HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-15-92 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 15, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session October 15, 1992, 4:00 PM, city Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Wallace, Onysko STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Garton, Mamath, Noble, Hussmann, Brown, Sharp, Garcia, Swain, Johnson, Hoggatt, Hydrick, Powers, Thiel, Hrbacek, Maxhimer, Torney, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Tim Willis/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank Du Quite/City Council, Carl Lischeske/State Health Services, Harry Schaefer/Resident Mgr.-Lakeside Park Assn., Jim Norton/Sierra-Tahoe Insurance, Richard Bork/Ranger Ins. & Sam Neidigh/Penco, Jack Burnam & Bob Gilletto/Carollo Engineers, Mike Simmons/CSRMA, Roger Todd Frank Du Quite - commented on Board member remarks made at the 10/1/92 Board meeting regarding correspondence received by the District from Dick French/Manager, Lake Tahoe Airport. He explained the intent of the letter was to inform the District of future needs at the airport. Shop Steward - No Report. Rhonda Garton - reported on corres- pondence from the E1 Dorado County Controller which described the recom- mendations he planned to give to the Board of Supervisors for Special District Augmentation Funds. She also reported on her calculations she felt should be paid to the District and asked the Board if she should attend a meeting in Placerville on 10/19 to represent the District on the subject. The Board concurred she should attend. Director Mason suggested a Board Commit- ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ST055853 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 15, 1992 PAGE - 2 tee meeting with Supervisor Upton to discuss the augmentation funds. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (continued) Staff requested Consent Items 3B & C be deleted. Director Mosbacher re- quested Consent Item 7 be moved for- ward for discussion; Director Onysko requested Consent Item 5 be moved forward; Manager Baer asked to have Agenda Item 6 removed. Assistant Manager Solbrig stated he would be presenting Action Item 9 and requested a change in the wording for requested Board action. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA AND CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved the Regular Board Meeting Minutes: September 17, 1992, and October 1, 1992; 2) Authorized staff to implement two- week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer/water accounts listed on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein.); 3.A) Authorized two-week water dis- connection procedures for failure to perform annual backflow assembly test on APN 27-090-1301/Bijou Center; 4) Authorized two-week water dis- connection procedures for failure to install backflow assembly device on APN 23-201-451/2093 James Ave.; 6) Accepted $32,500 cash offer from Alan D. O'Dell on sale of High Meadows Trail Lot #50, APN 25-754-01. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION 5) Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/ Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to begin the selection process and to authorize a maximum 6 week extension of the temporary position until the permanent position is filled. ADMINISTRATION SECRETARY POSITION ST055854 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 15, 1992 PAGE - 3 7) Moved Mosbacher/SecondOnysko/ Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to solicit letter proposals for design services for construction of A1 Tahoe Well No. 2 well pump and associated facilities. AL TAHOE WELL NO. 2: CONSTRUCTION DESIGN SERVICES FOR WELL PUMP & ASSOCIATED FACILITIES ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Assistant Manager Solbrig reviewed the background of the project. Bob Gillette & Jack Burnam of the Carollo firm were present to answer Board member questions related to the cost figures in the cursory evaluation report. EXPORT SYSTEM PROJECT It was the consensus of the Board to have Solbrig work on (1) the cost detail information and scheduling information which should be included in an add- itional study plan and (2) the breakdown of proposals to pursue additional finan- cial and scheduling information. No Board Action. Chairman Pierini reported he had been in contact with Lakeside's Chairman of the Board, Mr. Beam. Harry Schaefer, Resident Manager of Lakeside, spoke to the Board re the District's intertie with Lakeside and Lakeside's plans for their pipeline extension into the Lake. INTERTIES WITH LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION Carl Lischeske/State Health Dept., talked to Board members about the fil- tration exemption given Lakeside for their lake intake water and the qualif- ications connected with the exemption. Lischeske also answered numerous ques- tions posed to him by Board members relating to drinking water issues. He mentioned State Water Bond Law money was available to address (eliminate) the Cold Creek Filter Plant and replace the water source. It was the consensus of the Board to be open to contacts from Lakeside regarding shared water resources, to demand the installation of the meter & check valve, and to have Rick Hydrick continue his discussions with Harry Schaefer regard- ing an intertie between the two districts and return to the Board with any concrete proposals. No Board Action. ST055855 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 15, 1992 PAGE - 4 Director Wallace left the dais due to a potential conflict of interest. An unsolicited offer was made to purchase the subject property. OFFER TO BUY DISTRICT PROPERTIES ON SANTA FE RD. (APN 34-402-04 & 05) . Presented by Finance officer Garton who reviewed her activities related to the sale of the subject property. She stated an updated market analysis would be done to establish a market value to allow the Board to make a decision as to whether or not the District should keep the property or sell it. Moved Mason/Second Onysko/Wallace Abstained/Passed to reject the offer from Richard Morris (agent for Renaud & Emily Gignoux). 