HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-93 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DTRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DTSTRTCT MARCH 4t 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session March 4, 1993, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Wallace, Onysko, Mosbacher STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, Noble, Hrbacek, Johnson, Hydrick, Gwinn, Garcia, Swain, Schroeder, Brown, Hoggatt, Thiel, Trella, Attorney Sare. GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite/City Council, Janiene Poushay, Rich Fischer/Lake Tahoe Unified School District, John Cefalu, Bill Gordon/Barton Hospital, Chris Strohm, Linda Mendizabal, Dan Browne, Steve Schaffer, Frank Auten, Buck Barkley, Ralph Johnson, Ken Rollston/Lake Tahoe Community College Shop Steward No report. Manager Baer announced that Philip Trella had been honored by CWPCA, Sierra Section, as the Operator of the Year. Philip was presented with a plaque. The Midyear Budget Review was moved to become Agenda Item No. 9. Staff requested Consent Item 3 be re- moved as the problem had been resolved. Director Mosbacher asked that Consent Item 1 be moved forward for discussion/action; Director Onysko asked to move Consent Item 7 forward for discussion/action. Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE DISTRICT AWARDS CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055765 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - ~RCH 4, 1993 PAGE - 2 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer/water accounts listed on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein); 4) Determined the South Upper Truckee Building Expansion for Standby Generator is categorically exempt from CEQA and authorized filing Notice of Exemption with E1 Dorado County; 5) Authorized expenditure of $25,000 for additional legal services with Saul Ewing, Remick & Saul to pursue additional grant funding; 6) Approved renewal of Board & Manage- ment Medical/Dental/Life Insurance coverage with Principle Mutual in- cluding an 8-tier rating structure for a total monthly premium of $15,066.79. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) CONSENT ITR~ BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Director Mosbacher requested explanations for Board members absences be noted in the Minutes. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: FEBRUARY 18, 1993 (Consent Item 1) Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to approve the February 18, 1993. Regular Board Meeting Minutes with corrections as noted. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to advertise for construction bids. 1993 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (Consent Item 7) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Diane Noble who discussed sewer unit availability and suggested reevaluation of sewer unit capacity categories. Bill Gordon, the Chief Executive officer of Barton, was present to request the District provide a will- serve letter to guarantee sewer units for the Hospital Expansion Project. Additional comments were received from Ken Rollston, representing the Lake Tahoe BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL EXPANSION: WATER & SEWER CONNECTIONS ST055766 REgulAR BOARD NEETING NINUTES - NARCH 4, 1993 Community College; and Rich Fischer, representing Lake Tahoe Unified School District. Staff was directed to review sewer unit counts and have the information available within 2-weeks to assist the Board in their decision. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to table this request ~or a will-serve letter for two weeks. Presented by Ken Schroeder. Director Mason stated that the Operations Commit- tee determined the existing mono-rail hoist in the Chlorine Building presents a safety hazard and should be replaced. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed ~nanimo~ to approve the expenditure of $16,300 plus tax and freight for purchase and installation of new bridge crane (CL-2 Mono-Rail Hoist). Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to approve the purchase of two complete shoring boxes from Work-Site Safety, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $15,383.58. Ross Johnson answered several questions regarding the need for the new equipment. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to advertise for purchase bids. Presented by Richard Solbrig. Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to award the equipment pur- chase (pump, motor, right-angle drive) bid to BW/IP in the amount of $43,688.57. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to award the electrical service panel bid to Wedco, Inc. in the amount of $15,696.04. Presented by Director Mosbacher and Chairman Pierini who requested Attorney Sare be allowed to investigate the legal- ities related to term limitations. Board discussion followed with additional com- ments from John Cefalu. PAGE - 3 BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL EXPANSION: WATER & SEWER CONNECTIONS (continued) CL-2 MONO-RAIL HOIST REPLACEMENT ALUMINUM SHORING BOXES SLUDGE AERATION EQUIPMENT AL TAHOE WELL NO. 2 BOARD MEMBER TERM LIMITATIONS ST055767 REGULAR BOARD ~EETIN~ ~INUTES - NARCH 4~ ~993 PA~E - 4 Attorney Sare stated the voters within our annexed areas must be given the op- portunity to vote on this issue, but if the State adopted stricter term limits, that would take precedence over a local vote. Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/Wallace, Onysko, and Mason Voted No/Defeated to refer to legal counsel for investigation (2 hrs.) of Board member term limitations. 