HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-07-94MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 7, 1994 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session April 7, 1994, 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Vice President Mason, Directors Strohm, Jones, Mosbacher Director Wallace was absent due to a scheduled vacation. STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, R. Johnson, Schroeder, Hoggatt, Powers, Poulson, Curtis, Sills, Lindsay, Lee, Brown, W. Stanley, Garcia, Hrbacek, Sharp, and Attorney Sare. GUESTS: Jeff Delong/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite/City Council, Jonny Newbre, Don Timberman/Las Vegas Paving, Danny Lukins/Lukins Water Company, Lewis Feldman, Esq., Conrad Ross, Thomas Grevin, Ann Jones Ross Johnso~ announced to the Board that the District's treatment plant was chosen as the California Water Pollution Control Association's (CWPCA) Treatment Plant of the Year in the small plant category. After winning the Sierra Section twice in the past, this is the first year the District has distinguished itself for the state level award. This award enables the District to enter EPA Region IX competition. Ross spearheaded the effort, and gave credit to all District employees for saving the ratepayers more than $300,000 per year in operating costs. Vice President Mason presented certifi- cates to the following supervisors for their outstanding leadership and efforts that played a key role in receiving this award: ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ST055537 REGuhAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 7, 1994 Gerald Sills/Chief Plant Operator was thanked for maintaining all chemical use records and supervising all tem- porary employee painting projects. Jeff Lee/Operator Supervisor was thanked for greatly improving employee morale by developing an Operations De- partment longevity recognition program and for being the District's resident activated sludge process control expert. Dennis Longhofer/Operator Supervisor (not present) was thanked for revamping the Operations Department's preventive maintenance program. Barrie Lindsay/Operator Supervisor was thanked for supervising the Operator Training Program and for taking the photographs used in the award applica- tion. Randy Curtis/Heavy Maintenance Super- visor was thanked for his skill and cooperation which was an essential component in winning the award. His department completed a record number of workorders in the final weeks before the inspection. Terry Powers/Laboratory Director was thanked for providing data on treat- ment process trends and efficiency; and for pointing out chlorine savings opportunities. Shop Steward No report. Director Mosbacher requested Consent Item 1 be brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. Moved Mosbacher/Second Jones/Absent Wallace/Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 2) Approved purchase of four (4) vehicles for the 1994-95 budget; 3) Authorized two-week disconnection procedures for the delinquent accounts on the list submitted to the Board on this date; PAGE - 2 COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (continued) CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055538 REGULAR BOARD ME~TING MiN-OTES - APRIL 7, 1994 4) 5) PAGE - 3 Extended Manager's Memorandum of Understanding until May 5, 1994; CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: March 17, 1994. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Director Mosbacher expressed apprecia- tion for the efforts of Mr. Sherman Glettig, the chairman of the Alpine County Fish and Game Commission. He seriously considered the Board's objections of last year and aggressively pursued the best prices available for the 1994 fish purchase. Director Mosbacher directed staff to write Mr. Glettig to thank him for his cooperation. Moved Mosbacher/Second Strohm/Absent Wallace/Passed to authorize payment to Alpine County in the amount of $26,470 for the 1994 fish purchase. SUMMER 1994 FISH PURCHASE OBLIGATION TO ALPINECOUNTY (Consent Item 1) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Jim Hoggatt reported to the Board the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder was Las Vegas Paving in the amount of $1,106,156.00. The engineer's esti- mate for the project was $306,156.00 lower due to miscalculating the costs for working on the Highway 50 corri- dor, and for crew sizes needed to meet the time schedules imposed by various agencies. Finance Officer McFarlane stated the discrepancy between the actual bid amount and the engineer's estimate will significantly impact the District's Five-Year Financial Plan. The Finance Committee will meet to determine alternatives for the Five- Year Plan so it can be presented to the public on April llth as planned. More importantly, this will cause serious repercussions to the Depart- ment of Water Resources State Loan Application. One of the state's requirements is that the 1-to-1 cost benefit ratio be met. With the additional cost of the project, it is unlikely the District will meet the requirements. It was the consensus of the Board to leave the state application open for further review. 