HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-02-94MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 2, 1994 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Executive Session at 3:10 PM, and a Regular Session June 2, 1994, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. 3:10 - 4:00 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION 3:10 PM - President Wallace called the meeting to order. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL President Wallace, Directors Mason, Jones, Mosbacher, Strohm STAFF: Baer, Attorney Sare Prior to the Executive Session Manager Baer made a presentation to the Executive Negotiating Committee. 3:15 PM GENERAL MANAGER CONTRACT ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6/General Mnnaqer Contract; Union Neqotiatlons 3:55 PM ADJOURNMENT TO CONTINUE EXECUTIVE SESSION AT A LATER TIME THIS DATE, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1994 4:05 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR BOARD MEETING 4:00 PM REGULAR BOARD MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Jones, Strohm ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Twomey, Boyson R. Johnson, Swain, Hydrick, Hussmann, Brown, Eddy, Sharp, Attorney Sare ST055509 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1994 PAGE - 2 GUESTS: Frank DuQuite/City Council, Paul Kaplan/SH&B Agra Tim Oliver/City of South Lake Tahoe Shop Steward No report. None. Moved Mosbacher/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: 1) Approved contract to low bidder, Sierra Chemical Company for 1994-95 Chemical Supplies: A) Chlorine-S83,923.13, B) Caustic Soda-$24,631.46, C) Sodium Hypochlorite-$16,748.00; 2) Authorized repairs to final effluent pump #1 in an amount not to exceed $12,000; 3) Authorized lease/purchase of new system computer hardware for the up- grade of central mini-computer hard- ware from Hewlett Packard Company in the amount of $16,600 annually; 4) Authorized purchase of confined space equipment in the amount of $32,712.48; 5) Adopted Memorandum of Understanding with Management Employees; 6) Authorized legal counsel to foreclose the lien on one Fallen Leaf assessment district property in arrears on their assessment, as provided by Resolution No. 2536, adopted July 16, 1990; 7) Approved water line easement with Lake Tahoe Unified School District for A1 TahoeWell No. 2 Loop Line, ERB Forcemain and Chinquapin Water Line Project; 8) Adopted Resolution No. 2595: Sewer Enterprise Fund Appropriation proceeds of taxes for fiscal year 1994-95; 9) Adopted Regular Board Meeting Minutes: May 19, 1994. ROLL CALL (continued) COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055510 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1994 PAGE - 3 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Attorney Sare outlined the terms of the agreement, which is needed to transfer excess grant funds received from the Conservancy to the City of South Lake Tahoe. A paragraph will be added to the agreement by Attorney Sare; it will then be brought before the City and Conservancy for their adoption. Moved Strohm/Second Jones/ Passed Unanimously to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of South Lake Tahoe and the Conservancy for the Cold Creek Reservoir Access Road project. Presented by Rick Hydrick. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the selection of SH&B Agra for preparing plans and specifications and evaluating fuel plumes. Presented by Richard Solbrig. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to approve Task Order No. 27 for John Carollo Engineers for bidding and construction services in the amount of $34,500. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $497,104,85. Operations Committee met prior to the Board meeting to discuss: ERB Pipeline Project, Sonora Avenue Sewer, A1 Tahoe Loop Line, and Stateline Storage Tank. Planninq Committee met to discuss Implementation Schedule of Ordinance 446, and Future Connections Facilities Plan Update. Executive Committee met regarding Manager's Contract. Director Mason attended a LAFCO meeting where special district representa- tion was discussed. The next meeting will be held June 30th. Director Jones outlined events of a recent ACWA meeting he attended and urged the District to become members. COLD CREEK RESERVOIR ACCESS ROAD EROSION CONTROL EXPLORATORY WELL DRILLING IN MEYERS ANDEVALUATION OF IMPACTS FROM LEAKING UNDER- GROUND STORAGE TANKS ERB PIPELINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS ST05551.1 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1994 Director Strohm reported he and Baer attended a TBAG meeting. Proponents of the Clean Water Act grant are still not unified in their approach to Washington. ManaGer: Manager Baer reported on 4 items: 1) Introduced and welcomed Julie Regan, who is the new District Information Officer. Julie will be working on a master plan for the public information process; 2) Received a letter from Lahontan, covering their review of the District's recommended emergency power plan. Both the League and Lahontan support this pro- ject; 3) Lakeside Mutual Water Company is on our water system while repairs are being made to their intake line; 4) The Annual District Longevity Awards Picnic will be held June 21st. Finance Officer: Finance Officer McFarlane reported the Finance Committee will meet on June 13th to discuss financing for the water system's capital improvements. Attorney: 1) The District was served a summons stating a lawsuit was being initiated against the District by Attorney Joe Laub on behalf of a person who stepped in a hole belonging to the Swiss Chalet; 2) The results of the binding arbitration for the last terminated employee was successful against a challenge issued by the Union. 5:10 PM 5:20 PM 5:45 PM PAGE - 4 BOARD MEMBER REPORTS ( continue d) STAFF REPORTS MEETING BREAK RESUME MEETING ANDADJOURN- MENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Govern- ment Code/General Manager Contract; Union Negotia- tions. RECONVENE TO REGULAR BOARD MEETING ST055512 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1994 PAGE - 5 ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION It was the consensus of the Board to accept the recommendation of the Execu- tive Committee to approve the General Manager's Contract and instructed the committee to draft an Ordinance reflect- ing the same. It was the consensus of the Board to direct the Negotiating Committee to continue negotiations with the Union. 5:50 PM GENERAL MANAGER CONTRACT UNION NEGOTIATIONS ADJOURNMENT DUANE WALLACE, PRESIDENT OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: '-~'/~-~-J, ~/-v'7.4 ? D K~THY' SH~, ~f~f~TANT/CLERK OF BOAR SOUTH T~JE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055513 DATE: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST055514