HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-03-92 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 3, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session September 3, 1992, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Wallace, Onysko STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Garton, Mamath, Gilbert, Johnson, Brown, Eddy, Thiel, Garcia, Taylor, Twomey, Swain, Anderson, Hoggatt Hussmann, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank Du Quite/City Council, Tom Fay, John Calmer & Bill Maddaus/Montgomery Engineers, Mark Sterling Mark Sterling commented on his obser- vations about the District regarding staff training and the inflexibility of District letters related to backflow testing. He also suggested we change the District's name, so we would not be referred to as "stupid". Tom Fay commented on the District's disciplinary procedures and his perception of morale problems at the plant. He also objected to the District's purchase of the $40,000 line stopper. Staff requested Consent Items 3A & 3B be removed as the backflow assembly tests had been completed in accordance with District Ordinances. Manager Baer requested Action Item 1 be removed at the request of the applicant: Fantasy Inn ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055882 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 3, 1992 Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to Approve the Consent Calendar as Amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved the Regular Board Meeting Minutes: August 20, 1992; 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures on the list of accounts on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein); 4) Made a determination that the Under- ground Storage Tank Removal/Replace- ment projects at Fallen Leaf Lake and the Wastewater Treatment Plant are exempt from CEQA and authorized filing a Notice of Exemption to the E1 Dorado County Clerk for both locations; 5) Waived the bid informality and awarded the bids on water meters and meter parts as follows: Western Nevada Supply/S82,751.96, Camellia Valley Supply/S30,453.84, R. Supply Co./$23,390.15; 6) Awarded bid to the lowest, respons- ible bidder for Carbon Regeneration Services to Northwest Carbon in the amount of $20,560; 7) Authorized execution of a one-year contract extension (10/1/92 - 9/30/93) on the U.S.F.S. Sewer Utility Contract No. 53-91W2-0-1D02. PAGE - 2 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Bob Baer. John Calmer and Bill Maddaus were present to respond to questions from Board members. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve and accept Tech- nical Memorandums Nos. 1, 2 and 6. Presented by Richard Solbrig. Moved Wallace/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to direct staff to credit the District cost share of city overlay projects to the in-kind services water bill account in the amount of $23,317.32 1993-1998 SEWER CONNECTIONS DISTRICT COST SHARE OF CITY OVERLAY PROJECTS FOR 1991 & 1992 ST055883 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 3, 1992 PAGE - 3 Presented by Rhonda Garton. FIXING THE 1951 GENERAL OBLIGA- TION BOND TAX FOR 1992/93 F.Y./ Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed ORDINANCE NO. 444 Unanimously to enact Ordinance No. 444. Presented by chairman Pierini who said the Finance Committee had met on this issue and recommended to continue with the current plan until the end of this year to coincide with the Management MOU's (January, 1993). Nancy Hussmann responded to questions from Board mem- bers. MANAGEMENT/BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEDICAL INSURANCE Moved Onysko/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to adopt recommendation (Option) 2: Renew the current plan with no changes through 12/92 and renew again in 1/93 to coincide with Management negotiations (MOU' s) with the same or modified plan design. [A copy of the Medical Insurance options (including Option 2) is made a part of these minutes as Attachment 2.] Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to direct staff to reject all bids. Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimous!~ to direct staff to reject all bids. Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to reject the single big received for this project. Presented by Chairman Pierini and Finance Officer Garton. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize purchase of an electronic check-signing machine for checks in the amount of $5,000 or less. Presented by Chairman Pierini and Finance officer Garton. SKY MEADOWS WATER MAIN REPLACE- MENT PROJECT LOWER SHOP PARKING LOT AND SEWER LINE IMPROVEMENTS LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION LANDSCAPING PROJECT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND PAYROLL CHECKS PROCEDURES: PURCHASE OF ELECTRONIC CHECK-SIGNING MACHINE AUTHORIZE SIGNATORIES OF DISTRICT BANK ACCOUNTS · ST055884 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 3, 1992 PAGE - 4 Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Mosbacher Voted No/Passed to authorize use of the signing machine by purchasing the proper plate with 2 Board member names on it. That plate shall be used for all checks less that $5,000; checks over $5,000 or equal to $5,000 shall be signed "live" by 2 Board members. (This action adopted Resolution No. 2570.) Presented by Richard Solbrig. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize purchase ~or the lowest price quote: Motorola Lake Tahoe in the amount of $11,262.50. AUTHORIZE SIGNATORIES OF DISTRICT BANK ACCOUNTS (continued) TELEMETERING EQUIPMENT FOR 3 LOCATIONS: IROQUOIS TANK/APACHE BOOSTER SYSTEM & TATA LANE PUMP STATION Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Onysko Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amounts of $440,935.05. The Finance Committee met on District insurance issues and the State budget. Director Mason said he hoped the Legal Dept. would look into what is happening with our tax money and said we may need to revise certain Ordinances. Director Mosbacher reminded everyone she had made a past suggestion to discontinue the collection of District revenue through property taxes, and raise needed funds through fees only. Discussion followed on this issue. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Mosbacher reported on 4 items: BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 1) She and District staff had met with Supervisor Upton's assistant, Judy Harkins, to discuss the District's water situation; 2) She thanked Bob Baer for his phone call to Assemblyman Knowles; 3) She had checked the Lahontan meeting agenda and even though there was nothing specific related to the District, she would attend the meeting, if possible; 4) She was concerned about how the City was going to handle the "granny flats". General Manaqer: STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported on 3 items: 1) He discussed the raise in filing fees by TRPA and said it would cost the District approximately $1,200 more annually; ST055885 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 3, 1992 2) The Operations Dept. reduced chemical consumption by 64% for a $16,000 savings to the District; 3) The Operations Dept. was also working on power savings...particular- ly at Luther Pass. Past Meetinqs/Event~ 8/26/92 - TRPA Board Meeting 9/03/92 - Board Workshop-93/98 Sewer Connections STAFF REPORTS (continued) PAGE Customer Service Manaqer:. Diane Gilbert reported on the city meeting she had attended to discuss the "granny flat" issue. She reported on the impact to the District and the District's ability to use the sewer units in the ,,affordable housing" category. Discussion followed regarding affordable housing sewer units. Gilbert also reported on her attempts to contact the Embassy suites people re- garding the additional connection charges. They had not returned her calls. It was the consensus of the Board to authorize Attorney Sare to send a Certified letter saying they needed to pay the additional charges or their name would appear on the next disconnect list. Attornev: Attorney Sare reported on 3 items: 1) The Basin-Wide Grant; 2) He asked if he should attend the staff meetings scheduled from 9/8 through 9/15. He was told, "No."; 3) Commented on Tom Fay's remarks earlier in the meeting. 9/14-15 - 9:00 AM - CWPCA Conference 9/17/92 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 6:35 PM Director Onysko left the meeting. MEETING BREAK ST055886 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 3, 1992 PAGE - 6 6:40 PM MEETING RESUMED/ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1)/HDR CLAIM;. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/MANAGEMENT MOU'S - INSTRUCT DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES 7:45 PM ADJOURNMENT ~L~U PIERINI, CHAIRMAN 0 BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK'OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055887 ITEM ACCT. ~ ~1-.------22 -.32 t-- 041 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 3, 1992 Attachment 1 September 3, 1992 NAME SERV. ADDRESS AMT. DUE Ronald..H. Woods - 7 0 -Venice-Dr.- ........ $ -J---289 .--55 ..... ~:-- C Geyer 1095 Venice Dr 293 12 47 23-131-191 Jerry & Lori Ross 575 James Ave. 281.98 23-~1-~i~-3~ ----Greg-~eeller ....... §32-Emeratd-~ay ......... ~-44v96 Manzanita Motel 5. 23-271-241 Robert Rowland 661 Eloise Ave. 281.37 6. 23-291-091 Michael Schneeweis 895/903 Eloise 289.92 7. 23-522-061 8. 25-821-081 A-1 Glass Service Jack Chavarria Rickey B. Freeman 1963 Tucker Ave. 410.03 2276 Wagon Train Tr. 249.24 9. 