93 - Union Membership Vote on 93/94 Contract 7/08/93 - Phone Conf.: Basin-Wide Grant 7/09/93 - Special Mtg: Middle School Diesel Fuel Tank Abandonment 7/12/93 - Board Election Nomination Period Begins Attorney: No Report. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS ST055692 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 15, 1993 8/05/93 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting 8/06/93 - 10:00 AM - EDWPA @ EID 8/06/93 - - Board Election Nom- ination Period Ends 8/11-14 - - CASA @ San Diego PAGE 5 NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 6:50 PM 7:00 PM 7:22 PM MEETING RECESS MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 549~6.9(b) (3)/HDR claim; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Manaqe- ment MOU. ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: LOU PIERINI, BOARD PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055693 CONSENT ITEM #2 REVISED LIST FOR BOARD MEETING OF JULY 15, 1993. ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS JULY 15, 1993 ITEM 1. ACCT. 23-472-131 NAME MICHAEL HAWTHORNE SERV. ADDRESS 876 TATA LN AMT. DUE $ 292.66 23-741-041 EMIL & DOLORES PEDERSEN 927 ELOISE #A 340.33 e 25-272-021 JAMES FOWLER 3336 S. AMMONS 309.53 Se 25-312-121 WILLIAM HASKIN 1563 BLACK BART 299.02 25-375-261 25-481-201 LOREN & PAMELA PiAXWELL 3353 HEAVENLY VALLEY DONALD VASCONCELLOS 1621 GLENWOOD WAY 293.07 35'7.40 25-483-161 JOSEPH & DELORES ALEXANDER 1658 GLENWOOD WAY 291.43 ~25-55!-26! L~_MBERT FPANKLTN q~R7 T~AT,Pg' 'lh~_ 292.66 , 10. ....... ~021 %,~,,I~u.~ GIBSON 2374 ALice. LAKE RD 293 11. 25-764-261 MARK BAUMANN 1416 BOZEMAN DR 346.58 12. 25-821-081 RICKEY FREEMAN 2276 WAGON TRAIN 293.07 13. 26-024-091 O.L. SAUNDERS 3161 BERKELEY AVE 5_,0.09 '"--- ~i ~ G-ERALD__&_--D.I. AI',LE_ ......... 84.-:B--LOS.--ANGELES---------~- .... HOLLIS ST055694 PAGE - 2 - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - JULY 15, 1993 15. 26-253-041 FRANCIS LAFARGE JR 2955 FREEL PEAK 16. 27-052-011 EL DORADO IMPROVEMT 3641 LK TAHOE BLVD 17. 27-071-091 JET THRU GAS & 3688 LK TAHOE CARWASH/THOS. BUYAK BLVD 18. 27-101-321 LYNN DIX 1045 HAM LANE 19. 27-142-281 MANUEL SOUZA 3800 FOREST AVE 20. 27-323-111 VERNICE ZANCO 1224 SKI RUN BLVD 21. 28-061-021 SHIRLEY SMITH 1415 KELLER RD 22. 28-121-211 23. 28-121-291 DARLENE LOWRY LLOYD BRETTHAUER 3646 PIONEER TRL 3628 PIONEER TRL 24. 28-311-201 MARIO & VIOLA PORTILLO 1186 TIMBER LANE ROLF KELP 26. -79-041-171 ROLF KELP ......... DLVD 4082 pI.~!E n~wn 27. 29-051-011 TAHOE PONDEROSA ED MICHITARIAN 920 STATELINE/ 4160 MANZANITA 28. -2-'9--~-6-2 021 $ 292.25 29. 29-371-011 1,258.30 2,270.88 292.56 293.07 1,485.83 391.96 3,819.00 1,945.56 293.07 754_56 1, 116 . 55 JAGDISHBHAI PATEL 3884 PIONEER TRL DIANE A. WATSON DRIFTWOOD APTS. 2,543.71 PAGE - 3 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - JULY 15, 1993 29-441-041 CRESCENT V LANDS COLONY INN 3794 MONTREAL RD $2,698.67 31. 30-521-141 MIKE GORMAN 3861 SADDLE #14 299.50 32. 31-030-251 DELMAR UPPENDAHL 960 LINK RD 408.04 A. J. 34. 31-192-101 DANIEL L. BAJONE 2599 KUBEL AVE 299.41 35. 