HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-05-94MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 5, 1994 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Executive Session at 3:15 PM at the District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, and a Regular Session May 5, 1994, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. 3:15 - 3:45 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION 3:15 PM - President Wallace called the meeting to order and immediately adjourn- ed to Executive Session. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL President Wallace, Directors Mason, Jones, Mosbacher, Strohm STAFF: Baer, Attorney Clifford (who spoke via telephone.) EXECUTIVE SESSION Litigation File 3240/BOTTINI ET STPUD #SV93- AL VS. 3:43 PM ADJOURNMENT (MOVED TO CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 4:00 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR BOARD MEETING 4:00 PM REGULAR BOARD MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Jones, Strohm ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Noble, Twomey, R. Johnson, Schroeder, Swain, Gwinn, T.O., Gigi, Laura, Christine and Carrie Poulson, Garcia, Taylor, Alsbury, Hydrick, Knight, Brown, Eddy, Hoggatt, Sharp, Attorney Sare, Attorney Rissetto GUESTS: Frank DuQuite/City Council, Jeff Delong/Tahoe Daily Tribune, John Cefalu, Dick Leopold, Jerry Orton, ST055522 REGULAR BOARD ME~T~NG Mi~OTES - MAY 5, 1994 Brian and Norma Taylor, Ty Baldwin, Connie Ross, Lisa O'Daly, Thomas Grevin Diane Noble announced the winners of the poster contest which was held to promote May as water awareness month. Certifi- cates and savings bonds were awarded to: Nika Hsiao, Jonathan Tapia, Christine Poulson, and Laura Poulson. Reprints of Laura Poulson's winning poster were distributed to establishments in the area to encourage water conservation. Thomas Greve~ appeared before the Board to outline perceived problems regarding his payment plan for delinquent charges. The Board directed Mr. Greven to meet with the Customer Service Manager to establish a plan that will satisfy both Mr. Greven and the District. Ty Baldwin expressed his dismay regarding Attorney Sare's new seating arrangement. Dick Leopold came before the Board to remind them of what he felt to be a sewer unit inequity at his laundromat. Shop Steward No report. Attorney Sare requested the wording for Agenda Item VIII. (E) be changed to read "Reading of Ordinance Number 447"; and add to Agenda Item XIV. the heading ,,INITIATE LITIGATION." Attorney Sare requested Consent Item 6/ A1 Tahoe Well No. 2 Loop Line, ERB Force- main, and Chinquapin Water Line be brought forward for discussion after the Public Hearing. Directors Mosbacher and Strohm requested Consent Item 7/District ERB Pipeline Re- placement Project Negative Declaration be moved for discussion after the Public Hearing. Moved Mosbacher/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for the purchase of chlorine, caustic soda, and sodium hypochlorite; PAGE - 2 ROLL CALL (continued) AWARDS PRESENTATION FOR WATER CONSERVATION POSTER CONTEST WINNER COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055523 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MInuTES - MAY 5, 1994 2) 3) Authorized staff to negotiate an ex- tension of the District's contract with Allied Colloids for a maximum of one year for dry polymer; Approved Negative Declaration and authorized filing Notice of Determina- tion with Office of Planning and Research and E1 Dorado County Clerk for Stateline Storage Project; Authorized staff to advertise for bids for the Stateline Storage Project - Phase One Tank; 5) Authorized Pederson Underground to perform relocation work on Apache for E1 Dorado County Erosion Control Pro- ject. 4:30 PM PUBLIC HEARING President Wallace opened the Public Hearing at 4:30 PM. Finance Officer McFarlane, presented the 1994-95 Fiscal Year Budgets for the Water Enterprise Fund and Sewer Enter- prise Fund. Using a slide presentation, McFarlane explained the planned expendi- tures and revenues. Assistant Manager Solbrig explained several projects in detail, and Manager Baer addressed specific concerns raised at the Community Forum. Ty Baldwin complemented McFarlane on her performance as a Finance Officer. Mr. Baldwin challenged the need for a rate increase, saying it will greatly impact the senior citizens of the District. John Cefalu questioned the need for a Five Year Plan, and suggested that im- provements be stretched over a longer period to ease the burden to the rate- payers. Mr. Cefalu addressed the Board regarding several other concerns. Director Mosbacher stated that many items in the budget and Five Year Plan will still come before the Board for approval prior