HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-93MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 18, 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session at 4:00 PM on November 18, 1993, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD: President Pierini, Directors Mason, Wallace, Mosbacher STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, Noble, Garcia, L. Eddy, Johnson, Hussmann, Hoggatt, Brown, Twomey, Trella, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Frank Du Quite/City Council, Jim Jones, Chris Strohm, Bob Gillette & Jack Burnam/Carollo Engineers, Pat Reardon, Ray Lacey/Tahoe Conservancy Shop Steward: La Verne Eddy read aloud a letter from the Lower Shop staff thanking the Board for the recently installed parking lot. Staff requested Consent Item 5/Employee's Deferred Comp Plan be brought forward for discussion prior to Board Action. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: November 4, 1993; 2) Authorized two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent accounts on the accompanying list. (The list becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein as Attachment 1.); 3) Authorized payment of $103,500 to Alpine County for the Annual Impact/ Mitigation Compensation Fee; 4) Approved Purchase of Masonic Temple Association's property (APN 29-260-27) for the amount of $40,000 for the Stateline Storage project. ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055621 REGULAR BOiM~D ~EET[NG N~NUTES - NOVEMBER 18~ 1993 P~GE - 2 CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Presented by Rhonda McFarlane who reviewed the changes from the first version given to the Board with their Agenda packets and the one they were being asked to adopt under Resolution 2581. She also noted changed references from "Trustee" to "District Administrator" in Resolution 2582. DISTRICT EMPLOYEE'S DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN (IRS CODE SECTION 457) (Consent Item 5) Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed to adopt Resolution 2581/Approving Plan Document. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed to adopt Resolution 2582/Appointing Admin- istrators for the Plan (as amended to change all references of "Trustee" to "District Administrator"). ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION General Manager Baer introduced Bob Gillette & Jack Burnam/Carollo Engineers who made a visual and oral presentation to the Board outlining the reasons for the alternatives they recommended to pursue the project. Ray Lacey reported on the right-of-way negotiations presently being discussed between the Conservancy and CalTrans. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Passed to authorize implementation of the Consult- ant's recommendations. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed to accept the Financial officer's recom- mendation to engage Perry-Smith & Co. to perform annual financial statement audits for F.Y. 1993/94, 1994/95 & 1995/96. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed to approve Harland Bartholomew's Task Order 6 for an amount not to exceed $17,300 for environmental document services (Negative Dec.). Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed to authorize execution by President Pierini of a letter to Senator John Glenn encouraging his efforts to investigate unfunded government mandates and their impacts on small communities. EFFLUENT EXPORT SYSTEM REPAIR/REPLACEMENT PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENT AUDITS PIPELINE TO EXISTING ERB UNFUNDED GOVERNMENT MANDATES ST055622 RE~ULi~ BOi~D ~EET~N~ N~NUTES - NOVEMBER 28~ 199~ P~E - ~ Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $580,536.69. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Director Mosbacher reported the Finance Committee had met with Stan Hansen and Dennis Harmon re the Park Avenue Redevelopment project. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Wallace reported the Planning Committee had again met with the League and A.G. reps. to negotiate agreement revisions to allow reprograming or borrow- ing of sewer units. Wallace recommended continuing the negotiation meetings but to also look to the community for unused sewer units. Discussion followed with Attorney Sare reviewing possible altern- atives which would not hinge on revisions to the League/A.G. agreement for the 1994 & 1995 building seasons. Manager: STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported on 2 items: 1) The Luther Pass Pump Station com- munity meeting where valid concerns were expressed by the neighbors: (1) noise, (2) vibrations, (3) fuel storage; 2) New Billing System: Diane Noble & Rhonda McFarlane explained the system which is to be tested next quarter. Past Meetinqs/Events 11/3-5 - ACWA Fall Conference @ Anaheim 11/12&13 - CASA @ Napa 11/12/93 - Finance Committee/Park Ave. Redevelopment 11/16/93 - Future Connections w/League/ A.G./TRPA/Lahontan 11/17/93 - Manuel Bros. Claim Settlement Conference Attorney: Attorney Sare reported on 5 items: 1) CASA meeting he attended on 11/12 & 13 where the amendments to the Brown Act were discussed; 2) Cost differences if the District were an active member of ACWA ($12,000 - $16,000)' as compared to Sare's associate membership ($750) and the benefits offered under both situations. He urged the Board to read ACWA's "Vision 2000" document. ST055623 RE~ULi~ BOi~D NEETIN~ N~NUTES - NOVENBER ~8~ ~993 3) Heavenly Valley Annexation Status and correspondence to LAFCO. 4) Bottini law suit (dates and location); 5) Federal Grant - Reported the League withdrew their support and mentioned problems with Nevada support. The grant will continue to be pursued through TBAG. PAGE 12/02/93 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 12/03/93 - 10:00 AM - EDWPA @ SLT LTCC 12/10/93 - 6:30 PM - Christmas Party NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 5:55 PM MEETING BREAK 6:09 PM Attorney Sare announced the Board Members, elect, (Jones & Strohm) had been invited participate in the Executive Session. He asked the Board members if they con- curred. It was agreeable with the entire Board to have the Board members, elect, attend the Executive Session. RESUME MEETING ANDADJOURN- MENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1/Manuel Bros. Claim, Schwake Claim, E1 Dorado County Water Agency Law Suit; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Employee Disciplinary Action Arbit- ration. 7:00 PM ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: DUANE WALLACE , BOARD PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT -A.' MAiMATH, t CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055624 Date: BOARD MEETING PHONE NU~.IBER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (p~ease print) NAME: ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055625