HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21-93 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 21, 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session January 21, 1993, 4:00 PM, city Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Wallace, Onysko STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, Sharp, Noble, Martin, Swain, Hoggatt, Garcia, Johnson, Schrempp, Reiger, Torney, Thiel, Hydrick, Twomey, Trella, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Gary Midkiff/So Tahoe Refuse Co., Frank Du Quite/City Counsel, Jim Jones, Steve Shaffer Manager Baer introduced Jim Martin, the District's 2nd Annual Employee of the Year. Shop Steward - Phil Trella spoke to the Board about employee concerns related to the propane tank fire. Diane Noble brought the Board up to date on the District's pretreatment program and reviewed the requirements the District must meet to be in com- pliance with the mandate. Noble reviewed the 4/18/91 letter agreement with South Tahoe Refuse Co. and introduced Gary Midkiff representing So. Tahoe Refuse Co. Midkiff reviewed his 1/19/93 letter sent to the District and their plans to comply with the pro- visions of the 4/18/91 letter agreement. Director Pierini commented on the Multiple Recovery Facility (MRF) referenced in the 1/19/93 letter. Staff recommended as a minimum: If the delay to the MRF facil- ities goes beyond the 1993 building season, a control manhole should be in- talled, the existing charcoal filter system be hooked-up, and inspections ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE COMPANY I/I & PRETREATMENT STATUS REPORT ST055796 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 21, 1993 PAGE - 2 done before the end of the 1993 building season. Midkiff noted the charcoal system was not functioning properly, but another engineering firm had been hired to take a look at it. SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE COMPANY I/I & PRETREATMENT STATUS REPORT (continued) Director Onysko requested Consent Item 5/Board Policy Manual be brought forward for discussion. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA AND CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved the Regular Board Meeting Minutes: January 7, 1993; 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures on the list of accounts on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein); 3) Determined the Water Main Line Replacement project was exempt from CEQA and authorized filing a Notice of Exemption; 4) Approved payment of $10,425 to Motel 6 for ULF Rebate; 6) Approved $8,022 Anlab invoices for additional testing of sludge deposits at the plant, Phase I site investigation. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Board members requested the changes made be identified. Item deferred for 1 month. No Board Action. BOARD POLICY MANUAL (Consent Item 5) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Customer Service Manager, Diane Noble, who explained the new billing expectations being considered by staff and discussed the present timing of customer delinquency notices. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to proceed with the RFP process. Attorney Sare explained the State of Calif. had made changes to the law on this issue and recommended paying time and one-half UTILITY BILLING SOFTWARE REPLACEMENT MANAGEMENT OVERTIME PAY ST055797 REGULAR BOARD MEETINGNTNUTES - JANUARY 21, 1993 PAGE - 3 for all Management overtime from January 2, 1993 until the (Management MOU) nego- tiations were complete. He advised the Board they had 3 options: (1) Pay time and one-half for all over- time worked from January 2, 1993; (2) Treat Management personnel as if they qualified for the "white-collar" exemp- tion and not authorize any paid overtime or comp time; (3) Continue the same as under the old contract. He noted this option did not comply with the current law. Sare advised the Board if there were legal issues they wished to discuss it should be done in Executive Session. Richard Solbrig summarized the Manage- ment staff's position on this matter. MANAGEMENT OVERTIME PAY (continued) Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to table this item until after the Executive Session. Attorney Sare stated he had prepared a presentation for Executive Session to outline the Board's legal options. He recommended the Board delay action until after the Executive Session. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY LOAN AGREEMENT Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to table this item until after the Executive Session. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Wallace Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $575,376.70. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS The Finance Committee met to discuss the 1993/94 budget schedule and the new Finance Dept. software. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS The Operations Committee met to discuss the propane tank fire. They recommended further study of alternatives/options to make the propane tank safer...discussion followed. The Government Committee: Manager Baer reported the first Technical Advisory meeting is scheduled for 2/3/93 with EPA, TRPA, SWRCB, and District staff to discuss future connections. The Tahoe Paradise Property Committee met and decided not to dispose of the property and to keep all District options open. ST055798 REGULAR BOARD M!