HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-92MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 6, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session August 6, 1992, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Onysko, Wallace ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Garton, Mamath, Schroeder, Brown, Johnson, Gilbert, Hoggatt, Hussmann, Garcia, Thiel, Sharp, Swain, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite/City Council, Frank Vanek, Barrie Fischer, Bob Hedley/Better Homes Realty, Ty Baldwin Shop Steward COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mike Adams reported to the Board on the recent conclusion to the Union Negotia- tions. He felt both negotiating teams handled the negotiations very profes- sionally. Director Onysko asked to have Consent Item i/Board Minutes, brought forward for discussion/action. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Staff requested Consent Item 5/Water Line Replacement, be brought forward for discussion/action. Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to Approve the Consent Calendar as Amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 2) 3) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures on the list of accounts on Attachment 1. (Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein); Approved Closeout Agreement & Release of Claims and Notice of Completion/Advance Tank & Construc- tion-Luther Pass Storage Tanks; ST055901 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 6, 1992 PAGE - 2 4) Authorized staff to advertise for landscaping bids for Luther Pass Pump Station; 6) Authorized staff to advertise for bids/Lower Shop Parking Lot and Sewer Line project; 7) Authorized staff to advertise for bids/Removal and Replacement of 3 Fuel Tanks @ Treatment Plant and Fallen Leaf Lake; 8) Authorized advertisement for RFP's and Notification to other interested parties for District Liability In- surance: General, Auto & Umbrella; 9) Authorized solicitation of bids for lease of Lot 17, District's Alpine County River Ranch Development property; 10) Approved T.W. West, Inc. Change Order 1/$8,384.96-Tahoe Keys Force Main Extension. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve the minutes of July 13, 1992--8:00 AM & 6:30 PM & July 24, 1992 as submitted; and to approve the July 2, 1992 minutes with the verbiage on the REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD deleted and sub- stituted with a reference to the meeting tape recordings; and to approve the July 16, 1992 minutes with the verbiage on Consent Item 1/ MINUTES deleted and substituted with a reference to the meeting tape record- ings. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: JULY 2, 1992 AND JULY 16, 1992 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES: JULY 13, 1992-8:00 AM & 6:30 PM AND JULY 24, 1992 (Consent Item 1) Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to negotiate with 3 construction contrac- tors for 600/ft. of water line replace- ment at Gardner & Gardner and Gardner & Clement for an amount not to exceed $25,000. WATER LINE REPLACEMENT (Consent Item 5) Bob Hedley said his request was re- lated to the 12 sewer units located at 937 3rd Street (APN 23-311-301). He asked for clarification from the Board as to whether or not these 12 sewer units were "legal", but was not sure how many sewer units he wanted to transfer from this property. Attorney Sare said under the present Ordinance they were legal. He also explained the REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: BOB HEDLEY/BETTER HOMES REALTY ST055902 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 6, 1992 PAGE - 3 pertinent sections of the present Ordinance. The consensus of the Board was to send this and similar problems to committee to see if the present Ordinance needed to be changed. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: BOB HEDLEY/BETTER HOMES REALTY (continued) Hedley was told, under the present Ordinance, if he transferred all 12 sewer units it could be done at staff level; if he had a partial transfer of sewer units, he would have to come back to the Board for approval. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Richard Solbrig reported there had been no contact with Lakeside Park Association. The consensus of the Board was for staff not to place this on the Agenda again unless they had been contacted by Lakeside. No Board Action. Presented by Chris Garcia. Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve the 8/6/92 list to accompany Resolution No. 2567 for unpaid service charges transferred to the E1 Dorado County Tax Rolls. (The list becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein as Attachment 2.) Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to allow staff to negotiate with a private contractor for the replacement work for an amount not to exceed $20,000 (located in the area of Carson Tahoe Rents/Presbyterian Church). Rick Hydrick gave an oral report on the James Street water leak and the associated flavor/odor complaints. He said staff had checked possible sources for the complaint, but had not been able to pinpoint the cause. He said staff was investigating cross-connection problems at 14 places of businesses in the Hwy. 50 corridor and/or contamina- tion in the inactive line. LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION: MOU FOR TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE UNPAID SERVICE CHARGES TO BE TRANSFERRED TO EL DORADO COUNTY TAX ROLLS: 8/6/92 LIST TO ACCOMPANY RESOLUTION NO. 2567 10" WATER LINE UNDER HWY. 50: REPLACEMENT ST055903 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 6, 1992 PAGE - 4 Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moved Mason/Second Wallace to approve hiring two additional full-time employees for the Underground Repair Dept. EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT: UNDERGROUND REPAIR DEPARTMENT After Board discussion Director Mason amended his motion: Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Onysko and Mosbacher Voted No/Passed to approve hiring two additional full-time employees for the Underground Repair Dept., with the understanding their No. 1 priority would be to install meters unless there was an emergency necessitating their work someplace else. Presented by Terry Powers. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to fill this position under the present 6/mos. circumstances which have been used in the past. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN I POSITION (FULL-TIME VACANCY) Presented by Terry Powers. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Pierini Voted No/Passed to fill this part-time vacancy, as proposed. LABORATORY AIDE POSITION (PART-TIME VACANCY) Presented by Richard Solbrig. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to leave the selection of a firm to assist in formulating options and optimizing/calibrating the network model to Assistant Manager Solbrig, if he felt there was a need to do so for an amount not to exceed $3,500. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPTIONS: SUPPORT SERVICES FOR KY PIPE COMPUTER PROGRAM No Board Action. Presented by Richard Solbrig who in- formed the Board staff was inclined to recommend Alternative #2 and #2A and he would be coming back to them with a request to hire a consultant to proceed with the electrical and structural design of the facilities, along with a cost estimate. AL TAHOE WELL EQUIPMENT OPTIONS Moved Onysko/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to direct staff to implement Alternative #2:1000 gpm pump, vertical line shaft, constant speed, motor size, for ultimate conditions. ST055904 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 6, 1992 PAGE - 5 Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amounts of $745,435.64. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Directors Wallace and Pierini had met to discuss the purchasing policy and the District's liability insurance. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS The Board Policy committee asked for the Board's comments on the portion of the policy distributed to them earlier for review. Director Mosbacher questioned staff's response to a letter-to-the-editor she had read. She also reported she had met candidates running for County Supervisor's seats who had a booth at the E1 Dorado County Fair. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Chairman Pierini complimented Rhonda Garton on pursuing the employees' retirement program problem. Assistant General Manaqer: STAFF REPORTS Richard Solbrig elaborated on the meetings listed below. Past Meetings/Events 7/24/92 - Special Board Mtg/Water Supply Study 7/29/92 - City Water Agmt. Revisions Attorney: Attorney Sare reported on the recently completed Union negotiations and the meeting with City and District staff to discuss the revisions to the City Water Agreement. 