HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-01-93MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL It 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session April 1, 1993, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Wallace, Onysko, Mosbacher STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, Sharp, Johnson, Hydrick, Garcia, Eddy, Taylor, Hussmann, Brown, Hoggatt, Thiel, Rieger, Attorney Sare. GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite/City Council, Jody & Steve Shaffer, Chris Strohm, Glen Artinian, Jim Jones, Ty Baldwin Shop Steward No report. Glen Artinian requested a waiver from the District Ordinance to allow him to operate a delicatessen without install- ing a grease trap. District Inspector, Tim Rieger, advised the Board the business could expand or change charac- ter which would require a grease trap, but be unknown to District staff. Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Onysko, Pierini, Mosbacher Voted No/Motion Defeated to allow Mr. Artinian a waiver to the District Ordinance. ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: GLEN ARTINIAN (This Item Was Taken Out of Sequence Due to the Late Arrival of Mr. Artinian) Staff requested a water turn-off approval be added to the Agenda because the Clerk had inadvertently left the item off the regular agenda. Discussion ensued re- garding staff's procedures implementing the turn-off policy: notification of the property owner vs. the tenant. Attorney Sare advised the item should be held over to the next Board meeting. No other corrections/additions were requested. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055749 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL L, 1993 PAGE - 2 Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of March 4, 1993 and March 18, 1993; 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer/water accounts listed on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein); 3) Authorized negotiations with Allied Colloids for a one-year contract extension for the 1993-1994 Dry Polymer Chemicals purchase; 4) Authorized reissuance of the Weiss Associates Special Use Permit for discharges into the collection system; 5) Authorized execution by Board Chairman of letter to State Assemblyman Knowles outlining District concerns with AB 1992; 6) Approved A1 Tahoe Well No. 2, Con- struction Services Agmt. with Walters Engineering, in an amount not to exceed $21,000. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS FOR BO~D ACTION Presented by John Thiel. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to waive the District's purchasing policy for this one pur- chase and authorize the purchase of a diesel-powered generator set and base mounted tank from Cal West Electric for a cost not to exceed $21,230 plus tax and shipping. Presented by Jimmie Hoggatt. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to award the contract to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, Wunschel & Small (in the amount of $282,365). SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE STANDBY GENERATOR 1993 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT ST055750 REGULAR BO~ ~EETING HINUTES - ~PR~L ~ 2993 P~GE - ~ Presented by Ross Johnson. SLUDGE AERATION EQUIPMENT Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve award of the blower purchase bid to Wilfley Weber in the amount of $21,925 + tax & freight and the award of the diffuser purchase bid to Environmental Dynamics in the amount of $15,978 + $1,800/Service Charge + tax & freight. Director Onysko stated he felt the items discussed during Committee meetings were not being fully communicated to the rest of the Board at Board meetings. After discussion, he stated he would be sat- isfied if more thorough verbal reports were made by Board Committee members at the Board meetings. The other Board members concurred. COMMITTEE MINUTES No Board Action. 