~_.~TING MINUTES - JANUARY 21, 1993 PAGE - 4 Director Mosbacher reported on 2 items: BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 1) Her attendance with Attorney Cherry at the Alpine County Board of Super- visors meeting re the multicounty issue; 2) Her attendance with staff members Hydrick, Baer, and Attorney Sare at the E1 Dorado County Water Agency Board meeting re our E1 Dorado County Water Agency $350,000 loan agreement. She asked for the loan to be converted to a grant, but the request was defeated by a 3 to 2 vote. Attorney Sare added to her comments. Manager Baer reported on one item: STAFF REPORTS The 1/18/93 meeting he attended with Attorney Sare at sierra Nevada College with its President re the Lake Tahoe water quality bill (basin-wide grant). Past Meetinqs/Events 1/08/93 - HDR Settlement Conference 1/08/93 - Special Board Meeting (Canceled) 1/18/93 - Sierra Nevada College 1/19/93 - Alpine County Board of Supervisors multicounty agency status 1/19/93 - E1 Dorado County Board of Super- visors multicounty agency status 1/20/93 - E1 Dorado County Water Agency appearance concerning loan Attorney Sare reported on two items: 1) Also reported on the Sierra Nevada College meeting and how the basin-wide grant would tie in with their environ- mental science curriculum; 2) Reported Judge Ford had given E1 Dorado County a court order to list STPUD as a multicounty agency. He noted the State of California can still challenge the designation, but they will have the task of defining "multicounty". 1/22/93 - 10:00 AM - Lahontan Mtg. w/staff review of future con- nections 2/04/93 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 2/05/93 - 10:00 AM - EDWPA @ EID NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 55 PM MEETING BREAK ST055799 REGULAR BOARD M~ETING ~NUTES - JANUARY 21, 1993 6:10 PM PAGE - 5 MEETING RESUMED/ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1)/HDR CLAIM and MULTICOUNTY AGENCY STATUS. 7:22 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved Wallace/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to direct the Finance officer to make the $175,000 payment of the loan on the next payment of claims. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Wallace and Mason Voted No/Passed to direct general legal counsel to notify the governmental agency (El Dorado County Water Agency) of intent to pursue litigation. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Wallace Voted No/Passed to authorize the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Order Agreement with general legal counsel in the amount of $15,000. 7:35 PM 9:27 PM EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY LOAN AGREEMENT ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 (a)/MANAGE- MENT NEGOTIATIONS-INSTRUCT DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to direct the General Manager to implement one and one-half overtime payment to non exempt management employees under FSLA rulings, effective the 1st day after expiration of the 1992 Memorandum of Understanding with Management Employees. MANAGEMENT OVERTIME PAY /~DJOURNMENT 9:28 PM LO0 PiERI~I, ~HAIRMAN OF BOARD ,~ /o .-z~/~ ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUT PUBLIC DISTRICT ST055800 Consent Item #2 ATTACHMENT 1 ITEM ACCT. 1. --2-~--O32~t 3. 22-332-441 4. 23-132-371 5. 23-221-.3~r 6. ~ 23-221--351 7. 23-602-191 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 7 , 1993 NAME Ha Philip S~rork Beatrice Burton Linda Loeffler Edward Feldman John SERV. ADDRESS AMT.DUE · 2~82--Venice--D~-. ......... $ .... 1.99.38. 1819 Venice Dr. 560 Roger Ave. 2276 Eloise Ave. 318.60 381.48 279.90 Thomas Henderson 748 Julie Lane 8. 25-371-031' Edward Rock 9. 25-413-151 12. 25-832-121 13. 26-094-281 14. 26-145-111 277.18 1191 Jobs Peak 328.67 Richard Van Buskirk 1390 Glenwood Wy 325.04 M~r~--Ba~man~ l+l~--Bozema~--D .r~ 3~788 .... Lorraine Desomber 1827 Gentian Way 305.93 Philip Patchin L. Duckworth 734 Modesto Ave. 832 Placer Ave. 778.63 293.07 ST055801 PAGE TWO - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - JANUAItY 7, 1993 BOARD MEETING 15. 27-101-171 Dick Yaglegian 17 . 29-181-281 Samuel Smith 18. 32-203-021 Terry Theu$ 19.~ ~41-1011 Joe cris~rneili 20. 33-453-011 Daniel Martone 21. 33-484-141 C. Collins 22. 33-812-021 23. 34-221-241 Richard Stone Jeff Scott 24 ~ 34--~v43 041 Ri~rard J~ffeT~---- 25. 34-542-191 Kevin Young 26. 35-132-051 Cliffton Thiesen 27. 36-543-091 Richard McGuffin 28. 36-551-041 Velma Losee 29. 81-092-121 Alest Gibbs 30. 27-090-0602 . William Barboni 31. 27-090-0604 William Barboni 3552 Lake Tahoe Bi. 526.91 1091 Aspenwald Rd. 296.49 1300 Kyburz Ave. 279.02 1389 Mt. olympia 329.18 1415 Mt. Shasta Cir 333.19 1633 Ponca St. 288.62 1612 Choctaw 362.25 2187 Mewuk Dr. 327.40 2163 Cornelian Dr. 295.56 3441 So. Upper Truckee 342.43 3344 Panorama Dr. 320.20 1657 Tionontati St. 340.53 3436 Lake Tahoe Bi. 279.47 3430 Lake Tahoe Bi. 319.31 ST055802 BOARD MEETING PHONE NUI.~BER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME: ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFOR~[ATION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055803