HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-07-93 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 7, 1993 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session January 7, 1993, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Wallace, Onysko, Mosbacher STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Mamath, Noble, Rieger, Schrempp, Hussmann, Sharp, Cano, Garcia, Brown, Attorneys Sare and Cherry GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite/City Council, Steve Shaffer, Chris Strohm Staff: Rhonda McFarlane introduced Frances Cano to the Board. Ms. Cano is the newly hired purchasing clerk. Richard Solbrig reported on the 10,000 gallon propane tank fire at the treat- ment plant at 12:30 AM on 1/6/93. He also described the anticipated repairs necessary for certification to put the tank back in service. Solbrig felt the anticipated repairs and certification would take several weeks to accomplish. Future preventative measures to avoid a reoccurrence were also discussed. Shop Steward No Report. Staff requested Consent Item 4 be re- moved as the situation had been resolved to staff's satisfaction. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: December 17, 1992; ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055804 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE - 2 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures on the list of accounts on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein); CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) 3) Authorized two-week disconnection procedures on APN 32-332-021/2340 Dundee Circle for failure to ex- cavate water service line; 5) Approved Notice of Completion/Tom Haen Co., Inc. for Diesel Fuel Tanks at District & Fallen Leaf Lake Re- moval and Replacement project; 6) Approved an additional $25,000 appropriation for the Ultra Low Flow Toilet Rebate program. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Rhonda McFarlane who reviewed the conditions of the Agreement. Attorney Sare added to the comments and reported on the meeting between Alpine County offici- als and District staff the morning of 1/7/93. Parties agreed to pay $15,000 for the Monitoring Fee, but no Admin- istrative costs. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize a Monitoring Fee payment to the County of Alpine in the amount of $15,000 (covering the 1993 calendar year). Finance officer McFarlane said she was seeking Board direction on this item because of the contract between E1 Dorado County Water Agency and the District and the recent attendance of the Water Agency Board meeting by Manager Baer and Director Mosbacher. The purpose of their attendance was to request the loan be given a grant status to avoid the $175,000 repayment installment. Director Mosbacher reported on the Agency Board meeting and their denial of the District's request. Attorney Sare advised the Board to hold an execu- tive session prior to Board action to discuss available options. COUNTY OF ALPINE: MONITORING FEE WATER EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY LOAN AGREEMENT ST055805 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 7, 1993 Presented by Nancy Hussmann. Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to continue coverage under the current policy for a 60 day period (beginning 1/15/93) by payment of $15,176.02/month until the Board makes a decision for a plan covering the remainder of the year. Presented by Attorney Cherry who used the map attached to the Resolution to explain the proposed annex area and the LAFCO rules associated with the annex procedure. PAGE - 3 BOARD/MANAGEMENT MEDICAL, DENTAL, LIFE INSURANCE APPLICATION TO ANNEX ADDITIONAL PROPERTY TO DISTRICT BOUNDARIES Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution 2573/ Requesting LAFCO to Take Proceedings for the Annexation of Territory and Amend- ment to the Sphere of Influence. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $713,625.83. The Finance Committee met to discuss Management/Board insurance coverage. The Operations Committee met to discuss the Test Wells. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Wallace asked for an update on an earlier report of staff discover- ing a 6 inch fire line (water service) to a commercial customer at Tallac & Nevada streets. Diane Noble reported on the progress of resolving the prob- lem (installation of a check valve) and stated we had mutually agreed with the property owner to have the problem resolved by the end of January (weather permitting). Director Wallace asked if the water line had also been used for commercial purposes and if this was the case, would the District ask how long was it used and how much should the District charge the customer? Director Mason said they would work on that when they knew the answers. Director Mosbacher mentioned 4 items: BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 1) She would try to attend the January Lahontan meeting in Truckee (weather permitting); ST055806 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 7, 1993 PAGE - 4 2) Thanked Diane Noble for the letter sent to County and City Dispatchers re emergency services (storm drain stop- pages) & asked that a similar letter be sent every year; 3) Received a notice of a Mountain Counties Resources Association mtg. to be attended by Doug Wheeler/Sierra Summit to discuss Regional Bio Diver- sity...she would not be able to attend; 4) Thanked Rick Hydrick for his re- cent contacts with County snow removal people but felt both the city and County should be given priority lists for snow removal to District facilities, espec- ially to allow staff to get equipment to the Luther Pass Pump Station. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (continued) Chairman Pierini discussed 3 items: 1) Commended Manager Baer for his letter to the Redevelopment Agency on potential problems on the east side of Sonora Avenue; 2) Thanked Director Mason for agreeing to represent the Board at the HDR Claim Settlement Conference on 1/8/93. He also questioned the logistics of the Special Meeting scheduled for 2:30 PM on 1/8/93; 3) Opened more discussion on County and city snow removal for access to District facilities. He asked Manager Baer to investigate problem areas. General Manager: STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported on 2 items: 1) The 1/6/93 meeting with Lahontan staff re future connections, sludge deposits, A1 Tahoe Well construction, in-basin reuse (change in Porter-Cologne Act) and their offer to help with our appeal to SWRCB for additional grant funding; 2) Director Onysko requested Baer ask the Consultant hired to investigate the Tunnel concept "to take a stab at the cost associated with a spill in the middle of a storm." Further, he said, "he hoped they were going to work into the equation, potential cost to the District in case of a catastrophic failure." ST055807 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 7, 1993 Past Meetinqs/Events 1/04/93 - Meeting w/Lahontan Staff 1/05/93 - Meeting w/Alpine Co. Staff and Supervisor 1/08/93 - 1:30 PM - HDR Claim Settle- ment Conference 1/08/92 - 2:30 PM - Special Board Mtg. 1/14-16 - - CASA @ Palm Springs 1/18/93 - 10:00 AM - Sierra Nevada College re Basin-wide Grant 1/21/93 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 5:39 PM PAGE 5 STAFF REPORTS (continued) NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (3)/HDR Claim; E1 Dorado County Water Agency Loan Agreement 6:48 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to appeal the E1 Dorado Co. Water Agency Board's 12/28/92 decision (regarding installment payment of $175,000) to the E1 Dorado County Board of Super- visors and ask to delay repayment until the Supervisors have an opportunity to hear our appeal. 6:49 PM 8:23 PM EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY LOAN AGREEMENT ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Co~e Section 54957.6(a)/Manaqe- ment Neqotiations-Instruct Desiqnated Representatives; An Additional Personnel Matter ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: LOU PIERINI ? ~A~I~AN- OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055808 Consent Item #2 ATTACHMENT 1 ~CCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATIO~ OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDING~ JANUARY 7, 1993 ITEM ACCT. NAME IIa~ary Drown. SERV. ADDRESS ..AMT. DUE 218~u-Ver~i~e--Dr-.- ..... $ ..... 199 .. 38 -~ 2. 22-061-221 Philip Sto~k 2161 .... I .'---- 315~.95 -- 3. 22-332-441 Beatrice Burton 1819 Venice Dr. 318.60 4. 23-132-371 5. 23-221-~ Linda Loeffler Edward Feldman 560 Roger Ave. 2276 Eloise Ave. 381.48 279.90 6.~ 23 '-21-351 James 299,42- 7. 23-602-191 Thomas Henderson 748 Julie Lane 277.18 8. 25-371-031 Edward Rock 1191 Jobs Peak 328.67 9. 25-413-151 Richard Van Buskirk 1390 Glenwood Wy 325.04 G. Mc ~=fwa-in~ -14 a eso r. 12. 25-832-121 Lorraine Desomber 1827 Gentian Way 305.93 13. 26-094-281 Philip Patchin 734 Modesto Ave. 778.63 14. 26-145-111 L. Duckworth 832 Placer Ave. 293.07 ST055809 Date: BOARD MEETING PHONE NUI.~BER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME: ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFOD~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055811