1994 WATER MAIN REPLACE- MENT: AL TAHOE WELL NO. 2 LOOP LINE ST055539 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MIB~TES - APRIL 7, 1994 Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Absent Wallace/Passed to award the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Las Vegas Paving in the amount of $1,106,156.00. On May 25th, the LAFCO Commission will meet to consider legislation that will provide for two representatives from Special Districts to be seated on the LAFCO Board. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Absent Wallace/Passed to A) Appoint the Board President to represent the District at the LAFCO meeting on May 25th, with the Vice President serving as an alternate. B) No action taken. It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to contact fire and water special district representatives before giving direction regarding how special districts should be represented on the LAFCO Board. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Absent Wallace/Passed to: A) Authorize Board President to sign letter addressing appropriate functions and structure of the County Water Agency. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Mosbacher Voted No/Absent Wallace/Passed to: B) Appoint the Board President to serve on review committee, and authorize him to appoint an alternate. Amendment No. 2 was presented to the Board for adoption. Moved Strohm/Second Jones/Mosbacher Voted No/Absent Wallace/Passed to discuss this item during executive session with Attorney Clifford and the full board, 2:00 p.m., at the District offices on April 21, 1994. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Mason Abstained/Absent Wallace/Passed to authorize payment in the amount of $515,835.75. Director Mason stated the Brown Act requires that committee meetings be agendized and posted. Minutes are also required and can be done by any committee member or staff member. PAGE - 4 1994 WATER MAIN REPLACE- MENT: AL TAHOE WELL NO. 2 LOOP LINE (continued) SPECIAL DISTRICT REPRESEN- TATION ON LOCAL AGENCY FOR- MATION COMMISSION (LAFCO)._ EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY ATTORNEY CONTRACT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS ST055540 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 7 1994 Manager Baer reported on 6 items: STAFF REPORTS 1) The DIO position opening has attracted 121 applicants. The applications are being screened. The goal is to select ten to be interviewed the first week of May. Cindy Gustafson-Shaw, from the Tahoe City PUD, will be included on the interview panel. 2) The TBAG Committee met last week. Their goal is to have a unified approach when they meet with California and Nevada State Senators in Washington, D.C. to obtain federal funding. The League representative is not sup- portive of sewer improvement pro- jects, and would like to meet with sewer agencies next Monday to discuss sewer rates. If sewer agencies are not included in this legislation, the Board must either support, oppose, or do nothing regarding the legislation. This is a very critical issue to the District; if it is not supported, the ratepayers will be signifi- cantly impacted. 3) Jack Burnam, of Carollo Engineers, has been working closely with Scott Ferguson, of Lahontan, to determine which is more viable - to construct a new ERB, or to install emergency power. Scott has completed his review, and will draft a letter supporting emergency power due to its versatility and it will enable the District to better accommodate other occurrences and emergencies. 4) Duane Wallace and Baer have been invited to be guests on the KTHO radio program "The Talk of Tahoe". The topic of discussion will be the Community Forum. It is hoped this will generate public interest. 5) Chuck Gierau, General Manager of Georgetown Divide PUD, is retiring. He will be replaced by Marie Davis, who is presently the Assistant General Manager. PA~ - 5 ST055541 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 7, 1994 PAGE - 6 6) A Community Forum will be held on April llth where the Five-Year Finan- cial Plan will be presented to the public. Attorney Sare reported checks totalling $180,000 has been received from CWC- HDR Kleinfelder. The lawsuit has been settled and the signed agreement is in the mail. An acceleration clause was included in the agreement that specifies if payments are delinquent, the balance will be due immediately. 5:35 p.m. 5:40 p.m. 5:50 p.m. STAFF REPORTS (continued) MEETING BREAK RESUME MEETING ANDADJOURN- MENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1)/ ~anuel Brothers, Inc. Claim RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION It was the consensus of the Board to direct Attorney Sare to write a letter to Mr. Anderson advising him that the Board is deadlocked regarding the counter offer, and that the $12,000 offer is still open until the 4/21/94 regular meeting of the Board of Directors. 6:00 p.m. MANUEL BROTHERS, INC. CLAIM ADJOURNMENT DUANE WALLACE, PRESIDENT OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT K~HY' S~', ASSIST~fNT CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH T~E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055542 BOARD MEETING PHONE NUI.~,BER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print> NAME: ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE.