HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 06-21-12SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbn • , General Man • Eric W. Schafer, President Chris Cefalu, Director er BOARD MEMBERS Rand Vo•e sa .•. , Director Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana James R. Jones, Vice President Kell Sheehan, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any short non - agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action. 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION 6. PRESENTATION a. The Aspens at South Lake Tahoe Proposed Low Income Housing Project (Shellan Rodriguez, Pacific West Communities) 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. Dedicated Electric Sample Pump Systems Pg. 87 (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro - Geologist) (1) Make a Finding to Standardize Fultz Pumps Inc., (Fultz) Dedicated Groundwater Sampling Pump System for Use in District Monitoring Wells; (2) Authorize Exception to the Bidding Procedures as Permitted in the District's Purchasing Policy for Standardized Equipment Purchased from the Manufacturer, and (3) Authorize Purchase from Fultz in the Amount of $15,556.40 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 21, 2012 PAGE - 2 b. Postponement of Scheduled Capacity Direct Staff Pg. 113 Charge Increases (Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer) c. 2004 Sewer Debt Refunding Pg. 115 (Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer) Authorize Chief Financial Officer to Execute an Engagement Letter with Bartle Wells Associates, in the Amount of $25,000 d. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of Pg. 125 $792,573.71 8. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting of 06/18/12 (Jones /Vogelgesang ) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT(S) (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 12. STAFF / ATTORNEY REPORT(S) (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past Meetings / Events 06/13/12 - El Dorado County Water Agency Regular Board Meeting 06/18/12- Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting Future Meetings / Events 06/27/12 - 12:00 p.m. - Employee Recognition and Longevity Awards Event at District 07/02/12 - 3:30 p.m. - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting 07/04/12 - 4th -of -July Holiday (District Office Closed) 07/05/12 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District 14. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item listed. Three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) /Liability Claim Against STPUD Pg. 143 Received from Joe Olivares and Brooke Olivares Laine b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(a) /Conference with Labor Pg. 145 Negotiators - Present During This Closed Session Will Be: Agency Negotiators: Austris Rungis /IEDA, Richard Solbrig /General Manager, Nancy Hussmann /Human Resources Director, Paul Hughes /Chief Financial Officer Employee Organization: Management Unit REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 21, 2012 PAGE - 3 c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(a) /Conference with Labor Pg. 147 Negotiators - Present During This Closed Session Will Be: Agency Negotiators: Austris Rungis /IEDA, Richard Solbrig /General Manager, Nancy Hussmann /Human Resources Director, Paul Hughes /Chief Financial Officer, Employee Organization: Stationary Engineers, Local 39 15. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, July 5, 2012, at 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. *Backup materials relating to an open session item on this agenda, which are not included with the Board packet, will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board, and can be viewed at the District office, at the Board meeting, and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544 -6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. ITEMS a. Pg. 1 CONSENT CALENDAR JUNE 21, 2012 REQUESTED ACTION Liability Claim Against STPUD Received from Joe Olivares and Brooke Olivares Laine (Tim Bledsoe, Customer Service Manager) b. 2012 -2013 Sodium Hypochlorite Supply Drums Pg. 19 (Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations; (Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent) c. 2012 -2013 Sodium Hypochlorite Supply Totes Pg. 21 (Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations; Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent ) d. Polymer Contract Renewal Pg. 23 (Ross Johnson, Manager of Wastewater Operations) e. 2012 -2013 Bulk Sodium Hypochlorite Supplies Pg. 25 (Ross Johnson, Manager of Wastewater Operations; Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent) f. Annual Software Support Costs for SCADA Pg. 27 Software (Carol Swain, Information Systems Manager) g. Annual Software Support Costs for Utility Billing Pg.31 Software (Carol Swain, Information Systems Manager) Reject Claim in Accordance with Government Code Section 913 Award Bid to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder, Sierra Chemical Co., in the Estimated Amount of $11,792.55 Award Bid to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder, Brenntag Pacific Inc., in the Estimated Amount of $15,210.00 Authorize One -Year Renewal Option of Polymer Contract with Polydyne, Inc., in the Estimated Amount of $128,007 . Award Bid to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder, Olin Corporation in the Amount of $77,106 Approve Payment to E&M Electric & Machinery, Inc., for SCADA Soft- ware Maintenance and Support, in the Amount of $16,705.30 Plus Tax Approve Payment to Springbrook Software, Inc., for Utility Billing Software Maintenance and Support, in the Amount of $22,402.20 CONSENT CALENDAR - JUNE 21, 2012 PAGE - 2 h. Alpine County Monitoring Well Installation (1) Reaffirm Continuance of Pg. 35 (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro - Geologist) Solinst Canada, LTD ( Solinst), Dedicated Water Level Monitoring Equipment as the District's Standard; (2) Authorize Exception to the Bidding Procedures as Permitted in the District's Purchasing Policy for Standardized Equipment Purchased from Manufacturer; and (3) Authorize Purchase from Solinst in an Amount Not to Exceed $12,500 i. Diamond Valley Irrigation Improvements Project - Accept the Cost Proposal from Pg. 41 Environmental Permitting Services Hauge Brueck Associates (HBA) to (Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro - Geologist) Update the Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan and Prepare an Accompanying Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), in the Estimated Amount of $22,760 j. 2011 Grizzly Mountain Booster Station Project Approve Change Order No. 6 to Pg. 51 (John Thiel, Principal Engineer) Thomas Haen Co. Inc., in the Amount of $4,481.50 k. 2012 Water Tank Recoating Project Authorize Task Order to Bay Area Pg. 55 (John Thiel, Principal Engineer) Coating Consultants for Coating Inspection Services, in the Amount Not to Exceed $46,000 I. 2012 Water Tank Recoating Project Approve Change Order No. 1 to Pg. 69 (John Thiel, Principal Engineer) Crosno Construction, Inc., in the Amount of $36,000 m. Statement of Investment Policy Pg. 73 (Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer) n. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Pg. 85 May 17, 2012 (Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board) Adopt Resolution No. 2912 -12 Adopting a Statement of Investment and Superseding Resolution No. 2824 -07 Approve Minutes (To be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting) South Tahoe Public Utility District • 1274 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 • Facsimile 530.541.0614 • www.stpud.us South Tahoe Pubic Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Ramey ng rdy Sheehan Eric Schafer l 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe • CA 90150-7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 . wwwatpudus BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tim Bledsoe, Manager of Customer Service MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Liability Claim against STPUD Received from Joe Olivares and Brooke Olivares Laine REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Reject claim in accordance with Government Code section 913. DISCUSSION: See attached recommendation from Carl Warren & Company, Insurance Adjusters. Joe Olivares and Brooke Olivares Laine filed a claim form dated December 19, 2011, claiming that as a result of the District's inaccurate markings of the location of the water line, Liberty Energy broke their water pipes under their driveway when trenching to place a utility pole on /near their property. Following completion of Carl Warren & Company's investigation, an offer was made on March 12, 2012. Because no response has been received by the claimant, the District was instructed to deny the claim to set the six month statute of limitations into motion. A closed session item has been included on this agenda if the Board wishes to discuss the merits of this claim. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Recommendation from Carl Warren & Co., Claim, Correspondence CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES CATEGORY: Water NO NO -1- CARL WARREN 8s. CO. • insurance Adjusters Claims Management and Administration P.O. Box 3975 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (925) 674 -4660 June 11, 2012 (800) 998 -4763, ext. 234 Fax: 925) 825 -5964 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Attention: Tim Bledsoe Sent Via E -mail: tbledsoe@stpud.dst.ca.us Claimant: Joe Olivares and Brooke Olivares Larne Dates of Loss: December 15, 2011 Loss Location: 3425 Warr Road, South Lake Tahoe, CA OUR FILE #: 1603830 Dear Mr. Bledsoe: This will serve to request that the District take the following action in the captioned matter: ❑ CLAIM REJECTION: Reject claim in accordance with Government Code, section 913. ❑ LATE CLAIM: Do NOT reiect claim but RETURN it for failure to file within time limit prescribed in Government Code, section 911.2. Transmittal NOT to contain "WARNING" required by section 913 but should advice that the recourse is to file "Application for Leave to File Late Claim" as provided in Government Code, section 911.4. This must be returned within 45 days of the date claim mailed or delivered. ❑ INSUFFICIENT CLAIM: Send notice of insufficiency for failure to comply with Government Code, section 910 and/or 910.2 and/or 910.4 and cite the following specific insufficiencies: ❑ AMENDED CLAIM: Reject claim as set forth in first paragraph above, CLAIM REJECTION. ❑ APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO FILE LATE CLAIM: Reject the Application under Government Code, section 911.8. ❑ OPERATION OF LAW: Defer any written response to the claimant pending our further advice. ** *Please provide us with a copy of any response to the claimant pursuant to the above. -3- South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Tim Bledsoe Claimant: Jose and Brooke Olivares D/L: 12/15/2011 June 11, 2012 BASIC FACTS / The claimants submitted a claim, received by the District on 12/20/2011 in the amount of $40,000.00. However, they only provided an estimate from John P. Dalton Construction in the amount of $10,188.00 for emergency line repairs, emergency patch of their driveway, and ultimately replacement of 65 feet of line, driveway removal and replacement in the Spring, front porch decking work to allow access to the shut off, sprinkler lines as needed, and replace grass etcetera. The claimants allege Liberty Energy broke their water pipes under their driveway when trenching to place a utility pole on / near their property as a result of the District's "inaccurate markout of the location of the" water pipe. CURRENT STATUS: Following a letter we sent to the claimants dated 12/21/2011 requesting additional information and documentation in support of their claim we received a letter on 01/09/2012 from attorney Jacqueline Mittelstadt advising of her representation of the claimants. It was alleged that her clients were forced to retain her services due to non - responsiveness to this matter. The attorney is seeking legal costs and pain and suffering. We corrected Ms. Mittelstadt by advising her that the claim was received 12/20/2011, we communicated with her client on 12/21/2011 and the claimants hired her on 12/22/2011. There was no delay in responding to this matter. Following completion of our investigation and communications with attorney Mittelstadt we extended a settlement offer by letter dated 03/12/2012 in the amount of $5,928.00 on authority extended by the District. This offer was based on our review and settlement valuation of the $10,188.00 estimate submitted by the claimant and is itemized as follows: 1) Emergency Line Repairs (includes tax & O &P): $ 744.00 2) Temporary concrete Repairs (Does not include O &P): $ 500.00 3) Remove / Replace Driveway (Does not include O &P): $3,820.00 4) 10/10 Overhead & Profit re item #'s 2 & 3: $ 864.00 Total: $5,928.00 Carl Warren & Co. South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Tim Bledsoe Claimant: Jose and Brooke Olivares D/L: 12/15/2011 June 11, 2012 The claimant's contractor did not provide a materials, labor, or tax breakdown of his figures but it is clear he added tax to his figures. The scope of Mr. Dalton's estimate beyond the repairs already performed were related to replacement of 65 feet of water line with a poly line among other services that are not directly related to this incident. The attorney was advised that our principal is legally responsible only for damages sustained as a direct result of this incident. The District is only responsible for the cost of restoring the affected areas to pre- incident condition and not for betterment, such as replacement of the entire water line and driveway. The claimant attorney's argument in support of replacement of the entire water line is that replacement of only the line affected area will affect the integrity of the entire line. LIABILITY: The District confirmed that the line in question was mis- marked. As such, there appears to be some liability on behalf of the District. However, the District is not liable for legal fees, pain and suffering, or for repairs unrelated to damages sustained as a direct result of the incident. RECOMMENDATIONS; We believe our settlement offer of $5,928.00 is generous in that we have allowed for complete replacement of the driveway versus a permanent patch of the actual area affected. Although we extended this settlement offer on 03/12/2012 we have had absolutely no response from the claimant's attorney. At this time this claim is deemed to have been rejected by Operation of Law which means there is a two year statute of limitations in motion at this time. The claimants now have until 12/15/2013 to either settle their claim or file suit. We are recommending this claim be rejected at this time in order to reduce the two year statute to a six month statute. Doing so will reduce the statute of limitations by at least a year and will force a response from the claimants. Carl Warren & Ca. South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Tim Bledsoe Claimant: Jose and Brooke Olivares D/L: 12/15/2011 June 11, 2012 COMMENTS: The issuance of a Notice of Rejection is not a denial of the claim but rather a vehicle available to public entities to reduce the amount of time a claimant has to resolve their claim. Issuance of a Notice of Rejection does not preclude us from continuing to negotiate a mutually agreeable and reasonable settlement. REMARKS: This concludes our report prepared for the primary purpose of recommending rejection of this matter to the District. Should the District's Board approve rejection of this matter we request that a copy of the Notices of Rejection and Proofs of service be provided to us for our records. In the interim, please do not hesitate to give me a call, at (707)732 -6728, should you have any questions or need any additional information. Very Truly Yours, CARL WARREN & CO. Janice C'Yardley Janice C. Yardley Claims Analyst Carl Warren & Co. 14/17/4U14 lfV LV: 40 FAR LD.3VD41Ub14 bTUYU Received By Tim Bledsoe DEC 2 0 2011 IQJVU4/ VUb FORM: TORT CLAIM FOR MONEY OR DAMAGE§"'ar Service Manager [Gov't Code Title 1, Div. 8.6, §§ 810 et seq.] Claim of [INSERT NAME OF CLAIMANT], [INSERT NAME OF CLAIMANT] vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District No. TORT CLAIM FOR MONEY OR DAMAGES (GOVERNMENT CODE SEC. 810 et seq..) II See attached Instructions Section 1: Claimant Information &Z00 LATJSJ E Name of Claimant 34ZS fl/,kp 1° D Mailing Address (s30) 5-44 - 8 yam/ Telephone Number (include area code) Sul 64 96 /so City State Zip Code Section 2: Claim Information Is the Claim on Behalf of a Minor? If yes, please indicate: Relationship to Minor: Date of Birth of Minor: Incident Date: 2/5— 20// Mon ay/Year Yes )( No Dollar Amount of Claim: 00 KNt cl A/ If the Amount Exceeds $10,000, Indicate Type of Civil Case: Limited X Non-Limited Explain How The Dollar Amount Claimed Was Computed c� (A (Attach supporting documentation for the amount claimed) . M 14-- C b 4n , doo k,J� ��>> LL i k c UJI21� iaY� rb ?t* bi Pitts sr. 1%' A ' S2 4 tre q-Kt P. DPcfom Cdk1 S -Mts cI14JFFOg --- P. -PA125 Es-f m p T: . Describe the specific damage or injury incurred as a result of the incident �fRFKr`I e rirkErY $_Ro_k.E oche- WATER. PCPrs ;W ,( T2P�IlS tellig 3 - �b P(kc k (Cr I. Li ti , T'hl� OgS / 1 i - aus- rate _ Stb IN J'i&p 'rim--1 Pof of roe cltccs6 or Ttf I I IC JDE 'r 5 .T.1 u . 1).'s WACCaRA-re MM tf or % (0cA-Ti m) oP T�t6 lie Fire -. —7— Location of incident (if applicable, include street address, city or county, highway number, post mile number and direction of travel). ZS W i -- ' Es r N E • - Explain the circumstances that led to the alleged damage or injury. State all facts that support your claim against the District and why you believe the District is responsible for the alleged &mnge, or injury. If known, provide the name(s) of the District employee(s) who allegedly caused e injury, damage or loss. (If more space is needed, lease attach additional sheets.) OILS' -17Athou.S Section 3: Insurance Information (must be completed if claim involves an automobile) Has the claim for the alleged damage/injury been filed or will it be filed with your insurance carrier? Yes No Name of Insurance Carrier Amount of Deductible Policy Number Insurer's Telephone Number (include area code) Insurer's Mailing Address City State Zip Code Are you the registered owner? Yes No Make: Model: Year: Section 4: Representative Information (Must be filled out if claim is being filed by an attorney or authorized representative) Name of Attorney/Representative: Attorney/Representative's Telephone Number: Attorney/Representative s Mailing Address: City State Zip Code Section 5: Notice and Signature Penal Code Section 72 provides that every person who, with intent to defraud, presents for allowance or for payment to any State Board or Officer, or to any county, town, city, district, ward, village, board or officer, authorized to allow or pay the same if genuine, any false or fraudulent claim, bill, account, voucher or writing is guilty of a felony. Signature of Claimant Signature of Attorney/ Representative (if applicable) Date VIAcii Date John P. Dalton Construction PO Box 13592 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 530 577 -8131 Fax 530 577 -8311 CA Lic. # 498924 December 19, 2011 Jose Olivares & Brooke Laine - Olivares 3425 Warr Road South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Invoice for emergency repair for water line break damage Dig up and repair water break in driveway $ 470.09 Supervising repair 1 @ $75 150.00 subtotal $ 620.00 overhead & profit 124.00 Total $744.00 Estimate for water line and driveway replacement. Trench for 65' new % poly water line, shut off valve, backfill & compact $2500.00 Remove & replace existing front entry porch decking to allow access to shut off, 2 men at 3 hours. (if new decking needed because of damage upon screw removal add 1498.26 including OH &P) 400.00 Repair sprinkler lines as needed, 2 hours 100.00 Repair gravel infiltration trench, border & refill 350.00 Replace grass removed for trench 200.00 Temporary concrete driveway repair until spring 2012 replacement 500.00 Remove & replace driveway in spring 3820.00 Subtotal 7870.00 Overhead & Profit 1574.00 Total Bid 9444.00 Emergency work 744.00 Total 10188.00 Thank You John P. Dalton John P. Dalton Construction Brooke Larne and Jose Olivares 3425 Warr Road South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 December 21, 2011 RE: Our Principal: South Tahoe Public Utility District / CSRMA Incident Location: 3425 Warr Road, South Lake Tahoe, CA Date of Incident: 12/15/2011 Our File No.: 1603830 Dear Ms. Larne: We are the third party Claims Administrators for South Tahoe Public Utility District / CSRMA. The undersigned has been asked to handle this matter on their behalf. The claim you presented to South Tahoe Public Utility District dated 12/19/2011 received by them on 12/20/2011 has been forwarded to the undersigned adjuster for liability investigation and further handling. As such, please address any and all further correspondence and or inquiries directly to the undersigned. We have reviewed the estimate you submitted with your claim form prepared by John P. Dalton Construction in the amount of $ 10,188.00. It is noted that John P. Dalton's estimate includes $744.00 for "emergency repair for water line break damage ". The scope of the estimate beyond the repairs already performed appears to be related to replacement of 65 feet of your water line with a poly line among other services that do not appear to be directly related to this incident. The District can only be responsible for repairs related to damages sustained as a direct result of this incident and for restoring your property to pre- incident condition. As it appears the broken line has already been repaired by John P. Dalton that the remaining issue seems to be a permanent patch of the driveway in the Spring. We also note that although the estimate you submitted is in the amount of $ 10,188.00 you have indicated in your claim form that your claim will exceed $40,000.00. CARL WARREN & CO. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT • CLAIMS ADJUSTERS P.O. Box 3975 • Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Phone: (925) 674 -4880 •-(8O8) 998 -4763 • Fax (925) 825-5964 Brooke Lane D/L: 12/15/2011 Claim No.: 1603830 December 21, 2011 We are unable to determine the basis of the balance of your claim of $29,812.00 and ask that you please provide a detailed explanation of this additional sum. Again, it is important that you are aware that our principal is only responsible for damages sustained as a direct result of this incident and not for complete replacement of your water line and driveway. If there is additional information and documentation you have that you believe supports responsibility on behalf of the District for complete replacement of your water line and driveway we ask that you submit that at this time for review and consideration. Should you have any questions please contact the undersigned directly at (707)732 -6728. Very Truly Yours, CARL, WARREN & CO. Janice C. Yardley Claims Analyst PO Box 13496 [3020 Jameson Beach Road] South Lake Tahoe, cA496151 (530) 30799412 ph - (530) 452 -1966 % - Fax lsthdt Law To: Ms. Janice C. Yardley From: Jacqueline Itelstadt Fax: (925) 825 -5964 Date: Jan. 9, 2011 Page: 3 Re: 342S & 3421 Warr Roo* Your Fite Nov. 1603830 XUrgent X For Review O. Please Comment X Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Please See TheAttached Cortuspond.eope. : • • • • -13- 2. -a lack of water to fir home, or whether any unforeseen or changed conditions would be encountered in the c�*se .of work progression which increased the cost ofthe repair. Thus, in as abundance of cautital, a claim was submitted exuding the actual amount ofthe cost estimate to allow for any unforeseeatpr adtlition41, e penses=satin from the incident. I would appreciate a response regarding whether the estimate will be approved in full, or whether we will need to pursue-legal remedies. Hook forward to hearing tom you in that regard... The easiest way to reach me is on my cell phone at (619) 519 -5159 or by email at. jmitteista4tlawwgmom• Thank you. Sincerely, ADTLAW 4 uatm IvITITLSTApT • POBas_13496 / PRO .WfKmaBeach /South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 FPhaw: (530)307-9412 /Fax (S3Q a21946 -14- L-77 Mittelstadt Law PO BOX 13496 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 Attention: Jacqueline Mittelstadt March 12, 2012 Via Email: jmittelstadtlaw@u,gmail.com RE: Our Principal: South Tahoe Public Utility District / CSRMA Incident Location: 3425 Warr Road, South Lake Tahoe, CA Date of Incident: 12/15/2011 Our File No.: 1603830 Dear Ms. Mittelstadt: Please recall we are the third party Claims Administrators for CSRMA handling this matter on behalf of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. We have completed our investigation and review of this matter. Based on our investigation and review we are authorized to settle this claim in the amount of $5,928.00. This offer is based on the following: 1) Emergency Line Repairs (includes tax & O &P): $ 744.00 2) Temporary concrete Repairs (Does not include O &P): $ 500.00 3) Remove / Replace Driveway (Does not include O &P): $3,820.00 4) 10 /10 Overhead & Profit re item #'s 2 & 3: $ 864.00 Total: $5,928.00 These figures are based on the estimate prepared by contractor John P. Dalton submitted by your clients. Mr. Dalton has not provided a materials, labor, tax breakdown of his figures but it is clear he has added tax to these amounts. As previously advised, the scope on Mr. Dalton's estimate beyond the repairs already performed are related to replacement of 65 feet of water line with a poly line among other services that are not directly related to this incident. CARL WARREN & CO. