HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-93M ~' NUT E S REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 7, 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session October 7, 1993, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Pierini, Directors Mason Wallace, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, L. Eddy, Schroeder, Noble, Brown, Garcia, Christianson, Hydrick, Hoggatt, Gwinn, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Frank DuQuite/City Council, Ty Baldwin, Jeff DeLong/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Chris Strohm, Jack Burnam/Carollo Engineers, John Hulin, Secretary/Lakeside Park Assn., Jim Jones, Jean Persson/Lakeside resident None. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Shop Steward: No Report. Director Mason requested Consent Item 1 be brought forward and voted on separately; President Pierini requested Consent Item 5 be brought forward for a separate vote. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 2) Authorized two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent accounts on the accompanying list. (The list becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein as Attachment 1.); 3) Authorized hauling District spoils to Ormsby Land Fill by J. Garcia Trucking for an amount not to exceed $25,000; 4) Approved Wunschel & Small's Change Order 4/$15,773.25, the Closeout Agreement & Notice of Completion on 1993 Water Main Replacement project. ST055637 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 7, 1993 PAGE - 2 CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passed to approve the June 4, 1992 & June 18, 1992 Regular Board Meeting minutes. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES (Consent Item 1, B & C) Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve the September 16, 1993 Regular Board Meeting minutes. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES (Consent Item 1, A) Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Pierini Abstained/Passed to authorize staff to advertise and auction surplus items. SURPLUS AUCTION (Consent Item 5) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION John Hulin was present and urged the Board send the letter as requested. Jean Persson (a resident within the boundaries of Lakeside Park Associa- tion) spoke against the present Lake- side Board pursuing STPUD's assumption of Lakeside Park Associations's water service activities. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed to authorize execution by President Pierini of a letter response to John D. Hulin. Presented by Rick Hydrick. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed to authorize purchase of monitoring equipment: SCADA central equipment, software and training for an amount not to exceed $95,439. Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed to approve Manuel Brothers Change Order No. 2/$9,451. Presented by Diane Noble. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed to make Findings A through 0 as listed in the October 7, 1993 Memorandum. (The 10/7/93 Memorandum, Sewer Unit Transfer Permit Application and the 6/10/93 District letter become a part of these minutes by reference herein as Attachment 2.) LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION: REQUEST BY JOHN D. HULIN PURCHASE OF SCADA SYSTEM MARTIN AVENUE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT FIRE STATION NO. i/RELOCATION SEWER UNIT TRANSFERS ST055638 REGUL~ BOARD NEETING NINUTES - OCTOBER 7, 1993 PAGE Director Wallace reported on the results of the discussions held on October 4, 1993. He said staff re- viewed the progress made on the many mitigation measures. One of his pri- orities was not to carry over the old GOOD FAITH MEET & CONFER MEETINGS WITH REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE LEAGUE TO SAVE LAKE TAHOE AND THE CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE mitigation items into the new agreement. Attorney Sare added to the comments by Director Wallace. He stated at the beginning of the meetings the League and A.G. felt the District had not made sufficient progress on prior commitments, but after staff had explained the District's efforts toward the prior commitments, he felt the distrust had been eliminated and the League and A.G. representatives were now more satisfied, providing, by March, 1995, the District will have let the contract for the 2nd ERB or the alternative power source. He said every- one seemed to agree that an alternative power source was prefereable to an add- itional ERB. The Distirct tentatively agreed to continue pursuing an auxiliary power source, support the transit terminal (Park Ave. Project), and the pursuit of the ongoing Facility Plan (environmental document) to serve the