HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-92 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 5, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session November 5, 1992, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Wallace, Onysko, Mosbacher STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Garton, Mamath, Noble, Johnson, Hussmann, Hydrick, Twomey, Hoggatt, Taylor, Brown, Thiel, Powers, Garcia, Eddy, Bird, Attorney Sare .GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite & Tom Davis/City Council, Richard Beam/Lakeside Park Assn., Jean Draxton, Harry Schaefer, Jr., Robert McIntyre Robert McIntyre spoke to the Board about a recent revocation of his 4-plex by the City; he asked that the Board allow a speed-up of the refund for the involved sewer allocations in the amount of approximately $28,000. The Board agreed to have staff prepare a check for inclusion on the November 19th Payment of Claims list. Shop Steward No Report. Director Mosbacher asked to move Consent Items 1, 7, 8, 10 forward for discussion/action; Director Onysko asked to move Consent Item 9 forward for discussion/action. Attorney Sare requested Action Item 2/ Sludge Deposits at Wastewater Treatment Plant be moved for consideration after the Executive Session. ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055837 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 5, 1992 Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures on the list of accounts on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein); 3) Authorized two-week disconnection procedures on APN 33-191-051/1635 Elks Club Drive for failure to per- form annual backflow assembly test; 4) Approved Notice of Completion/Tahoe Keys Force Main Project-T.W. West, Inc.; 5) Approved Notice of Completion/Twin Peaks Erosion Control Project for Calif. Conservation Corps work; 6) Authorized annual payment to Alpine County in the amount of $102,800 for impact/mitigation compensation. PAGE - 2 CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve a legal counsel purchase order in the amount of $10,000 (to pursue the multi-county concept). PROPERTY TAX T~GAL COUNSEL TRANSFER: (Consent Item 7) Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to extend one temporary employee position in the Underground Repair Dept. until the return of one of the two employees absent due to medical leave. EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE POSITION: UNDERGROUND REPAIR DEPT. (Consent Item 8) Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to fill the vacant position. OPERATOR I POSITION (Consent Item 9) Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Onysko voted No/Passed to authorize posting for recruitment of these two part-time posi- tions. FINANCE CLERK AND PURCHASING CLERK POSITIONS (Consent Item 10) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Chairman Pierini who noted members of the audience included represen- tatives from Lakeside and invited them to LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION ST055838 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 5, 1992 PAGE - 3 enter into discussion if they cared to LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION do so. (continued) After listening to the options presented in the staff report and extended discus- sion, Chairman Pierini summed-up the Board's comments by saying the Board would be agreeable to our District absorbing the water activities of Lakeside providing the full membership of the Association wanted us to do so and, they asked S.T.P.U.D. to do so. No Board Action. Presented by Rick Hydrick who distrib- uted charts showing the category, the number of sites, and the residence building dates for the test sample sites. He said once all the sample results were in, staff would have more information for a recommendation to the Board. Board discussion followed. EPA LEAD AND COPPER RULE No Board Action. Presented by Richard Solbrig. Director Onysko asked for an appearance from a member of the Bartle Wells firm to make a presentation to the Board re- garding the study and to respond to Board member questions. The rest of the Board concurred. EXPORT SYSTEM STUDY: ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL & SCHEDULING INFORMATION ALTERNATIVES No Board Action. The 1992/93 Budget revisions, resulting from the earlier staff/board workshops, were presented by Rhonda Garton. Diane Noble reported on the reasons for the decrease in water meter revenues; Ross Johnson reported on power savings from the Operations Dept. WORKSHOP: REVISIONS 1992/93 BUDGET The bottom line figures resulted in savings of $963,889/sewer funds and $183,800/water funds for a total savings of $1,147,689 as shown on Attachment 2. Attachment 2 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein. 7:04 PM WORKSHOP BREAK WORKSHOP RESUMED 7:43 PM ST055839 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 5, 1992 PAGE - 4 Director Wallace complimented the em- ployees for their input to the cost saving ideas and said to each and every employee, "Thank you, for a job well done." The other Board members concurred. WORKSHOP: REVISIONS 1992/93 BUDGET (continued) No Board Action. Presented by Linda Brown. COMPUTER BID Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to go to bid for computers and equipment. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize an addition to the bid to allow employees to purchase at government prices. Presented by Manager Baer. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to modify the hiring freeze policy to allow the General Manager to replace any vacant existing positions as they occur. HIRING FREEZE: MODIFICATION POLICY Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason and Onysko Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $850,242.00. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS None. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Mosbacher mentioned 4 items: BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (1) Congratulated the Lab staff on the recognition by the State on their quality assurance rating of 98.9% accuracy; (2) Reported on the augmentation funds meeting she and Rhonda Garton had attended which allocates only $7,800 to our District; (3) Reported the Water Agency meeting will be held on 11/16 and would like someone from staff to attend with her; (4) Expressed surprise at the way the funds had been allocated in the basin- wide grant Bill recently introduced in the Senate by Senator Seymour. General Manaqer: STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported on 4 items: (1) Attendance at a Technical Advisory Committee Meeting this date on the 2010 ST055840 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 5, 1992 PAGE - 5 Plan Update for E1 Dorado County and felt their document was very incomplete at this time; (2) Invitation to Ray Nutting to come and tour our facilities on 11/19; (3) He will attend the School District's Community Forum as he felt their new facilities would impact our District; (4) He reported the TRPA had reviewed our 1993 allocations, but their staff report was not complete and it was rescheduled for their November meeting. STAFF REPORTS (continued) Past Meetinqs/Events 11/4/92 - District/City Water Agreement 11/5/92 - Technical Advisory Mtg. Attorney: Attorney Sare reported on 4 items: 1) He was pleased with staff's (Diane Noble) efforts to bring back sewer units not being used to allow reprogramming. Also, TRPA had adopted the District's findings for Fallen Leaf Lake (gpd) sewer usage. These two efforts would allow a 1993 building allocation; 2) He reported there was not sufficient contaminated soil within the boundaries of the removed underground storage tanks to warrant the expenditure of the $10,000 deductible clean-up costs, so funds provided by California to help pay for clean-up would not be necessary; 3) City staff and District staff had met to discuss the City/District water agreement. Discussions went very well; he will present a concept for a 5 or 10 year agreement at the 11/19/92 meeting; 4) The Basin-wide grant - he had received the present strategy to move the bill forward. He was attempting to ask V.P. Gore to visit the Lake and have him back our Bill (Senate Bill 3374). He said Attorney Rissetto had not been authorized to spend any more money, but it may require another trip to Washing- ton D.C. due to the change of represent- atives since the recent election. 11/6-7 - 11/19/92 - 12/02/92 - 8:50 PM - CASA @ Newport NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. - ACWA @ Monterey MEETING BREAK ST055841 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 5, 1992 9:01 PM PAGE 6 MEETING RESUMED/ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1)/Discuss- ion of significant exposure to litigation/~DR Claim, Tax Tran- sfer Funds, Sludqe Deposits at Wastewater Treatment Plant, Ka~h~¥nA. Gaqnon Claim; and Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/PERSONNEL MATTER - INSTRUCT DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES 10:09 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Passed CLAIM AGAINST S.T.P.U.D. BY Unanimously to deny the claim made by KATHRYN A. GAGNON Mr. Lobb about the injury to the Sierra Pacific Power employee (Kathryn A. Gagnon). Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Onysko Voted SLUDGE DEPOSITS AT WASTEWATER No/Passed to authorize a Geraghty & TREATMENT PLANT: RESPONSE TO Miller Task Order in the amount of LAHONTAN POSITION $8,500 (to prepare a response). 10:10 PM ADJOURNMENT LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055842 CONSENT ITEM ~2 NOVEMBER 5, 1992 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS <NOVEMBER 5, 1992) ITEM ACCT. _~. NAME SERV. ADDRESS AMT. DUE C~& 2cvcr!y--Bzuch -~n ~ .... 7--- ...... ~"~--~ $ ~ °~ ' 3. 23-251-081 Peter Metzelaar 2280 Lake Tahoe Blvd 304.91 4. 23-695-061 Charles Del Valle 707 Taylor Way 310.36 5. 25-375-261 Loren Maxwell 3353 Heavenly Valley 309.54 7. 25-483-161 8. 25-593-041 Joseph Alexander 1658 Glenwood Way Robert Bolinger 2485 Del Norte St. 232.37 298.68 9. 25-643-071 11. 25-843-121 12. 26-024-091 David Newman 1885 Viking Way 299.34 Gi~bert)~te~ngamp 1188 Canarsee St. 299.36 O.L. Saunders 3161 Berkeley Ave. ..... E_ Tho~?~ 14 26-104-171 Helen M. McNie 807 Los Angeles 384.31 ' ~4 ST055843 PAGE TWO - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - NOVEMBER 5t 1992 BOARD MEETING 17. 26-252-111 Philip M. Patchin 973 Cave Rock Ave. 296.29 18. 27-071-091 Jet Thru Car Wash 3668 Lake Tahoe Thomas Buyak Blvd. $1,717.09 19. 27-083-081 CRC Hospitality 3838 Lake Tahoe Sierra Cal Lodge Blvd. 1,232.77 20. 27-084-111 Charles Segers 3769 Forest Ave. 299.66 21. 22. 27-113-011 Paula Vincent 27-113-381 Robert & Joan Parr 3572 Bill Ave. 3592 Bill Ave. 302.34 303.04 Phys Therapy 24. n a ' 25. 27-341-171 Richard Dewhurst 3533 Deer Lane 308.65 26. 28-062-061 Katherine Braun 1484 Bonita Rd. 296.44 27. 28-121-211 Darlene Lowry 3646 Pioneer Trl. 1,936.73 28. 28-121-291 Lloyd Bretthauer 3628. Pioneer Trl. 987.15 29. 28-152-091 Jerry McCormick 1462 Sterling Ct. 299.66 31. 28-311-201 Mario Portillo 1186 Timber Ln. 305.88 ST055844 PAGE THREE - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTEDFOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - NOVEMBER 5, 1992 BOARD MEETING 33. 29-041-031 Franklin Moore 4147 Manzanita Ave. .538.40 35. 29-141-231 Pine Motel Oscar Grego 3980 Pine Blvd. 1,148 . 86 36. 29-141-:341 37. 29-441-041 Maureen Daggett Crescent V Lands Colony Inn 3921 Cedar Rd. 3794 Montreal Rd. 226.20 2,700.13 38. 30-403-111 Barry Edelson 1720 Keller Rd. 299.66 40. 42. 31-202-181 William Scott 2689 Kubel Ave. 274.80 Dollar Ave. 45. 32-281-321 Jerry Paradiso 1260 Margaret Ave. 299.66 47. 33-425-011 Earl Haddon 491 Czyug~ Cir,-- 702 Kiowa Dr. 299.66 .ST055845 PAGE FOUR - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - NOVEMBER 5t 1992 BOARD MEETING 48. 33-513-141 49. 33-681-041 Donna Blakely Arnold Q. Ting A1 frcd_Ochsa~ 530 Lake Tahoe Blvd 306.25 1020 Muskwaki Dr. .299.66 53. 34-101-051 Ronald Law 1857 Bella Coola 298.68 54. 34-252-091 Angie Cabrera 1759 Arrowhead Ave. 298.27 5~ 34-2~3-081 56. 34-291-131 Neal Krider Wah & Lily Lee 2003 Hopi Ave. 298.46 1974 Arrowhead Ave. 299.66 57. 34-294-171 Robert Ferguson 58. 34-363-021 /w Alfred Valenzuela 59. 34-461-401 George Bober 60. 34-462-091 Ra .ymond Celeste 62 . 34-641-121 Lawrence D. Braun 1226 Apache Ave. 281.75 1669 Erie cir. 276.55 567 Wintoon Dr.. 299.66 602 Kiowa Dr. 302.74 21'/0 Qui;:anctz~- ~ 299.51 612 Otomites St. 299.66 63. 34-643-041 T ls amot° 64. 36-472-041 James/Patricia Kruk 573 Otomites St. -311;'34 3506 River Park Dr. '298.69 ST055846 PAGE FIVE - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - NOVEMBER 5t 1992 BOARD MEETING 66. 36-612-021 Gregory T. Hughes 936 Han St. 299.66 67. 81-042-221 Dale/Donna Hustler 1805 Elks Club Dr. 298.29 68. 81-074-0~1 Moises Ticas Sr. 69. 81-131-091 Richard Biagini 1581 Tionontati St. 302.95 1640 Player Dr. 296.40 70. 81-141-171 Victor H. Gonzalez 1251 Glen Eagles Rd 306.25 71. 27-083-0801 CRC Hospitality Sierra Cal Lodge 3838 Lake Tahoe Blvd. 1,232.77 ST055847 Attachment 2 November 5, 1992 ~u.I 0~- <09 I-Ci Zz Ou. ~o ~ .o O n A -- Z t- ~ ~ o D 009 ~ _ o ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~O > rll -~ t--'~ a_O ~m m,~ OD m I- w W W >- w 0 0 W ST055848 0 fl. W n 0 0 0 0 '~- 0 ST055849 ~W I-- Zn-' o~ LLI 888 o8o °888 8000 00000 8° 88 oo 8 o 0 O0 0 O0 O0 O0 ~ ~ 000 0000~80 0 000 0000~ 0 888888§888~ °°° o8~o 000000 o888B88888 00000000000 0000 ST055850 0 0 0 0 0 ~8~8oooo~-o8o ooo 8o~o o ~oo~~o~888o8~°° ~0~ ~~~000000~00000000~00 ~~~~q~qq~~q~o o o o o ~ o ~ =ooooo oooooooooo~ ~~ .~ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ST055851 Date: BOARD MEETING PHONE NUHBER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME: ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055852