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT • CLAIMS ADJUSTERS P.O. Box 3975 • Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Phone: (925) 674660 • ( 998 -4763 • Fax (925) 825 -5964 Mittelstadt Law PO BOX 13496 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 Attention: Jacqueline Mittelstadt March 12, 2012 Via Email: jmittelstadtlaw@gmail.com RE: Our Principal: South Tahoe Public Utility District / CSRMA Incident Location: 3425 Warr Road, South Lake Tahoe, CA Date of Incident: 12/15/2011 Our File No.: 1603830 Dear Ms. Mittelstadt: Please recall we are the third party Claims Administrators for CSRMA handling this matter on behalf of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. We have completed our investigation and review of this matter. Based on our investigation and review we are authorized to settle this claim in the amount of $5,928.00. This offer is based on the following: 1) Emergency Line Repairs (includes tax & O &P): $ 744.00 2) Temporary concrete Repairs (Does not include O &P): $ 500.00 3) Remove / Replace Driveway (Does not include O &P): $3,820.00 4) 10/10 Overhead & Profit re item #'s 2 & 3: $ 864.00 Total: $5,928.00 These figures are based on the estimate prepared by contractor John P. Dalton submitted by your clients. Mr. Dalton has not provided a materials, labor, tax breakdown of his figures but it is clear he has added tax to these amounts. As previously advised, the scope on Mr. Dalton's estimate beyond the repairs already performed are related to replacement of 65 feet of water line with a poly line among other services that are not directly related to this incident. CARL WARREN & CO. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT • CLAIMS ADJUSTERS P.O. Box 3975 • Walnut Creek CA 94598 Phone: (925) 674 -4660 • (&)j 998-4763 • Fax (925) 825 -5964 Jacqueline Mittelstadt D/L: 12/15/2011 Claim No.: 1603830 March 12, 2012 Again, our principal is legally responsible only for damages sustained as a direct result of this incident. The District is only responsible for the cost of restoring the affected areas to pre-incident condition and not for betterment, such as replacement of the entire water line and driveway. Please advise if your clients will be accepting our offer of $5,928.00. Should your clients accept this offer we will forward a Release of All Claims to be executed. Please feel free to contact the undersigned, at (707)732 -6728, or by email should you have any questions. Very Truly Yours, CARL WARREN & CO. Janice C. Yardley Claims Analyst youth Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive* South Lake Tahoe* CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544-6474a Fax 530 541-0614* www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2012 -2013 Sodium Hypochlorite Supply Drums REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Sierra Chemical Co., in the estimated amount of $11,792.55. DISCUSSION: Bids were opened on June 7, 2012, with 2 bidders responding: $ 11,792.55 13,662.00 Sierra Chemical Co. Brenntag Pacific Inc. Sodium Hypochlorite is added to drinking water to ensure compliance with California State standards. This contract is for hypochlorite which is delivered in 30 gallon drums to the plant; staff distributes the drums to various wells as needed. Prices have decreased approximatelyl 0.3% from last year and estimated usage was decreased by 33.3%. The total dollar amount is based upon an estimated quantity that the District will use in the coming fiscal year. The actual quantity and grand total may vary, but unit prices are firm. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 COSTS: $11,792.55 (estimate) ACCOUNT NO: 2002 -4755 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $24,300 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO -19- CATEGORY: Water TO: South Tahoe Public Utility District Richard H. Sdbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan � S er 1275 Meadow Crest Drive* South take Tahoe* CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544-6474' Fax 530 541-0614* www d.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2012 -2013 Sodium Hypochlorite Supply Totes REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Brenntag Pacific Inc., in the estimated amount of $15,210.00. DISCUSSION: Bids were opened on June 7, 2012, with 2 bidders responding: $15,210.00 15,621.30 Brenntag Pacific Inc. Sierra Chemical Co. Sodium Hypochlorite is added to drinking water to ensure compliance with California State standards. This contract is for hypochlorite which is off - loaded from 330 gallon totes to three large - producing District wells (Bakersfield, Bayview, and South Upper Truckee). Delivery in small bulk for these wells reduces handling of the chemical thereby increasing safety, and results in a small price savings. Prices have decreased approximately 9.6% from last year and estimated usage was decreased by 9.1%. The total dollar amount is based upon an estimated quantity that the District will use in the coming fiscal year. The actual quantity and grand total may vary, but unit prices are firm. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 COSTS: $15,210.00 (estimate) ACCOUNT NO: 2002 -4755 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $24,300 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES Miff NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO I, 1 CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 5ollirig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive• South Lake Tahoe •CA 90150 -7401 Phone 530 54+0474* Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.st pud us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Polymer Contract Renewal REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize one -year renewal option of polymer contract with Polydyne Inc., in the estimated amount of *$128,007. DISCUSSION: Polymer is used as a dewatering aid in the biosolids handling process. Full scale treatment plant testing of the three manufactured polymer products was completed in 2011. Due to the time consuming and disruptive nature of the process, bids were solicited for a one -year contract with four one -year renewal options. Polydyne Inc. has offered this first renewal term with no price increase over last year ($1.08 /Ib). *The total dollar amount is based upon an estimated usage quantity (110,000 lbs.) for the period July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013. The actual quantity may vary but unit prices remain firm. SCHEDULE: COSTS: *Estimated amount of $128,007 ACCOUNT NO: 1006 -4720 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $120,000 (2012/13) ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES 4tTtIJ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -23- youth Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Civet Drive. South Lake Tahoe* GA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474• Fax 530 541 - 0614 -• www.st p 4us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2012 -2013 Bulk Sodium Hypochlorite Supplies REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Olin Corporation, in the estimated amount of *$77,106.00 DISCUSSION: Bids were opened on June 7, 2012, with three bidders responding: $ 77,106.00 81,570.22 140,937.00 Olin Corporation dba Olin Chlor - Alkali Products Sierra Chemical Co. Brenntag Pacific Inc. The price is decreasing approximately 16% from last year, and it is estimated that usage will decrease by 20%. *The actual quantity and grand total may vary, but unit prices are firm. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013 COSTS: $77,106.00 ACCOUNT NO: 1006 -4755 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $100,000.00 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: p CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES e��A NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -25- South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Privi • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541-0614* www.stpucLus BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Carol Swain, Information Systems Manager MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Annual Software Support Costs for SCADA Software REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve payment to E&M Electric & Machinery, Inc., for SCADA software maintenance and support, in the amount of $16,705.30 plus tax. DISCUSSION: The District's annual software support costs for the Wonderware (SCADA) software licenses is 15.3% of the original software purchase price. The results of this formula is $16,705.30 for the fisca-1 year of fury T, 2012 -June 30, 2013. These services are needed for daily phone support to resolve issues and for updates to fix any problems that maybe encountered for the software that the District uses to monitor and control our infrastructure such as wells, pump levels, and valves. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 COSTS: $16,705.30 plus $647.33 tax ACCOUNT NO: 1037 -6030 and 2037 -6030 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $124,600 (2012 -13) ATTACHMENTS: Invoice copy CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: p CATEGORY: Sewer & Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES Aka NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO —27— 126 Mill Street Healdsburg, CA 95448 (866) WONDER N (866) 966-3376 Ship To: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST. 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 Bill To: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST. 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 QUOTE 99986.1 SOTAHI WW CFP#35075 Exp 06/30/12- REVISED 04/11/2012 Direct Revision Delivered Attn: Carol Swain SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST. direct (530) 544 -6474 main (530) 544 -6474 fax (530) 541 -0614 From: Jennifer Walker jennifer.walker@eandm.com direct (707) 473 -3105 main (866) 966 -3376 fax (707) 473 -3190 According to our records, your lnvensys/ Wonderware Customer First Agreement # 35075 will expire on 06/30/12. Customer Site ID:3957 -1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 License Listed at this Site: Includes(1) new terminal service ( #1281931) purchased on PO# 25016 and (1) new terminal service purchased by ERS (# 277512) 1082243 ,1082244,1082245,1281931, 277512, 359911 ,359912,538064,584244,631068 ,697617,797392,797393,797429, 831228, 831229, 831230, 831231, 831232, 844019, 844020, 844021, 844022, 844023 ,844024,870041,870042,913212, 926745, 970873,970874,977898,977899, 977900, 977901, 977902, 977903, 1082243 ,1082244,1082245,1281931and 277512 Please send your renewal order as soon as possible to avoid a lapse in service and late renewal fees. Customer First Support = Standard Included with Invensysl Wonderware Customer First Program are the following services: • No Charge for Version Upgrades Get Your Tech Support Questions Answered for FREE *Access to the Wonderware E-Support Site for User Documentation, Tech Notes, and Downloads • Customer Support Shipments including New Releases of Software, Security Updates, Service Packs, and Patches ' Annual Ufecycie Assessment Report • Upgrade Planning Roadmap • FREE Live and Recorded Online Seminars • Access to Wondenvare Seaxtty Central Home '•'• Please note: Customer first support contracts START from the date of license issue and are due for renewal one (1) year after date of contract i .... Quantity Part NumberlDescription 1 10 -7001R CFP #35075 - Standard Level - Renewal 15.30 %, Exp 06/30/2012 Availability' 1 Estimated 1 -2 Weeks . Price $16,705.30 Extension $16,705.30 Base Quotation Pricing Summary Freight will be prepaid and added to this total. Availability: - Part any is subject to change and is based on the availabity at the time this quote was created. TOTAL: ;17,352.63 - Time in transit is subject to change depending on the 'Ship To' address that is provided by the customer at the time the order is placed and the method in which customer requests that the part(s) ship. - For In Stock' parts, orders must be received by 3:00PM PST to ship same day. - For Factory Stock parts, please allow approximately one week for delivery via our standard shipping methods. Subtotal: Tax: $16,705.30 $647.33 P.)50 I9 PO Number: Duration: This quote is valid for 30 days. FOB: Healdsburg, CA Freight: Prepaid and Add Terms: Net 30 Days Pages: 1 of 1 -29- norcal.wonderware.com South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Sollnig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe • CA 90150-7401 Phone 530 5446474* Fax 530 541 - 0014 *www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4g TO: Board of Directors FROM: Carol Swain, Information Systems Manager MEETING DATE: June 21, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Annual Software Support Costs for Utility Billing Software REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve payment to Springbrook Software, Inc., for utility billing software maintenance and support, in the amount of $22,402.20. DISCUSSION: The District's annual software support costs for the Utility Billing software application and its peripheral components is 20% of the original software purchase price, plus a 3% CPI factor added each year. The results of this formula is $22,402.20 for the fiscal year of July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013. These services are needed for daily phone support to resolve issues and for updates to fix any problems that maybe encountered, as well as minor new releases. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 COSTS: $22,402.20 ACCOUNT NO: 1037 -6030 and 2037 -6030 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $124,600 (2012 -13) ATTACHMENTS: Invoice copy CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: p CATEGORY: Sewer & Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES 41.d NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -31- qringbro ok 1000 SW Broadway, Suite 1900, Portland, OR 97205 South Tahoe PUD 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Tahoe, CA 96150 07/2012 - 06/201.3 Annual Maintenance: GIS Maintenance SSI APP Server- 5 User 09.03.10-022 Prog to SQL cony Meter Interface Maintenance UB Maintenance Custom: Tokay Interface 0727.11-045 custom to aging App Server Maintenance BI-Tech Maintenance Central Cash Maintenance Custom: CR Enter Window Custom: Audio40 Interface Custom:US Billing Export Maint Custom: BlUng Register Custom: Aging Report F 05/15/2012 0022074 07/01/2012 83725 913.15 1,115.63 83725 11,693.65 520.94 264.60 1,395.42 697.73 3,069.95 182.33 483.58 13024 130.24 130.24 PLEASE DETACH BOTTOM PORI1ON & REMIT WITH YOUR PAYMENT For questions please contact us at 503. 820.2200 or bU1inginquiriesesprbrk.00m Customer Name: South Tahoe PUD Customer No: 002221 Account No: 0002221 Please remit payment by the due date to: SPRINGBROOIC SOFTWARE 1000 SW BROADWAY SUITE 1900 PORTLAND, OR 97205 —33— 837.25 913.15 1,115.63 837.25 11,693.65 520.94 264.60 1,395.42 697.73 3,069.95 182.33 483.58 130.24 130.24 130.24 07/01/2012 0022074 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $22,402.20 AMOUNT PAID: South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1 1275 Meadow Cast Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544.6474• Fax 530 541 -0614• www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4h TO: Board of Directors FROM: No Bergsohn, Hydro - Geologist MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Alpine County Monitoring Well Installation Data Loggers REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Reaffirm continuance of Solinst Canada. LTD ( Solinst), dedicated water level monitoring equipment as the District's standard; (2) Authorize exception to the bidding procedures as permitted in the District's purchasing policy for standardized equipment purchased from the manufacturer; and (3) Authorize purchase from Solinst in an amount to not exceed $12,500. DISCUSSION: At the March 19, 2009 Board meeting, the Board made a finding to standardize Solinst dedicated water level monitoring equipment for use in District observation and monitoring wells. In August 2011, the District completed construction of fourteen (14) new groundwater monitoring wells in Alpine County. These monitoring wells need to be equipped with data loggers for groundwater elevation monitoring. The data loggers provide the well information needed to evaluate irrigation recharge, seasonal fluctuations and long -term groundwater level trends, as part of the District's monitoring program for recycled water use in Alpine County SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $12,500 (estimated) ACCOUNT NO: 1029- 8136 /ALPMWS BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $45,168.00 ATTACHMENTS: Solinst Quote Q37650 (6/11/2012) CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer /1� GENERAL MANAGER: YES li,I NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -35- US$ 12,233.001 Page 1 of 1 Customer Acct. I S457 Bill To: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 UNITED STATES Attention: No Bergsohn Tel: 530 543 6204 Ship To: Same Customer Ref. # ALPMWS RFQ Quotation # Q 37650 Printed Jun. 11, 2012 Created Jun. 11, 2012 Soling Canada Ltd. 35 Todd Road Georgetown, ON, L7G 4R8 Fax: (905) 873 -1992 (800) 516 -9081 Tel: (905) 873 -2255 (800) 661-2023 E -mail: instrwnents @solinst.com Web Site: www.solinst.com Quote Validity Duty & Brokerage HST GST PST / State Tax Terms 60 Days Included N/A N/A Customer to Remit To Be Approved • 10 110179 3001 LT Baro logger Edge, M1.5/F5 320.001 1 3200.00 • 11 110180 3001 LT Levelogger Edge, M10/F30 605.00 6655.00 • 3 110183 3001 LT Levelogger Edge, M30/F100 605.00 1815.00 • 1 102405 3001 SS Cable Assembly & Hooks (500ft) for the Levelogger 135.00 135.00 • 23 106191 3001 Spare Wireline Hooks (set of 2) for Levelogger 10.00 230.00 • Optical Reader Cable Options • rate 104755 3001 Optical Reader (RS232) for the Levelogger 128.0001 0.00 ID 1 110149 3001 Optical Reader (USB) for the Levelogger 198.0 198.00 Notes: S extra . Quantity discounts apply to a si order of Order Discount v .1%,..91s E g , Baarc�Edge andJunior LT (nbf on Junior LTC or accessories) Total (Excluding Freight) Estimated Freight Shipped By E&OE Delivery: 2-3 Weeks MO Shipping Tams: FCA Georgetown, Ontario Freight extra unless otherwise indicated. Please allow additional time for transit Sales Person:Susan Loft Signature: All Prices are Subject to Product Availability at Time of Order No Bergsohn From: Susan Loit <susan.loit @solinst.com> Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 12:46 PM To: No Bergsohn Subject: Re: ALPMWS RFQ Dataloggers, Solinst Levelogger Quote Q37650 Attachments: 3001Compatibility.pdf; ATT00001.htm; 3001.pdf; ATT00002.htm; Q37650.pdf; ATT00003.htm; ALPINE_PXD_Equip Details Jun 2012.pdf; ATT00004.htm Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Ivo, Thank you for the opportunity to quote on your ALPMWS RFQ Dataloggers. As requested, attached are your Levelogger fact sheet and quote. The Levelogger Quantity Discounts is also shown in the notes section of your quote. The Levelogger Edge is a self- contained water level and temperature recording device, ideal for long -term, uninterrupted groundwater or surface water monitoring. It features a Hastelloy pressure sensor with an accuracy of 0.05% FS, and a non- volatile memory of up to 120,000 water level and temperature data points when the compressed sampling option is used. With a battery that last 10 years, lifetime calibration, corrosion resistant Titanium based coating, power surge protection and 3 -year warranty, the Levelogger Edge requires very little user maintenance. The Levelogger Edge uses new streamlined Levelogger Software, making programming very intuitive, and with faster communication and downloading speeds using a high speed Optical Reader. The software is easy to navigate - all major functions are in separate tabs, including data compensation and real -time view. The software provides more sampling options, and multiple data compensations. The Levelogger Edge has an accuracy of 0.05 %, and increased sampling options and ranges, if greater functionality is required. Additional information (FAQ, manuals etc.) on the Levelogger Edge can be found at thttp:// www. solinst.com/Prod/3001 /3001.html The Levelogger Edge replaces the Levelogger Gold units. The Levelogger Edges use Levelogger Software 4. Your Levelogger Golds & Juniors/Leveloader Golds firmware can be updated to work with your Levelogger Edges and Levelogger Software 4. I've attached the Levelogger Compatibility Chart which shows the hardware firmware updates are required. The Levelogger Compatibility Chart, hardware firmware updates and current software can be downloaded free from http:// www. solinst .comlDownloads/index.html . Please feel free to contact me by email (susan.loit @solinst.com) or by phone (1 800 661 2023) if you have any questions. Best regards, Susan Loit Sales and Technical Representative Solinst Canada Ltd. 35 Todd Road, Georgetown -3>�- ON L7G 4R8 CANADA Tel: +1 (905) 873 -2255 or +1(800) 661 -2023 Fax: +1(905) 873 -1992 or +1(800) 516 -9081 Web: http: / /www.solinstcom This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 5olbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy ¥ogeleaaang Kerr Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474• Fax 530 541- 0614•www.stpud us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 41 TO: Board of Directors FROM: No Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Diamond Valley Irrigation Improvements Project - Environmental Permitting Services REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Accept the cost proposal from Hauge Brueck Associates (HBA) to update the Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan and prepare an accompanying addendum to the Environmental Impact Report (OR), in the estimated amount of $22,760. DISCUSSION: HBA was retained by the District to: prepare the Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan EIR in 2009; and amend the Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan and prepare the Final Supplemental EIR in 2011. Because of its prior involvement and intimate familiarity with this work, District staff requested that HBA submit a cost proposal to: update the District's Recycled Water Master Plan and perform an analysis of impacts and prepare an addendum to the Final Supplemental EIR, the Final Supplemental EIR revised Master Plan Project 1 (Recycled Water Irrigation Fields) and Project 2 (DVR Loop Pipeline). Since 2011, the District has worked to revise Master Plan Project 1 in order to minimize potential conflicts with Potential Waters of the United States to a less than significant level. Revising Project 1 to minimize potential conflicts may allow the District to proceed with construction under a general Nationwide Permit, removing the need to attain a more complex Individual Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The District's Recycled Water Master Plan needs to be updated to reflect the changes to Master Plan Project 1. In addition, an analysis of impacts from the updated project needs to be completed and an addendum needs to be prepared for the Anal Supplemental EIR. A Migratory Bird Survey is included in the scope of work as this is a mitigation measure that is part of the addendum to the EIR. The addendum is needed to complete the environmental permit documentation for submittal to the USACE. No Bergsohn June 21,2012 Page 2 SCHEDULE: Task 1 complete by July 3, 2012; Task 2 complete by August 15, 2012 COSTS: $22,760 (estimated) ACCOUNT NO: 1029 -8161 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $200,000 ATTACHMENTS: Diamond Valley Ranch Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan 2012 Update & EIR Addendum Scope of Work (June 13, 2012) CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES 1(LI ,� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -42- Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan Update & EIR Addendum Diamond Valley Ranch Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan 2012 Update & EIR Addendum S c o p e of W o r k Hauge Brueck Associates, LLC 1 Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan Update & EIR Addendum Scope of Work Task 1- Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan Update The Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan (Master Plan) will be updated with the most current project description for the irrigation field locations in Diamond Valley. Section 9 of the Master Plan will be revised to provide detailed location and project descriptions for the proposed center pivot irrigation fields, temporary containment fields, HBA bypass pipeline (DVR Loop Pipeline), pump station and the weather station. The basis for the project description will be the Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements Project description dated 16 January 2012. Included in the project description will be a discussion of the presence of delineated Wetlands and Waters of the US and the project's avoidance and relocation of project components to limit impacts to wetlands. Revised figures will be included in the update to reflect revised locations of project components outside the Wetlands and Waters of the US. It should be noted the HBA does not have working files for the Master Plan which will need to be provided by the District in order for the updates to be made. An initial meeting with District Staff to finalize the project description and project locations will be necessary prior to the Master Plan update. Task 1 Deliverables: Updated Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan Project Descriptions and Figures Task 1 Meetings: Project Description Finalization Meeting Task 2 - Addendum to Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan Supplemental EIR HBA shall prepare an Addendum to the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report certified on December 2009 in accordance with the subtasks identified below. Task 2.1- Prepare Project Description Utilizing the information from Task 1, HBA shall prepare a detailed project description for use in the addendum to the EIR that identifies