8/07/92 - 10:00 AM - EDWPA @ EID 8/12/92 - - CASA @ Monterey 8/20/92 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS Attorney Sare requested authorization to attend an upcoming ACWA Workshop. It was the consensus of the Board to authorize his attendance. Finance Officer Rhonda Garton reported on the E1 Dorado County Water Agency meeting she attended with Director Mosbacher. ST055905 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 6, 1992 PAGE - 6 7:22 PM 7:30 PM MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1)/HDR CLAIM, and ALTA PACIFIC CLAIM 8:00 PM ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH,~ ~LERK-bF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055906 Attachment 1 August 6, 1992 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 8, 1992 ITEM ACCT. ~ 1. 22-171-551 2. 23-161-201 3. 23-161-281 NAME Stephen Ott Richard Munk Cantina Los Tres 4. 23-561-201 Moe Zakari ~., 23--~4~--Q4~.,, D~n Thicmann 7. 23-653-011 John Smith SERV. ADDRESS 419 Wedeln Ct. AMT.DUE 219.83 780 Eloise Ave. 363.02 765 Emerald Bay Rd. 1297.13 697 Patricia Lane 222.94 74-2--Ga~dm e-r--St. --- ~99v. 6~5-- 778 TAhoe Is. Dr. 334.19 8. 23-693-061 Jean Beauchamp 717 Wentworth Lane 316.14 9. 23-694-241 Robert Tanner 726 Wentworth Lane 403.09 10. 23-732-141 Beverly Fielder 2325 California Ave 420.06 1i. 23 732 471 Arr~.a 2265 CaLi~o~n~-a--Ave. 3~- 12. 23-733-231 Kurt Holobaugh 2288 Washington Ave. 299.66 13. 23-741-041 Emil Pedersen 2275 Idaho 368.09 14. 23-747-091 Don Carlton Al-frc~--Gallcg~s 802 Jeffrey St. 1589--B~ack-_Bar3a 305.75 -- 2~-9_._66 ST055907 PAGE - 2 - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - AUGUST 6, 1992 16. 25-341-051 John Chavarria 17. 25-354-181 John Stock 18. 25-411-011 Stephen Connelly 1344 Chinquapin Dr. 1491 Chinquapin Dr. 1371 Glenwood Way 303.69 299.66 454.40 19. 25-631-111 Paul Hydr~ck ...... ~4~1 -Rancho--Way 453~9---- 20. 26-083-031 Eugene Lee 5-6 San Jose 675.10 21. 26-1%4 O 51 De~r~c-k--McC~t~-~e ......... 8=~0 ~Pa~oma--Ave~ ..... 330.6-7 ..... 22. 26-146-151 Daniel Price 23. 27-141-041 Doris Seney 2920 Sacramento Ave. 347.99 1076 Aspenwald Rd. 587.49 ~24.~,~,155=271 25. 27-221-031 Philip Orr 1098 Craig Ave 454.43 S-ki Run--Ma~ag. emen-t 1-1-3-6--Sk~n--B~zd. 5~1 ~ 4=7 27. 27-321-141 Gabrielle Whalen 3625 Spruce Ave. 567.23 28. 27-356-081 Edward Apodaca 3505 Blackwood Rd. 369.23 29. 28-311-271 30. 29-041-181 Fosca Picchi Manuel Martinez 3385 Pine Hill Rd. 4093 Manzanita Ave 350.67 483.21 31. 29-052-171 Glenn Lee 4074 Manzanita Ave. 524.43 ST055908 32. 2~ 401 Ill 1021-Shcphardu Dr =o~ ~ ~3. 29 402 I01 --:~ - ' D ..... x Thiem~nn. D854--S~~ 36. 31-281-281 Frank Vanek 2535 Conestoga St 612.49 ~24~66 38. 34-086-011 Marvin Langley 1869 Apache Ave. 347.99 39. 34-103-061 Kurt Robertson 1760 Narragansett 446.36 40. 34-242-011 41. 34-253-081 Debra Welch W.L. Strickler 1109 Apache Ave 1983 Cherokee St. 482.99 418.80 42. 34-254-101 John Pendleton 1758 Arrowhead 312.83 43. ~=~ A 411 v~ ~ ~ i.,, An~aom¥;;-De~a~ 1706--N~per-~fg~u¢-k-e.e-4-~2~8~8~ 44. 34-431-041 Donald Brittinger 1937 Delaware St. 454.43 45. 34-475-051 Gregory Petrello 1881 Nez Perce 454.43 ~7. 34 722 III 48. 34-771-011 James Leitner 1705 Skyline Dr. 339.08 49. 34-793-041 Stephen Hayward 1661 Bakersfield 320.61 ST055909 50- . 35-142-011 Gei~-y DeYoung 51. 36-350-271 Carolyn Boeding 2819 S.Upper Truckee 585.23 52. 36-401-131 Steven Head 35 Morton Dr. 0=° Ilan Ct,~,,, 374.53 54.' 23-375-0401 ' Ji~ ' ' ~ 3712 Mona{ 503 ~9~1 55. 29 413 "~n" 353.12 TOTAL ST055910 8/6/92 Attachment 2 LIST OF DELINQUENT ACCTS TO BE ADDED T° COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR'S ROLL ACCT # 023-481-171 023-693-041 023-501-111 027-141-041 027-152-041 027-154-161 027-222-201 027-352-051 031-115-051 031-142-141 031-~04-121 032-291-011 034-232-171 034-221-241 034-581-011 AMOUNT NAME DISPOSITION $ 586.15 LYLE SHELTON * VACANT LOT S/O 451.28 ANGELA BEAM INCARCERATED S/O 602.69 KARL MAGDISON ELDERLY ILL 548.97 DORIS SENEY ELDERLY ILL 890.76 RAMON TEELE * VACANT S/O 661.63 SETH BROCHE * ABANDONED S/O 1,151.54 KIM POLIAKAFF * ABANDONED S/O 706.19 ARTHUR PETERSON ELDERLY ILL 513.96 RICHARD BURCINA * PROBATE 676.59 FRANK LATTUCA * ABANDONED S/O 636.15 BILLY FOSTER * ABANDONED S/O 132.40 TIM LIGHTLY STREET LIGHT ONLY 611.15 RUTH BAMBERY * TERMINALLY ILL 985.17 JEFF SCOTT INCAPACITATED 586.15 DARRELL CASTRUITA * FOUNDATION ONLY s/o TOTAL $9,740.78 ACCOUNTS WITH STARS ARE LIENED PROPERTIES. ACCOUNTS WITH S/O HAVE BEEN SHUT OFF. H o o 0 H 0'~ o H ST055911 Date: BOARD MEETING PHONE NUI.~,BER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME: ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055912