community for the next 20 years .... to be started in the spring of 1994. Director Wallace recommended Attorney Sare move forward with negotiations, based on Board approval, and have staff prepare environmental documents. The Board concurred with the recommendation. No Board Action. Attorney Sare reported on Carollo Engineer's E & O insurance coverage; Richard Solbrig reported on the budget for the project. ERB/STANDBY POWER PROJECT Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed to authorize Carollo Engineer's Task Order 22 in the amount of $85,000. Presented by Pat Mamath who asked for direction on whether or not to pursue a change in the Board meeting place due to the new fee of $165/per meeting charged by the City. BOARD MEETING LOCATION The consensus of the Board was to stay at the Council Chambers while the Clerk ST055639 REGUL~ BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 7t 1993 PAGE - 4 looked for a permanent new meeting place. BOARD MEETING LOCATION (Continued) No Board Action. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Passed to authorize payment in the amount of $801,329.91. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Director Mason reported the Salary Survey Committee had met, but they had nothing definite to report, yet. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Mosbacher reported the Planning Committee had met and she felt there was no reason why the 1994 building season could not go forward. Director Wallace reported the Operations Committee was due to meet on 10/12. Finance officer Mc Farlane said the focus of the meeting would be to discuss insur- ance claims associated with sewage spills/backups and staff's recom- mendations to prevent similar incidents. Manager: Manager Baer reported on 3 items: STAFF REPORTS 1) The passage of AB 1224 and the support from the community which protects our $2.6 Million from the property tax shift. He planned to send letters of appreciation to the various agencies & organizations who sent support letters. He will have a Resolution of appreciation prepared for the next Board meeting commending Assemblyman Knowles, Senator Leslie & Governor Wilson; 2) The Management medical insurance is due for renewal with significant changes. Staff will request proposals from other insurance carriers; 3) The test for the emergency gen- erator at Luther Pass Pump Station will commence 10/25. Neighborhood members will be informed and questioned after testing for their observations. A community meeting will also be held 11/9 to talk to the immediate neighbors. ST055640 REOULAR BO2t.~D NEETING NINUTES - OCTOBER 7, 1993 PAGE Past Meetings/Events 9/06/93 - County Water Agency Board Mtg. (canceled) 9/21/93 - City Council (Council Chamber Use Rates) 9/23/93 - Mgmt. Salary Survey Committee w/Consultant 9/28/93 - 8:00 AM Water Agency Special Board Mtg. re lawsuit 9/28/93 - 8:30 AM STPUD Special Board Mtg. re lawsuit 9/28/93 - 9:00 AM STPUD vs E1 Dorado County Water Agency Court Date 10/1/93 - 8:30 AM E1 Dorado County Water Agency Board Mtg. 10/1/93 - EDWPA @ EID 10/4/93 - League/AG - Future Connections Customer Service Manaqer: Diane Noble reported on the negotiations with City staff on the City Water Use Agreement ..... invoices will be exchanged rather than in-kind services. She also stated the legal staff would be respon- sible to rewrite the Hold-Harmless Agreement. Water Operations Manaqer: Rick Hydrick reported on the reason for the 10/4/93 spill at the Luther Pass Pump Station coming from the manways (3 ft. portholes) during the cleaning and repainting operations. Attorney: Attorney Sare reported on two items: 1) Federal (basin-wide) Grant - We are close to having a joint bistate Bill signed by 4 Senators (CA & NV). 2) EPA Grant Appeal - A 10/13 meeting is planned at EPA, Region IX in San Francisco to ask for additional funding. 10/13/93 - 1:30 PM - EPA Grant Appeal @ EPA, San Francisco 10/21/93 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 10/26/93 - 6:00 PM - Candidates Forum @ Rec. Center (Aspen Room) 11/3-5 - ACWA Fall Conference/Anaheim 11/12&13 - CASA @ Napa NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ST055641 REGULAR BOARD ~ETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 7, 1993 PAGE - 6 This item had been scheduled for dis- cussion during Executive Session, but it was determined no Executive Session was needed. Manager Baer explained the procedure he had used in his Re- quest For Proposals for legal services and his contact with the District's liability insurance carrier. He stated the District was not covered by insurance under this situation. SELECTION OF ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT DISTRICT IN LAWSUIT: RICHARD BOTTINI v. STPUD Manager Baer recommended the Greve, Clifford firm based on their response to the RFP and their lower rates. It was the consensus of the Board to hire the Greve, Clifford, Diepenbrock, & Paras firm. No Board Action. 