the purpose of preparing an addendum, the revised locations of the irrigation fields and associated components. Plans shall be provided to HBA from the District and/or the District engineers showing the location and dimensions of the proposed irrigation fields in relation to the delineated wetlands and waters of the US. Project details (i.e. cut/fill volumes, proposed Best Management Practices, staging areas, areas of vegetation removal, construction narratives for activities in sensitive areas, etc...) will be included to allow for adequate analysis of impacts. Task 2.1 Deliverables: Project Description Task 2.2 - Administrative Draft EIR Addendum Hauge Brueck Associates, LLC 2 -44- Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan Update & EIR Addendum Prepare an Administrative Draft EIR Addendum for review by District that incorporates revised locations for Master Plan project components that do not result in impacts to Wetlands and Waters of the US. An updated impact analysis will be included in the Addendum to identify decreases in impacts as a result of project location modification. The District will provide comments on the Administrative Draft EIR Addendum to be used in preparing the Draft EIR Addendum. Task 2.2 Deliverables: Administrative Draft EIR Addendum (up to 5 copies) Task 2.3 - Draft EIR Addendum Prepare the Draft EIR Addendum based on the input from the District and the engineer. Provide five copies of the Screen Check Draft EIR Addendum to the District for review prior to printing the Draft EIR Addendum for public circulation. Correct the Screen Check Draft EIR Addendum if necessary and produce up to 20 copies of the Draft EIR Addendum for public circulation. The Draft EIR Addendum will be provided electronically in PDF format for use on websites or for other electronic distribution. Prepare the Notice of Completion for submittal to the State Clearinghouse. Task 2.3 Deliverables: Screen Check Draft EIR Addendum (up to 5 copies ) and Draft Addendum EIR (up to 20 copies) Task 2.3 Meetings: One meeting with District staff Task 2.4 - Draft EIR Addendum Circulation The Draft EIR Addendum will circulate for 15 calendar days. Comments on the Draft EIR Addendum will be received and a summary list of those who commented will be prepared. Task 2.4 Deliverables: Comments received on the Draft EIR Addendum and summary list of those who commented. Task 2.4 Meetings: None. Task 2.5 - Administrative Final EIR Addendum Prepare draft responses to written and oral comments submitted during the Draft EIR Addendum public circulation period. Substantive comments will be numerically identified and responses to Hauge Brueck Associates, LLC 3 Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan Update & EIR Addendum the comments will be keyed to the comment reference number. Changes in the EIR Addendum text made necessary by the comments will be made and summarized on errata sheets. For purposes of providing a budget estimate for preparation of the Administrative Final EIR Addendum, we have assumed that up to 10 unique comments will be addressed (multiple copies of the same comment on a form letter will be treated as one comment), each requiring approximately one -hour for response. An amendment of the budget and schedule will be necessary if more than 10 unique comments are received or if the response to comments requires substantial additional background data collection or analysis. A determination of the need for additional background study or analysis will be made in coordination with the District. Task 2.5 Deliverables: Administrative Final EIR Addendum (up to 5 copes) Task 2.6 - Final EIR Addendum The District will review the Draft responses to comments and revised EIR Addendum text, (if necessary) and will provide one annotated copy of the District's comments. Prepare the Final Addendum 1 EIR by revising the Administrative Final EIR Addendum based on District comments. Up to 40 copies of the Final EIR Addendum will be produced for distribution, as well as an electronic (PDF) version for website use. Task 2.6 Deliverables: Final EIR Addendum (up to 20 copes) Task 2.7 - Board Certification of EIR Addendum and Updated Master Plan Prepare presentation materials for the District Board meeting to consider approval of the updated Master Plan and subsequent certification of the EIR Addendum. Prepare the Findings for the Board's resolution. Attend the District Board meeting to present the conclusions of the Addendum Environmental Impact Report and to respond to questions that may be brought up at the Board meeting. Prepare the Notice of Determination for filing with the County Clerk and State Office of Planning and Research. Task 2.7 Deliverables: Presentation materials for Board meeting, Findings for Board approval and Notice of Determination. Task 2.7 Meetings: One District Board meeting Hauge Brueck Associates, LLC 4 -46- Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan Update & EIR Addendum Task 3 - Migratory Nesting Bird Survey An HBA Biologist will perform biological field surveys during the peak bird nesting season of April -June 2013. Two field visits will be performed by the HBA biologist. Field visits will be conducted by walking transects and visually inspecting the surrounding habitats (up to 100 m away from project activities including the proposed pipeline and proposed irrigation improvement areas) for nesting bird species. Exact survey dates are expected to vary based on seasonal conditions and daily weather to optimize the probability of detecting special- status species. This scope and budget includes preparation of a survey results report, but does not include formal consultation meetings with the CDFG and USFWS should special status species be detected. If determined necessary in the permit application process, the Consultant Team would negotiate a separate scope and budget for agency consultation. Task 2 Deliverables: Migratory Nesting Bird Survey Results Report Task 2 Meetings: Two Site Visits Project Schedule *all dates 2012 unless otherwise noted Task 1 June 18- June 22 Task 2.1 June 21- June 22 Task 2.2 June 25 - July 3 Task 2.3 July 9 - July 13 Task 2.4 July 16 - July31 (circulation) Task 2.5 August 1 - August 3 Task 2.6 August 6 - August 10 Task 2.7 August 16th Task 3 April/May /June 2013 (weather dependent) Hauge Brueck Associates, LLC 5 Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan Update & EIR Addendum A t t a c h m e n t 1 P r o j e c t B u d g e t Hauge Brueck Associates, LLC 6 -48-- Recycled Water Facilities Muter Plan Update and Addendum EIR Estimated Hours and Fees Roar lel Wale 114111104 Macirr PletW014. Aradew bast Is llowded Water Pain's Maar Plow 00 AzIntrillis00 Dialt AdOstvium BR Ad0rdunIEIR C.rdt.1/400.10r 9/.5.51k01.10c." fravildstrolOn FInel Acklordum SR RsulAdOortium EIR gourd Co1Mcalon AcklenOurn E1 tAkmrt.!! .■■.dno 1,01 sur1N_ 10,01 1.0 t00.01 IV)! 13.0 0.0 0.9: IP 1.0 10.0 ' 00 10A 0.0 12A 1.0; 2A 160 0.0: " " 0.0 ao 2.0 1,94 4.0 0.0 s.0! 14.0 $1,000.0€V $17,1103.00: 02.02240 01400.00 $2000.00 *MA pyi lacil *loom *IMO WAWA; y1,2e0.00 $100.00 $1,loo.o0 .; . 1.1er0.: owl it1 .0; SUMO& arozig .0202040: tostiaC 10.0 $2,1.59.504 !PAP 40.119400 12.t7.3.. #91 i2140 $zosoo";i1"41 it$1410.00: .o 170.1. ‘04000 , $22.7,40. South Tahoe Public 19►StriGt General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 MeadowCt DrC • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614 • www.etpuc us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4j TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2011 Grizzly Mountain Booster Station Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 6 to Thomas Haen Co. Inc., in the amount of $4,481.50. DISCUSSION: This proposed Change Order No. 6 includes revised bid quantities and additional work as follows: • Part A - Modification to previous Change Order No. 2 to account for changes in labor and material costs, markup, and bonding payments for an additional cost of $800.00. • Part.B - Includes upgrades and changes to pressure reducing valves, pressure relief and surge anticipator valves, and check valves for an additional cost of $5,869.00. • Part C - The District Pumps crew intends to install a chlorine injection station at the booster station to help maintain chorine residuals throughout the storage and distribution system. The Contractor was directed to install additional conduits and modify the electrical work in support of the forthcoming installation at an additional cost of $2,232.00. • Part D - Due to problems encountered during the excavation of the sewer connection, a 500 gallon holding tank was installed instead. This will hold station washdown water but not sewage. Therefore, the toilet was deleted for a credit of <$312.00 >. • Part E - Relief valves were increased from 3/4" to 1 -' /2" to accommodate the installation of pressure switches for a cost of $731.00. • Part F - The testing of the new pumps prior to installation showed an efficiency less than required by the pump specifications. Due to the additional future cost of power as a result of the lower efficiency, the District requested and obtained this credit in the amount of <$9,216.00 >. John Thiel June 21, 2012 Page 2 • Part G - Balancing item to adjust the original bid quantity to actual, final quantities in place. For Bid Item No. 6, 3" Pavement, the bid item was for 970 square feet and the actual amount in place was 1,274 square feet resulting in an additional cost of $3,344.00 based on the bid price of $11 per square foot. • Part H - Balancing item to adjust the original bid quantity to actual, final quantities in place. For Bid Item No. 19, 1 -Inch Asphalt Trench Patch, the bid item was for 520 square feet and the actual amount in place was 875 square feet resulting in an additional cost of $745.50 based on the bid price of $2.10 per square foot. • Part I - Balancing item to adjust the original bid quantity to actual, final quantities in place. For Bid Item No. 20, 2" Pavement Restoration, the bid item was for 2,400 square feet and the actual amount in place was 2,520 square feet resulting in an additional cost of $288.00 based on the bid price of $2.40 per square foot. All costs are on a time and materials basis unless noted otherwise. The total for Parts A through I is an additional cost of $4,481.50. Staff recommends approval of this Change Order No. 6. This will be the final contract change order for the project. SCHEDULE: Project is complete and pumps are online. COSTS: $4,481.50. ACCOUNT NO: 2029 -8176 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$132,266> ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 6 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO N 2- O CATEGORY: Water CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 6 Project: 2011 Grizzly Mountain Booster Station Contractor: Thomas Haen Company Inc. Date: June 21, 2012 PO # P24124 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: A. Modification to Change Order No. 2 to account for changes in labor and material costs, markup, and bonding payments for an additional cost of $800.00. See Attachment 6A for a breakdown of all costs. B. Changes to pressure reducing valves, pressure relief and surge anticipator valves, and check valves for a cost of $5,869.00. See Attachment 6B, THC #14 for a breakdown of all costs. C. Furnish and install chlorine injection tubing and control conduits, and modify electrical for the chlorine injection station for a cost of $2,232.00. See Attachment 6C, THC #24 for a breakdown of all costs. D. Delete water closet, parts and installation for a credit of <$312.00 > . See Attachment 6D, THC #25 for a breakdown of the credit. TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 IS ITEMS A THROUGH I = $4,481.50 Original Contract Previous Change Orders Current Contract THIS CHANGE ORDER New Contract Total $1,076,526.00 $ 166,456.00 $1,242,982.00 $ 4,481.50 $1,247,463.50 Contractor agrees to make the herein - described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price andtor contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred because of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in individual description(s). Authorized By STPUD Board President Accepted By Contractor Reviewed By -53- Date: Date: Date: 1 E. Change relief valves from 3/4" to 1, 11/2" relief valve in order to accommodate the limit switch for a cost of $731.00. See Attachment 6E, THC #26 for a breakdown of all costs. F. Credit for the decreased pump efficiency for a credit of <$9,216.00 >. See Attachment 6F, THC #27 for a breakdown of this credit. G. Adjust Bid Item No. 6, Pavement Section (3 "AC /8 "AB} from 970 SF to the actual in place quantity of 1,274 SF for a cost of $3,344.00 H. Adjust Bid Item No. 19, 1 -Inch Asphalt Trench Patch from 520 SF to 875 SF for a cost of $745.50. I. Adjust Bid Item No. 20, 2 -Inch Asphalt Pavement Restoration from 2,400 SF to 2,520 SF for a cost of $288.00. TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 IS ITEMS A THROUGH I = $4,481.50. -54- 2 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Soilnig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Keay Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe' CA 90150 -7401 Phone 530 54+0474* Fax 530 541.0614 • www.stpud us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4k TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2012 Water Tank Recoating Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize Task Order to Bay Area Coating Consultants for coating inspection services, in the amount not to exceed $46,000. DISCUSSION: Staff is proposing to contract with Bay Area Coating Consultants (BACC) to provide specialized inspection services for the preparation and recoating of Cold Creek Tank, Christmas Valley Tank, and Gardner Mountain No. 2 Tank. Crosno is now under contract to complete the coatings work. Staff is proposing to have BACC provide the onsite inspection work because coatings inspection work is a specialty and staff recommends the use of a NACE 3 certified inspector (from BACC) that we expect will result in a superior coating product. We have used BACC on several previous coatings projects with much success. The inspection work is to be completed from approximately the end of June to October 20, 2012, while Crosno is working on the tanks. The attached proposal from BACC provides additional detail. SCHEDULE: Notice to Proceed issued. Contractor mobilizing the week of 6.22.12. COSTS: $46,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029 -8261 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $330,026 ATTACHMENTS: Proposal from BACC CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO -55- CATEGORY: Water BAY AREA NG {*NSULA Mr. John A. Thiel, P.E., M.B.A., Principal Engineer South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 June 12, 2012 Subject: RFP Coating, Inspection Services for the 2012 Water Tank Recoating Project Dear Mr. Theil: We are pleased to present this proposal to perform coating inspection and testing services for the coating and lining of three water storage reservoirs located in South Lake Tahoe, California. We have reviewed the available information, and discussed the requirements with you as a basis for this proposal. The purpose of our services would be to assist District in completing the contract requirements established by the District. Bay Area Coating Consultant Services, Inc. will provide coating and lining inspection services, and client liaison for project. BACC inspectors are NACE Certified inspectors. BACC is the only totally independent inspection company working with owners only. Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc. (BACC) will provide a National Association of Corrosion Engineers Level III Certified Coatings Inspector for the coating work. BACC has extensive knowledge in the application and testing of plural component urethanes and Enduraflex 1988. BACC has never experienced a coating or lining failure over our twenty -two year history. We have worked very closely with Mr. Dick Vass (President/Enduraflex) over the years on numerous projects, and are a preferred inspection company for Enduraflex. BACC has five Endura flex 1988 projects going on this month, City of San Leandro, City of Napa, Ora Loma WWTP, Alameda County Water District, Union Sanitary District and the City of Fairfield. BACC Principal Consultant Ed Darrimon will assist the District Engineering staff with project consulting, Corporate: 1- 888 - 384-6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 www.bayareacoating.com Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API - AWWA - NACE - SSPC -ASTM -57- Paee Two Proposal SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT proper product selection, surface preparation, and failure analysis as needed. Our site inspector will be responsible for the day to day quality assurance and to interface with District's Engineer's representative. B.A.C.C. will furnish all state of the art inspection equipment, photographs, and daily reports. Our inspection services cover Cal / Fed OSHA requirements, disposal requirements, surface condition, abrasive blast cleaning, and coating application. B.A.C.C.'s extensive experience in the coating and lining of facilities gives in -depth knowledge to understanding of the Contraetor'-s activities, allowing us to identify areas of concern or discrepancies on an on -going basis. B.A.C.C.'S knowledge will aid in identifying key milestones for action required by the District, and B.A.C.C. Inspection team in the completion of the project. Bay Area Coating Consultant Services, Inc. will provide independent inspection and consulting services, we provide inspection services for Engineering firms and Facility owners only. BACC was established in 1987. Our philosophy has been, we view each project as if it was our own structure and spending our own money. We are a small firm which allows us total involvement and communication with our inspectors. We have Nextel phones which keep us in daily contact with our inspectors. When our clients, have used our specifications or input we have never had a cost over run or a change order. We have never had an OSHA record -able injury. Our inspectors are provided with state of the art inspection equipment and training classes annually. BACC has completed hundreds of projects and has total client satisfaction. We send out a survey letter after the completion of each project, and have never had a complaint. BACC has completed thousands of Inspection and Consulting projects through out the United States. Our principle consultant Ed Darrimon was employed by East Bay Municipal Utility District for eleven years in the Engineering & Maintenance Departments as Supervising Coating Specialist. Mr. Darrimon designed and developed the Districts physical coating testing lab and rehabilitation program. Mr. Darrimon was responsible for overseeing the following projects: * Coating and lining inspection. * Coating specifications. * Design of the physical coating testing lab. * Established the Districts rehabilitation project of over one - hundred and eighty steel water storage tanks, and two hydro - electric powerhouses. Mr. Darrimon also was employed in the coating application field as Vice President of Field Services and Quality Control for an eight year period. Ed then formed B.A.C.C. in 1987 and has twenty -two years experience in the Coatings & Linings Field Corporate: 1- 888 - 384 -6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 www.bayareacoating.com Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API - AWWA -NACE- SSPC -ASTM -58- • 144_ ._: I_ ' 1:_ Pill MI! ! _.'1E *M Accomplishments STEEL STRUCTURES PAINTING COUNCIL: (S.S.P. C.) * National Board of Directors from 1988 -92. Re- elected in 1992 to serve second four year term. * National award 1989 for Outstanding Chairman. * Past President and Founder of the first S.S.P.C. chapter in the U.S.A NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CORROSION ENGINEERS: (NA. C.E). *Past Chairperson / Bay Area Section, Certified Level III Inspector #601 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION: (A. W. WA) * Member National D -100 Standards Committee (20 years) * Cal/Nev Corrosion Committee. * Cal/Nev past Vice Chairman Maintenance Committee. Mr. Darrimon has presented numerous talks to the following Organizations: A.W.W.A., N.A.C.E., & S.S.P.C. on the following topics: Tank linings, Tank inspection, Specifications, Abrasive blasting, & proper use of D.H. equipment. Mr. Darrimon has received extensive training in the following areas: 1987 National Association of Corrosion Engineers Level III Certified Inspector #601 1988 Estimating Painting and Protection Cost. Baltimore, Maryland 1988 Inspection Instruments. Baltimore, Maryland 1989 Application Techniques. Houston, Texas 1989 Plant Maintenance Surveying. Houston, Texas 1989 Water Storage Tank Design & Construction. L.A., California 1990 Design of Coating & Linings. Oakland, California 1990 Val Spar Paint School. Pomona, California 1990 & 1993 Lead Removal Training. Long Beach & S.F., California 1990 Failure Analysis. Nashville, Tennessee 1991 Industrial Hygiene. Long Beach, California 1992 Construction Project Administration. S.F., California 1993 P.D.C.A. Lead Removal Training. Salt Lake City, Utah 1994 OSHA Lead Instructor. S.F., California 1995/98/2000/2002 /04 BAT Training, Concord, Ca Corporate: 1- 888 - 384 -6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API - AWWA - NACE - SSPC -ASTM -59- Pau Four Proposal SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Bay Area Coating Consultant Services, Inc. ORGANIZATION CHART Ed Darrimon Principal Consultant/President Danielle Darrimon Office Manager Linda Turner Secretary/Accounting Full Time Inspectors All employees are re- certified on a annual basis on Confined Spaces, Scaffolding, Lead, Fit and Respirator Testing Ed Darrimon/Principal John Golding/In House Q/A Dale Nicholson/In House Safety N.A. C.E. Certified Inspector N.A. C.E. Certified Inspector N.A. C.E. Certified Inspector BACC Employed 22 years BACC Employed 18 years BACC Employed 6 years In Industry 30 years In Industry 29 years In Industry 18 years Paul Andrews A.S. T.M. /A WS-CWI Inspector BACC Employed 10 years In Industry 28 years Todd Whittenburg N.A. C. E. Certified Inspector BACC Employed 7 years In Industry 25 years Mark Prestera N.A.C.E. Certified Inspector BACC Employed 9 years In Industry 25 years Javan Cohan N.A. C.E. Certified Inspector BACC Employed 6 years In Industry 20 years Tom Neeling N.A. C.E Certified Inspector BACC Employed 8 years In Industry 25 years Tim Golding N.A.C.E. Certified Inspector BACC Employed 10 years In Industry 20 years David Wells N.A.C.E. Inspector BACC Employed 5 years In Industry 15 years Dave Hobart N.A.C.E. Inspector BACC Employed 12 years In Industry 22 years Austin Darrimon NA.C.E. Certified Inspector BACC Employed 3 years In Industry 2 years Bay Area Coating Consultants Inspectors are N.A.C.E. coating inspectors, with an average of twenty years experience in the corrosion and coating industry. Corporate: 1- 888 - 384 -6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 www.bayareacoating.colp Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API -AWWA- NACE - SSPC -ASTM -60- Jill- - I 1; Jill Mil ) ..7111 - h EXAMPLE OF PROJECTS IN 2010/2012 Reservoirs Dublin /San Ramon Services District Eight Tanks (Inspection) AnnuatContract Sacramento Municipal Utility District: Penstocks (Inspection) City of Foster City: Three 4.0 mg. Tanks (Specifications, Inspection & Underwater) County of Sacramento: Misc Projects (Spec ifications, Inspection) Annual Contract City of Folsom: Two 2.0 mg. Tanks (Specifications, Inspection & Underwater) County of Napa: One 1.0 mg. Tanks (Specifications, Inspection & Underwater) Soquel Water District: Eight tanks (Inspection, Specifications, and Failure Analysis) City of Sacramento: Six 3.0 mg. tanks (Specifications and inspection) Lead Annual Contract Alameda County Water District: Five water tanks (Inspection, Consulting) City of Benicia: Five tanks (Inspection, Underwater & Consulting) City of Fresno: Misc. tanks (Failure Analysis, Consulting & Inspection) Annual Contract City of Ceres: One water tank (Coating Inspection) City of Millbrae: Two water tanks (Lead and Coating Inspection) City of Brisbane: Three water tanks (Coating Inspection) City of Paterson: Two tanks (Inspection) Humbolt Community Services District: Three tanks (Underwater & Inspection Lyons County: Three Tanks (Inspection, Failure Analysis) City of Hanford: Five Tanks (Consulting & Inspection) Annual Contract Central Water District: Three tanks (Inspection Lead Class III) City of Dixon: Two water tanks (Consulting & Inspection) City of Avenal: Two water tanks (Inspection) Contra Costa Water District: Three tanks & Pumping Plants (Consulting & Inspection, Failure Analysis) City of San Francisco: 350,000 Sq./Ft Concrete Coating (Consulting & Inspection) Annual Contract City of San Francisco: Retch Hetchy Pipeline (Failure Analysis, Inspection) Redwood City: Five Tanks (Coating, Underwater, Specifications Inspection) City of Lodi: Four tanks (Consulting failure analysis, and inspection) Cal American Water Company: Six tanks (Consulting, failure analysis, and inspection) Zone 7: Two Reservoirs and WTP tanks (Consulting, failure analysis, and inspection) City of Lodi: Four tanks (Consulting, failure analysis, and inspection) City of Turlock: Two water tanks (Inspection) Enrineerinr Firms Jacobs Engineers: Water treatment & 72" Pipelines (Consulting/Inspection) Parsons Engineers: Water treatment plant (Inspection) Carob Engineers: 20 water tanks, Misc. treatment plants (Inspection & Consulting) Annual Contract Montgomery Watson Engineers: Three 3.0mg Water tanks (Consulting and Inspection) Kennedy Jenks Engineers: Water tanks (Inspection Consulting) Camp, Dresser, Mckee Engineers: Three tanks (Coating & Underwater Inspection) Black & Veatch Engineers: Five water tanks (Inspection & Consulting) Dames&Moore: Three tanks (Inspection) V &A Engineers: Five tanks (Inspection) Annual Contract