HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-91MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 3, 1991 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Regular Session, October 3, 1991, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD MEMBERS: Chairman Sinclair, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Pierini, Onysko ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Mamath, L. Brown, B. Eppler, Schroeder, Miller, Hoggatt, Twomey, Gilbert, Swain, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Marjorie Springmeyer, Ty Baldwin, Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Barrie Fischer, Jim Norton, Dave Rowe, Keith Klein/City Council, Duane Wallace, Roy Hampson, Jerry Goodman, Jim Deaton, Sam Nerjeiger & Vince Holley/Penco, Kevin Eszlinger/Sevelex Phil Casale was not present. Prior to the meeting he requested to be re- scheduled to the 10/17/91 meeting. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: PHIL CASALE Shop Steward: No Report (not present). COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE Dr. Guy Lease/Lake Tahoe Community Colleqe, presented the District a Public Service Award from TRPA for the Lake Tahoe Demonstration Garden. He commended Rick Hydrick for his hard work and commitment. He thanked the District for its vision & support for the project. Chairman Sinclair requested to add an Item 10/Great Emergency - Angora Creek Circle Water Main Leak and remove Consent Item 3/Request from Congressman Miller: Drought Legisla- tion. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055268 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1991 PAGE - 2 Staff requested action Item 5/New Water Supply: Hydrogeologic Services be deferred. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) Consent Items 5, 7, 8 and 9 were requested to be brought forward or discussion/action. Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to approve corrections/additions to Agenda and Consent Calendar. Moved Mason/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of August 15, 1991. 2) Accepted EPA Grant Increase in the amount of $697,784 - Grant No. C-06-1414-113. 4) Authorized response to the 1990- 91 Alpine Co. Grand Jury Final Report under the signature of Chairman Sinclair. 6) Approved Maintenance Work by Stanley Electric in an amount not to exceed $10,000/Final Effluent Pump Motor #3 Maintenance. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION 5) Manager Baer said the findings and conditions were included with the Board packet as the 9/13/91 memo. Keith Gottschalk requested in-kind services be substituted in lieu of payment of 11 sewer unit transfers. FINDINGS AND CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF BIJOU COMMUNITY PARK REST ROOM FACILITIES SEWER UNIT (11) TRANSFER Marjorie Springmeyer spoke to the Board about unrecorded leases she had in her possession which were related to this property. ST055269 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1991 PAGE - 3 Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Onysko Voted No/Passed to approve transfer of 11 sewer units from APN 26-050-04 to APN 25-041-09 with Findings 1.A. through N., 2 & 3 and Conditions A. through E. as listed in the 9/13/91 Memo. The memo becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein as Attachment A. The motion was passed with the understanding staff would work with City staff for in-kind services to the District in lieu of payment for the sewer unit transfers, due to the nature of the project (betterment of the community). FINDINGS AND CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF BIJOU COMMUNITY PARK REST ROOM FACILITIES SEWER UNIT (11) TRANSFER (continued) 7) Moved Pierini/Second Mason/ Passed Unanimously to make findings and conditions for 4 sewer unit transfers per Ordinance 357 and 403 as listed in the 9/26/91 Memo, Findings Items 1.A. through P., 2 & 3 and Conditions A. through I. The memo becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein as Attachment B. FINDINGS AND CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF EMBASSY SUITES SEWER UNIT (4) TRANSFERS 8) Presented by Mary Rudokas, who responded to questions by Director Mosbacher regarding scope of work and costs. 1993-96 SEWER CONNECTIONS EIR/EIS AND FACILITY PLAN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve a joint RFP and Distribution Mailing List with TRPA. 9) Presented by Mary Rudokas, who responded to questions by Board members regarding costs, scope of work and the use of information already gathered from previous reports and EIR/EIS's. EXPORT PIPELINE: REALIGNMENT AND/OR REPLACEMENT EIR/EIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Rudokas concluded from the comments made by Board members, that she needed to modify the RFP's scope of work to include relining the pipeline and have staff scope the items to be considered in the EIR/EIS. Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve a joint RFP and Distribution Mailing List (modified as discussed) with TRPA, for a cost not to exceed $50,000. ST055270 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1991 PAGE - 4 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Linda Brown, who reported the Finance Committee had met and would make a recommendation from the four proposals received. Attorney Sare reported on self- insurance and said the reason we could not do that was because prior agreements/contracts had included a clause which said the District would not be self-insured. Jim Norton/Sierra Tahoe Insurance, clarified his bid and the present insurance carried by the District through his agency. Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve Liability Insurance Carrier: Sierra Tahoe Insurance Agency. Director Pierini reported he recommended going to Alternative 2 which was included in a previous Agenda Packet, with a deductible of $250. Richard Solbrig verified the memo handed to the Board (dated 10/3/91) was not a new memo, it had been redated to coin- cide with today's Board Meeting, and staff was not requesting a new meet & confer meeting. Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to stay with the current coverage (Alternative 1/$150 deductible) and switch to Management recommended Dental Plan with the understanding the District is not involved with any reimbursement plan above and beyond the specific plans. 6:10 PM 6:25 PM DISTRICT LIABILITY INSURANCE MANAGEMENT HEALTH INSURANCE MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED ST055271 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1991 PAGE - 5 Presented by Ken Schroeder, who explained the circumstances surround- ing the need for the 345 ft. extension and reviewed the two quotes he had re- ceived: BONANZA STREET WATER LINE EXTENSION $20,750/Ebright (labor & constr.) $60/Ft. Remove & Replace $39,134/Charles Butts Constr.) (labor only) Schroeder recommended accepting the $20,750 Ebright quote and approval of a 345' extension, including a fire hydrant. Moved Mason/Second Pierini/Onysko, Mosbacher Voted No/Passed to only extend the 6" water line to the building in question, and install the fire hydrant (price to be negotiated). Presented by Jim Hoggatt, who reviewed the Change Order for the costs listed & the related work. He recommended approval of Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $57,119.00. GARDNER MT. INTERTIE Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve Charles Butts Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $57,119.00 Attorney Sare explained the Notice of Exemption given to the Board prior to the meeting. Board members made comments & recommended specific changes, page-by-page and, in some cases, line-by-line to Draft Ordinance No. 438, which were noted by Attorney Sare. (Note: Ordinance 438 was later changed to No. 439 due to Public Hearing date.) WATER CONNECTION RATES: ORDINANCE NO. 438 Moved Mason/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to set time and place for Public Hearing: November 21, 1991, 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers. Attorney Sare noted he was investigating past Ordinances and would bring a new Ordinance to the Board designating the current time, place and day for Board meetings. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1991 PAGE - 6 This item was moved to Executive Session. FINANCE OFFICER POSITION: BOARD INTERVIEWS Director Pierini said the requested Agreement from the State, in its present form, was not acceptable to the Finance Committee because it would re- quire that the District not treat everyone the same. STATE PARKS SEWER TRANSFER: EMERALD BAY STATE PARK Attorney Sare advised Mr. Dave Rowe/ General Manager of the Lake Tahoe Golf Course, not to depend on the State Agreement (in its present form) and if he wished to complete his project with the State of Calif. extra sewer units, he should have his consultant file the application with the District for transfer of the State's units under the District's transfer ordinance. Moved Mason/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to table this item. Presented by Ken Schroeder, who reviewed the damage done by the leak and steps taken to locate a contractor. ANGORA CREEK CIRCLE WATER MAIN LEAK Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to declare a Great Emergency. Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Sinclair Voted No/Passed to authorize repairs by Trinco on a time and material basis for an approximate amount of $20,000, with the understanding the contractor will provide Certified Payrolls showing prevailing wage rates were paid to the workers. Ken Schroeder also explained the Lahontan staff (with concurrence from U.S.F.S.) may request the District re- move all the silting material that washed down into Angora Creek. Further, the material would have to be removed by hand because they did not want any heavy equipment in the area. The consensus of the Board was to have staff contact the U.S.F.S. to see what could be worked out. ST055272 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1991 PAGE - 7 Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to approve payment of claims in the amount of $542,513.49. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Public Information Committee: Diane Gilbert asked for approval to send a supporting letter to reduce the EPA radon standards and explained the reasons for the request which were supported by Carl Lischeske/State Dept. of Health Services. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS It was the consensus of the Board (4/Yes, 1/No) to direct staff to send a letter indicating a majority of the Board supported the reduction of radon standards and approved a similar letter from the So. Shore Water Purveyors. Further, District staff should bring this matter to the atten- tion of EDWPA for support to reduce the EPA radon standards. Diane Gilbert also asked for permission to attend a meeting (10/21/91) regarding taking a position against the Legisla- ture's Fee Schedule/Formula for enforcing the Safe Drinking Water Act. She ex- plained the proposed formula could force our District to go to $40 per connection to enforce these new rules; big districts would pay a lot, large districts would pay a little--e.g., Large customers/03¢ per connection in L.A. Small customers/S22.00 per connection in Markleeville. Director Mosbacher asked about a City Memo which referenced charges which would be billed to the District by the City. Attorney Sare said he was investigating the charges. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Manager: Bob Baer asked for the Board's comments on the Personnel Policy Manual and reminded the Board the deadline for their comments was today. STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer asked the Board for di- rection in pursuing an application for a Safe Drinking Water Bond Law Grant/Loan for the Cold Creek Filter Plant. The consensus of the Board was ST055273 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1991 PAGE - 8 to direct staff not to pursue the grant/loan. STAFF REPORTS (continued) Attorney: Attorney Sare reported on: 1) 2) Tahoe Keys Force Main Easements; Information he had distributed to the Board on the Clean Water Act Reauthorization. He also discussed the plans to go to Washington, D.C. 9/25/91 - TRPA/Clean Water Act Reauthorization 9/26/91 - city of SLT/Public Works Dept. and District staff 9/26/91 - Finance Officer Interviews PAST MEETINGS 10/04/91 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ SLT 10/10/91 - 10:00 am, Redevelopment Quarterly Meeting 10/10/91 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. (Public Meeting) 11/04/91 - 2:00 PM, Special Board Mtg. (Public Meeting) NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 9:05 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Discussion with designated representative regarding the salaries, salary schedules, or compensation to be paid to District's repre- sented &unrepresentedemployees Finance officer Position Interviews None ACTION TAKEN ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 9:17 PM ADJOURNMENT NAT SINCLAIR, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055274 Attachemnt A October 3, 1991 Minute September 13, 1991 Board of Directors Findings Completion of Bijou Community Park *************************************************************** 1. The Board should make the following compliance findings: A. No increased annual flow and strength. There is no increased flow and strength from other commercial parcels. Ce Complete restoration of the secondary parcel is inapplicable since Ordinance No. 403, Section D. is applicable and the secondary parcel is being utilized for public improvements. Ee 1977, et al., Lahontan Cease and Desist Order is no longer applicable. 11 sewer units are required for the Bijou Community Park parcel. The 50 remaining sewer units on the Recreation Center parcel shall not revert to the District - Section III D. of Ordinance No. 403 is applicable since the parcel is being utilized for public improvements and .partial transfer is thus permitted. The District has notified the City of South Lake Tahoe of the foregoing provisions compliance. The City of South Lake Tahoe has evidenced compliance of Bijou Community Park with its General Plan. He No sewer assessments on the secondary parcels are due. I. No property taxes on the secondary parcel are due. J. Ail sewer service charges are current. K. No liens on the secondary parcels are outstanding. ne Lateral sewer connections for the secondary parcel are not required to be removed, plugged and sealed. Me Water service utilities for the secondary parcel are not required to be disconnected. N. Any City transfer of Sewer Ordinance has been ST055275 complied with. The Board finds the conditions for issuance of a new sewer permit for the Bijou Community Park parcel pursuant to Ordinance No. 300 as amended by Ordinance No. 359 have been complied with. The City of South Lake Tahoe has on file an application for