HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-93MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~UGUST 19, 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session at 4:00 PM on August 19, 1993, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Pierini, Directors Mason, Wallace, Mosbacher Director Onysko/Absent STAFF: Solbrig, Taylor, Mamath, Swain, Adams, Garcia, Brown, Johnson, Eddy, Schroeder, Hydrick, Hoggatt, Anderson, Schrempp, Rieger, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Frank Du Quite/City Council, Mr. & Mrs. James Jordanoff, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lucia Mr. Jordanoff explained the problems related to his request to allow one sewer lateral to serve his two connecting properties. Staff Inspector, Greg Schrempp and Attorney Sare added to the comments. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Absent/Passed to allow one sewer and one water lateral to serve the two properties under the one ownership, with a deed restriction (to be prepared by Attorney Sare) in the event there is a transfer of ownership, new sewer and water laterals would be required. Mr. Lucia explained the events surround- ing the problems with his water service and the broken pipes leading to his property. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Absent/Passed to authorize District paid installation of a 3/4" water connection from Glorene to the Lucia lot and up to his connection (stop & drain location); any upgrade to the 3/4" line would be metered and that expense would be borne by Mr. Lucia. ROLL CALL REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: James Jordanoff REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: Ken Lucia ST055671 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 19, 1993 PAGE Shop Steward: Mike Adams reported District staff had been working on finalizing the job descriptions and Union reps. had attended the Finance Committee meeting. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE The Pendletons requested Action Item 7 be removed as they had entered into a payment plan with the District. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Director Mosbacher requested Consent Items 6 and 8 be brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Onysko Absent/Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: August 5, 1993; 2) Authorized implementation of two- week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer/water accounts listed on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein.); 3) Authorized staff to negotiate with Northwest Carbon for a 1-Year ex- tension to the present carbon regen- eration contract; 4) Authorized execution of a multi-year (3-Year) credit attachment for hard- ware and software support services with Hewlett-Packard ($2,212/Yr. savings); 5) Authorized 2-week disconnection procedures for (A) failure to perform annual backflow prevention test at 3668 Lake Tahoe Blvd./APN 27-071-091; (B) violation of Ordinance 360 at 798 Tata (Rear Property)/APN 23-462- 201; 7) Approved year-end budget rollover of $154,589 from 1992/93 to 1993/94 for the A1 Tahoe Well No. 2 project. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Onysko Absent/Passed to approve Wunschel & Small's Change Order No. 3/$17,860; 1993 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT (Consent Item 6) ST055672 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 19, 1993 PAGE The various items covered by the Change Order were reviewed by Richard Solbrig. It was the consensus of the Board to attempt to get reimbursement of Change Order Item (C)/$1,250 from the Design Engineer, as his sub was responsible for the error which re- sulted in this Change Order item. AL TAHOE WELL NO. 2 BUILDING (Consent Item 8) Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Onysko Absent/Passed to approve RDC's Change Order No. 3/$8,068.13. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Construction Manager Hoggatt reviewed the two discrepancies related to the low bid: (1) The written dollar amount per square foot/asphalt paving was different than the number dollar amount and noted we are obliged to use the written amount over the number amount; and (2) failure to list his suppliers. Ken Schroeder reviewed the present em- ploy/guest parking situation and Mike Adams made a statement supporting the paving of the Lower Shop parking area. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Absent/Passed to waive the 2 discrepan- cies (described above) and award the construction contract to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, Daylight Construction, in the amount of $63,575.00. Presented by Ross Johnson who reported Attorney Sare had reviewed the Agreement. Both Sare and Johnson made changes to the Agreement and reviewed them for the Board. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Onysko Absent/Passed to authorize entering into an Agreement with Cost Control Associates, Inc. for an energy audit (including the amended language reviewed by Sare and Johnson). Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Onysko Absent/Passed to approve sole-source purchase from PB Loader Mfg. in the amount of $22,050.60 plus $5,000 for unforseen modifications which may be required. LOWER SHOP PARKING LOT: REPAVING ENERGY AUDIT AGREEMENT HOT BOX PATCH ST055673 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 19. 1993 PAGE - 4 Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Onysko Absent/Passed to exempt staff from the bid process and approve the informal price quote from G.B. Construction in the amount of $11,050. for installation of a concrete ramp and retaining wall. Director Wallace reported the Operations Committee had reviewed this item in detail with District staff. He recom- mended approval. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Absent/Passed to authorize staff to prepare a recommendation for purchase of the SCADA System or an update of our existing system. Presented by Rick Hydrick. The proposed letter was reviewed and the Board con- curred to send it to all Congressional representatives. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Absent/Passed to authorize execution of the letter by President Pierini supporting EPA's Science Advisory Board's recommenda- tion which opposes the EPA Radon in Drink- ing Water Rule standards plus an additional paragraph showing the costs for each of the District's customers to comply with the present standard; the letter to be sent to all Congressional representatives. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Absent/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $744,470.55. The Finance Committee had met; they are working on segregating disconnect costs for a new Ordinance. Director Mason said the District needed to conduct a study related to metering water service and the rate for basic water charges. Director Mosbacher reported she had attended 2 meetings: 1) Lahontan Meeting Items Discussed: · Amended plans will contain new rules for the definition of "wetlands"; · Wastewater reuse; · Clean-up of underground storage tanks; · Clean-up of ground water; · Problems between Lahontan & Fish & Game; FILTER BUILDING RAMP & DOOR SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM LETTER TO CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES RE EPA'S RADON IN DRINKING WATER RULE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS ST055674 REGUt~R BOi~RD HEET~NG ~NUTES - ~UGUST 19, 1993 P~GE 5 2) Tahoe Coalition of Recreational Providers: · Serious Concerns on PAOT; · Washoe Indian influence on future projects. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (continued) Director Mosbacher further reported on: 1) Golden Bear Park - Mr. Fazio is carrying an Amendment to a Bill to stop the Forest Service from deeding property to the County for the purposes of building Golden Bear Park. 2) T.R.P.A. is going to enforce "scenic values" for any future projects; 3) Cal-Trans Freeway right-of-way is going to be abandoned to the Conservancy, pos- sibly in September; 4) Rochelle Nason (League Rep.) made a statement, "We do not subscribe to trade- offs where water quality is involved." Mosbacher asked, if the League did not subscribe to trade-offs ..... then what was mitigation? Director Mason addressed 2 items: 1) He felt there was a need to do a basic study of what it costs to produce and deliver water to each home. He felt staff could gather information that is already available; 2) Board Etiquette - he requested Board members go to staff with their agenda item questions prior to the meetings in order to allow the meetings to run more smoothly. Assistant Manager/Engineer: STAFF REPORTS Assistant Manager Solbrig reported on: 1) The call he had received from Rhonda McFarlane who had attended the meeting in Sacramento re the Tahoe Basin Bill; 2) Status of Martin Avenue Well project; 3) Status of A1 Tahoe Well #2 project. ST055675 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 19t 1993 PAGE - 6 Past Meetinqs/Events 8/06/93 - EDWPA @ EID 8/06/93 - Board Election Nomination Period Ends 8/11-14 - CASA @ San Diego STAFF REPORTS (continued) Attorney: Attorney Sare reported on 2 items: 1) Nevada's Senator Bryan is in town. Very close to getting a 4-Senator sponsored Tahoe Bill introduced in Congress: Boxer, Feinstein, Reed and Bryan. 2) Received the City/District water agreement's proposed revisions back from the city. 8/24/93 - 2:00 PM - Lahontan 8/25/93 - 9:00 AM - TRPA @ NTPUD 8/27/93 - 10:00 AM - League & A.G. 9/02/93 - 4:00 PM Regular Board Mtg. 6:33 PM NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1)/El Dorado County Water Aqenc¥ 6:35 PM ADJOURNMENT LOU PIERINI, BOARD PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMA~H, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055676 REVISED LIST FOR CONSENT ITEM #2 BOARD MEETING 8/19/93 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 19t 1993 ITEM 1. ACCT. # '23-141-031 NAME SERV. ADDRESS AMT. DUE 23-341-131 NILS OSPENSON 802 GLORENE AVE 298.68 208.90 23-~72-131 ~o 7 5 TATA T.--~-..-~ 23-511-161 JAMES MONOOGAN 887 CLEMENT ST 256.30 e 23-654-031 JOHN GENZALE 786 ANITA DR 226.20 25-391-111 JAN L. GAULT 3419 BECKA DR 273.81 25-483-091 SUZANNE NORTHROP '1624 GLENWOOD WAY 193.32 VICKI NIBOUAR 3575 i79.73 10. -~5 55~ ~ 3575 APRIL DR 172.08 11. 25-591-041 ROBERT FULLER 2460 COLD CREEK TRL 179.73 12. 25-603-081 CONSERV INVST ALTERNATIVES LTD 2334 COLD CREEK TRL 172.08 13. 14. 25-651-071 ~ ~=.~E~ PERELL ')'~Q I~'~T ~'nDTF ST 175_ 90 ALi t~ ...... i~d,;'~--'~ ].':~ 2 . 'OS 2334 "' ~r l~'~,i~ ST055677 PAGE - 2 - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - AUGUST 19, 1993 15. 26-084-011 RUBEN VALENZUELA 896 ALAMEDA AVE $ 299.67 16. 26-121-101 STEWART STARKEY 656 EL DORADO AVE 288.90 17. 27-074-231 GARY & LINDA BERNER 3713 PARADISE AVE 317.74 18. 27-075-101 TIMOTHY SHANAHAN 1050 SONORA AVE 301.74 19. 27-082-161 ARIEL SANCHEZ 3797 PARADISE AVE 288.13 20. 27-121-171 ANDREA HARMAN 3609 PARADISE' AVE 288.09 21. 27-133-201 J. RODRIGO GONZALEZ 1100 SONORA AVE 289.05 22. 27-134-171 JOHN E. SIMMONDS 3747 ASPEN AVE 288.09 27-136-261 R. CHONTOSH E. NETHERCUTT 3717 LARCH AVE 288.09 24. 27-143-031 THOMAS E. DILLARD 3788 ALDER AVE 548.15 25. 27-143-111 RICHARD D OLIVA 3764 ALDER AVE 288.90 26. 27-155-271 EDWARD GRESICK 3673 SPRUCE AVE 534.76 27. 29-031 021 832'SYAYELiNE ~-vE ~D4.92 28. 29-041-411 MICHAEL BLANK 4161 MANZINTA AVE 1,164.89 29. 29-061-011 MICHAEL BLANK 952 STATELINE AVE 1,427.83 ST055678 PAGE - 3 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - AUGUST 19, 1993 30. 29-061-081 MICHAEL BLANK 4123 LAUREL AVE $2,661.29 31. 29-150-101 PINEWOOD LODGE 3818 LAKE TAHOE BLVD 1,882.16 32. 29-401-111 JAMES NICKERSON 1021 SHEPHERDS DR 288.09 33. 30-352-221 KENNETH GEIST 3725 REGINA RD 205.19 34. 31-030-151 LILA ROHRICH 2680 MILLER ST 288.09 35. 31-121-111 SUSAN LEHRER 2585 ELWOOD AVE 299°66 36. 31-341-051 S. HOFF 2934 PINEWOOD DR 298.68 37. 32-278-151 MICHAEL GRENINGER 1153 MARGARET AVE 302.95 32-278-251 DENNIS BELIVEAU 1172 DEDI AVE 39. 32-281-321 JERRY G. PARADISO 1260 MARGARET AVE 298.56 40. 33-285-011 TOM & GLADYS BARTEL 1164 EAGLE LANE 2 !ii ~3 ~ 68 41. 34-083-131 ALFRED OCHOA 1957 CELIO LANE 41 . 75 TOTAL $18,723.20 ST055679