Psomas: Two tanks (Spec ifications, Inspection) West Yoast: Three tanks (Specifications, Consulting, and Inspection) URS: Pipelines, Wastewater treatment plants (Specifications, Consulting, and Inspection) I Sil !.. II I 1if. Corporate: 1- 888 -384 -6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API - AWWA - NACE - SSPC -ASTM -61- HDR: Wastewater treatment plants, Water tanks (Specifications, Consulting, and Inspection) Small Business BACC is certified with the following agencies: State of California: Micro SBA #61256 REFERENCES CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO MONGKOL MAHVONGTAKUL, P.E. 875 STEVENS STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA. 94103 (415) 551 -4890 Fax (415) 551 -4877 PROJECT: NURMEOUS PROJECTS FOR THE PAST 15 YEARS. FAILURE ANALYSIS, COATING, AND LINING INSPECTION BACC has completed numerous projects for the City of San Francisco over the past 15 years. BACC has provided coating and lining inspection, failure analysis, coating surveys and consulting. BACC has completed the following project types for the City, reservoir linings and coating inspection, pipeline inspection, inspection of penstocks and water and wastewater treatment plants and failure analysis. Six steel tanks CITY OF SACRAMENTO BILL ZENHENDER / ENGINEERING /CONSTRUCTION MANAGER 1395 35TH AVENUE SACRAMENTO, CA. (916) 808 -1411 FAX (916) 808 -1497 PROJECT: REHAB. SEVEN 3.0 MG WATER TANKS / SPECIFICATIONS, COATING AND LINING INSPECTION. BACC has been providing Inspection, Consulting and Specifications for over eight years. BACC has written the specifications on seven 3.0 MG. Steel Reservoirs. BACC has provided the inspection on all the Reservoirs. The City has not experienced a change order or a failure on any of the projects. n Corporate: 1- 888 - 384 -6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 www.bayareacoatine.com Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API - AWWA - NACE - SSPC -ASCM -62- SOQUEL CREEK WATER DISTRICT TAJ DUFOURENGINEERING MANGER 5180 SOQUEL DRIVE SOQUEL, CA. 95073 (831) 475 -8500 FAX 831 - 475 -4291 PROJECT: NINE TANKS/ FAILURE ANALYSIS, COATING, LINING INSPECTION, AND CONSULTING. BACC has been providing failure Analysis, Specifications, Inspection and consulting services on a yearly basis for over eight years. The District has not experienced a cost overrun or failure since employing BACC. 9 steel tanks EL DORRADO IRRIGATION DISTRICT TIM SULLWAN, P.E. 2890 MOSIQUITO ROAD PLACERVILLE, CA. (530) 622 -4513 Fax (530) 622 -8597 PROJECT: NURMEOUS PROJECTS FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS. FAILURE ANALYSIS, COATING, AND LINING INSPECTION BACC has completed numerous projects for the District over the past eight years Annual Contract). BACC has provided coating and lining inspection, failure analysis, coating surveys and consulting. BACC has completed the following project types for the District: Reservoir linings and coatings, and water and wastewater treatment plants and failure analysis. Ten steel tanks RACHEL MARTIN AIP REESIDENT ENGINEER CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT PO Box 1120 1 CONCORD, CA 1 94524 PHONE: 925- 626 -3202 FAX: 925- 626 -3209 BACC has completed numerous projects for the District over the past ten years. BACC has provided coating and lining inspection, failure analysis, coating surveys and consulting. BACC has completed the following project types for the District: Reservoir linings and coatings, and water and water treatment plants and failure analysis. Three steel tanks PROJECT APPROACH BACC is a local firm that has been doing inspection work in Northern California/Nevada for over twenty -two years. It is very important to have a local firm which has a good understanding of annual weather conditions as they can change from different areas in the State. The local firm has a good rapport with local Area Air Management Districts, having full understanding of local laws and regulations. Corporate: 1- 888 -384 -6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API - AWWA - NACE - SSPC -ASTM -63- Page Eight Proposal South Tahoe Public Utility District Each BACC inspector is equipped with state of the art testing and inspection equipment and Nextel phones to stay in contact with Ed Darrimon on a daily basis. Our in house Quality Assurance inspector random selects inspector's sites to audit. The Inspector, project paper work, work standards, and industry standards are reviewed with the Q/A inspector to insure the inspector is meeting BACC in house standards. BACC inspectors receive the specifications prior to the start of work; they are required to highlight the specification for quick reference. BACC provides the inspector with current Data sheets and MSDS sheets; every project is reviewed by Ed Darrimon and the site inspector. Our Inspectors are fully prepared at the start of each project. The following are a sample of the key inspection items that are followed and are documented by the BACC inspector. 1. SCOPE OF WORK: (ASTM 3226) (a) REVIEW OF SPECIFICATIONS (b) ATTEND ON -SITE FAMILIARIZATION SESSION (c) DOCUMENT PRE SITE CONDITIONS 2. SURFACE CONDITION (a) CONDITION OF EDGES, WELD SPLATTER (b) GREASE OIL, OR BOTH (c) PROTECTIVE COVERINGS IN PLACE (d) AIR TEMPERATURE (e) SURFACE TEMPERATURE (f) DEW POINT, R/H (g) WIND DIRECTION, VELOCITY (h) VISIBLE MOISTURE 3. BLAST CLEANING (a) TYPE AND SIZE OF ABRASIVE (b) SURFACE CONTAMINATION- SULFATES, CHLORIDES (c) CLEAN AND DRY ABRASIVE (d) COMPRESSED AIR CHECK I WHITE BLOTTER (e) NOZZLE AIR PRESSURE / PRESSURE GAUGE 4. SURFACE PREPARATION (a) DUST AND ABRASIVE REMOVAL / VISUAL OBSERVATION (b) DEGREE OF CLEANLINESS / S.S.P.C. /N.A.C.E. STANDARDS (c) PROFILE MEASUREMENT /TESTEX TAPE (d) MAGNETIC BASE READING Corporate: 1- 888 - 384 -6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 www.bayareacoating.com Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API -AWWA- NACE - SSPC -ASTM -64- 5. COATINGS AND LINING APPLICATION (a) TIME FROM SURFACE PREPARATION TO APPLICATION / RECORD (b) COATING VISCOSITY / DRIP TYPE (c) COMPRESSED AIR CHECK / WHITE BLOTTER (d) PROTECTIVE COVERINGS IN PLACE / VISUAL (e) TIME APPLICATION BEGAN / RECORD (t) CONTINUE TO MONITOR TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY CONDITIONS (g) RECORD BATCH NUMBERS AND MIXING PROCEDURE (h) INDUCTION TIME OBSERVED (I) PROPER THINNING (j) FILM THICKNESS / WET (k) RE -COAT TIMES OBSERVED (1) INER -COAT CLEANLINESS (m) FILM DEFECTS, RUNS, SAGS, DRY SPRAY, VOIDS ECT. (n) RATIO AND HARDNESS TESTING 6. FINAL INSPECTION (a) DRY FILM THICKNESS / READINGS SSPC PA-2 (b) HOLIDAY INSPECTION / NACE RPO 188 -88 (c) SOLVENT TEST / HARDNESS TEST / TOTAL CURE (d)CLOSING WRITTEN REPORT, PHOTOGRAPHS, CONTRACTOR SUMMARY. Experience has shown us much more emphasis has been placed on the details concerning the start of a project than the completion. As the Site Inspector, B.A.C.C. will work to establish the procedures for a final project acceptance and close out with both the District and the Contractor. Each party associated with this project has specific responsibilities for its successful completion. Corporate: 1- 888 - 384-6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 www.bayareacoating.com Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API -AWWA- NACE - SSPC -ASTM —65— Pane Ten Proposal South Tahoe Public Utility piatrict Fees and Payment Schedule BACC will provide daily written reports, photographs, all test equipment, and a closing reports cam We are basing our estimate on 70 days. When we have worked for the District with past projects we have rented a small cabin to cut cost of use of a hotel. Ins i ection Estimate 560.0 Hours $42,000.00 Hrs. $0.00 70 $4,000.00 $0.00 $46.000.00 Total: $46,000.00 Labor Rate: $75.00 Per Hour Over Eight Hours & Holidays: 97.50 Per Hour Sub: $0.00 per day Airfare: Billed @ Cost Estimated $0.00 Hotel: Billed @ $1,400.00 per month Car Rental: $0.0 Eight Hour Minimum Day. Please call if you have any questions or if you want to further discuss the information contained in this report. Respectfully Submitted, Ed Darrimon President Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc. NACE #106 Ph (888) -384 -6839 Fax (209) 669 -3633 edarrimon(bavareacoatina.com www.bavareacoating.com Corporate: 1- 888 -384 -6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 www.bayareacoating.com Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API - AWWA -MACE- SSPC -ASTM -66- Corporate: 1- 888-384-6839 Bakersfield Office: 1-661-836-5799 Fax: 1-661-832-2210 Coating and Lining Inspection Services Since 1987 Member: API - AWWA - NACE - SSPC -ASTM -67- South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 5olbrlg Directors Chris Cefalu James R Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Dr l e• South Lake Tahoe' CA 96160 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530541-0614. wwwstpud.ue BOARD AGENDA ITEM 41 TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2012 Water Tank Recoating Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 1 to Crosno Construction, Inc., in the amount of $36,000. DISCUSSION: This proposed Change Order No. 1 represents the addition of two bid alternates for additional exterior tank coatings work. Alternate A is the coating of the exterior of Christmas Valley Tank, and Alternate B is the coating of the exterior of Gardner Mountain No. 2 Tank. The base bid included the recoating of the interior of three tanks (Cold Creek, Gardner 2, and Christmas Valley) and the exterior of just one tank, Cold Creek. Crosno was the successful low bidder at $341,500. All bidders included prices for completing Bid Alternates A and B - the addition of this exterior coatings work is at the sole discretion of the District. Staff has reviewed the pricing provided by Crosno and believes it to be an excellent value. The additional work proposed for this Change Order No. 1 is as follows: • Part A - Complete Bid Alternate A, Preparation and overcoating the exterior of Christmas Valley Tank for an additional cost of $16,000. • Part B - Complete Bid Alternate B, Preparation and overcoating the exterior of Gardner Mountain No. 2 Tank for an additional cost of $20,000. SCHEDULE: Notice to Proceed issued. Contractor mobilizing the week of 6.22.12. COSTS: $36,000.00 ACCOUNT NO: 2029 -8261 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $330,026 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 1 1 John Thiel June 21, 2012 Page 2 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES CATEGORY: Water CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 Project: 2012 Water Tank Recoatina Proiect Contractor: Crosno Construction, Inc. Date: June 21 2012 PO # P25320 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: A. Complete Bid Alternate A, Preparation and Overcoating the exterior of Christmas Valley Tank for an additional cost of $16,000. This price was provided as required in the bid as an alternate work item. The District has elected to add this work item to the project. B. Complete Bid Alternate B, Preparation and Overcoating the exterior of Gardner Mountain No. 2 Tank for an additional cost of $20,000. This price was provided as required in the bid as an alternate work item. The District has elected to add this work item to the project. TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 IS ITEMS A and B = $36,000.00 Original Contract Previous Change Order Current Contract THIS CHANGE ORDER New Contract Total $ 341,500.00 0.00 $ 341,500.00 $ 36,000.00 $ 377,500.00 Contractor agrees to make the herein - described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price and/or contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred because of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in individual description(s). Authorized By STPUD Board President Accepted By Contractor Reviewed By -71- Date: Date: Date: 1 youth Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer J 1275 Meadow Ctvet Di$ e • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4m TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Statement of Investment Policy REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2912 -12 Adopting a Statement of Investment Policy and Superseding Resolution No. 2824 -07 DISCUSSION: The District's investment advisors, PFM Asset Management LLC, periodically review the District's adopted investment policy and recommends changes according to amendments of the California Government Code. Attached is the proposed revised investment policy and letter from PFM describing the recommended changes which have been presented and discussed with the Finance Committee. Staff and Committee members recommend the revised policy as presented which will require a review and re- adoption on an annual basis. SCHEDULE: Resolution effective upon adoption. COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2912 -12, District's Investment Policy, Letter from PFM Group CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO -73- CATEGORY: General 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RESOLUTION NO. 2912-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 2824-07 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, as follows: WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District enters into various investments from time to time on behalf of the District as permitted by the California Government Code and the District's investment policy; and WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District staff wish to update the Statement of Investment Policy to enhance the South Tahoe Public Utility District's opportunities for prudent and systematic investments, to delegate the Chief Financial Officer as the investment officer of the District, and to update certain language according to the California Government Code; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District that: The attached Statement of Investment Policy is hereby adopted and becomes a part of this Resolution by reference herein. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 21st day of June, 2012, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board -75- Eric Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY I Statement of Intent This statement of investment policy is adopted to establish an overall policy and procedures for the management and investment South Tahoe Public Utility District's funds available for investment. This policy is effective as of its adoption by the Board of Directors. It will be reviewed by the Board and readopted at least once each year. II Scope of Policy This policy covers all funds and investment activities under the direct authority of the District. It does not cover funds related to District borrowing, which are controlled by documents related to each debt issue. III Objectives The investment program shall be designed and managed with a degree of professionalism worthy of the public trust. The District's primary investment objectives, in order of priority, shall be: A Safety Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the District. Investments shall be made in a manner that first seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. And, second seeks to ensure that capital losses are avoided, whether they be from securities defaults or erosion of market value. B Liquidity The investment portfolio shall be structured to provide sufficient liquidity to enable the District to meet its cash flow requirements. An adequate percentage of the portfolio should be maintained in liquid short-term securities, which can be converted to cash if necessary to meet disbursement requirements. Since all cash requirements cannot be anticipated, investments in securities with active secondary or retail markets are highly recommended. Emphasis is on marketable securities with low sensitivity to market risk. C Yield The investment program shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return on its investments consistent with the constraints imposed by its safety objective and cash flow considerations. Yield should become a consideration only after the basic requirements of safety and liquidity have been met. IV Prudence The District adheres to the guidance provided by the ` states that ". rudent investor rule," which CAIners\cwhalernAypDeta LocaPMicrosoftWindnws■Temporary Internet Fi es\Cooteot.01$10 41E9WUWQMPSTPUD Investment Policy 2007 -7f aims. when investing, reinvesting, purchasing. acquirinnz exchagging, selling, or managing public funds. a trustee shall act with care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing, including. but not limited to, the general economic conditions and the anticipated needs of the agency. that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiarity with those matters would use in the conduct of funds of a like character and with like aims to safeguard the principal and maintain the liquidity needs of the agency. Authorized individuals acting in accordance with this Policy and written procedures and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion. V Delegation of Authority The Board of Directors has delegated management responsibility for the investment program to the Chief Financial Officer. who is designated as the Investment Officer of the District. This delegation is for a one -year period. Subject to review. the Board may renew the delegation of authority each year. In the Chief Financial Officer's absence, the Accounting Manager shall act as the Investment Officer. The Chief Financial Officer shall develop and maintain administrative procedures for the operation of the investment program, consistent with this investment policy. All participants in the investment process shall act as custodians of the public trust. Investment officials shall recognize that the investment portfolio is subject to public review and evaluation. The overall program shall be designed and managed with a degree of professionalism that is worthy of the public trust. VI Internal Controls The Chief Financial Officer shall establish a system of internal controls, which shall be reviewed annually by the independent auditor. The controls shall be designed to prevent loss of public funds arising from fraud, error, misrepresentation, unanticipated market changes or imprudent actions. Controls deemed most important include: minimization of opportunities for collusion, separation of duties, separating transaction authority from accounting and record keeping, custodial safekeeping, avoidance of bearer -form securities, specific limitation regarding securities losses and remedial actions, written confirmation of all transactions, minimizing the number of authorized investment officials, documentation of transactions and strategies, and proper review and approval of brokerage accounts and investment transactions. VII Reporting The Investment Officer, or her designee, shall submit a monthly investment report to the Board of Directors. The monthly reports shall include all investments held by the District, and/or under the management of any outside party and shall include: a list of security transactions; the type of investment; issuer; date of maturity; par and dollar amount invested on all securities; current market value on all securities (including the source of this valuation); a statement that the portfolio is in compliance with this 111 1 AI ...5.t -,.. 2...:..... • -72- a., ..y .1,11 Policy or the manner in which it is not in compliance; and, a statement that the District has the ability to meet its expenditure requirements for the next 6 months or an explanation as to why sufficient money may not be available. VI II Permitted Investments Sections 53600 et. seq. of the California Government Code provide basic investment limits and guidelines for government entities. Within the investments permitted by the Government Code, the District seeks to further restrict eligible investments as provided below. In the event an apparent discrepancy is found between this Policy and the Government Code, the more restrictive parameters shall take precedence. The Investment Officer shall invest District moneys as directed by this Policy and only in the investments specifically authorized in this section. A U.S. Treasury Instruments United States Treasury notes, bonds, bills or certificates of indebtedness, or those for which the full faith and credit of the United States is pledged for payment of principal and interest. B Federal Agency and Instrumentality Securities Federal agency or United States government- sponsored enterprise obligations, participations, or other instruments, including those issued by or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by federal agencies or United States government - sponsored enterprises. The District should target a maximum allocation of 25% to callable Federal agency securities. Investments in Federal agency mortgage - backed pass - through securities or collateralized mortgage obligations may not exceed 20% of the District's portfolio. C U.S. Corporate Debt Medium -term notes, defined as all corporate and depository institution securities with a maximum remaining maturity of three (3) years or less, issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States or depository institutions licensed by the United States or any state and operating within the United States. Eligible investments shall be rated "A" or better by one or more nationally recognized rating services. A maximum of 30% of the District's portfolio may be invested in this category. D Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Negotiable certificates of deposit issued by a nationally or state - chartered bank or a state or federal association or by a federally- or state - licensed branch of a foreign bank. Purchasers are limited to issuers whose short-term debt is rated A- 1/P - l. A maximum of 30% of the District's portfolio may be invested in this category. E Commercial Paper iCAlsers\cwhaleikAppDatgi,LocatMicrosofhWindowsquopo raev Inteinet Files '\ContnftOutloolivE9WUWO8ULS1PUD lammed Policy 2007 $[.ACK[INED 2012.docxC -7g- Commercial paper of "prime" quality of the highest ranking or of the highest letter and number rating as provided for by a nationally recognized statistical - rating organization (NRSRO). The entity that issues the commercial paper shall meet all of the following conditions in either paragraph (1) or paragraph (2): (1) The entity meets the following criteria: organized and operating within the United States as a general corporation. Has total assets in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000). (iii) Has debt other than commercial paper, if any, that is rated "A" or higher, or the equivalent, by a nationally recognized statistical- rating organization. (2)The entity meets the following criteria: (i) Is organized within the United States as a special purpose corporation, trust, or limited liability company. (ii) Has program wide credit enhancements including, but not limited to, over collateralization, letters of credit, or surety bond. (iii) Has commercial paper that is rated "A -1" or higher, or the equivalent, by a nationally recognized statistical- rating organization. Eligible commercial paper shall have a maximum of 270 days or less and not represent more than 10% of the outstanding paper of an issuing corporation. A maximum of 25% of the District's portfolio may be invested in this category. F Bank Deposits FDIC insured or fully collateralized demand deposit accounts, savings accounts, market rate accounts, time certificates of deposits in state or national banks located in California. As required by Government Code §53649, the District shall have a signed contract with each financial institution with the District's funds on deposit. Any financial institution accepting the District's funds for deposit must comply with the requirements of Government Code §53630 et seq., including collateralization of deposits. The District may waive the collateralization requirements for any portion of the deposit that is covered by Federal deposit insurance. To be eligible to receive District deposits, the financial institution must have received a minimum overall rating "satisfactory" in its most recent evaluation of its record of meeting the credit needs of California communities, as required by Government Code §53635 et. seq. A maximum of 20% of the District's portfolio may be invested in time certificates of deposit. G Bankers' Acceptances Bankers' acceptances which are otherwise known as bills of exchange or time drafts that are drawn on and accepted by a domestic commercial bank. Purchases are limited to issuers whose short-term debt is rated A- 1/P -1. Bankers' acceptances cannot exceed a maturity of 180 days. A maximum of 40% of the District's portfolio may be invested in this category. H State of California's Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) If the District has funds invested in LAIF, the District shall maintain on file LAIF's current investment policy and its requirements for participation, including limitations on deposits and withdrawals. In addition, the District's .11 •u -• .- �r •.. . -� �.�. .1 l'. 1:: 1."!1411 a -.