5:45 5:55 Attorney Sare identified the changes made to the agreement after the version which was submitted with the Board Agenda packet. He reviewed the terms of his prior agreements and the many services he has rendered under the agreements. Manager Baer pointed out favorable in- surance coverage changes in the agreement and expressed his support to renew the agreement which was due to expire 4/30/92. Concerns were voiced from members of the audience, Steve Schaffer, Dan Brown, and Frank DuQuite, regarding various portions of the agreement. Board discussion followed which included their reasons for the following vote. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Wallace Voted No/Passed to approve the legal services agreement, as amended, with Attorney Sare through April 30, 1996. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $459,487.45. The Sewer Enterprise Fund and Water Enterprise Fund revenue and expense status was presented by Finance Officer McFarlane. Charts made by Rod Gwinn were used to illustrate the midyear budget review. 7:22 7:35 BOARD MEMBER TERM LIMITATION (continued) MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR ATTORNEY SARE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS MIDYEAR BUDGET REVIEW MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED ST055768 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 4, 1993 PAGE - 5 The Finance Committee met to discuss budget review and employee participa- tion in the budget process. The Operations Committee met to discuss projects which appeared on today's agenda. No reports. General Manaqer Manager Baer reported on 6 items: 1) A legislative briefing was received from California Special District Association regarding a proposal that property tax revenues received by special districts would be completely shifted to cities and coun- ties. California Special District Association is opposing this legislation; 2) A meeting was held with the County Water Agency staff to discuss a grant. The District's Grant Application must be received by March 15th; 3) A meeting was held with Lakeside Park Association & DOHS. The District was supplied with all requested informa- tion needed to analyze the condition of the water company; 4) A Technical Advisory Committee meeting was held regarding Future Con- nections .... Lahontan is very supportive; 5) Reported the Tahoe Keys Force Main project was finished under budget; 6) Reported on the SWRCB Workshop mtg. he attended w/Attorney Sare re our Grant increase request. Past Meetings/Events 2/19/93 - County Water Agency Staff 2/19/93 - HDR Settlement Conference 2/23&25 - Finance Committee Budget Mtgs. 2/26/93 - Lakeside Park Assn. & DOHS 3/02/93 - Technical Advisory Committee: Future Connections 3/04/93 - SWRCB Board Workshop: Grant Funding 3/11/93 - E1 Dorado County Supervisor Bradley: Tour of District Facilities 3/15/93 - County Water Agency Board Meeting 3/18/93 - SWRCB Board Meeting: Request for Additional Grant Funding 3/18/93 - Regular Board Meeting BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ST055769 RE~O~AR BOARD MEETING MI~S - MARCH 4~ ~993 PA~E - 6, 8:02 PM 8:37 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Co~e Section 54956.9(b) (1)/HDR CLAIM' Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/MANAGE- ~WT NEGOTIATIONS-INSTRUCT DESIGNATED ~k-PRESENTATIVZS ADJOURNMENT LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055770 Attachment 1 March 4, 1993 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS MARCH 4, 1993 ITEM ACCT. ~ 1. 22-051-141 N~ME Paul Guerrero SERV. ADDRESS AMT.DUE 2142 Monterey Dr. $ 152.92 S/O 2. 22-061-151 Han-Joo Sohn 2178 Catalina Dr. 154.52 S/O ~, 22-051-3~I 3anct Mc=dc-::= 195. ~.I 4. 22-061-711 Daniel Mahoney 2249 Balboa Dr. 154.52 S/O 5. 22-232-061 Robert Seyranian 2023 Marconi Way 252.59 S/O 7. 22-301-281 Guy Brown 329 Carson Ct. 201.79 S/O 8. 22-351-311 Thorne Huck 1972 Venice Dr. 144.96 S/O 9. 22-381-241 Alan Hosking 219 Beach Dr. 241.61 S/O 10. 23-341-131 Nils Ospenson 802 Glorene Ave 302.95 11. 22-~41-291 ~ 23 =73 "~" Ccrald Phillips 14. 23-671-191 15. 25-351-111 Jeffrey Metoyer Paula Peterson 873 Tahoe Is. Dr. 1417 Meadow Crest 219.55 321.24 ST055771 PAGE - Z - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - MARCH 4t 1993 16. 25-863-111 Stephanie Gibbons 1151 Kulow St. $ 319.76 17. 25-872-111 Charles Keeton 1796 Nadowa St. 298.70 18. 25-873-041 Shannon Wiefel 1795 Nadowa 299.66 19. 27-083-081 CRC Hospitality 3838 Lk. Tahoe Blvd 834.89 20. 28-121-211 Darlene Lowry 3646 Pioneer Trl. 1,931.35 21. 28-121-291 Lloyd Bretthauer 3628 Pioneer Trl. 984.41 22. 29-061-081 Michael Blank 4123 Laurel Ave. 2,067.65 23. 29-343-191 24. 29-441-041 Robert N. Gordon Crescent V Lands Colony Inn 1061 Echo Rd. 3794 Montreal Rd. 298.68 2,692.63 25. 31-341-051 S. Hoff c/o Dennis Hoff 2934 Pinewood Dr. 302.95 27. 33-481-131 Glenda J. Prahm 1600 Estate Ct. 319.70 ~8. 33-{92-!{! Carl !SO4 Crizz!y Mtn. 29. 33-632-041 Ray A. Fernsten 1259 Pine Valley 228.21 30. 33-662-041 William Phillips 1126 Acoma Cir. 205.60 ST055772 PAGE - 3 - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - MARCH 4, 1993 31. 34-181-231 Phil Roderick c/o Rick Roderick 1414 Apace Ave. $ 243.35 32. 34-253-081 W.L. stickler 1983 Cherokee St. 295.90 33. 34-254-101 John Pendleton 1758 Arrowhead Ave 298.68 34. 34-384-051 Kenneth Lohmeier 1020 Modoc Way 298.56 622 Kic%fz Dr. 309.5~. 36. 34-461-221 Dick Jurgens 540 Koru St. 299.66 37. 34-693-131 Del LaFountain 1552 Ojibwa St. 298.53 38. 36-621-061 Bonnie K. Jones B. Pierce 2688 Blitzen 299.66 39. 36-622-071 George Sanchez 704 Lake Haven Dr. 299.58 40. 80-132-101 Shannon Wiefel 1644 Plateau Cir. 299.66 TOTAL $17,775.91 ST055773 Date: BOARD MEETING PHONE NUI~BER: 3-7 ~ - ~o 3 GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME: ADDRESS' NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A pRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055774