cancellation of the 11 sewer units on the secondary parcels sewer permits. The Board should authorize the staff to issue a sewer permit for the Bijou Community Park parcel subject to the following conditions: ae The transfer fees shall be payable under Ordinance No. 432 at $1,330 per sewer unit will be paid in full within 30 days from the date of this authorization. B. Ail sewer service charges are current. The sewer permit will include as conditions all representations and agreements in the City of South Lake Tahoe application for transfer and subject to all conditions in the application. De The City Attorney has recorded a Notice of Transfer with the E1 Dorado County Recorder, describing the primary parcel and secondary parcel by Assessment Parcel Numbers and location, and the representation that the secondary parcel will be used for public improvements. Eo The City agrees that $1,330 per sewer unit transfer fee is the reasonable and estimated cost to the District. 2 ST055276 Attachment B October 3, 1991 Minutes SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DT: September 26, 1991 TO: Board of Directors FR: Baer/Eppler/Sare RE: Completion of Embassy Suites Transfer - 4 Additional Sewer Units Transfer The Board needs to authorize the staff to issue a permit for Embassy Suites 4 additional Sewer Units and make the following findings and conditions. The provisions of Ordinance No. 403 have been complied with except where relief has been previously granted and subject to special conditions in this authorization. The Board should make the following compliance findings: A. No increased annual flow and strength - relief granted. Be There is no increased flow and strength from other commercial parcels. Ce Complete restoration of the secondary parcels is inapplicable since Ordinance No. 403, Section D. is applicable and the secondary parcels are being utilized for public improvements. De 1977, et al., Lahontan Cease and Desist Order is no longer applicable. Fe 4 additional sewer units are required for the Embassy Suites parcel. The one sewer unit remaining on the old Echo Motel (Real Estate office) parcel, APN 027-040-061, shall not revert to the District - Section III D. of Ordinance No. 403 is applicable since Board has found the parcel is being utilized for public improvements and partial transfer is thus permitted. The District has notified the City of South Lake Tahoe of the foregoing provisions compliance. ST055277 The City of South Lake Tahoe has evidenced compliance of Embassy Suites with its General Plan. H. The project complies with City General Plan. Any sewer assessments on the secondary parcels have been paid in full. Je Any property taxes on the secondary parcel have been paid in full. K. Ail sewer service charges are current. ne Ail liens on the secondary parcels have been paid in full. Me Lateral sewer connections for the secondary parcel have been removed, plugged and sealed. Water service utilities for the secondary parcel have been disconnected. O. No sewer units are transferred from damaged structures. Any City transfer of Sewer Ordinance has been complied with. The conditions for issuance of a new sewer permit for the Embassy Suites parcel pursuant to Ordinance No. 300 as amended by Ordinance No. 359 have been complied with. An application from the Embassy Suites parcel owner is on file with the District. The City of South Lake Tahoe Redevelopment Agency has on file an application for cancellation of the secondary parcels sewer permits. The Board should authorize the staff to issue a sewer permit to the owner of the Embassy Suites parcel subject to the following conditions: The transfer fees shall be payable under Ordinance No. 432 at $1,330 per sewer unit will be paid in full within 30 days from the date of this authorization. B. Ail sewer service charges are current. Ail lateral sewer service connections for secondary parcels are removed, plugged and sealed. 2 ST055278 De Fe Ge Ail water service connections are disconnected for the secondary parcels except wells which will provide for Redevelopment Project No. 1 wetlands and landscaping water. No previously transferred. unreported sewer units are The relief granted by the Board on Septmeber 19, 1991 applies only to Embassy Suites parcel. The sewer permit will include as conditions all representations and agreements in the Embassy Suites application and subject to all conditions in the application. The City Attorney has recorded a Notice of Transfer with the E1 Dorado County Recorder, describing the primary parcel and secondary parcels by Assessment Parcel Numbers and location, and the representation that the secondary parcels will be used for public improvements. The City and owner of Embassy Suites agree that $1,330 per sewer unit transfer fee is the reasonable and estimated cost to the District. 3 ST055279 BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (p~ease print) PHONE NUI, IBER: I.~AME: ADD,S: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST0552g0