to commencement, at that time the Board can weigh the benefits of moving ahead with the item vs. setting it PAGE - 3 CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) 1994-95 FISCAL YEAR BUDGETS: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND OPEN HEARING STAFF REPORT PUBLIC COMMENTS BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS ST055524 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 5, 1994 aside. Director Mosbacher emphasized the budget and Five Year Plan are flexible and not set in concrete. She also thanked the members of the community for voicing their concerns at this meeting. Director Jones said he was glad to see the implementation of a Five Year Plan. Long term planning is important. Funds that were invested in improvements to the treat- ment plant have resulted in a more effi- cient system - money spent can mean money saved. Rates have not been raised in several years and are not projected to raise in the next five years. Improve- ments are needed now for the water system to function over the long-term, spend now to save in the future. Director Mason pointed out the District's rates over the last twenty years have not increased as much as the cost of living. A Five Year Plan is designed to be a guide, to either build upon or subtract from. Director Strohm addressed the need for improvements. The water system needs repairs in many ways. Pipelines are leak- ing, supplies from wells are deficient, storage is also deficient. This all must be paid for. Grant funds are dwindling. Two options remain, get a loan or raise rates. A loan will cost much more over the long-term. Raising rates is a hard thing to do. Much consideration has been given to this budget; there is a need to fix the water system as responsibly and cost effectively as possible, and this is what must be done. President Wallace stated that in the near future water may be the way growth is con- trolled and may affect our community soon, considering the way the state is mandating regulations. A long-range plan for the District is a necessity. The Five Year Plan will eventually be expanded to cover a longer period of time. Capacity issues and water supplies must be addressed. Repairs and funding of depreciation could be ignored, but the Board believes that facing these concerns now is doing the right thing for the ratepayers in the long run. The treatment plant was voted the best plant in California because the District proved it has the most efficient plant and is not wasting money on unneces- sary expenditures. PAGE - 4 BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS (continued) ST055525 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 5 1994 President Wallace pointed out that all projects in the plan are necessary, not frivolous. Attorney Sate read Ordinance 447 in its entirety for the public record. 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:10 PM PAGE - 5 BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS_ ( continued) READING OF ORDINANCE 447 CLOSE PUBLIC HEARIN~ MEETING BREAK REGULAR MEETING RESUMED, CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION DISCUSSION Attorney Sare explained the easement agreements to the Board. Sare suggested letters be written to the property owners who granted the easements to thank them for their willingness to cooperate and for their display of goodwill towards their community. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve the eas=ments for Denny's, Alvin DeTata, and the Rogers family. Director Mosbacher stated that the wording used to respond to comments in the Negative Declaration (Section 5b) was misleading. The words "raw sewage" should have been made to read ,,partially treated and diluted sewage." Director Mosbacher asked what was being done regarding the County's work on the culverts on Chinquapin. Director Strohm outlined the work being done by the Dis- trict on the ERB project. The work will involve tearing up each side of the road on Chinquapin, which will result in paving the entire road after repairs are made. Next year, the County has a project plann- ed where culverts will be installed across the road, which will tear up the new road that the District just installed. Efforts are underway to coordinate both projects for completion this year to avoid unneces- sary duplication of paving the road, and to minimize the irritation to the citizens on Chinquapin. Moved Strohm/Second Jones/passed. Unan~ to approve the Negative Declara- tion and authorized filing of Notice of Determination with office of Planning and Research and E1 Dorado County Clerk. AL TAHOE WELL NO. 2 LOOP, ERB FORCEMAIN, AND CHINQUAPIN WATER LINE DISTRICT ERB PIPELINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT _ ST055526