31-202-181 WILLIAM SCOTT 2689 KUBEL AVE 293.07 36. 32-203-021 TERRY & LAURA THEUS 1300 KYBURZ AVE 226.48 37. 32-278-391 ROBT & T.J. BROWN 1116 DEDI AVE 300.72 38. 32-313-201 WELCOMES AUTO BODY 1612 SHOP ST ROY & KAREN TESTA 332.14 39. 33-28!-06! 293 ~'~ - 40. 33-432-111 GARY & DEBBIE GREENE 1806 NEZ PERCE DR 299.66 41. 33-481-291 HARLAN & ELEANOR REEL 1581 ESTATE CT 293.07 42. 33-703-131 JEROME & PAMELA NEAL 1914 APALACHEE DR 296.36 43. 33-711-091 KENNETH & SALLY PERRIE 820 MUSKWAKI DR 312.62 33-792-061 JACK D. YOUNG 1048 WASHOAN BLVD 297.36 ST055695 PAGE - 4 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - JULY 15, 1993 45. ~ EEA~ICE COOK 46. 34-102-011 47. 34-221-241 48. 34-242-011 49. 34-283-081 50. 34-291-201 51. 34-426-021 52. 34-542-191 53. 34-692-171 54. 35-193-071 55. 35-212-121 56. 36-411-011 57. 80-071-111 58. 81-083-131 59. 1915 BLACK-FOOT--RD FRANK V. GONZALES JEFF SCOTT 1686 APACHE AVE 1612 CHOCTAW ST DEBRA E. WELCH 1109 APACHE AVE NEAL KRIDER 2003 HOPI AVE MARK KESTERSON MICHAEL TAYLOR 2008 ARROWHEAD AVE 622 KIOWA DR KEVIN & JANET YOUNG 2187 MEWUK DR NEIL & KATHLEEN SACCOMAN 1515 OJIBWA ST PHILLIP FREEMAN 1032 SHAKORI DR MARY GONZALES 2208 MINAL ST SARAH VASQUEZ PAUL PIWARSKI SUELLYN KJERSEM 2811 SANTA CLAUS DR 1878 SUSQUEHANA DR MICHAEL & ROBIN WARREN 1586 CRYSTAL AIR DR 27-040-2103 WAYSTATION MANAGEMT 3601 LK TAHOE BLVD 293 ;~O7 292.66 347.99 306.24 292.68 301.89 292.25 306.24 309.53 292.00 299.50 322.95 296.36 293.07 433.81 60. 27-040-2104 WAYSTATION PLANAGEMT 3601 LK TAHOE BLVD 738.76 PAGE - 5 62. 63. ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS JULY 15, 1993 27-040-2105 WAYSTATION MANAGEMT 3601 LK TAHOE BLVD 27-040-3002 WAYSTATION MANAGEMT 3601 LK TAHOE BLVD. 29-190-0501 RED CARPET INN #1 4100 LK TAHOE BLVD. JOSEPH & GRACE SIINO $1,546.31 8,245.82 2,455.34 TOTAL $49,992.95 Date: BOARD MEETING PItONE NU~IBER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME: ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055696 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 9, 199~ The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Meeting, July 9, 1993, 4:00 PM, at the District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM by President Pierini. CALL TO ORDER BOARD MEMBERS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Wallace. ROLL CALL Director Onysko/Absent (Out of Town) STAFF: Baer, Mamath, Johnson GUESTS: Steve Morales/Unified School District The Clerk of the Board noted she had posted the Special Meeting at the City Counsel Chambers (the meeting place for Regular meetings) and in the District's front lobby; she also FAXed the meeting notice to the local newspaper and to representatives of the school district. MEETING NOTICED ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Mason/Second Pierini/Onysko Absent/Passed to approve a special use permit for discharging 12,000 gallons of water from an abandoned fuel tank and any groundwater, as needed. 4:12 PM SOUTH TAHOE MIDDLE SCHOOL DIESEL FUEL TANK ABANDONMENT ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055697