25-832-121 Lorraine Desomber 1827 Gentian Cir. 325.96 1O. ~5--8~4--~'{ ............. Raymond.Curtey ...... 1,977-Tooch-St-z .................. 32-5-~2 .......... 11. 26-094-281 Philip M. Patchin 734 Modesto Ave. 412.59 12. 26-135-131 Joy Colangelo 831 Capistrano Ave. 535.91 13.-~2q~t-2~-0~t ....... ~eter--Gorczok- ~ 3630_Paradise Ave ..... 299.66 Liesel Flowers ~4.-. -~27-155-.261 Anna Karelis-Goehring 3680 Tamarack-Ave 288.90~ -- ST055888 PAGE - 2 - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - September 3, 1992 16. 27-344-011 Herman Desomber 1109 Glenwood Way 350.27 17. 28-042-021 Barbara Blosser 3776 Markofer Way 299.66 18. 28-081-061 Zehrens Nursery 3574 Pioneer Trl. 386.00 19. 29-041-091 Tahoe Ail Seasons 4131 Manzanita Ave. Motel/L.&E. Bernstein 712.12 20. 29-150-101 Pinewood Lodge 3818 Lk. Tahoe 1,967.37 Blvd. 21.~ 29-371-081 Oscar Grego 3695 Primrose Rd. 314.58 22. 29-381-431 23. 30 3="~ 121 Anthony Hemenes Gerald 1052 Glen Rd. 379.02 25. 30-401-081 Jon G. Krause 3970 Saddle Rd. 299.34 2-6~---30 - 54L1---141 27. 30-531-011 -~ike-Go-rman Mark Rothman 386 l_~Saddle-Rd .. 298.66 1510 Wildwood Ave. 299.66 28. 31-192-151 John Romo, Jrl 1168 Carson Ave. 250.97 F ive.-PiRe s-Apt~-, ..... tl-t-7--Ben a n z a- -Ave ~ --- t ;-092-.--54 David & E.E. Manwill 30-. .... 32-142-031 ....... Jef-f-Olbright .............. &ll0--Bonanza--Av~ ....... 312.83 ST055889 PAGE - 3 - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION~ PROCEEDINGS - September 3, 1992 31. 32-152-131 David Cameron 1254 Bonanza Ave. 434.43 -32~ 32-22t-06t ..... Chartes-W.-Wagne~ ........ ~4t0-Kyburz-Ave. ......... 324.66 33-~ ...... -33 -2-1-3 --t2-t ..... Thomas -Mil-l-ham ........... -1485-Ch er~y-H i 11 ......... 297- .-58 ........ 34. 33-305-161 Michael Jennings 1681 Thunderbird .249..16 3-5.--J3=433~-l~--~oan-~-.Preston 1445- Mtn-Rain ie r ........ 321.61 .......... 37. 34-102-011 Frank Gonzales 1686 Apache Ave. 290.69 38~--34-1-2~-05t---- -Patri¢ia-Desch~-e~---~4G--Si-t-ka-~. Griffin 299 .-66 39~ ---214~-~162---151-------Stu ar-t--Walp ol e ~462--I-r~quo~s-Ci-r~------5 ~9... 99 40. 34-282-051 Brian & Pamela Boyer 1036 Crow St. 299.66 41. 34-294-051 William Halstead 1951 Arrowhead.Ave. .299..66 4-2-. --3.4~4.34~081 .... Roy- &--Mar-y- Rhodes ...... 183 8 ~Nez -Per-ce--Dr--, ..... 4~---34=641-=-0.2-1 --Car-1/Genevieve-Antles ..... 650-OtomitesSt.- 479.31 ......... 44. 34-704-231 John Drohan 1607 Oglala St. 306.28 & Margaret Hawkins 45. 34-713-051 Fred Hoehn 1769 Saponi St. 302.95 46. 35-162-131 Daniel/Patricia Prieto 2156 Chiapa Dr. 306.24 ST055890 PAGE - 4 - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDING8 - September 3, 1992 48. 36-431-111 ...... 47~- .... 35--2-1-2-t-~L ...... Ma~y-Gonzales ........ 2208-Mi-nal~t~- ....... 303.78 Brian & Pamela Boyer 2844 Blitzen Rd. 299.66 49. 81-087-121 50. 01 ~^" 171 Russell Swanson 1656 Tionontati 311.02 ~ 51,-29-1-90-50~ ..... ~ed-Carpe%-tnn-~& ......... 4100--Lk.--Tahoe ........ 2,50-2.57 .... BLvd. TOTAL: ST055891 LIJ 0~0~ .gcc o m (,.O Z --¢:: (..) 0 LT_ I= ~. ~ -~o ~ =uddddooooo o m 0 ~ ~ ~ 88=8~o~898888888888×o8888 o~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ oO - oo o EE EE e o~ ~ .... O~ O0 O0 goS~ 88gg888888888 ~oo~ ~ooo~oo~o ~0 ~ ~,~0~000~ 00~ O~ ~ 0"0 Z_C Attachment 2 September 3, 1992 8 ~+ ~ o E mn" -~ .~ >, ~ -~..Z: u_-~ E ~ . ~ ~o ~o ST055892 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEMORANDUM DT: August 27, 1992 TO: Finance Committee - Lou Pierini & Duane Wallace FR: RE: Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director Management/Board of Directors' Medical Insurance Proposal Comparison This medical plan proposal comparison is based on my attempt to recommend a medical plan which most closely matches the benefits currently provided to District staff and the Board of Directors, at the most reasonable cost to the District. The two carriers who most closely match our current plan are Philadelphia American Life (through Janiene Poushay) and The Guardian (through Fran Buell). Following is a summary of the differences in those plans, as compared to our current plan: I. Philadelphia American Life Adv~ Deductible and benefit percentages remain the same This plan includes an Rx card which allows a $5.00 co-pay for generic prescriptions. For name-brand prescriptions, employee pays $5.00 plus the difference between the cost of the name brand and it's generic equivalent. If no generic equivalent, employee pays $5.00. (Depending on particular prescription, $5.00 could be more/less than 20% co- pay currently charged) Coverage for hospice care and skilled nursing facility are paid at 90/80 % (PPO/non-PPO) with no limit. Co-pay amount increases to $10.00 per visit. Based on actual utilization of 236 visits from 8/15/91 to present, additional cost to employees or District would be $1,180 per year.