5:50 PM MEETING BREAK 6:00 PM MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1)/Discussion of significant exposure to litigation/EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Discussion with District's designated representatives/EMPLOYEE DIS- CIPLINARY ACTION 6:15 PM MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES LEFT MTG. AND EXECUTIVE SESSION CONTINUED Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Discussion with District's designated representatives/MANAGEMENT NEGOTIATIONS - INSTRUCT NEGOTIATORS ADJOURNMENT 6:40 PM SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055642 October 7, 1993 MinUtes Attachment 2 MEMORANDUM South Tahoe Public Utility District DT: TO: FR: RE: October 7, 1993 Board Meeting Board of Directors Diane Noble, Customer Service Manager Fire Station No. 1 Relocation - Sewer Unit Transfer The attached documents are necessary for the Board to take action under the provisions of Ordinance No. 403, except where relief has been granted or conditions have been established. The Board needs to make final approval of the transfer of nine (9) sewer units required for the relocation of Fire Station No. 1. The provisions of Ordinance No. 403 have been complied with except where relief has been granted and subject to special conditions in this authorization. Specifically, the following conditions and limitations in §ec. III, & IV have been complied with, except where relief has been given as noted, or the condition is applicable, or a special condition has been authorized as set forth: The Board should make the following compliance findings: a. No increased annual flow and strength. Complete restoration of one of the secondary (sending) parcels will not be achieved since the future use of the (reconfigured) parcel # 27-064-021 is anticipated to be commercial. Demolition of existing fire station is scheduled for May 1, 1994. Abandonment of existing fire station will take place concurrently to occupancy of new facility scheduled for March 1994. c. 1977, et al., Lahontan Cease and Desist Order is no longer applicable. do Nine (9) sewer units are required for the new fire station at the primary (receiving) parcel. The addition of six (6) sewer units for use by the City of South Lake Tahoe Fire Dept. will add said six sewer units to the existing seventeen (17) sewer units provided for in the August 5, 1965 agreement between the Lake Valley Fire Protection District and the South Tahoe Public Utility District. f. The City has evidenced compliance of the Fire Station relocation with its General ST055643 ge mo no oo Plan; the project complies with the E1 Dorado County General Plan and TRPA approval. Any sewer assessment on the secondary parcel has been paid in full; property taxes on the secondary parcel are paid current; sewer service charges on the secondary parcel are current. All liens on the secondary parcel have been paid in full. Lateral water and sewer connections for the secondary parcel will be removed, plugged and sealed at the time of abandonment, if not utilized for future construction. No transfers are from damaged structures. Any City or County Sewer Connection Ordinance has been complied with. Waive §ec. Ill, B. Six (6) sewer units from secondary parcel # 27-064-181 are classified as commercial units transferring to public service class; partial transfer of said six (6) commercial units is being made. Provisions of Ordinance No. 300, as amended by Ordinance No. 359, for issuing a sewer permit have been complied with. A duly authorized written request for cancellation of the existing sewer permit for the seocndary parcel is on file; cancellation of permit to be initiated at the abandonment date of said parcel, concurrently with occupancy of primary parcel. -2- ST055644 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS PERMIT FIRE STATION NO. i PRIMARY PARCEL OWNER OF RECORD: City of South Lake Tahoe MAILING ADDRESS: 1052 Tata Lane South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 PRIMARY PARCEL NUMBER AND ADDRESS: APN 27-323-171 1252 Ski Run Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS SECONDARY PARCEL(S) 9 Sewer Units from the following Secondary Parcels: ORIGINATING APN 27-064-181 27-064-021 PREVIOUS OCCUPANT/OWNER SEWER UNITS ON SITE SEWER UNITS TRANSFERRED OWNER OF RECORD: Sushi House 19 6 3 3 CSLT (existing fire station #1) SECONDARY PARCEL (TRANSFERRING PARCEL) City of South Lake Tahoe Redevelopment Agency: 27-064-181 City of South Lake Tahoe: 27-064-021 1052 Tata Lane South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 PRIMARY PARCEL (RECEIVING