• shall review annually investment policies of LAIF to ascertain that its funds are invested in accordance with the District's investment objectives. Furthermore, the District shall review the provisions of these investment policies requiring internal controls on the investment process to ascertain that there is a division of responsibility in the investment procedures. California Asset Management Trust A California common law trust established pursuant to Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5 of the Government Code of the State of California. CAMP must be rated "AAAm" to be eligible for investment of District funds. J Money Market Funds Shares of beneficial interest issued by diversified management-companies-that are money market funds registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. Sec. 80a -1 and following). The company shall have met either of the following criteria: (a) attained the highest ranking or the highest letter and numerical rating provided by not less than two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations and (b) retained an investment adviser registered or exempt from registration with the SEC with not less than five (5) years' experience managing money market mutual funds with assets under management in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000). A maximum of 20% of the District's portfolio may be invested in this category. K El Dorado County Pool The District shall review at least annually the El Dorado County investment pool to ascertain that its funds in these pools are invested in accordance with the District's investment objectives. The District shall also review the provisions of these investment policies requiring internal controls on the investment process to ascertain that there is a division of responsibility in the investment procedures. IX Prohibited Investments: Investments by the District in securities permitted by the California Government Code, but not specifically approved by this investment policy are prohibited without the prior approval of the Board. The District is prohibited from buying on margin or from speculative buying. Furthermore, the District is prohibited from investing in equity- linked securities or from entering into financial futures contracts, options, or swaps. However, the District may purchase U.S. government securities which are discount or securities bearing interest In accordance with California Government Code §53601.6, the District shall not invest in inverse floaters, range notes, mortgage derived interest -only strips, or any security that could result in zero interest accrual if held to maturity. CAUsers talffiAppDatilLocaPAKianso8 WSKIeweifeeninimInternet FileKontmLQpdppla9V /UXIBUSTPUD Investment Poky -86- X Term of Investments The term of any investment may not exceed five years without express authority from Board of Directors received at least 90 days preceding the investment purchase. XI Diversification The investment portfolio shall be diversified to avoid incurring unreasonable and avoidable risks regarding specific security types or individual financial institutions. The portfolio shall also be diversified with respect to the term of individual investments purchased by the District. In addition to the percentage limitations specified in Section VIII Permitted Investments, the maximum amount of the portfolio the District may invest with any one nen-- governnissuer is 10 %, excluding U.S. Treasuries. Federal Agencies and pooled investments. XII Credit Rating Changes In the event a security held by the District is subject to a rating change that brings it below the minimum credit ratings specified in this Policy, the Investment Officer should disclose such information in the monthly investment report. XIII Safekeeping All cash and securities in the District's portfolio, including those that are being managed by the Investment Officer, shall be held in safekeeping in the District's name by a third party bank trust department, acting as agent for the District under the terms of a custody agreement executed by the bank and the District. All securities will be received and delivered using standard delivery versus payment (DVP) procedures, the District's safekeeping agent will only release payment for a security after the security has been properly delivered. The only exception to the foregoing shall be depository accounts and securities purchases made with: (i) local government investment pools; and, (ii) money market mutual funds, since the purchased securities are not deliverable. XIV Securities Dealers The District has authorized the Investment Advisor to use broker /dealers, which the Investment Advisor has selected in accordance with its written selection policy. The Investment Officer may also use broker /dealers meeting credit worthiness standards established by the Investment Officer. XV Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Such employees and investment officials shall disclose to the District Board and the General Manager any material financial interests in financial institutions that conduct business within the District, and they shall further disclose any large personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the District's portfolio. The PFM Group Public Financial Management Inc. PFM Asset Management LLC PFM Advisors Memorandum To: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer South Tahoe Public Utifiy District From: Nancy Jones, Managing Director Sarah Meacham, Senior Managing Consultant PFM Asset Ma nag e m e n t LLC Re: Review of Investment Policy 50 California Street Suite 2300 San Francisco, CA 94111 415 982-5544 415 982 -4513 fax www.pfmoom June 4, 2012 We have reviewed the District's Investment Policy to ensure that it incorporates some of the recent changes to the California Government Code ( "Code" or "CGC ") sections that regulate the investment of public funds. We also wanted to review the provisions in the Policy that are intended to protect the District's investments. The Policy complies with the provisions of CGC. We recommend a few revisions, which are described below. In addition, we have attached a blacklined copy of the Investment Policy. Prudence While the District's Policy correctly identifies the standard of prudence as the prudent investor standard, the description in the Policy is that of the prudent person standard. We revised the description of the prudent investor standard using the description written in CGC §53600.3. Delegation of Authority CGC §53607 allows the legislative body of a local government to delegate responsibility for investments to the treasurer. So that the board or council members remain informed about the portfolio, this section of the Code also states that the delegation of authority by the board is only for a one -year period, but subject to review, the legislative body may annually renew the delegation of authority for another year. We added to the Policy both the term of the delegation of authority and the renewal process. Permitted Investments Negotiable CDs Senate Bill 194, which took effect January 1, 2012, amended California Government Code §53601(i) to permit public agencies to purchase negotiable CDs issued by "a federally licensed branch of a foreign bank." This revision was viewed as a correction of an oversight (omission of authorization to invest in negotiable certificates of deposit issued by federally licensed banks) when the California legislature authorized certificates of deposit issued by state - licensed banks. California Government Code §53601(i) has allowed local governments to invest in negotiable CDs issued by a nationally or Apri113, 2012 Page 2 state - chartered bank, a savings association or a federal association, a state or federal credit union, or by a state - licensed branch of a foreign bank. We added the word "federally" in the Permitted Investments section of the Policy for negotiable CDs. Prohibited Investments The Policy currendy prohibits the purchase of floating-rate securities, which we believe can safely add value to the portfolio. We have revised the language in this section to more closely reflect the prohibited investments in the CGC, which refers to inverse floaters rather than a blanket prohibition of floating rate securities. Diversification This section states that the maximum amount of the portfolio the District may invest with any one non - governmental issuer is 10 %. We propose exempting pooled investments such as LAIF, CAMP, the County Pool, and money market funds from the District's 10% issuer limit. We look forwarding to discussing our recommendations with you. South Tahoe Public Utility District Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 5446474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www stpud.ue BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4n TO: Board of Directors FROM: Kathy Sharp, Executive Services Manager MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Regular Board Meeting Minutes REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Minutes. DISCUSSION: The regular Board meeting Minutes for May 17, 2012, were not available when this agenda was published. They will be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: To be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -85- CATEGORY: General SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbri • , General Mona • er Eric W. Schafer, President Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana • er BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director Rand Vo Kell Sheehan, Director REGULAR MEETING OF TH D OF TORS SOUTH TAHOE PU ILITY DISTRI MA '.` 012 The Board of Directors of the South T May 17, 2012, 2:00 p.m., at the Distri South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Schafer, Dire Sheehan STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp ., Hugh - - dens C. Stanley, Van Gord - ola muss ,ns Cullen, Thiel, Ba M S e Public U met in a reg ession, , locate 75 Meadow Cres Drive, , Jones, GUESTS: Kathryn Reed/ Andrew Strain /He Brenda Estrada /Wes hawn •rn /HDR Engineering, Iris Rungis /IEDA, ge ROLL CALL TION 218 MAJORITY PROTEST HEARING The Majority Protest Hearing was opened at 2:05 p.m. Pursuant MAJORITY PROTEST to the requirements of Proposition 218, Tim Bledsoe reported HEARING that on March 13, 2012, notices were issued, and mailed to all property owners on March 26. The simplified notices were mailed a week in advance of the required date, and included a pro- posed sewer rate increase of 5%, a proposed restructured metered water rate to increase the base charge, decrease the consumptive charge, add a second consumptive tier, and adjustment of all water rates to increase total water service charge revenue by a maximum of 2 %. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 2012 PAGE -2 In response, the District received 1374 protests for the water rate changes, of which 1245 are valid, accounting for 8.69% of the water customers. The sewer rate increase received 1,655 protests, of which 1526 are valid, accounting for 8.42% of the sewer customers. The Majority Protest Hearing was the final opportunity to receive protests and none were received. The hearing was closed at 2:10 p.m. Moved Jones / Second Cefalu / Passed Unanimously to the Consent Calendar as submitted: a. Liability Insurance Claim Against STPUD Receiv Amanda Masellones - Rejected claim in ac Government Code Section 913. MAJORITY PROTEST HEARING (continued) CONSENT CALENDAR Proposition 218 notices were issued customers protested the proposed in fiscal year 2012/13, including the restru rates. than 9% eduled The restructured met water cost of service s �. The base charge has bee percentage charge h• tiered st - will contin provide futur recommendati•'. e for resi collect an tered and were by HDR an eff d th a eering, in 111. offset a greater sumption 'ct's a d•i a scending two - tion w• • posed. Staff r consumption data and water rate itor met WATER AND SEWER RATE ORDINANCE NO. 540-12 The 5% sewer rate in e will • <, . =; erate approximately $515,000 and will help offset futu - b�� ice payments and costs associated with capital t ents of the District. The District is preparing for several large p jects over the next three years, including the Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) irrigation project ($5.5M), Fallen Leaf Lake sewer improvements ($2.4M) and a Luther Pass Pump Station pump and motor upgrade ($1.3M). The District has budgeted to borrow for the DVR project creating an annual debt service payment of approximately $360,000. The 2% water rate increase will generate approximately $183,000 and will help offset costs associated with capital improvements of the District. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 2012 PAGE - 3 A lengthy discussion took place that included the following points: WATER AND SEWER RATE • Proposed increases do not keep pace with replacement cost ORDINANCE NO. 540-12 recommendations, so higher increases will be needed in the (continued) future. • While Board members were in favor of the newly restructured water meter rates included in the Ordinance, some were not in favor of the proposed rate increases included in the Ordinance. • The local economy continues to suffer, and while the need to keep infrastructure in tact is recognized, a rate increase would create hardships for the District's ratepayers. • The results of the District's labor negotiations are unkno his time. • The District has worked hard to build and protect position over the years, and voting no on rate inc wou jeopardize the ability to receive low interest to • :; ; . y stponing necessary increases now would be hard to • p for later. • The suggestion to reduce the budget throu �;- ductions and belt tightening was included as part of the 201 ; 3 bud process. • The rate increase amounts to $2. per mon •te- - =` payers. Customer's individual invest system uable and it costs to maintain and protect th n -, nt. • The District's rate increases over the la close to the increases ot- ; -s such passed on to their cu • 93% of the District's mers •` of prot = rate inc - se. • Public works projects c - jobs; d stimul • the economy. The Ordina separate Moved Jon enact he prop Ordinance 540-1 ts, and sed Unanimously to section of Moved Jones / Secon Voted No / Passed to en rate Increases sections of efalu and Vogelgesang roposed 5% sewer and 2% water ance No. 540 -12. The Fiscal Year 2012/13 budget in the amount of $20,813,022 is fully FISCAL YEAR 2012/13 funded and includes a 5% increase in sewer rates. The proposed SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND rate increase will allow the District to move forward with the top BUDGET priority DVR irrigation project. As part of this rate increase, the Board discussed conducting a customer satisfaction survey to ask questions that will help make decisions for the future. It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to post a customer satisfaction survey on the District's web site, and to bring back information regarding obtaining a telephone REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 2012 PAGE -4 survey proposal, that will ask specific questions to determine if spending a portion of the rate increase to broadcast /stream Board meetings on the Internet is desired. Moved Jones / Second Sheehan / Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2908 -12 adopting the Fiscal Year 2012/13 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget. The Fiscal Year 2012/13 budget in the amount of $14,255,873 is fully funded and includes a 2% increase to water service ch rates. In addition to the 2% rate increase, the metered ra being restructured to increase the base charge and re consumptive charge. The increased base charge w District a larger guaranteed revenue stream to co - ` "' fixe costs which account for 80-90% of the District's • ting budg The consumptive charge has been lowered • ° ttempt to create more fairness between metered and etered customers. FISCAL YEAR 2012/13 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET (continued) FISCAL YEAR 2012/13 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET Moved Cefalu / Second Sheehan / • Unanimo adopt Resolution No 2909 -12 adopts ax al Year 13 Water Enterprise Fund Budget. This project includes n the Mountain No. 2, and - mas V. ;a, tanks. tanks were recently arse � and t �= e three the highest pri • � • • for rec ing, and of base bid coatings only. r atings o'x II had some of to d �'T ination, rust - luded a for a • • _' I exterior d on the ease bid amount John Thiel report opening. Upon revs found and summarize bid received from Crosn minor, and are considered received at the May 16 bid owest bids, irregularities were gularities in the apparent low ction were determined to be nsequential and immaterial. 2012 WATER TANK RECOATING PROJECT Moved Jones / Second Cefalu / Passed Unanimously to waive the minor bid irregularities, and award the bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Crosno Construction, in the amount of $341,500. The District was contacted by Andrew Strain, a representative of ELECTRICAL RATE Heavenly and Northstar resorts, to discuss Liberty Energy's pro- INTERVENTION posed rate increase. He inquired if the District would be interested in participating in an intervention with other organizations in the REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 2012 PAGE -5 same A -3 customer class in an effort to ensure that costs associated with other customer classes are not being passed through to the A -3 customer class. Heavenly participated in a similar intervention a few years ago with Sierra Pacific Power, and the District benefited from the realized savings. Participation include sharing the costs for services of an outside consultant to represent the interveners. A formula was deve - d to ensure fees are divided equally among the number of • veners. The estimated budget for the current interventi $67,000 - $100,000 of which $16,750 - $25,000 would District's estimated share. ELECTRICAL RATE INTERVENTION (continued) Andrew Strain addressed the Board and rela e successful interventions he has been involved with. The �, is to ensure the overall rate Liberty Energy is proposing is justifies ;- Boar discussed the proposal, and noted it an unbud was the consensus of the Board to c •ate in the ntion. Staff will prepare an agenda item se _ • royal of s at a future Board meeting. No Board action. Moved Cefalu / Seco to approve payment in Ca • ital Im committ and sew prioritized b discussed the hydro - electric ge will meet again aft in the 2013/2014 bud g / Pass f $754,6 animous PAYMENT OF CLAIMS May 'ect needs on a risk a rtunities fo tion from 1 to d he jectio entify water n years. ' e needs are d by staff. They also enue eration including C -line, etc. The committee mine project costs to include Water and Wastewater OD ons Committee: The committee met May 14. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC & STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Schafer received clarification from Director Vogelgesang BOARD MEMBER REPORTS regarding the duties expected as part of representing the District on the South Tahoe Redevelopment Successor Agency. Director Jones reported on his attendance at the recent ACWA (Association of California Water Agencies) conference. He attended various sessions, including those on water quality, ethics training, infrastructure replacement, and cap and trade. He also attended a meeting at the Bureau of Reclamation. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 2012 PAGE -6 The last meeting was held May 2, and the next meeting will be EL DORADO COUNTY on June 13. The September 12 meeting will be held at the District. WATER AGENCY REPORT Grants Coordinator: Lynn Nolan reported the District will apply for STAFF REPORTS a grant from the California Department of Public Health for $17M for water meters. This grant is awarded based on a percentage of disadvantaged in the community, and an income survey will be necessary. This unbudgeted item, estimated to cost $30,000, will be brought to the June 7 Board meeting for approval to issue request for proposals to perform the survey. Assistant General Manager /Engineer: Paul Sciuto repo conditions of the manhole and exposed sewer line Club near Upper Truckee River is worsening. The ri - • nk h eroded by three more feet, which leaves only .,� of before the manhole is undermined. If the situation b -s more dire, it may be necessary to take immediate actio : implement repairs, which are not budgeted for as this was �., expel �� d occurrence. 3:50 P.M. ` ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION a. Pursuant to Govern from Amanda Masello No re SED SESSION (b) /Liability Claim Against STPUD received b. Pursua Litigation r Florida, Nev ex ret. John U.S.A., Civil of California Governmen +Ise Claims Tenne He v. J -M M ActionW,.. ED CV 54956.9(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing ase:= ed States, the States of California, Delaware, and �= Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia facturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, 55 -GW, United States District Court for the Central District No reportable Board act was taken. c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J -M Manufacturing, et al. No reportable Board action was taken. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 2012 PAGE - 7 d. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(a) /Conference with Labor Negotiators Agency Negotiators: Austris Rungis /IEDA, Richard Solbrig /General Manager, Nancy Hussmann /Human Resources Director, Paul Hughes /Chief Financial Officer Employee Organization: Management Unit No reportable Board action was taken. e. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(a) /Conference with Labor Negotiators Agency Negotiators: Austris Rungis /IEDA, Richard Solbrig /General Manager, Nancy Hussmann /Human Resources Director, Paul Hugh _ hief Financial Officer Employee Organization: Stationary Engineers, Local 39 No reportable Board action was taken. 4:25 P.M. ATTEST: ECONVENED TO OPEN SION AND MEETING URNMENT d President tility District Kathy Sh and South Taho • lic Utilit strict South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Soibrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy ¥ogeigesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Civet Drive* South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150 -7401 Phone 550 544 - 6474• Fax530 541 -0614• www.stpud us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7a TO: Board of Directors FROM: No Bergsohn, Hydro - Geologist MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Dedicated Electric Sample Pump Systems REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Make a finding to standardize Fultz Pumps Inc. (Fultz) dedicated groundwater sampling pump system for use in District monitoring wells; (2) Authorize exception to the bidding procedures as permitted in the District's purchasing policy for standardized equipment purchased from the manufacturer; and (3) Authorize purchase from Fultz in the amount of $15,555.40. DISCUSSION: The District uses dedicated sampling pumps for the collection of water quality samples from District monitoring wells in El Dorado County and Alpine County. Dedicated pump systems are preferred to portable pumps for long -term groundwater sampling as they provide more representative water quality data, by eliminating the risk of cross - contamination between sampling sites. Dedicated pump systems also reduce sampling time by eliminating the need for pump decontamination and pump installation /removal at the time of sampling. District monitoring wells are used to evaluate long -term changes in groundwater quality and to meet regulatory permit requirements extending over decades. It is essential that the sampling pumps fitted in these wells are durable, easy to use and capable of providing high quality groundwater samples. The District currently uses both pneumatic bladder pump and electrical sample pump systems. Staff would like to standardize the type of dedicated electric sample pump equipment for operational familiarity, sampling ease, and to minimize the types of electric pump controllers, and spare parts needed for repairs. Based on past performance and competitive pricing, staff wishes to designate Fultz dedicated groundwater sampling pumps system as the standard for use in District monitoring wells, where dedicated electric sample pumps are desired. Review of this selection as an equipment standard is suggested after five years (June 2017). This item has been reviewed by the District's Purchasing Agent and Legal Counsel. No Bergsohn June 21,2012 Page 2 SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $15,556.40 ACCOUNT NO: 1029 - 8136 /ALPMWS BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $45,168.00 ATTACHMENTS: Sole Brand /Source Sole Justification /Approval Form - Fultz Pumps, Inc. (06/12/2012); Fultz Quote 1691 (6/7/2012) CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO -88- CATEGORY: Sewer No Bergsohn From: Candy Moore <cmoore @fultzpumps.com> Sent Thursday, June 07, 2012 8:53 AM To: No Bergsohn Subject Re: Alpine County MW Details for Pump Quote (ammended) Attachments: Quote1691.pdf; wellcap.pdf Hello No - Attached is the revised price quote you requested. I have also attached a schematic of our well cap. Please draw in the 1/8" hole where you would like it on the cap so we are clear on what you need. Also, specify the wire guage so we can double check that the hole size will be large enough. This price quote valid for 30 days. Please let me know if you have' any questions. Regards, Candy Moore Fultz Pumps, Inc. 717 - 248 -2300 inal Messa • e --- To: 'Candy Moore' Cc: Terry Powers Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 2:54 PM Subject: Alpine County MW Details for Pump Quote (ammended) Hi Candy- Could you please send me a new quote that would include all of the items /costs presented in Quote1689 plus these additional items: 1. Costs to fully equip three additional Monitoring Wells (ACMW -7S, ACMW -8N and ACMW -12) -see well construction details, attached; 2. One Portable Power Supply Control Case; and 3. One 12V Power Supply Due to freezing conditions, check valves are not desired on the discharge lines above the pumps. As noted previously, each of the wells will also be equipped with dedicated water -level monitoring equipment (Solinst Barologger/ Levelogger transducers). The pump well caps must accommodate the suspended wireline installations for the well transducers. Can Fultz slot the well caps (1/8" slot) for these wireline installations so the 1" port for the hose whip does not need to be used for this purpose? Feel free to call me should you have any questions. Thanks, -89- No Bergsohn, PG, CHG Hydrogeologist South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 530.543.6204 530.541.4319 (fax) From: Candy Moore [mailto:cmoore@fultzpumps.com] Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 10:44 AM To: No Bergsohn Subject: Re: Alpine County MW Details for Pump Quote Hello Ivo - It was nice talking with you earlier today. Attached is a price quote for the equipment you inquired about All prices reflect a 20% discount which we offer when purchasing 6+ pumpd. One thing I forgot to ask - do you need check valves (to keep the water in the hose from emptying back into the well after sampling)? If so these are $49.60 each. If you need these I can easily update the quote for you. Our well caps have an extra approx. 