6:35 PM MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED 6:51 PM Presented by Rick Hydrick who reviewed the planned sampling sites, sample results and the proposed compliance schedule. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EPA LEAD AND COPPER RULE Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Wallace and Mason Voted No/Passed to have staff continue the development of the neces- sary data base to allow the Board to make decisions relevant to the implem- entation of the Lead & Copper Rule. Presented by Nancy Hussmann. The Board accepted comments from Jim Norton/Sierra Tahoe Insurance and Mike Simmons/CSRMA; they both presented their insurance coverage programs. Sam Neidich/Penco Insurance & Dick Bork were also present in the audience. DISTRICT LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE: 10/28/92 - 10/18/93 Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace to stay with the local insurance carrier: Sierra Tahoe Insurance. Motion Withdrawn after it was learned the coverage offered by Sierra Tahoe Insurance (for a comparable dollar amount) did not include ,,pollution coverage for chemicals (including chlorine) used in the treatment of water" liability. ST055856 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 15, 1992 PAGE - 5 Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Wallace Voted No/Passed to award the District's General Auto, Excess Liability and Errors & Omissions Insurance policies to the pooled coverage of CSRMA. DISTRICT LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE: 10/28/92 - 10/18/93 (continued) Presented by Manager Baer. 1992/93 BUDGET REVISIONS It was the consensus of the Board to hold the Budget Workshop during the next regularly scheduled Board meeting: November 5, 1992. No Board Action. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Wallace and Mason Voted No/Passed to table this item to the second meeting in November: November 19, 1992. DISTRICT NAME CHANGE Presented by Assistant Manager Solbrig. REROOF BLOWER BUILDING Moved Wallace/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to award the contract to the lowest bidder providing Calif. Worker's Comp. insurance, with the understanding the repair costs will be deducted from the Alta Pacific money's due claim amount. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $440,084.95. The Finance Committee met to review the various liability insurance programs and real estate transactions. Director Mosbacher reported on water conditions in various areas she saw during her recent vacation and the water signs posted in the state of Utah. General Manaqer: Manager Baer reported on 2 items: 1) Senator Seymour introduced the Lake Tahoe Water Quality (basin-wide grant) Bill to the Senate in Washington, D.C.; 2) Noted that on October 28, 1992, the TRPA Board would hear the District's application for the 1993 building alloca- tions. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS ST055857 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 15, 1992 PAGE - 6 Past Meetinqs/Events 10/8/92 - Independent Special District Selection Committee (to deter- mine allocation of Special District Augmentation Fund) 10/9/92 - ACWA Insurance Executive Committee STAFF REPORTS (continued) Attorney: Attorney Sare requested that an Executive Session follow the meeting. 10/19/92 - 1:00 PM - Public Hearing: Distribution /Augmentation Funds @ Board of Supervisors in Placerville 10/28/92 - 10:00 AM - TRPA to hear STPUD Application for '93 Building Allocations 11/04/92 - 10:00 AM - Water Agmt. w/City 11/05/92 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 11/6-7 - - CASA/Newport Beach 12/02/92 - - ACWA/Monterey NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 9:40 PM MEETING BREAK 9:53 PM MEETING RESUMED/ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1)/HDR Claim; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Instruct DesiqnatedRepresentatives- Personnel Matter 10:05 PM ADJOURNMENT LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055858 Consent Item Attachment 1 October 15, 1992 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 15,1992 BOARD MEETING ITEM ACCT. ~ NAME 1. 23-141-311 Adelard Quellette 3. 23-221-531 4. 23-321-101 5. 23-462-161 6. 23-471-181 7. 23-482-021 Robert Gier Dave Hobbs Kenneth Corrigan Michael Kraft Dan Hannum 9. 23-732-181 Anna Powers 10. 25-391-061 11. 25-481-371 12. 25-541-321 13. 25-764-231 15. 25-842-101 16. 26-231-141 Vernon Lee Laury O1 ivas J.L. McKenna Bruce chin Gloria Marsden George Valentine SERV. ADDRESS 2014 13th St $ 302.67 2300 Eloise Ave. 872.17 614 Glorene Ave 814 Tata Lane 299.66 897 Tata Lane 296.36 920 Tata Lane 298.89 ----7.12 .2n_2 .... St_ 296.19. 2343 California Ave 3C6.~ 3385 Becka Ave. 597.06 1671 Glenwood Way 396.09 3575 Bode Dr. 339.39 1430 Bozeman Dr. 332.79 1878 Koyukon Dr. 329.20 2759 Lake Tahoe Bi. 345.38 ST055859 PAGE TWO - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 15 , 1992 BOARD MEETING 17. 27-141-041 Joan Mahony 19. 29-161-261 Luis Reyes 20. 29-161-271 Luis Reyes 21. 30-401-271 Michael Alioto 22. 31-030-151 \~ ~o~ 23. 31-030-251 Lila Rohrich Delmar Uppendahl 24. 31-082-141 Pembroke Gochnaur 25. 31-183-091 Jack McCollum 27. 33-110-031 Sunset Ranch,Inc. 28. 33-305-081 John Epperson 29. 33-416-031 Jim Conniff 30. 33-432-111 Gary Greene 31. 33-481-131 Glenda Prahm 1076 Aspenwald 3823 Pentagon Rd. 571.38 3901 Pentagon Rd. 434.85 1647 Keller Rd. 340.34 2680 Miller St. 577.80 980 Link Rd. 430.71 2616 Palmira Ave. 570.62 1187 Lodi Ave. 309.53 50 Emerald Bay Rd. 567.11 1411 Pebble Beach 306.24 788 Kiowa Dr. 296.43 1806 Nez Perce Dr. 313.17 1600 Estate Ct. 312.63 ST055860 33. 34. 35-132-011 Larry Schaffer Susan Liddel 35. 35-281-031 Shelly Puzin 36. 35-285-081 Mary Moore 37. 36-545-061 Terrence Finney 38. 29-190-0502 Red CArpet Inn 39. 29-404-0601 John Molnar 40. 29-404-0602 John Molnar 1805 Bakersfield 298.65 2181 Cornelian Dr. 296.36 2601 Henderson St. 296.36 2676 Henderoson St. 291.48 3411 River Park Rd. 434.85 4100 Lake Tahoe Bi. 1189.27 1121 Keller Rd. 439.54 3794 Steven Ln 309.40 BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) ADDRESS_ : PHONE NUP, BER: NAME: -4- NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A pRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE- ST055861