PARCEL) MAILING ADDRESS: The sewer units for the primary parcel are for those facilities shown on the Plans delivered to the District by City on April 30 and May 3, 1992. Tim Rieger and Greg Schrempp, Inspectors for the -1- ST055645 District, completed a required sewer unit count from these plans which totalled 11 sewer units. Subsequently, the city removed from the plans a 3rd restroom on the second floor, resulting in a total 9 sewer units required at the primary parcel, as described below: DESCRIPTION FIXTURE UNITS SEWER UNITS KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR 1 Wash up sink 1 Wash up sink (Island) HANDICAP RESTROOM FIRST FLOOR 1 Water closet 1 Lav 1 Floor drain JANITOR CLOSET FIRST FLOOR i Janitor sink APPARATUS ROOM FIRST FLOOR 1 Wash up sink 1 Drinking fountain 3 Floor drains TURNOUT STORAGE FIRST FLOOR ! Floor sink 1 Floor drain GENERATOR ROOM FIRST FLOOR 1 Floor sink RESTROOM SECOND FLOOR 2 Water closets 1 Urinal 3 Lavs 2 Showers 1 Janitor sink 2 2 3 1 2 2 6 3 3 4 2 Total 45 + 5 = 9 SU -2- ST055646 TRANSFER CONDITIONS: Water Conservation Measures Flow from Lavatory Faucets, Sink Faucets, and Showerheads shall be 3 G.P.M. maximum and stamped from factory stating same, or the manufacturers must certify the same. 2. Ail Water Closets and Urinals shall be 1.6 G.P. flush maximum. Ordinance No.403 Transfer of Sewer Units Abandonment of existing fire station will take place concur- rently to occupancy of new facility scheduled for March 1994. Compliance of the Fire Station relocation with the City/County General Plan and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency approval. Any sewer assessment on the secondary parcel has been paid in full; property taxes on the secondary parcel are paid current; sewer service charges on the secondry parcel are paid current. Ail liens on the secondary parcel have been paid in full. Lateral water and sewer connections for the secondary parcel will be removed, plugged and sealed at the time of abandon- ment, if not utilized for future construction. Any city or County Sewer Connection Ordinance has been complied with. 7. No transfers are from damaged structures. 10. The city of South Lake Tahoe is the legal owner of record of the parcel of real property referred to in this application as the Primary Parcel (copy of grant deed provided). City Attorney of South Lake Tahoe or the County Counsel of E1 Dorado will record a notice of transfer describing the primary and secondary parcels. Ail provisions of Ordinance 403 are complied with, except where relief has been granted or conditions have been etablished. CITY By: -3- ST055647 P.O. Box 19487 · South Lake Tahoe, California 96151-3487 1975 Meadow Crest Drive ° Phone (915) 544-6474 · FAX (916) ~41-0~14 June 10, 1993 General Manager SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BISTRICT ROBERT G. BAER A PUBLIC AGENCY D/rectors ROBERT MASON MARY LOU MOSBACHER STEVEN J. ONYSKO LOU PIERINI DUANE WALLACE Mr. Tim Oliver, Engineering Supervisor City of South Lake Tahoe 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Re: Fire Station No. 1 - Relocation to APN 27-323-171 Dear Tim: Thank you for the opportunity to review the plans for the new Fire Station to be located at 1252 Ski Run Boulevard. The District's Inspectors and Engineer, Richard Solbrig, have reviewed the plans and made the following comments: Sewer Sheet C3.3 concrete CIO boxes with metal lids marked "SEWER" to be installed over outside C/O's. Sheet C2.1 comments regarding the possible relocation of the District's 6" main to avoid the new sewer connection must be taken out of the plans. We must require that the City relocate the sewer shou}d there be any conflicts with utilities. Sheet C2.1 Prior to any portions of the sewer lateral being encased in concrete, it must first be inspected by a District Inspector. A copy of the District's requirements for building sewer must be included in the final set of plans. Water Sheet C2.1 a District approved stop and drain valve must be installed on the domestic supply line within 30" outside of the building foundation. Sheet C2.1 A District approved Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Assembly must be 2installed on the domestic supply line upstream of any connections. Assembly must be installed according to S.T.P.U.D. specifications and be tested by a District recognized ST055648 T. Oliver June 10, 1993 Page 2 o Backflow Assembly Tester upon installation. Installation detail sheet must be included in the final set of plans. Sheet C2.1 A line size 3" inch water meter (3" Sensus Series W Turbo Meter Model W- 350 DR with TR/PL Model Touch Read System) must be installed according to S.T.P.U.D. specifications on the fire supply line at the connection point to the District. Installation