HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-93 MINUTES REGUL/~R MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER Zl, 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an executive session at 3:00 PM and a regular session at 4:00 PM on October 21, 1993, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION 3:10 PM Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Discussion of significant exposure to litigation/BOTTINI vs. STPUD, et al. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER & ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION BY BOARD PRESIDENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Pierini, Directors Mason, Wallace, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Mamath, Attorneys Sare and Clifford 3:55 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION None. ACTION ON ITEM DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION A five minute recess was called by the Board President. MEETING RECESS 4:00 PM REGULAR SESSION BOARD: President Pierini, Directors Mason, Wallace, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Mamath, Noble, Garcia, W. Stanley, L. Eddy, Hrbacek, Johnson, Hussmann, Hoggatt, Twomey, Brown, Morse, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Frank Du Quite/City Council, Jim Jones, Jeff De Long/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Paul Manuel, Chris Strohm, Ty Baldwin ST055631 REGULAR BO~D MRETING MTNUTES - OCTOBER 21, 1993 PAGE - 2 Carl Corzan did not appear. Diane Noble announced he had phoned a short time before the Board meeting and said he was unable to attend and requested we again reschedule his appearance. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: Carl Corzan Shop Steward: No report. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE None. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes: September 28, 1993; 2) Authorized issuance of a $13,000 purchase order to the California Conservation Corps for the Cold Creek Reservoir Access Road erosion control work; 3) Approved RDC's Change Order 4 in the amount of $4,051.74 for the A1 Tahoe Well No. 2 project. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Director Mosbacher commented she felt the order of recognition should be reversed, i.e., Governor's Wilson's name should be listed first, Leslie's second, etc. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed to adopt Resolution No. 2580 with the change as noted above. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $432,067.42. [This item appeared on the Agenda for consideration prior to the Payment of Claims, Board Committee Reports, and Staff Reports. It was heard after the Clerk's staff report. Discussion/Action was delayed to allow Paul Manuel an opportunity to read the memo distributed to the Board prior to the Board meeting. (The memo becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein as Attachment 1.)] COMMENDATION &APPRECIATION OF ASSEMBLYMAN KNOWLES, SENATOR TIM LESLIE AND GOVERNOR PETE WILSON FOR THEIR PART IN THE PASSAGE OF AB 1224 WHICH ALLOWS TAHOE'S PROPERTY TAX DOLLARS TO REMAIN IN THE TAHOE BASIN PAYMENT OF CLAIMS MARTIN AVE. WATER MAIN RE- PLACEMENT PROJECT ST055632 REGUt~U BOARD NEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 21, 1993 Chairman Pierini asked Paul Manuel if he needed additional time to prepare his appeal to staff's rejection of the claim. Attorney Sare reviewed the procedures in the Specs which addressed claims and the appeal process. Paul Manuel said he had come prepared to explain his side of the circumstances leading to the $48,000 claim. PAGE - 3 MARTIN AVE. WATER MAIN RE- PLACEMENT PROJECT (continued) Paul Manuel made an oral rebuttal to the staff memo rejecting the claim and said he strongly disagreed with staff's analysis of the claim (as outlined in the 10/21/93 memo). Jim Hoggatt & Chris Twomey explained their conclusions related to the claim. Attorney Sare reviewed the legal basis on which the Board could reject the claim. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed to reject payment of the Manuel Bros., Inc. claim and go to arbitration. Operations Committee - Director Wallace reported he and Director Mason had met with staff who presented a report on the state of manpower on the sewer side of District operations and the need for additional staff for maintenance work. They felt the report was very well pre- pared and needed to be presented to the Board as a whole at a Workshop meeting. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Management Salary Survey Committee - Director Mason reported the committee was still in the process of gathering information. Manaqer: STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported on 3 items: 1) Staff has been devoting a lot of time to the Emergency Power Project. 2) The generator to be tested at LPPS was delivered on 10/19. We will be using 1 generator to run 2 pumps. Director Mosbacher commented on the noise levels during the testing. Richard Solbrig said the District had hired a sound consultant to make recommendations and on 10/26 there will be electrical tests re power savings during peak use times. 3) Diane Noble is completing the summariza- tion of the Water Agreement between the city and the District. ST055633 REGULi~R BO~D ~ETING MTNUTES - OCTOBER 21, 1993 Past Meetinqs/Events 10/08/93 - Lahontan staff/review of Emerg. Power Project 10/08/93 - Sierra Pacific Power/Power Supply to WWTP & LPPS 10/13/93 - EPA Grant Appeal @ EPA, S.F. PAGE - 4 STAFF REPORTS (continued) Clerk: (Prior to the meeting, Pat Mamath dis- tributed a recap of her findings related to a new meeting place.) She reported the Conference Room at the Sr. Center, presently under construction, seemed to be the best option. It is due to be completed in 4 weeks. President Pierini suggested this item be placed on the next agenda. Attorney: Attorney Sare reported on 2 items: 1) Reported he had received the 3 Bills passed revising the Brown Act. 2) Discussed the meeting between EPA, Region IX and District staff & legal counsel re the grant amendment. 10/26/93 - 6:00 PM - Candidates Forum 11/3-5 - - ACWA Fall Conference 11/02/93 - - Election Day - Vote! 11/04/93 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 11/12&13 - - CASA @ Napa 5:33 PM 5:42 PM NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS MEETING RECESS RECONVENE & ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (b) (1) Schwake Contract 5:48 PM ADJOURNMENT LOU PIERINI, BOARD PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055634 ATTACHMENT 1 10/21/93 BOARD MINUTES SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEMORANDUM DT: October 21, 1993 TO: Board of Directors FR: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager RE: Manuel Brother's Directional Boring Claim We have investigated the Manuel Brothers, Inc.'s (MBI) claim for an additional $48,000 which covered their unsuccessful attempt at installing the pipe under Trout Creek. Experts in the directional drilling field and District staff have come to the conclusion their request is unwarranted. The standard within the industry for the directional drilling, recommends that you backream 12-inches larger than the pipe you are installing. MBI backreamed a 17 to 18-inch hole for a 14-inch outside diameter pipe. The other problem that occurred and is related to the standard within the industry listed above was equipment failure: The swivel joint connection. The swivel joint is a connection between the reaming tool and the 14-inch high density polyethylene pipe being installed. The swivel joint allows the reaming tool to rotate and not the pipe, while they are pulling the pipe through the bore. This is the connection that failed and caused the unsuccessful attempt which MBI has included in their claim. This connection was a 7/8-inch thick by 3 3/16-inch wide steel plate with a 1 ¼-inch hole. The 1 ¼-inch hole was not smooth, indicating they used some method of fabrication other than drilling or machining the hole. The ultimate strength of the steel connection, if it had been manufactured properly, and assuming it is A36 steel, would be 99,000 to 136,000 pounds. The maximum pull for the Bore King DBS 2,000 drill rig is 15,000 pounds. This ~s a large difference. The only reasonable conclusion is that the connection point was rough and jagged, which could add a point load or an eccentric load, plus the fabrication method could have modified the characteristic of the steel. Fatigue also could have added to failure of this part, not knowing how many other projects the swivel connection had been on. Based on this, it is our conclusion that equipment failure, coupled with failure to follow industry standards, caused the unsuccessful attempt and the District has no liability. ST055635