5:28 PM MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED 5:43 PM Directors Onysko and Mosbacher informed the Board they had met with the Clerk and made changes to the Policy Manual given to the Board for review at the 1/21/93 Board meeting. Those changes, plus changes by staff and other Board members, were discussed and additional changes were made. BOARD POLICY MANUAL Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to adopt the Series 1000/Gen- eral and 2000/Board of Directors portions of the Board Policy Manual, as amended this date. Presented by Attorney Sare who respond- ed to questions from the Board on who would attend from other agencies in the basin. Discussion followed regarding who should attend from our District. LAKE TAHOE WATER QUALITY BILL: ATTENDANCE AT WASHINGTON, D.C. BRIEFING SESSION WITH LEGISLATORS Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to allow up to three (3) people to attend the briefing session in Washington, D.C. Moved Wallace/Second Onysko/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $444,609.42. (This was a revised amount after check No. 15041 in the amount of $11,792.50 was removed.) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ST055751 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 1, 1993 PAGE - 4 Director Mason reported the Operations Committee had met with staff to discuss the anticipated changes to the incin- eration system in the Wastewater Operations Dept. and potential water line emergencies in the Water Operations Dept. @ the Martin Avenue bridge. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS & BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Directors Onysko & Mosbacher had met with staff to formulate Board Policy Manual changes. General Manaqer STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported on 8 items: 1) He distributed a memo to Board members outlining the points of negotiation between Lakeside Park Association & District staff. Baer requested direction from the Board as to how they wished staff to pro- ceed. After discussion, the Board felt an Executive Session Workshop should be scheduled to instruct a negotiator on the purchase of assets; 2) Indian Creek Reservoir is full... the first time since construction of the project; 3) Ross Johnson sent a letter to Lahontan requesting information on their requirements for in-basin use of treated wastewater; 4) Staff plans to attend a Workshop w/Lahontan & TRPA staff to discuss the potential impacts of the Knowles Assembly Bill; 5) Announced a meeting w/Senator Leslie on April 6 .... the Board was invited; 6) Noted City Council Agenda mentioned a joint meeting w/City & League to Save Lake Tahoe ..... staff plans to attend as one item on the Agenda is discussion of the Clean Water Act Bill; 7) Discussed Lake Tahoe Valley Fire District's proposed assessment fees on improved parcels of $75/Residential & $150/Commercial; 8) Distributed a memo to the Board re Lake Tahoe Utility Districts' Property Tax Exemption which included a draft letter Baer wished to send to Assembly Member Vasconcellos. ST055752 REGUL~R BOARD ~EET~N~ N~NUTES - ~PRIL L~ ~99~ P~GE - $ Past Meetinqs/Events 3/24/93 - TBAG: Basin-wide Grant 3/24&25 - Customer Service Training 3/24/93 - Lakeside Park Assn: Acquisition 3/25/93 - League/A.G.: Remitted Capacity 4/01/93 - 2:00 PM Budget Workshop Attorney No Report. 4/8 & 9 - 1:30 PM - Lahontan Board Mtg: Recision of FLL Cease & Desist Order 4/12-16 - - General Mgr's Vacation 4/14/93 - - EDWPA Day in Sacramento 4/15/93 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting 4/28-30 - - ACWA @ So. Lake Tahoe 7:35 PM 7:43 PM 8:52 PM NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/F-%NAGE- HENTNEGOT!~IONS-INSTRUCT DESIGN&TED REPRESEI~TATI~ES ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055753 Attachment 1 April 1, 1993 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS APRIL lt1993 ITEM ACCT. # 1. 18-291-071 NAME Marita Whitaker SERV. ADDRESS 7 Cascade Rd AMT.DUE $ 215.05 2. 22-332-441 Beatrice Burton 1819 Venice Dr. 296.66 3. 23-271-211 Lon Dean Saunders 733 Eloise Ave. 278.25 4. 23-321-101 Dave Hobbs 614 Glorene 647.58 6. 25-262-131 John Young 1288 Peninsula Rd. 1,577.79 286.51 693 San Franci~ce 328.86 8. 27-075-101 Timothy Shanahan 1050 Sonora Ave. 545.70 9. 27-312-221 Robert Villa 3619 Tamarack Ave. 545.55 10. 29-041-021 Monoco Motel 4140 Pine Blvd. 1,128.38 11. 31-258-061 Peter Lilly 2635 Lake Tahoe Bi. 466.37 12. 31-258-191 Peter Lilly 2629 Lake Tahoe Bi. 285.83 13. 32-221-111 Robert Vilhauer 1316 Kyburz Ave. 430.05 .!5_ 33-342-171 Mary Enser 659 Zuni St_ 279.49 ST055754 Date: BOARD MEETING PHONE NUI,IBER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) I,,AME: ADDRESS '. NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFOP~gtTION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE- ST055756