detail must be included on the final set of plans. This is due to the obvious usage (see sheet FS2.1) beyond normal potential suppression at this location (District ordinance//360, Art. 7 Sec. 7.4).' A copy of the District's requirements for water connection must be included on the final set of plans. We have performed a sewer unit count from the plans submitted (see attached). The plans show a total of 11 sewer units required for the new facility. This count includes the bathroom described as "future bathroom." If you delete the future bathroom from the plans, the total fixture units will decrease by 8 fixture units, a savings of 2 sewer units on the project. In confirming our phone conversations, the District anticipates a transfer application from the City, moving the three (3) sewer units which presently exist at Fire Station//2 (APN 27-064-02) to the new site. The remaining sewer units required--eight (8) with the future bathroom, six (6) without the future bathroom--will be transferred from the City's redevelopment pool (the sending parcels will need to be identified by the City). I am enclosing a transfer application for the existing sewer units. Please allow time to agendize this transfer for formal approval by the Board. A breakdown of sewer transfer fees for both scenarios follows: 1 l Sewer Units transferred X $1330/S.U. = $14,630 Saddle Inspection Fee = 50 Perlnit Fee = 35 Total (includes future bath) = $14,715 9 Sewer Units transferred X $1330/S.U. = Saddle Inspection Fee = Permit Fee = Total (without future bath) $11,970 5O 35 $12,055 ST055649 T. Oliver June 10, 1993 Page 3 The water connection fee for the new facility is based on water use projections provided by Dinter Engineering on behalf of the City. The connection fee is subject to a 3-year consumption evaluation by the District as provided by Ordinance No. 439: 4250 peak day demand 609 GPD/SFDU = 7 SFDU (Single Family Dwelling Units) 7 SFDU X $1550 = $10,850 Note: There will be no connection fee associated with the 3" line, however. COnsumption will be applied to the City's use as provided by the City/District Water Agreement, known as the City Water MOU. One-year prepaid meter charges on both lines waived; charges to be billed quarterly. I am enclosing additional specs and requirements for your use. If you wish additional copies of these documents to be supplied to your architect or contractor, please let me know. Sincerely, Diane M. Noble Customer Service Manager Enclosures cc: Rob Lauder, Lumos & Assoc. Jaye Von Klug, Redevelopment ST055650 ( REVISED LIST FOR BOARD MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1993 Attachment 1 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS ACCOUNT # 2. 23-191-181 3. 23-221-351 ~ 23-613-021 6. 23-613-061 23-654-031 8. 23-671-061 9. 23-693-t)61 10 23-733-321 11 25-351-111 12. 25-433-061 14. 26-092-10i ~45. 26-!2!40! 16. 26-144-051 17. 2.6-241-101 · -.,- 26-263-06i NAME 1~17~T A XT~TI~ F~ k '~TT~,TI~C~C ROBERT BERRY JOHN BURKE TED ~r A ~,T A ,,,,,,c LEOPOLDO GARCIA WM FUNDERBURK JOHN GENZALE LEON MAKOWSK! JEAN BEAUCHAMP KURT HOLOBAUGH PAULA PETERSON DOLORES RUSSELL OLIVA RANDAZZO DER~CK MCCLURE DANIEL PRICE JOHN HYLLESTED SERV ADDRESSS 921 EMERALD BAY 2303 JABiES AVE 1878 AGATE 917 JULIE 786 ~NITA 933 TAHOE IS DR. 707 WENTWORTH 2288 WASHINGTON 1417 MEADOW C~ST DR 2554 H~iBOLDT 1955 HIGH MEADOW 745 MODESTO AVE 870 PALOMA AVE 2920 SACRAMENTO 3043 LAKE TAHOE BLVD ~MOUNT 524.96 292.03 279.90 279.90 289.92 282.71 279.83 279.96 279.90 279.51 2~6.35 293.07 307.37 328.64 382.06 524.56 ST055651 PAGE 2 '-' j. 27-223-2Gi 21. 27-34-011 22. 28-081-061 23. 28-301-021 24. 29-402-071 25. 31-202-091 26. 32-278-371 ~ / · ~-~0~-~ 29. 30. 34-132-091 32. 34-283-051 33, 34-29i-131 34. 34-313-031 35. 34-584-161 36 37. 34-683-151 38. 34-713-041 39. JOHN HERMAN DESOMBER ZEHRENS NURSERY CLIFFORD WRIGHT FRED POWER STEPHANIE KEUSSEFF PAUL LOvE JAMES FIELDS PEARL LOGAN TIM G~ENE WAH LEE WANDA PELKEY JOHN BROZOVICH GERALD DIGNAM MICItELLE EVANS FInD ItOEHN ALgERT ~v ~} A h~Tl~' [ 1109 GLENMWOOD WY 3574 PIONEER TRL 3285 PINE HILL 3861 FIGUEROA LN 2688 OSBORNE 1124 DEDI AVE 1354 D!XIE MTN 1795 NARRAGANSETT 300.99 403.01 325.04 279.90 279.9O 3O2.69 325.04 296.36 1420 IROQUO!S 1989 HOPI AVE 1.974 ARROWHEAD 1020 MOHAWK ST 791 CHOLULU 1540 ZAPOTEC DR 1763 SAPONI ST 1769 SAPON! ST 2361 wc~ ~r~c~ ~ CT 325.04 334.90 279.10 280.20 344.16 287.72 283.14 286.49 32~.S6 3Q~ ~a ST055652 PAGE THREE 43. 80-104-091 44. 81-073-011 45. 81-141-171 MURPHY ENGLES RAYMOND BOOTHE VICTOR GONZALES TOTAL 1127 ARAVAIPA 1565 CRYSTAL AIR 12541 GLEN EAGLES 283.19 286.32 299.50 $14,196.10 ST055653 Date: BOARD MEETING PItONE NUMBER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A pRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055654