1" port to allow for other instruments to be inserted into the well. This port also allows for storage of the discharge hose line (included with each well cap). Should you decide to accept this quote, we can set up South Tahoe Public Utility District with an open account (net 30 day terms) if you provide me with 3 trade references. Approval takes about 2 days. This equipment can be viewed and specification sheets printed at http: //fultzpumps .com/Flyers/flyer - dedicated.pdf This price quote valid for 30 days. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Regards, Candy Moore Fultz Pumps, Inc. 717 - 248 -2300 — O ' • inal Messa • e To: 'cmoore @fultzoumos.com' Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 11:49 AM Subject: Alpine County MW Details for Pump Quote Good Morning Candy- As discussed, the District needs to equip fourteen (14) shallow groundwater monitoring wells with dedicated sampling pump systems. A worksheet listing the well construction details and inferred tubing lengths needed for the well pumps is attached. Could you please send me a quote to fully equip these wells using dedicated electric submersible pumps. Please also include costs for well caps, a pump controller and DC to AC inverter. Each of the wells will also be equipped -9p- with dedicated water -level monitoring equipment (Solinst Barologger/ Levelogger transducers) suspended on wirelines. The pump well caps must also accommodate the wireline installations for the well transducers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Thanks, No Bergsohn, PG, CHG Hydrogeologist South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 530.543.6204 530.541.4319 (fax) This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. ruit Pumps4 Inc. GROUNDWATER MONITORING SYSTEMS P.O. Box 550 Lewistown, PA 17044-0550 717 - 248 -2300 EIN 23- 2339574 CUSTOMER No Bergsohn, PG, CHG South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahe, CA 96150 530 - 543-6204 ivergsohn @stpud.dst.ca.us PRICE QUOTE PRO FORMA INVOICE QUOTE NO: 1691 DATE: June 07, 2012 SHIPPING INFO Same Shipping Via Lead Time Payment Terms UPS - Ground Quantity Part No. 17 17 1 17 2 2 SP -400 WC -2 POLY-532 QC -F PPS -CASE 12VPS NOTES Description Net 30 w/ approval 400 Pump Heads 2" Well Caps (with customer specified modification) 532' Polyethyelene hose with integrated power wire assembled to customer specified 17 lengths Quick Connect Couplings - Female (installed on lower end of 17 hoses) Portable Power Supply Control Case 12V Power Supply 4 boxes = 21" x 11" x 33" = 40 lbs. -92- Unit Price Amount 636.00 63.20 3.40 / ft. 21.60 548.00 69.00 10,812.00 1,074.40 1,808.80 367.20 1,096.00 138.00 Shipping: Sales Tax: Total: 260.00 $15,556.40 )Ac 1 ItAn (131 11 is f.r;1M?.1 1111() 11111 (IVJ11JM., 31111 'OM 7.44dlivind zi-au 1 f • e8F- Z X 'CIA) gzi C/.32: 0 t4GOVSCISVS -a-Rom crnr11 .1,*nos 'v�y I" noro M asoa facts s5 Otg":1)1(49/t riom.vrravists,, miliaws fax eft -11-57v% trmaltiur (3-z aleti r4 %Wort -1)-1 ran \91 Z X tiAl Z x 'CIA1 OGZ gZ I gLE.Z 0 -4 - 0 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Note: Please do not modify this original form which is located in the public drive. Either print it out or copy the form to a personal work file to use. Answer questions and utilize as much space as required. Sole Brand /Source Sole Justification /Approval Form EXPLANATION: Complete this form when specifications limit bidding to one brand name (whether or not the item can be purchased from more than one source). 1. The District follows legal requirements to obtain competition whenever possible. Competitive purchases are easy to justify in regards to price and also encourage suppliers to remain-competitive in price and service. At times however, it may be necessary or economically preferable to purchase products or services on a sole brand or sole source basis. Since sole brand/sole source purchasing is an exception to the normal procurement function, it must be objectively justified. Completion of this form should facilitate that process and provide a written record of the basis used in sole procurement decisions. 2. Criteria that may be considered in determining sole brand includes (but is not limited to): unique features availability size limitations service & support reliability operational familiarity repair ease part interchangeability programming ease 3. The purchase of products or services often requires research of the market and District needs regardless if the purchase will result in a competitive solicitation later. The research is an internal process. Departments are requested to use discretion in their discussion with vendors so as not to compromise any competitive advantage the buyer may have, regardless of the acceptance or rejection of the sole brand /source justification. Staff is also asked to anticipate future needs and research products /services prior to any substantial investment to avoid being committed to certain products without recognizing and comparing all variables. Supplier Name: Fultz Pumps, Inc. Street Address: P.O. Box 550 City/ State/ZIP: Lewistown, PA 17044 -0550 Contact, Phone: (717) 248 -2300 General Description of Commodity or Service requested to be Purchased and its function: Dedicated electric groundwater sampling pump systems and accessories. i INSTRUCTIONS: Please initial all entries below that apply to the proposed purchase. Attach additional information or support documentation if needed. More than one entry will apply to all sole source justifications. i SOLE BRAND JUSTIFICATION ITEM INITIALS JUSTIFICATION 1 This is the only known product or service that will meet the minimum essential needs of this department or perform the necessary intended function. If this item is initialed, please explain below. Explanation (Include the unique performance features of required functions and why they are necessary): Electrical sampling pumps are operated using variable speed pump controllers that are designed by the pump manufacturer for use on its own products. Variable speed controllers are needed to operate the pumps at high speeds, during well purging and at low speeds during sample collection. Standardizing an electric sample pump system will minimize the types of pump controllers and variety of spare parts needed for repairs. It will also improve sampling efficiency by optimizing operational familiarity using a standard electric sample pump system. What methods were utilized to find other sources - be specific (e.g. Internet search engines, sourcing sites, other users, the competition): Google Search: dedicated electrical groundwater sampling pumps List the other vendors that were researched. Detail why their product/service was rejected. • Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. (www.aeotechenv.com); Product rejected based on cost. • Enviro-Tech Services Company (www.envirotechonline.com); Product rejected based on cost. 2 Purchase must be made through the only area distributor of the product or only Product or service has been previously standardized (documentation attached). It is not due for review, and it is not interchangeable with a similar product/service from another manufacturer. Comments: 3 . - Staff wishes to add the product or service to the standardization list. If this item is initialed, describe in detail below. Explanation: Fultz Pump Inc. dedicated groundwater sampling pump system (Model SP -400) SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION 4 X Purchase is to be made from the original manufacturer or provider. 5 Purchase must be made through the manufacturer - the manufacturer is the exclusive distributor. 6 Purchase must be made through the only area distributor of the product or only -95- authorized service provider. 7 None of the above 6 items apply. A detailed justification for this sole source purchase is provided below: Detailed Justification: Fultz Pumps, Inc. was selected based on cost and product testimonials from references provided by the manufacturer. Describe what you have done to ensure that the product brand or service costs recommended are reasonable: Staff solicited quotes to two manufacturers and one product vendor to equip fourteen District monitoring wells with dedicated electric stainless steel sampling pump systems. Results of this solicitation are provided below; • Fultz Pumps, Inc. (Quote # 1689; $12,281.00); • Geotech Environmental Equipment (Quote # 09834811; $21,757.13); • Enviro-Tech Services Company (Quote # MM -0522; $28,061.30) Detailed Justification: Fultz Pumps, Inc. was selected based on cost and product testimonials from references provided by the manufacturer. Describe what you have done to ensure that the product brand or service costs recommended are reasonable: Staff solicited quotes to two manufacturers and one product vendor to equip fourteen District monitoring wells with dedicated electric stainless steel sampling pump systems. Results of this solicitation are provided below; • Fultz Pumps, Inc. (Quote # 1689; $12,281.00); • Geotech Environmental Equipment (Quote # 09834811; $21,757.13); • Enviro -Tech Services Company (Quote # MM -0522; $28,061.30) Other explanation/justification: (e.g. history of previous like purchases) The District's lab has been very satisfied with the ease of use, reduced groundwater sampling times, and pump quality, offered by dedicated electric sampling pump systems. Based on its past experience and the large increase M the number of groundwater monitoring wells requiring sampling, the District lab has requested that the fourteen (14) new groundwater monitor wells installed in Alpine County (2011), also be equipped with dedicated electric sampling pump systems. Staff would like to standardize the type of dedicated electric sample pump equipment for operational familiarity, ease of operation and to minimize the number and types of pump controllers needed to operate the sampling pumps and the variety of spare parts needed for repairs. Suggested review date: June 2017 On the basis of the above, I recommend that competitive procurement be limited and that the product or service indicated be solicited on a sole brand basis. On the basis of the above, I recommend that competitive procurement be waived and that the product or service indicated be purchased on a sole brand and sole source basis. I have made a diligent effort to review comparable products or services. I feel confident that the sole brand/sole source purchase is justified and feel confident in explaining the justification to the general public. I also understand that I may be required to provide detailed st analysis/estimate since price reasonableness may not be established through the e prod EMPLOYEE NAME & DEPARTMENT U R SI NATURE DATE No Bergsohn, Engineering - June 12, 2012 MANAGER NAME (if different) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE Based on the above statements and justification, I hereby agree with the purchase of this product or service on a sole brand /source basis. PURCHASING AGENT SIGNATURE DATE CA-2 --w 4:34-t-- 6 //31/ 2.— Other approvals may be required up to and including Board of Director approval. DEDICATED GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PUMP SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Fultz Pumps, Inc.'s dedicated pump system provides for one of the most user friendly installations in the industry. We assemble the hose with integrated power lead and the well cap to the exact customer specified length. Simply snap the pump onto the end of the hose and lower the assembly into the well. The well cap features a 1" access port for other instruments and serves as the storage port for the discharge line. To power the pump the operator will only need to plug our briefcase controller to the well cap plug to draw the sample. (Specify schedule of pipe) KEY BENEFITS ❑ Easy installation - snap components together, drop in installation ❑ Greatly reduce man hours spent installing, withdrawing, and decontaminating equipment ❑ Eliminate chance of cross contamination ❑ Most convenient for field personnel. ❑ Ideal for long term monitoring projects BRIEFCASE CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: 7" X 11" X 14" Weight: 12 lbs. Control Panel: Variable speed knob for precise flow control (can meet low flow parameters of <50 ml/min.) Amp Meter 7 Amp breaker for motor protection Forward / Off / Reverse toggle switch Power Port for 36VDC power input -98- rub Pumps. Inc. GROUNDWATER MONITORING SYSTEMS 717440-2300 . MODEL SP-400 PUMP SPECIFICATIONS Our electric submersible pump is constructed of stainless steel and Teflon® and operates on the positive displacement. Two Teflon® rotors sit in a stainless steel cavity and displace the water up the hose in a steady stream. Teflon® is used for the rotors In the interest of purity however they are the only component on the pump that requires any routine maintenance. Teflon® rotors are field replaceable (the operator only needs a pair of needle nose pliers and a screwdriver) and they are reasonably priced at $25 per set. Lifespan of these rotors is 100 hours in clear water; less hours depending on turbidity. The pump's low rpm electric motor won't disturb the sample. The motor operates on 36VDC. No cool down period is necessary as long as the pump is immersed in water. The efficient motor generates little heat - no cooling shroud is required! We also offer an optional detachable check valve. This stainless steel and Teflon® quick connect coupling can easily be installed or removed depending on sampling requirements. Diameter: 1.75" Length: 9.16" Weight: 2.5 lbs. Materials: 304 Stainless Steel Teflon® Rotors Viton Housing seal Carbon motor seal Lift Capacity: 150' 2.5 2. 1.5 M 1' 0.5 0.00 ® Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont. -99- Pump Curve 50 100 150 Lift in Feet IN SP-400 on 36VDC -100- No Bergsohn From: Candy Moore <cmoore @fultzpumps.com> Sent Monday, May 21, 2012 10:44 AM To: No Bergsohn Subject Re: Alpine County MW Details for Pump Quote Attachments: Quote1689.pdf Hello Ivo - It was nice talking with you earlier today. Attached is a price quote for the equipment you inquired about. All prices reflect a 20% discount which we offer when purchasing 6+ pumpd. One thing I forgot to ask - do you need check valves (to keep the water in the hose from emptying back into the well after sampling)? If so these are $49.60 each. If you need these I can easily update the quote for you. Our well caps have an extra approx. 1" port to allow for other instruments to be inserted into the well. This port also allows for storage of the discharge hose line (included with each well cap). Should you decide to accept this quote, we can set up South Tahoe Public Utility District with an open account (net 30 day terms) if you provide me with 3 trade references. Approval takes about 2 days. This equipment can be viewed and specification sheets printed at http:// fultzoumos .com/Flyers/flyer- dedicated.adf This price quote valid for 30 days. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Regards, Candy Moore Fultz Pumps, Inc. 717- 248 -2300 ---- Ori • inal Me .. a ----- To: 'cmoorenfultzpumos.com' Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 11:49 AM Subject: Alpine County MW Details for Pump Quote Good Morning Candy- As discussed, the District needs to equip fourteen (14) shallow groundwater monitoring wells with dedicated sampling pump systems. A worksheet listing the well construction details and inferred tubing lengths needed for the well pumps is attached. Could you please send me a quote to fully equip these wells using dedicated electric submersible pumps. Please also include costs for well caps, a pump controller and DC to AC inverter. Each of the wells will also be equipped with dedicated water -level monitoring equipment (Solinst Barologger/ Levelogger transducers) suspended on wirelines. The pump well caps must also accommodate the wireline installations for the well transducers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. -1012- Thanks, No Bergsohn, PG, CHG Hydrogeofogist South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 530.543.6204 530.541.4319 (fax) This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. Fultx Pumps.. Inc, GROUNDWATER MONITORING SYSTEMS P.O. Box 550 Lewistown, PA 17044 -0550 717 - 248 -2300 EN 23- 2339574 CUSTOMER No Bergsohn, PG, CHG South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahe, CA 96150 530-543-6204 ivergsohn @stpud.dsLca.us PRICE QUOTE PRO FORMA INVOICE QUOTE NO: 1689 DATE: May 21, 2012 SHIPPING INFO Same Shipping Via Lead Time Payment Terms UPS - Ground Quantity Part No. 14 14 1 14 1 1 SP -400 WC -2 POLY -392 QC -F PPS -CASE 12VPS NOTES Description Net 30 w/ approval 400 Pump Heads 2" Well Caps 392' Polyethyelene hose with integrated power wire assembled to customer specified 14 lengths Quick Connect Couplings - Female (installed on lower end of 14 hoses) Portable Power Supply Control Case 12V Power Supply 3 boxes = 21" x 11" x 33" = 40 lbs. -104- Unit Price Amount 636.00 63.20 3.40 / ft. 21.60 548.00 69.00 8,904.00 884.80 1,332.80 302.40 548.00 69.00 Shipping: Sales Tax: Total: 240.00 $12,281.00 Ivo Bergsohn From: Andrew Lindemann <AndrewL @geotechenv.com> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 11:25 AM To: Ivo Bergsohn Subject Quote No. 09834811 Attachments: Quote - #09834811.pdf Ivo - I simply neglected to include the inverter on the original quote. Attached is a revised quote which includes this item. Andrew Lindemann National Sales Manager MOM From: Ivo Bergsohn [ mailto :Ibergsohn@stpud.dst.ca.us] Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 12:17 PM To: Andrew Lindemann Subject Quote No. 09834811 Hi Andrew- Thanks for putting together Quote No. 09834811. I have one question; I did not see a line item for the Geotech DC to AC Inverter. Is this cost included in the quote? Thanks, -Ivo From: Andrew Lindemann j mailto :AndrewAgeotechenv.cpm] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 3:16 PM To: Ivo Bergsohn Cc: Terry Powers Subject: Alpine County Monitoring Well Details Hello Ivo, Thank you for the opportunity to provide the attached cost estimate for dedicated GeoSub systems. Everything is included to pre - assembly each system per monitoring well specifications, double bag, and deliver. Estimated shipping is based on shipping carrier and delivery method. Freight can be pre -paid and billed or a your shipping account number can be used. -1015- Contact me if you have any question or if we can assist further. Thanks again, Andrew Lindemann National Sales Manager gootech From: No Bergsohn fmailto :IbergsohnOstpud.dst.ca.usl Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 3:03 PM To: Andrew Lindemann Cc: Terry Powers Subject: Alpine County Monitoring Well Details Hi Andrew- As discussed, the District needs to equip fourteen (14) shallow groundwater monitoring wells with dedicated sampling pump systems. A worksheet listing the well construction details and inferred tubing lengths needed for the well pumps is attached. Could you please send me a quote to fully equip these wells using dedicated electrical submersible pumps (Geosmart Dedicated Sampling Systems). Please also include costs for well caps, a pump controller and DC to AC inverter. Each of the wells will also be equipped with dedicated water -level monitoring equipment (Solinst Barologger/ Levelogger transducers) suspended on wirelines. The pump well caps must also accommodate the wireline installations for the well transducers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Regards, Ivo Bergsohn, PG, CHG Hydrogeologist South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 530.543.6204 530.541.4319 (fax) This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. ge9tech Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. 2650 East 40th Avenue Denver, CO 80205 Phone 303.320.4764 Fax 303.322.7242 sales@geotechenv.com www.geotec henv.com Bill To: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST. ATTN: A.P. • 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Phone No: (530) 5444474 Ext No: Shipping Date —0.00 Quotation Ship Via UPS GROUND Ship To: Quote No: 09834811 Quote Date: 05/17/2012 Customer No: 000006602206 Salesperson No: 004 ANDREW LINDEMANN Account Terms: 1 %- 10/NET30 Payment Method: PO Placed By: No Bergsohn SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST. IVO BERGSOHN 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Bill Fit Carrier li Location CO Shipping Instructions (530) 543-6204 1 51200048 ASSY,PUMP,SS GEOSUB,NO LEAD, 2 81400104 WELL CAP,SLIP,2 ",1/2 ",SS, GEOSUB MODIFY CAP TO ACCEPT SOUNST TRANSDUCER CABLE. 3 87050503 TUBING,PE,3/8x1/2,FT POLYETHYLENE EA EA FT 4 81400128 HOSEWHIP,PE,6FT,SS GEOSUB EA POLY,TUBING ONLY,NO FITTING 5 81400900 SYSTEM ASSEMBLY FT 6 17200098 CRIMP,SS4,3/32,OVAL SLEEVE EA 7 11400001 QUICK LINK,1 /8 ",SS,CABLE LINK EA 8 81200031 SS GEOSUB CONTROLLER,CE,120V, EA 120VAC INPUT,300W DC OUTPUT 9 51200085 ASSY,EXTENSION CORD FOR GEOSUB EA 15 FT 10 21200103 CABLE,12/2AWG,ETFE,SS GEOSUB FT WITH SS SAFETY CABLE 11 81400127 GEOTECH,DC TO AC INVERTER 600W EA —107— 14.00 14.00 $1,145.40 $85.00 392.00 $0.40 14.00 $11.00 392.00 $1.00 14.00 $3.00 1.00 $9.00 1.00 $2,195.00 $16,035.60 $1,190.00 $156.80 $154.00 $392.00 $42.00 $9.00 $2,195.00 1.00 $80.00 $80.00 392.00 $3.21 $1,257.73 1.00 $245.00 $245.00 Quantity Une No. Item No. Item Deserlption UOM Ordered Unit Price Amount 1 51200048 ASSY,PUMP,SS GEOSUB,NO LEAD, 2 81400104 WELL CAP,SLIP,2 ",1/2 ",SS, GEOSUB MODIFY CAP TO ACCEPT SOUNST TRANSDUCER CABLE. 3 87050503 TUBING,PE,3/8x1/2,FT POLYETHYLENE EA EA FT 4 81400128 HOSEWHIP,PE,6FT,SS GEOSUB EA POLY,TUBING ONLY,NO FITTING 5 81400900 SYSTEM ASSEMBLY FT 6 17200098 CRIMP,SS4,3/32,OVAL SLEEVE EA 7 11400001 QUICK LINK,1 /8 ",SS,CABLE LINK EA 8 81200031 SS GEOSUB CONTROLLER,CE,120V, EA 120VAC INPUT,300W DC OUTPUT 9 51200085 ASSY,EXTENSION CORD FOR GEOSUB EA 15 FT 10 21200103 CABLE,12/2AWG,ETFE,SS GEOSUB FT WITH SS SAFETY CABLE 11 81400127 GEOTECH,DC TO AC INVERTER 600W EA —107— 14.00 14.00 $1,145.40 $85.00 392.00 $0.40 14.00 $11.00 392.00 $1.00 14.00 $3.00 1.00 $9.00 1.00 $2,195.00 $16,035.60 $1,190.00 $156.80 $154.00 $392.00 $42.00 $9.00 $2,195.00 1.00 $80.00 $80.00 392.00 $3.21 $1,257.73 1.00 $245.00 $245.00 geotech Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. 2650 East 40th Avenue Denver, CO 80205 Phone 303.320.4764 Fax 303.322.7242 sales@geotechenv.com www.geotethenv.com Bill To: SOUTH TAHOE PUBUC UTILITY DIST. ATTN: A.P. 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Phone No: (530) 5444474 Ext No: Shipping Date —0.00 Quotation Ship Via UPS GROUND Quote No: Quote Date: Customer No: Salesperson No: Account Terms: Payment Method: Placed By: 09834811 05/17/2012 000006602206 004 ANDREW LINDEMANN 196- 10/NET30 PO No Bergsohn Ship To: SOUTH TAHOE PUBUC UTILITY DIST. IVO BERGSOHN 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BIII Frt Carrier S Location CO Shipping Instructions (530) 543-6204 Special Instructions: Quote Total Does Not Include Taxes or Shipping/Handling. Page 2 of 2 —108— Gross Amount $21,757.13 Quantity Line No. item No. Item Description UOM Ordered Unit Price Amount Special Instructions: Quote Total Does Not Include Taxes or Shipping/Handling. Page 2 of 2 —108— Gross Amount $21,757.13 No Bergsohn From: Mark@envirotechonline.com Sent Wednesday, May 23, 2012 11:11 AM To: No Bergsohn Subject Quote # MM -0522 Attachments: Quote # MM- 0522.PDF Hi Ivo, This is my second attempt at sending this quote so let's home this one works. Systems quoted are for the pump with tubing and Tefzel motor lead with integrated safety cable at each specified length. Dedicated well heads are on a separate line with the quantity at 14. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. We would appreciate the opportunity to provide these systems and work with you on this project should you need any dataloggers or transducers as previously mentioned. I have done my best to provide our best pricing for this quote, however if this is out as a competetive bid and you get a lower quote on the equivalent systems, please let me know and I'll do my best to match it. Our's should be pretty competetive though. Thanks for the opportunity and I look forward to working with you on this. Thanks Ivo! Mark Maupin Enviro-Tech Services 925- 370 -8503 Attached is Quote # MM -0522 for Enviro -Tech Services Company To view the attachment, you must have the Adobe(r) Reader(r) software installed on your computer. To get a free version of this software from Adobe, click here: httD: / /www. adobe .com /suoDort/downloads /main.htmt This email message has been delivered safely and archived online by Mimecast. For more information please visit htta: / /www.mimecast.com Enviro-Tech Services Company 4851 Sunrise Drive Suite 101 Martinez, CA 94553 Quoted to: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. S. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 USA Quotation Quote Number: MM -0522 Quote Date: May 22, 2012 Page: 1 Customer ID Good Ti ru Payment Terms Sales Rep SOUTHTAIK)E 6/21/12 Net 30 Days MARK Quantity Item Description Unit Price Extension 1.00 ACMW -13; Redi -Flo2: 16' Tefzel 1,430.60 1,430.60 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACMW -14; Redi -Flo 2: 25' Tefzel 1,470.85 1,470.85 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACMW -15; Redi -Flo 2: 25' Tefzel 1,470.85 1,470.85 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACMW -16; Redi -Flo 2: 24' Tefzel 1,455.25 1,455.25 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACM-17; Redi -Flo 2: 25' Tefzel 1,470.85 1,470.85 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACMW -18; Redi -Flo 2: 25' Tefzel 1,500.85 1,500.85 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACMW -19; Redi -Flo 2: 15' Tefzel 1,405.65 1,405.65 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACMW -20; Redi -Flo 2: 17' Tefzel 1,435.75 1,435.75 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable/ PE Subtotal Continued Sales Tax Continued Freight Continued Total Continued -110- Enviro-Tech Services Company 4851 Sunrise Drive Suite 101 Martinez, CA 94553 Quoted to: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. S. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 USA Quotation Quote Number: MM- 0522 Quote Date: May 22, 2012 Page: 2 Customer ID Good Thru Payment Terms Sales Rep SOUTHTAmE 6/21/12 Net 30 Days MARK Quantity Item Description Unit Price Extension 'Tubing 1.00 ACMW -21; Redi -Flo 2: 25' Tefzel 1,470.85 1,470.85 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACMW -22; Redi -Flo 2: 55' Tefzel 1,650.80 1,650.80 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACM-23; Redi -Flo 2: 45' Tefzel 1,595.50 1,595.50 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACMW -24; Redi -Flo 2: 45' Tefzel 1,595.50 1,595.50 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 ACMW -25; Redi -Flo 2: 25' Tefzel 1,470.85 1,470.85 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 1.00 AG W -26; Redi -Flo 2: 25' Tefzel 1,470.85 1,470.85 Motor Lead w/ Safety Cable / PE Tubing 14.00 2" Dedicated Well Seal w/ Hose 182.15 2,550.10 Whip (Tubing discharge connector) 1.00 VFD; Control Box for Redi -Flo 2 2,452.95 2,452.95 Pumps. AC Power cnly, Requires a Subtotal Continued Sales Tax Continued . Freight Continued Total Continued Enviro-Tech Services Company 4851 Sunrise Drive Suite 101 Martinez, CA 94553 Quoted to: South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. S. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 USA Quotation Quote Number: MM -0522 Quote Date: May 22, 2012 Page: 3 Customer ID Good Thru Payment Terms Sales Rep SOUTHTAWE 6/21/12 Net 30 Days MARK Quantity Item Description Unit Price Extension generator or hard wire power supply. 1.00 Extention Cord; Well head to VFD 98.50 98.50 *Freight charge is an estimated amount based on items quoted. ATTN: IVO BSRGSOHN Subtotal 25,996.55 Sales Tax 1,884.75 Freight 180.00 Total 28,061.30 youth Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Sollbrig Directors Chris t:efalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • youth Lake Tahoe• CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530541 -0614• www.stpud.ue BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Hughes, Chieffinancial Officer MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Postponement of Scheduled Capacity Charge Increases REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff DISCUSSION: As directed by the Board at the January 19, 2012, regular meeting, staff brought forward to the Finance Committee on May 31, 2012, the topic of scheduled capacity charge increases effective July 1, 2012. Staff reported that the scheduled increases to capacity charges had been postponed by the Board four times in an effort to encourage development. Also reported was the fact that capacity charge revenue is restricted by law for infrastructure projects or to repay debt that was incurred due to infrastructure projects. When capacity charge levels are kept artificially low the current rate payers are subsidizing the difference when the District completes capital projects. Staff is seeking direction from the Board whether or not to prepare and present the required ordinance to postpone the capacity charge increases scheduled for July 1, 2012. SCHEDULE: The increases currently scheduled for July 1, 2012 are 36% for water ($6,832 to $9,231 for a standard 3/4 inch meter) and 16% for sewer ($4,930 to $5,720 per unit). COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer & Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES 41/1 NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -113- 1 South Tahoe Pubic Utility District General Manager Richard H. 5olbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 MeardowCrmst Drive* South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-74(31 Phone 530 544 -6474• Fax 530 541 -0614• www.stpuel.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2004 Sewer Debt Refunding REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize Chief Financial Officer to execute an engagement letter with Bartle Wells Associates, in the amount of $25,000. DISCUSSION: Due to historically low interest rates, the District has an opportunity to refinance a Sewer borrowing from 2004 which has a current outstanding balance of $10,275,000. Even with an early payment penalty, the estimated gross savings over the remaining term of the debt (12 years) is $1.0 million. The estimated present value of the gross savings is $788,000. The savings are achieved by paying off the current debt which has annual interest rates of 4% to 4.875%, with new debt carrying an estimated interest rate of 3.25 %. The actual final rate will not be known until we receive competitive bids from participating financial institutions. The District has a very positive work history and relationship with Reed Schmidt of Bartle Wells Associates, most currently working with the District on the Headworks project financing. Utilizing Bartle Wells Associates as a financial advisor, working directly with interested financial institutions to achieve individual loan bids, is the most cost - effective approach for a borrowing this size. The District has positive past experience with Bartle Wells Associates and staff is confident in their ability to complete this transaction in a timely, cost - effective manner. The total estimated cost for this refinancing is $80,000 which includes the $25,000 to Bartle Wells Associates. The remaining estimated expenses are due to general legal and bond counsel fees. The total amount of all expenses will be rolled into the loan and have been accounted for when estimating the total gross savings of $1.0 million. SCHEDULE: Refunding to close in a maximum of 90 days. COSTS: Total issuance costs, including this contract, are estimated at $80,000. ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Barter Wells Associates Engagement Letter; Savings Analysis —115— Paul Hughes June 21, 2012 Page 2 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES (10 11 NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO r116- CATEGORY: Sewer BASH WELLS ASSOCIATES utespeascas PIIBLIC.PINANCI ADVISORS June tti 201.2 South Tahoe Pqb lic Mitt District 1275, biteatiow Cent Olive South Ufa Tahoe, CA SIE/50 Aitentiomlaul Rte Phnuudni Oftioer 1459 AlcatrazAvenue Berkeley, a 94103 910 Mt 3499 fie S10643 3759 e-mail: rsclunklarebartlewells.cora Subject Sewer Rofituding In response to South Tie ublic UMW District's request, Bartle Wells Associates is pleased to Submit disengagement letter% sew as finanoW Adsor on Rio proposed reftnidhrg of Seriet204 Sower PAlweltue Certificates of PartioWell (GO.P4 The orighud ptinelpa1 amount swot ili5.0,m1gton to be used for swat hifinstnntore improvenekts. 1 sag principal ontstandingis autvently S10175 railamand EIWA's reiundinganalysis indicates that therocotdd be significant savings-to the District if the 2004 CON were refunded. MA has workedon water andsewer finenelal Phan for the District and served as the Etistrices fliutachd adviimr on sevend wattutend sewer borrowing. M adependent finanogtiadviser‘Battle Wells Associates does** wound any bank, underwriter* or etleg' lender. VlitV ail* reptusent the interest of our publionency clients throughout the debt fssuanoe process. We have thund that co salar generate the lowest interest rates and lowest cost financings (other than subsidized great and loan Program", limps of ihrsicos Based can must tmegietattOt ctd Imirket conditions, MA beftee that a competitively bid bank loan or prieekOlacementweeld likely be the lewcstlest annwingaltemetke. Worlds& in cooperstifin With Distebstetaft BWA will prsfornx the f011oWing services in connection MEI the semilitanaing, 1. Project Orientsgon To Initiate ourwerkt, hold a tone conference with riot staff Waccomplith the kdowing: ▪ 'dent* membersofthe District's staff and others who will participate in the Prgiset• • Determine the roles and *sponsibili 'ties ofali pnzlieet Participants. • Establish projectsehOdute and key milestone dates. • Confirm the key.gets and expectations of the project team. ?aid Hughes, South Tahoe:Public Utility District Jane 8, 2012 Page 2 • Compile financial information nem:Maly to el:impiety the financing. • Dismiss District's current 10-year financial plan for the sewer enterprise and recently ffearckipproved budget and rate increase 2. Confirm ncingMethod Work whir the Distnct's Chief Finance Officer to identify fidanaing priorities and objectives. Confirm that a competitively bid bank loan or private placement is the preferable financing Method In tenns of interestrate, flexibility, and oendltions. 3. Determine Financing Structure and Terms Recommend a flnanchig structure and twit betted on the DiswIct's objectives. Identify debt prepayment options and other legal-provirrions to mardinixethe District's future financial flevbility. 4. Solicit Vtiva Competitive Sale Proems Establish bitirequiregients, provide-information to potential *deiS,and solicit bids from prospective banks and lenders. 5. Evaluate Bids and Selection of VrtaingLender Evaluatethrzhftimceivecl including any WO previsions or blmequirements submitted by each hidden Account k all costs associated wilts's& financing — including any required loan fees or legal fees — as well as the loan proviskIns required...A*0dt *War. Advise District staffin selectingthe most limitable and lowest overall coat bki. CoordinateOltianting Team As needed, assist Dkstrict in hiring a bond counsel to prepare er review financial eitceetaellitandfcc bane a legal ophilon regardhtg the tax-exempt status of the debt. (Banks quieter lenders have varying documentation requirement u some have standanlimd legal documents that the Districtmight be able touse. The District may need be hire a timid counsel to draft the loan agreement) Legal Documentation and Closing Work with the winning lender and/or bond mitMsel to develep fie** reasonable, and favorable legal previsions. Review the lirrgtd documents Used toackattethe financing. Participate on the District's behalf in negotiations with winning bidder regarding final higid covenants and requirements. Work with the winrdng bidder to arrange the elosingsitthe financing and help coordinate the District's retreipt of itt needed. Additional Sallee; BWA will renudti available to provide additional financial consulting services as requested by the District. Paul Homes, _South Taioe Public Utility Dhoct Ione l 2012 Page3 IA if BWA will ass Reed Y. Schmidt, a printiprd counhantl and Alex Handler& a prftipal consultant, to E comas project. Reed and Alert have wo d whh the Meet on many occesiont slim 1993. They are very familiar with i the Distrletlfhtances. Availability and Fees 1. BWA is premed to begin work upon your au ; on to pfd. B A anticipates that no more than tluic :mo . to complete the financing after receiving the:aotl a to proceed. 2. Al1i will bopesfouried by Battle Wells Assoc . . For the service* stated above, the futarthial : , , fee is $25.00° mcludlng direct *mimes, in accordance with the lest ,. Schedule 201 4. hi addition to the sell: stated in tli prowl, the District may authorixoRWA to perform athlitiOnal services Iv whichtheastftwill compaumte » based en consultantrit hearty mat the time thowotivinfieffbnned, plus direct expenses. Additional servicam may include, bunt &Med to: • Changes in project scope ▪ Delos inn_ project schedule ▪ Affiance r ings at District's offints :. in South Lake Tahoe Travel entthosea to District's.a A n other services not specified 5. Battle grits Associates will maintain in full term of went, tnsutnnoe lathe ainotette and lei a t potthiet in the attached Schemes of Jnstuanee. d. This en. letter may be withdrawn orantelid cd if accepted within 90 days efts date. 7� BWA does not require a ibrmat contract order from the Chief Financial Officer as WOO,: di p'O 7 � a and will consider a pie authority to proceed. Paul auglies, South 'Tahoe Pitlielto Utility Markt Junel, 2012 Piga 4 • VW/truly youtrh. BAXILE WELLS' A41110MATBS Battla Wit* Magi** Att Per: South Tahoe Public My District BARTLE -WELLS ASSOCCAng BILLING EXFR SCHEDULE 2012 Rates &Wive 111/212 Protomionar anon 1irtancia*':stla•..na..Z.a NNE+) sA�NO4star. Nt1�4V .tirM•ury..ty.ltev!w►aa4tfk•• Financial Analyst 11 fienior kinanehd Analyst. :4:,,#..0(.T s�tlr.MaE,..0,,444! . +i....* ➢i sus whour Seek* Considaint p* hogr pee Omit per hour +F' .. .. "1± 4�Yiik+ fYluat2rt" RM�. 1#.• Ap�l.l �Y?? t! !N!!?7lr�tM{fv+±gR!�ttt�ri'!!4V . ww. 3.+s,.i+ri+4.i +i4,4*.s t•R! tw...rs•<*49bsi4efw . *A The1 the krcludeall overhead and indirect cods. lardy WelisAtiociates doesnot chargo for secretarial support_ services and internal computer erne, Bart witnessjogid testimony or other special limited assifplment will be billed atone aiid one-halftiffies :the eonstdtartes hourly its. The alter rates will bey December 31, 2012 atwhich tame win be subjeutta change.: Dt>Axponses Subeensultents : will be billed:. at cost pin ten Wit. Word processing and computer- assisted services r. elated to official . ant production are charged as diaAcct exposes at $60 whom Otherrehnhursable direct expenses furred on :behalf agency VII be billed at cost plus ten peacoat. These reimbursable costs include. butamnes to ■ 'el, meals, lodging • Long dlstame tee and fox • Printingand .repa t Wing ■ a analysis • wale computer Services • Hood • mobile a . Messenger WOW and marateests ▪ Photocopying • Garda design and photography • pal lei` services • Legal advertisements &swan* Bartle AtteCiatotamintains homes** hrdie amoums and wrongs as provhied in the ,..... i le ofinsumase : Md insurance. 119ensingo or rapiregamotterand Act* is shoo onr the schedule_ of inmate* are bid . hvaddRion to . t4~ amount. PlrYmeiltt 1 'wa'il be balled monthly for the preceding monk and will be gable *thin 30 days Odle date Qm invoke. A late charge of 1.0 percent per month may be flied to balance unpaid after 60 days. -121- SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE Imo: BASE WELLS ASSOCIATES ,B4rtie Wes Associsits wie matnistfrtinfizse. r 4The asstmnis4 bistowstes In amounts r tyvvr oggiogst , .. AND. LIMITS EXP: DATE Commercial General Hartford Insurance cry L1�abiity Policy #35BA PANS? • • ■ $2.000,000 General Agate Walk= Pixidaats cc •• $1,0110A06 t b P cal s$.Ad l gn% $.1 Q,000 . ice 611113 Automobile Liability H rd Company Policy #35-USC VU2842 51,8.E Combined Single Limit 6/1/13 Woakears Compensation Hatted Undernrfters Company Policy #W, EOM Workers' Compensation: Statutory Limits ihr the State of *ay MOANt - $1,000,000 each accident ▪ Bodily bye - 51 ,QOQ emplayoe ▪ ly Injtary by Disease - Slims pokey limit VIM Professional Liability C I , Inc. Solely. in the performance of services as municipal financing 6/111.3 faith= . fora feo. costs, chews, and 4npermas) South Tahoe Public Utility Diatiot 2004 sewer Certtettes of Participation Refinancing Analysts by Bartle Wells Asseehites ■ Par Refunding Lean No change in Term Estintalati Interest Rate ofRehinding Loan EttlinstectGross Savings % ofOutdiaadirig Per irrii wells AssocuerEs Dereggegt Pogue Fut Axes AlMilons -1 2 3- 2004-Sewer COPs Refunding June-8, 2M2 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL June 21, 2012 Payroll 6/12/12 420,622.85 Total Payroll 420,622.85 ADP 770.92 American Express 18,561.93 Bank of America 0,00 BBVA Compass Bank 0.00 BNY Mellon Trust Company 0.00 Brownstein /Hyatt/Farber /Schreck legal services 0.00 CaIPERS actuary services 0.00 CDS -health care payments 53,191.75 Union Bank 0.00 Total Vendor EFT 72,524.60 Accounts Payable Checks -Sewer Fund 195,561.08 Accounts Payable Checks -Water Fund 103,865.18 Accounts Payable Checks -Self- funded Insurance 0.00 Accounts Payable Checks- Grants Fund 0.00 Total Accounts Payable 299,426.26 Grand Total 792,573.71 Payroll EFTs & Checks EFT AFLAC. Medical & Dependent Care EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H EFT CaIPERS Contributions EFT Great West Deferred Comp EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues EFT United Way Contributions EFT Employee Direct Deposits CHK Employee Gamishments CHK Employee Paychecks 06/12112 182.00 17,445.52 86,805.65 74,324.35 19,567.26 2,544.04 115.00 214,699.33 1,273.83 3,665.87 Total 420,622.85 VpndorName A -1 CHEMICAL INC A -1 CHEMICAL. INC AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC AHERN RENTALS ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE ALPINE EYECARE LLC ALPINE EYECARE LLC ALPINE METALS AMERIGAS AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECH INC ARB/PERP AT &T MOBILITY AT &T MOBILITY AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 AT &T /CALNET 2 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS DeparUnent Lfroj Name GEN & ADMIN FINANCE ENGINEERING - GRIZZLY MT BSTR UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS GEN & ADMIN ENGINEERING ENGINEERING HEAVY MAINT DIAMOND VLY RNCH GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP EQUIPMENT REPAIR PUMPS PUMPS GEN & ADMIN CUSTOMER SERVICE GEN & ADMIN CUSTOMER SERVICE DUREIntlon JANIT/SUPPLY INV INWFRT/DISCOUNT GRIZ MTN BSTR SMALL TOOLS PUMP STATIONS OFC SUPPLY ISSUE SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY BUILDINGS PROPANE UNIFORM PAYABLE PIPE/CVRS/MHLS REPL AIR CMPRSR TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE Acc / ProJ Cods 1000 - 0422 1039 - 6077 Check Total: 2029 - 8176 - GRIZBS Check Total: 1001 - 6073 1002 -6051 1000 - 6081 1029 - 6075 2029 - 6075 1004 - 6041 1028 - 6360 1000 -2518 2001 - 6052 2005 - 8248 1002 - 6310 2002 - 6310 1000 -6310 1038 - 6310 2000 - 6310 2038-6310 apt Check Num UKRB 226.22 MW 281.50 AP-00082434 MW MW MW 312.75 AP -00082437 MW 80.00 80.00 1.62 227.84 AP- 00082433 261.50 51.03 Check Total: 51.03 AP- 00082435 2,289.65 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2.269.65 AP- 00082436 312.75 160.00 AP- 00082438 MW 114.07 114.07 AP-00082439 626.01 626.01 AP- 00082440 1,063.48 1.063.48 AP-00082441 736.79 736.79 AP- 00082442 270.00 270.00 AP- 00082443 19.73 19.72 MW t0 N MW MW MW 39.4,5 AP -00082444 MW 328.82 7.24 328.82 7.24 User: LAVERNE Report OH_PMT_CLAIMS BK Page: 1 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30 :33 Vendor Name BALLARD, CHARLES A BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, THE BEST, BEST & KRIEGER LLP BEST, BEST & KRIEGER LLP BEST, BEST & KRIEGER LLP BEST, BEST & KRIEGER LLP BING MATERIALS BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CARSON PUMP CASHMAN EQUIPMENT CDW-G CORP CDW-G CORP CHARTER BUSINESS CHARTER BUSINESS CHASE CARD SE1RVICE CHASE CARD SERVICE CSRMA Department / Proj Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS D. crIpth n CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE FINANCE-COPS HUMAN RESOURCES ENGINEERING HUMAN RESOURCES ENGINEERING UNDERGROUND REP HUMAN RESOURCES UNDERGROUND REP HUMAN RESOURCES CUSTOMER SERVICE PUMPS EQUIPMENT REPAIR ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS INFORMATION SYS GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION CUSTOMER SERVICE FISCAL AGENT FEE PERSONNEL LEGAL LEGAL- REGULAR PERSONNEL LEGAL LEGAL - REGULAR PIPE/CVRS/MHLS CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE WELLS AUTOMOTIVE HDWKS IMP PROJ NTWK IMP -HM TELEPHONE TELEPHONE INCNTV & RCGNTN INCNTV & RCGNTN CSRMA LIAB CLAIM Aped / ProJ Code Check Total: 2038 - 6680 - WCPROG Check Total: 1039 - 6730 - 04DEBT Check Total: 1022 - 4445 1029 - 4480 2022 - 4445 2029 - 4480 2001-6052 1022 - 4405 2001 - 4405 2022 - 4405 2038 - 4405 2002 - 6050 2005 - 6011 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1029 - 8033 - HDWORK 1037 - 8232 1000 - 6310 2000 - 6310 1021 - 6621 2021 - 6621 1038 - 4521 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Animal Check Num I3 RI 672.12 AP-00082445 MW 168.30 168.30 1,800.00 800 0000 343.75 1,994.28 343.75 1,994.28 764 806 AP- 00082448 1,515.83 AP-00082446 AP-00082447 1.515.83 772.20 2,783.20 772.20 4,103.98 MW MW MW AP- 00082449 MW '�t`t •",,y MW 45.54 AP- 00082452 MW 8.411.58 AP-00082450 3,416.00 3.418.00 AP-00082451 45.54 3,072.38 2,760.19 5.832.57 AP- 00082453 MW 103.27 10326 206.58 AP- 00082454 MW 87.50 87.50 175.00 AP- 00082455 MW 8,605.41 User: LAVERNE Report: OH PMT CLAIMS BK Page: 2 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30:33 Vendor Name CSRMA CUES INCORPORATED CWEA DATCO SERVICES CORP DATCO SERVICES CORP DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DIY HOME CENTER DIY HOME CENTER DIY HOME CENTER DIY HOME CENTER DIY HOME CENTER DIY HOME CENTER DLT SOLUTIONS INC DLT SOLUTIONS INC DOUGLAS DISPOSAL EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Department / Proj Name CUSTOMER SERVICE UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS HEAVY MAINT UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP HEAVY MAINTENANC INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS GEN & ADMIN ENGINEERING - GRIZZLY MT BSTR CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE Description CSRMA LIAB CLAIM INFILTRTN/INFLOW DUES /MEMB /CERT SAFETY PROGRAMS SAFETY PROGRAMS DIST.COMP SPPLIS DIST.COMP SPPLIS SHOP SUPPLIES PIPEICVRS/MHLS SMALL TOOLS WELLS PUMP STATIONS BUILDINGS SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT REFUSE DISPOSAL GRIZ MTN BSTR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Acct# / Proj Code 2038 - 4521 1001 - 6055 1001 - 6250 1022 - 6079 2022 -6079 1037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 1004 - 6071 2001 -6052 2001 - 6073 2002 - 6050 2003 - 6051 2004 - 6041 1037 - 6030 2037 - 6030 1000 - 6370 2029 - 8176 - GRIZBS Check Total: 1038 - 6520 2038 - 6520 1038 - 8520 2038 - 6520 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Amount Check Num lyp:. 13,674.75 22.280.16 AP- 00082456 MW 1,800.00 1.800.00 AP- 00082457 MW 78.00 78.00 AP- 00082458 MW 163.80 163.80 327.6Q AP-00082459 MW 1,124.91 1,111.10 2238.01 AP- 00082460 MW 21.32 87.09 29.05 30.99 15.97 84.85 269.27 AP- 00082461 MW 3,061.68 3,061.76 6.123.44 AP -00082462 MW 590.66 590.66 AP- 00082463 MW 329.00 32100 AP- 00082432 MW 6.50 6.50 13.00 AP-00082464 MW 6.50 6.50 User: LAVERNE Report: OH PMT_CLAIMS_BK Page: 3 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30:33 Vendor Wm. EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY ENS RESOURCES INC ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESS ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES ASSO ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES ASSO Department / ProJ Name GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN DIO LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY PAYMENT OF CLAIMS EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES COMPANY INC ENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG IMPRVS FEDEX FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FGL ENVIRONMENTAL FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FLYERS ENERGY LLC FLYERS ENERGY LLC FORSTEDT, MATT ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS HEAVY MAINT DIAMOND VLY RNCH - DVR HOUSE RENO HEAVY MAINTENANC CUSTOMER SERVICE LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN - T &M UB CASH BRD Description SHOP SUPPLY INV JANIT /SUPPLY INV SAFETY INVENTORY CONTRACT SERVICE LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPUES LAB SUPPLIES DVR IRR IMPRVMNT HDWKS IMP PROJ SECONDARY EQUIP RANCH HS REMOD BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES MONITORING LAB SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES GASOLINE INV DIESEL. INVENTORY MISC INCOME Aped / ProJ Coda 1000 -0421 1000 - 0422 1000 - 0425 2027-4405 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 1007 - 4780 2007 - 4760 Check Total: Check Total: Amount 13.00 252.91 174.99 123.03 550.93 AP- 00082466 MW Check Num IYJ* AP- 00082465 MW 7,304.06 Check Total: 7.304.06 AP- 00082467 MW 288.93 288.93 Check Total: 577.86 AP -00082468 MW 111.92 71.12 Check Total: 1029 - 8161 - DVRIIP Check Total: 1029 - 8033 - HDWORK Chock Total: 1004 - 6022 1028 - 8130 - DVRENO 2004 - 8041 2038 - 8071 1007-6110 1007 - 4780 2007 - 4760 1000 -0415 1000 - 0416 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 183.04 AP-00082469 MW 2,208.04 2.208.04 AP- 00082470 88.60 88.60 94.48 90.28 145.47 4.20 AP-00082471 MW MR4 334.41 AP -00082472 MW 100.00 100.00 AP- 00082473 MW 90.84 90.86 181.70 AP- 00082474 MW 3,877.21 6,623.94 10.501.15 AP- 00082475 MW 2,000.00 User: LAVERNE Report: OH PMT_CLAIMS BK Page: 4 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30:33 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department ( ProJ Name Description Acct# / ProJ Cods Amount Check Nypl IY188 Check Total: 2.000.00 AP- 00082476 MW FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS DIAMOND VLY RNCH TELEPHONE 1028 - 6310 172.66 Check Total: 112.66 AP-00082477 MW GFS CHEMICAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 196.93 GFS CHEMICAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 196.93 Check Total: 393.86 AP-00082478 MW GRAINGER HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004 - 8021 105.54 GRAINGER HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004 - 6041 1,093.04 GRAINGER LABORATORY SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1007 - 6075 150.86 GRAINGER LABORATORY SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2007 - 6075 150.84 Check Total: 1.500.2E AP- 00082479 MW HACH CO LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 120.23 HACH CO LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 104.28 Check Total: 224.51 AP- 00082480 MW HADRONEX INC UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 1001 - 6052 9,372.94 Check Total: 9.372.94 AP- 00082481 MN el HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 36.73 •-i i HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES DIAMOND VLY RNCH - DVR HOUSE RENO RANCH HS REMOD 1028 - 8130 - DVRENO 384.19 Check Total: 420.92 AP- 00082482 MW HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES COMPANY HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004 - 8041 749.70 Check Total: 749.70 AP -00082483 MW IEDA INC (INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYERS) HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022 - 4405 1,104.16 IEDA INC (INDUSTRIAL. EMPLOYERS) HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022 - 4405 1,104.17 Check Total: 2.208.33 AP- 00082484 MW INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL COMPANY ELECTRICAL SHOP REPL VFD'S CNTFG 1003 - 8109 8,362.08 INFOSEND INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038 - 6030 INFOSEND INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038 - 6030 Check Total: 8.362.04 AP- 00082485 MW 175.93 175.93 Check Total: 351.86 AP- 00082486 MW INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY ENGINEERING SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1029 - 6075 11.07 INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2001 - 6075 33.23 User: LAVERNE Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS BK Page: 5 Current Date: 06 /14/2012 Current Time: 08:30:33 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Deparhnent / ProJ Namt1 ENGINEERING INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS FINANCE FINANCE INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES UNDERGROUND REP HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES D10 - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUMPS HEAVY MAINT EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REP ENGINEERING - C -LINE CONDITION Ibaadatian SAFETY/EQUIPIPHY SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT JANITORIAL. SERV JANITORIAL SERV SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT ADSILGL NOTICES ADS/LGL NOTICES PIPE/CVRS/MHLS CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS MISC LIAB CLAIMS SHOP SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE GENERATORS CLINE EVAL Aactlk I Pro) Cgda 2029 - 6075 1037 - 6030 2037 - 6030 1039 - 6074 2039 - 8074 1037 - 6030 2037.6030 1022 - 4930 2022 - 4930 2001 - 6052 1022 -4405 2022 - 4405 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Chock Total: Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Check Total: 2002-4520 Check Total: 1004 -6071 1005 -6011 1005 -6013 1029 - 8028 - CLEVAL A WW1 Check Num 11.09 55.39 AP- 00082487 MW 3,500.00 3,500.00 7.000.00 AP- 00082488 MW 1,603.50 1,603.50 3.207.00 AP- 00082489 MW 1,715.00 1,714.50 3.429.50 AP- 00082490 MW 131.25 131.25 28250 AP-00082491 275.43 27 5.43 AP-00082492 630.00 630.00 1.280.00 AP- 00082493 431.25 431.25 MW MW MW 862.50 AP-00082494 MW 500.00 500.00 1.000.00 481.00 481.00 0.97 724.63 268.72 163.75 AP- 00082495 MW AP- 00082496 MW Page: Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Thus: 08:30:33 Vendor Nam LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE t4APA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LEE, RYAN LES SCHWAB TIRES LES SCHWAB TIRES LIBERTY ENERGY LIBERTY ENERGY LIBERTY ENERGY MACALUSO, GEORGE MACALUSO, GEORGE MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MCINTYRE, ROBERT MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Department / ProJ Njme UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR CUSTOMER SERVICE EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REPAIR GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN. GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINT PUMPS ENGINEERING - DEMO FP,COLD CRK GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINT DescriotIon PIPE/CVRS/MHLS SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE CNERATORS TRAVEL/MEETINGS AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICITY ST LIGHTING EXP ELECTRICITY US SUSPENSE UB SUSPENSE PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES CC FLTR PLANT METER SALE SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES Acct# / ProJ Code 2001 - 6052 2001 - 6073 2002 -6071 2005 - 6011 2005 - 6013 2038 - 6200 1005 - 6011 2005 - 6011 1000 -6330 1000 - 6740 2000 - 6330 1000 - 2002 2000 - 2002 Amount Check Num Ix 109.65 23.69 1.61 1,149.84 142.45 Check Total: 2.585.31 AP-00082497 MW Check Total: 199.4 AP- 00082498 MW 172.49 157.90 Check Total: 330.39 AP- 00082499 MW 199.25 83,188.90 18.60 17,657.95 Check Total: 80.863.45 AP-00082500 MW 294.12 173.99 468.11 AP- 00082501 Check Total: 1002 - 6051 1002 - 6071 1004 - 6041 2002 - 6071 2029 - 7091 - DEMOFP Check Total: 2000 - 3545 1001 - 6071 1001 - 6073 1002 -6041 1002 - 6071 1002 - 6073 1004 - 6071 Check Total: 117.71 243.82 325.62 243.76 183.88 N c, 1.114.79 AP -00082502 MW 500.00 500.00 AP-00082503 MW 156.11 51.68 24.55 11.35 3.56 112.12 User: LAVEERNE Report: OH PMT_CLAIMS BK Page: 7 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30:33 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Nam. Department / Proj Name DII9d98ion Aeatit l Prol Code Amount S',heck Nylp TANI MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004 - 6073 13.81 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER EQUIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005 - 6013 234.41 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 8042 102.87 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER DIAMOND VLY RNCH - DVR HOUSE RENO RANCH HS REMOD 1028 - 8130 - DVRENO 80.51 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 1038 - 6071 78.03 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE SMALL TOOLS 1038 - 6073 18.57 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 - 6052 17.12 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 2001 - 6071 459.18 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS WELLS 2002 - 6050 2.81 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 101.90 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002 - 6071 11.34 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002 - 6073 3.56 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004 - 6041 18.37 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 2038 - 6071 78.03 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE SMALL TOOLS 2038 - 6073 18.56 Check Total: 1.598.44 AP- 00082504 MW 1 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS GEN & ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 682.10 cn en METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 52.92 1 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1038 - 4820 73.83 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 20.54 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 52.91 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2038 - 4820 73.83 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 20.54 Check Total: 976.67 AP- 00082505 MW MIMECAST NORTH AMERICA INC INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 1037 - 6030 3,010.00 MIMECAST NORTH AMERICA INC INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 2037 - 6030 3,010.00 Check Total: 6.020.00 AP- 00082506 MW MORSE, DONIELLE FINANCE - EE EDUC REIMS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1039 - 6200 - EDREIM 270.74 MORSE, DONIELLE FINANCE - EE EDUC REIMS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2039 - 6200 - EDREIM 270.73 Check Total: fi41.47 AP- 00082507 MW MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002 - 6083 MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002 - 6083 98.30 98.30 User: LAVERNE Report: OH PMT_CLAIMS_BK Page: 8 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30 :33 Vendor Name MWH LABORATORIES NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NELS TAHOE HARDWARE NEVADA DIVISION OF FORESTRY NIXON'S HEATING ac & Plmg Inc NORTHWEST HYD. CONSULT INC ONTRAC ONTRAC ONTRAC ONTRAC ONTRAC ONTRAC ONTRAC ONTRAC PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH Department / Proj Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description LABORATORY - ARHD3 TRTMT EXP MONITORING PUMPS HEAVY MAINT LABORATORY ADMINISTRATION HEAVY MAINTENANC LABORATORY ADMINISTRATION DIAMOND VLY RNCH ENGINEERING - WILDWOOD WATERLN ENGINEERING - CC/BK SWR REPAIR LABORATORY - LABORATORY LABORATORY - ENGINEERING ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ALP CO MTBE CONT IND CRK RES MONT - C-UNE CONDITION - HEADWORKS - GRIZZLY MT BSTR - TANK COATING UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - CC/BK SWR REPAIR CUSTOMER SERVICE sr BUILDINGS BIOSOL EQUP/BLDG LAB SUPPLIES SUPPLIES BUILDINGS LAB SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICE WTRLNS WILDWOOD SWR REP CCBKFLD POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES MONITORING CLINE EVAL HDWKS IMP PROJ POSTAGE EXPENSES GRIZ MTN BSTR TANK COATINGS PIPE/CVRS/MHLS PUMP STATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SWR REP CC/BKFLD OFFICE SUPPLIES Acct# / Proj Coda Check Total: 2007 - 6110 - AH3EXP Check Total: 1002 -6041 1004 - 6653 1007 - 4760 1021- 6520 2004 - 6041 2007 - 4760 2021 - 6520 1028 -4405 Check Total: Check Total: 2029 - 8263 - WILDWD Check Total: 1029 - 7096 - CCBKRP Check Total: 1007 - 4810 - ACMTBE 1007 - 4810 1007 - 6110 - INDIAN 1029 - 8028 - CLEVAL 1029 - 8033 - HDWORK 2007 - 4810 2029 - 8176 - GRIZBS 2029 - 8261 - TKCOAT Check Total: 1001 - 6052 1002 - 6051 1021 - 4820 1029 - 4820 1029 - 7096 - CCBKRP 1038 - 4820 Amount Check Num TYRt 196.60 AP-00082508 MW 20.00 20.00 AP-00082509 MW 18.30 6.41 3.45 25.00 13.55 3.46 25.00 95.14 AP-00082510 MW 6,022.48 6922.44 AP- 00082511 MW 98.00 98.00 2,963.67 2.983.67 9.09 7.48 6.41 11.23 5.88 24.59 9.09 11.23 AP -00082512 MW MAD AP- 00082513 85.00 AP- 00082514 MW 8.36 15.00 3.59 24.45 50.00 4.47 User: LAVERNE Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS BK Page: 9 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30:33 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Nang Department / Proj Name DaicNRllon Acetm / Proj Cod. Amount Check Num I of PETTY CASH PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 15.00 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 2021 - 4820 3.59 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 24.45 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING - DEMO FP,COLD CRK CC FLTR PLANT 2029 - 7091 - DEMOFP 26.00 PETTY CASH CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2038 - 4820 4.47 PETTY CASH CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 12.90 Check Total: 192.28 AP- 00082515 MW PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002 - 6071 86.40 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002 - 6073 14.70 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004 - 6071 99.08 PRAXAIR 174 EQUIPMENT REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1005 - 6071 30.99 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 38.53 PRAXAIR 174 UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 2001 - 6071 55.88 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002 - 6071 66.38 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002 - 6073 14.69 PRAXAIR 174 EQUIPMENT REPAIR SHOP SUPPLIES 2005 - 6071 30.98 1 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4780 38.53 M Check Total: 456.16 AP- 00082516 MV RED WING SHOE STORE HEAVY MAINT SAFETY/EQUIPIPHY 1004 - 6075 180.28 RED WING SHOE STORE UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY /EQUIP/PHY 2001 - 6075 398.42 Check Total: 558.70 AP- 00082517 MW SCOTT'S HARDWARE PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002 - 6071 1.41 SCOTTYS HARDWARE OPERATIONS PRIMARY EQUIP 1006 - 6021 14.22 SCOTTYS HARDWARE DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028.6042 86.54 SCOTTYS HARDWARE ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 29.81 SCOTTYS HARDWARE UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 2001 - 6071 2.26 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 37.14 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002 - 6054 4.07 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002 - 6071 4.94 SCOTTYS HARDWARE ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029 - 4820 29.80 SCOTTYS HARDWARE CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 2038 - 6071 11.25 Check Total: 221.44 AP- 00082518 MW User: LAVERNE Report: OH PMT CLAIMS BR Page: 10 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Thne: 08:30:33 Vendor Nama SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS SHARP, KATHY SHARP, KATHY SHASHA, MELANIE SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL SIERRA NEVADA ALLIANCE SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP SOUNDPROS INC SOUNDPROS INC SOUTH LAKE TAHOE CANCER LEAGUE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE CANCER LEAGUE SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE Department / Pro' Name INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Duadoilan SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT TRAVEL/MEETINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE LABORATORY LABORATORY PUMPS LABORATORY DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL HUMAN RESOURCES CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE HUMAN RESOURCES CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION GEN & ADMIN SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT HYPOCHLORITE MONITORING PUB RELATIONS ADS/LGL NOTICES ADS/LGL NOTICES ADS/LGL NOTICES ADS/LGL NOTICES ADS/LGL NOTICES ADS/LGL NOTICES PUB RELATIONS PUB RELATIONS INCNTV & RCGNTN INCNTV & RCGNTN REFUSE DISPOSAL Acct# / ProJCodi 1037 - 6030 2037 - 6030 1021-6200 2021-6200 Check Total: Check Total: 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: 1007 - 6030 2007 - 6030 2002-4755 1007 - 6110 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Check Total: 1022 - 4930 1038 - 4930 1039 - 4930 2022 - 4930 2038 - 4930 2039 - 4930 Check Total: 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT Check Total: 1021 - 6621 2021 - 6621 1000 - 6370 Check Total: Amount Check Nypt Igue 858.97 856.97 1.713.94 AP- 00082519 MW 30.50 30.50 61.00 AP-00082520 MW 200.00 200.00 AP- 00082521 MW 36.00 38.00 72.00 AP- 00082522 MW 2,408.44 2.408.44 AP-00082523 MW 372.00 372.00, AP -00082524 MW 1,000.00 1.000.00 AP- 00082525 M4 305.77 333.11 101.25 305.77 333.10 101.25 1.480.25 AP -00082526 MW 49.00 49.00 98.00 75.00 75.00 AP-00082527 MW 150.00 AP- 00082528 MW 2,529.90 User: LAVERNB Report: OH PMT_CLAIMS BK Page: 11 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08 :30 :33 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Nam. Department / ProJ Name D.scrloWlon A I [oJ Cod& Am= Chad LNum Mall SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 2000 - 6370 337.32 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 8051 18.80 Check Total: _lima AP- 00082529 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURALL, GAS 1000 - 8350 33.26 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000 - 6350 128.79 Check Total: 182.05 AP- 00082530 MW STANSELL, HELEN CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 53.00 Check Total: 5300 AP- 00082531 MW SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 1001 - 4405 5,365.84 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & DIAMOND VLY RNCH CONTRACT SERVICE 1028 - 4405 2,585.46 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL. & INFORMATION SYS CONTRACT SERVICE 1037 - 4405 ' 406.72 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 2001 - 4405 1,944.92 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & INFORMATION SYS CONTRACT SERVICE 2037 - 4405 406.72 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6680 - WCPROG 1,546.86 Check Total: 12.258.41 AP- 00082532 MW SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR INC. INFORMATION SYS IFAS REPLJENHAN 1037 - 8448 350.00 i t` Check Total: 350.00 AP-00082533 M I SURFACE PREPARATION SOLUTIONS LLC HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004 - 6041 311.92 Check Total: 311.92 AP- 00082534 MW TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000 - 6370 312.50 TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE OPERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1006 - 6652 10,362.00 Check Total: 10.674.50 AP- 00082535 MW TAHOE BUSINESS MONITOR DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027 - 6820 - PREEXT 225.00 TAHOE BUSINESS MONITOR DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 225.00 Check Total: 450.00 AP- 00082536 MW TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON UNDERGROUND REP DIESEL 2001 -4620 171.95 Check Total: 171.94 AP- 00082537 MW TAHOE PRINTING INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1037 - 4620 19.93 TAHOE PRINTING INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2037 -4820 19.93 Check Total: 39.88 AP-00082538 MW TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRSIMHLS 2001 - 6052 1,610.50 User: LAVERNE Report: OH PMT CLAIMS BK Page: 12 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30:33 Vendor.Name TAHOE TRADING POST TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TRI STATE SURVEYING LTD U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE 11 S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE 11 S BANK CORPORATE PAYME4T OF CLAIMS Department / ProJ Name FINANCE ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ENGINEERING - C-LINE CONDITION GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS OPERATIONS LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIAMOND VLY RNCH DIAMOND VLY RNCH DIAMOND VLY RNCH - DVR HOUSE RENO ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS Description SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY BUILDINGS BUILDINGS PUMP STATIONS CLINE EVAL OFC SUPPLY ISSUE INFILTRTN/INFLOW TRAVEL/MEETINGS GASOUNE OIL & LURE OFFICE SUPPLIES DUES/MEMB/CERT OFFICE SUPPLIES LABORATORY EQUIP TRAVEL/MEETINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS INCNTV & RCGNTN OFFICE SUPPLIES SAFETY PROGRAMS GROUNDS & MNTC TELEPHONE RANCH HS REMOD OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS SUPPLIES TRAVEUMEETINGS SUPPLIES Ace* I ProJ Codt 2039-6075 1003 - 6041 2003 - 6041 2003 - 6051 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1029 - 8028 - CLEVAL Check Total: 1000 -6081 1001 - 6055 1001 - 6200 1002 - 4610 1002 - 4630 1002 - 4820 1006 - 6250 1007 - 4820 1007 - 6025 1007 - 6200 1021 - 4820 1021 - 6200 1021 - 6621 1022 - 4820 1022 - 6079 1028 - 6042 1028 - 6310 1028 - 8130 - DVRENO 1029 - 4820 1029 - 6200 1029 - 8520 1037 - 6200 1037 - 6520 Amount Check Num I1 UQ 1.610.50 AP- 00082539 MW 320.56 320.56 AP-00082540 MW 228.86 5.12 17.04 251.OZ AP- 00082541 MW 7,560.00 7.580.00 AP- 00082542 MW 71.50 10.00 125.00 37.38 411.66 14.63 399.90 90.08 158.87 30.75 121.72 145.62 146.89 282.81 299.73 923.18 59.99 38.98 -53.99 9.46 5.39 175.00 28.50 User: LAVERNE Report: OH PMT_CLAIMS BK Page: 13 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30:33 Vendor Name U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE U S BANK CORPORATE USA BLUE BOOK PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Denartment / Proj Name CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY BOARD OF DIR ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIO ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - WTR SYS MSTR PLN ENGINEERING - GRIZZLY MT BSTR INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE FINANCE OPERATIONS De.ndptIon OFFICE SUPPLIES OFC EQUIP/REPAIR TRAVEUMEETINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS GASOLINE OIL & LUBE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES LABORATORY EQUIP TRAVEL/MEETINGS TRAVEUMEETINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS INCNTV & RCGNTN OFFICE SUPPLIES SAFETY PROGRAMS TRAVEL/MEETINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS SUPPLIES WTR SYS OPTIM PL GRIZ MTN BSTR TRAVEL/MEETINGS SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFC EQUIP/REPAIR TRAVEUMEETINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEUMEETINGS LAB SUPPLIES Mete / ProJ Cod4 1038 - 4820 1038 - 8027 1038 - 6200 1039 - 4820 2001 - 6200 2002 - 4610 2002 - 4630 2002.4820 2007 - 4820 2007 - 6025 2007 - 6200 2019 - 6200 2021 - 4820 2021 - 6200 2021- 6621 2022 - 4820 2022 - 6079 2027 - 6200 2029 - 4820 2029 - 6200 2029 - 6520 2029 - 7097 - WTRSMP 2029 - 8178 - GRUBS 2037 - 6200 2037 - 6520 2038 - 4820 2038 - 6027 2038 - 8200 2039 - 4820 2039 - 6200 1006 - 4760 Amount Check alum IYRt 68.14 58.50 169.35 79.50 75.88 37.38 411.65 14.63 90.07 158.87 30.75 206.76 121.71 148.08 146.87 282.79 299.71 1,020.33 -53.99 9.46 5.39 386.33 176.43 175.00 28.49 160.74 58.49 235.82 79.50 2.47 Check Total: 8:187.13 AP- 00082544 MW 861.66 User: LAVERNE Report: OH CLAIMS BK Page: 14 CurrentDate: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30:33 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proj Name Description Acct# / Proj Code USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS BUILDINGS 1008 - 6041 USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS GROUNDS & MNTC 1006 - 6042 USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1008 - 6075 USA BLUE BOOK ENGINEERING - DEMO FP,COLD CRK CC FLTR PLANT 2029 - 7091 - DEMOFP Check Total: V&A CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC ENGINEERING - TANK COATING TANK COATINGS VICKERS, JERRY CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY GEN & ADMIN JANIT /SUPPLY INV WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL. SHOP BUILDINGS WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP WELLS WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES WESTERN BOTANICAL SERVICES ENGINEERING - SNOWSHOE DITCH R SNOSHU REPAIR WILLIAM A DOWNEY OD INC UNDERGROUND REP SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY ZEE MEDICAL INC DIAMOND VLY RNCH SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2029 - 8261 - TKCOAT Amount Chia n= IYa* 93.06 431.20 59.77 1,545.18 2.990.87 AP-00082545 MW 2,034.00 Check Total: 2.034.00 AP-00082546 MW 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP-00082547 MW 1000 - 0422 259.46 Check Total: 259.48 AP-00082548 MW 1003.6041 396.48 2003 - 6050 157.44 2003 - 6071 500.61 Check Total: 1029 - 7075 - SNOBLO Check Total: 440.00 AP-00082550 2001 - 6075 174.00 Check Total: 174.00 AP-00082551 MW 1.054.54 AP -00082549 MW 440.00 0 1028 - 6075 Mt' 574.88 Check Total: 574.8$ AP- 00082552 MW Grand Total: 299,426.26 User: LAVERNE Report: OH PMT_CLAIMS BK Page: 15 Current Date: 06/14/2012 Current Time: 08:30:33 Vendor WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY ENGINEERING - CLINE EVAL GEN & ADMIN - BOXES/LIDS/INV GEN & ADMIN - REPAIR CLMP ENV UNDERGROUND REP - WTLN,IN HS UPSIZ UNDERGROUND REP - WTLN,IN HS UPSIZ ENGINEERING - CLINE EVAL UNDERGROUND REP - PIPE/CVRS/MHLS DIAMOND VLY RNCH - GROUNDS & MNTC HEAVY MAINTENANC - BUILDINGS HEAVY MAINT - SECONDARY EQUIP UNDERGROUND REP - PIPE/CVRS/MHLS DIAMOND VLY RNCH - GROUNDS & MNTC UNDERGROUND REP - PIPE/CVRS /MHLS CUSTOMER SERVICE - SHOP SUPPLIES UNDERGROUND REP - SMALL TOOLS UNDERGROUND REP - PIPE/CVRS/MHLS UNDERGROUND REP - PIPE/CVRS/MHLS UNDERGROUND REP - PIPE/CVRS /MHLS OH PAY CLAIMS AE - OH Payment of Claims AmerEx <1.00> LAVERNE - LaVerne Eddy Acct#/Pr of Code Amount 1029 - 8028 - CLEVAL Inv#: 15225990 714.08 2000 - 0403 Inv#: 15230170 4,679.08 2000 - 0406 Inv#: 15230303 2,949.12 2001- 8905 - STVALV Inv#: 15239986 3,399.30 2001- 8905 - STVALV Inv#: 15240188 1,221.04 1029 - 8028 - CLEVAL Inv#: 35192958 1,166.23 2001 - 6052 Inv#: 35202730 1,024.48 1028 - 6042 Inv#: 35222863 78.09 2004 - 6041 Inv#: 35223923 280.58 1004 - 6022 Inv#: 35225994 729.04 2001 - 6052 Inv#: 35227045 148.70 1028 - 6042 Inv#: 35228196 6.44 2001 - 6052 Inv#: 35230146 838.76 2038 - 6071 Inv#: 35237144 298.83 2001- 6073 Inv#: 35241337 3.31 2001- 6052 Inv#: 35241949 988.89 2001 - 6052 Inv#: 35243030 30.32 2001- 6052 Inv#: 35243158 5.64 Report Total: 18,561.93 06/14/2012 08:34:14 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones �V r4 Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Creet ONwe • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tim Bledsoe, Customer Service Manager MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Liability Claim against STPUD received from Joe Olivares and Brooke Olivares Laine REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Reject Claim DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the Califomia Government Code, Closed Session may be held for a conference with legal counsel. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /R- CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO -143- CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1 1275 MeadowCrestDrive. South lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone530 54+0474 • Fax 530 541-0014* www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Labor Negotiators REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957(a) of the California Government Code/ Conference with Labor Negotiators - Present During This Closed Session Will Be: Agency Negotiators: Richard Solbrig /General Manager, Nancy Hussmann /Human Resources Director, Paul Hughes /Chief Financial Officer Employee Organization: Management Unit SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES RIO NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO —145— South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Randy Vogelgc ang Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Dove • South Lake Tahoe' CA 90150 -7401 Morse 530544 -6474• Fax 530 541 -0614• www.stpud us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: June 21, 2012 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Labor Negotiators' REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957(a) of the California Govemment Code/ Conference with Labor Negotiators - Present During This Closed Session Will Be: Agency Negotiators: Richard Solbrig /General Manager, Nancy Hussmann /Human Resources Director, Paul Hughes /Chief Financial Officer, Employee Organization: Stationary Engineers, Local 39 SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO —147— CATEGORY: General