HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-13-92MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 13, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session January 13, 1992, 4:00 PM, city Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Onysko, Wallace ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Garton, Mamath, Taylor, Garcia, Schroeder, Gilbert, B. Eppler, Hydrick, Hoggatt, Miller, Swain, Hussmann, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Paul Hale, Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Keith Klein/City Council, John Nisby/PAM, Roy Hampson Paul Hale stated he was not prepared for this earlier date, and asked to be rescheduled for 2/6/92 as originally requested. None. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Shop Steward: No Report. Directors Mosbacher & Mason requested Consent Item 4 be moved to: CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DIS- CUSSION. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended: CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT C~L~NDAR CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of December 19, 1991 and January 2, 1992. 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week disconnection procedures for the accounts listed on Attachment 1. Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein. 3) Allowed change in specifications for Operations Dept. vehicle from 2-wheel drive Pick-Up to 6-wheel drive ATV. ST055205 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 13, 1992 PAGE - 2 CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Director Mosbacher reviewed adjust- ments which needed to be made to the vehicle specs to make them compatible with current specs available from various manufacturers. Director Mason questioned the use for the 1/2 Ton for the Inspections Dept. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize going to bid for 7 new District vehicles with specifications amended as discussed. DISTRICT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT (Consent Item No. 4) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION No Board Action. SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT COMPLIANCE Chairman Pierini introduced John Nisby representing PAM, the developer of the project. He also recognized Keith Klein and said he would rep- resent the City and Dennis Crabb on this matter. AFFORDABLE HOUSING: SUPPORT PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO GIVE THE DISTRICT LATITUDE TO REDUCEAND/ OR WAIVE SEWER/WATER CONNECTION CHARGES Attorney Sare reviewed the circum- stances under which this item had been placed on the Agenda. He said he under- stood from the City Attorney, Dennis Crabb, that he (Crabb) was putting a proposed bill together that had to be presented to the State Legislature before January 18, 1992 which would allow the District to alter its fees for Affordable Housing. And, Crabb had indicated to him that Keith Klein had said the District would have no problem with this concept. Further, Attorney Sare said Mr. Klein had indicated to him just before the meeting that he thought District staff was preparing the legislative bill. Sare apologized for any misunderstanding between the three of them, and said he had only promised to see that the item was placed on this agenda. Keith Klein corrected the previous remark by Chairman Pierini and said he could not represent the City on Mr. Nisby's project because he owned a portion of the land connected with the project and had a conflict of interest. He did, however, say he had offered ST055206 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 13, 1992 PAGE - 3 the city's assistance in getting a bill AFFORDABLE HOUSING: SUPPORT passed which would allow the District, PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO GIVE if it chose to do so, to consider in- dividual cases. His intent was not to place the City in the position of trying to tell the District what to do, but rather a role of assisting the District. DISTRICT LATITUDE TO REDUCE AND/ OR WAIVE SEWER/WATER CONNECTION CHARGES (continued) Director Wallace reviewed his partic- ipation in the original affordable housing citizen committee, why it was founded, and the issues they discussed. John Nisby, Development Coordinator/ Professional Apartments Management, Inc. (PAM) reviewed the sizes of the two proposed multi-family housing develop- ments, the financing and community participation. Community participation requirements: a minimum of 7%/State Housing Community Development ($2,700,000/31 unit apartment complex) and 15%/Tax Credit Allocation Committee. Director Mason said he would favor limiting the District's waiver to Proposition 84/Public Housing Legis- lation. Director Mosbacher said she would like to see something done other than chang- ing the present law which states we are to treat everyone equal. Attorney Sare said this might be done by changing the District's present Ordinance. Director Onysko asked if the Casinos had offered to contribute anything to the project. Director Pierini noted that the sewer units set aside for affordable housing could never be transferred to another category. Moved Wallace/Second Onysko/Mosbacher & Mason Voted No/Passed, subject to review by our attorney of previous agreements and contracts, to direct the District's legal counsel to meet and confer with the City Attorney for the purpose of writing and introducing State legislation to give the District latitude to reduce and/or waive sewer and water charges under California Proposition 84 and to look into our ability to grant special dispensation ST055207 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 13, 1992 PAGE - 4 to affordable housing projects under Proposition 84. AFFORDABLE HOUSING: SUPPORT PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO GIVE DISTRICT LATITUDE TO REDUCEAND/ OR WAIVE SEWER/WATER CONNECTION CHARGES (continued) 4:30 PM PUBLIC HEARING WATER SHORTAGE CONTINGENCY PLAN Chairman Pierini opened the Public Hearing at 5:30 PM. OPEN HEARING Diane Gilbert/Public Information Off- STAFF REPORT icer reviewed the Contingency Plan and referenced some changes to production totals and other minor changes which she would make on the version submitted to the State of California. None. PUBLIC COMMENTS Director Mosbacher suggested 2 changes on Page 9: Stage 1, delete word "mis-use"; Stage 3, add word "outdoor" prior to word fountains and 1 change on Page 3/Ordinance 423, Section III, A.5: add "except in cases of severe fire danger". BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Gilbert noted if the Ordinance already adopted was altered tonight, we would not meet the deadline for submitting the Contingency Plan. She suggested referencing the stages in the Drought Contingency Plan, instead, and then if the Board wanted to rewrite the Drought Response Ordinance at a later date, we could still file our Drought Contingency Plan in a timely manner. Director Pierini suggested 1 change on Page 9: Stage 2, change watering times: begin at 6:00 p.m. rather than 8:00 p.m. Rick Hydrick noted concern about changing the time to 6:00 p.m. due to production capabilities. He said if it proved to present a problem he would come back to the Board about it next year. 5:50 PM CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2558 with the 4 changes discussed above: Stage 1 - delete word, "mis-use"; Stage 3 - fountains; Fire Danger/Undeveloped land; and BOARD ACTION ST055208 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES change in time. Presented by Rick Hydrick who had met with the Operations Committee prior to presenting it to the Board. Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passe~ Unanimously to declare a great emer- gency to construct 1 production well and 2 test wells. Director Onysko left the dais due to a conflict of interest. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Did Not Vote/Passe~ to authorize Simon Hydro-Search Task Order No. 2 in the amount of $25,308.00. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $354,713.95. Director Mosbacher commended the staff member responsible for preparing the Payment of Claims in such a timely manner. Director Mosbacher complimented staff members Barrie Lindsay and Linda Brown and also complimented Bob Baer for being selected ,,Employee of the Month". She was also pleased with the compliment the District had received from Rich Fisher/Unified School District. No reports. Manaqer% Past Meetings 1/09/92 - Cold Creek Water Supply w/Stan Hansen & Mr. Harmon 1/13/92 - Board Workshop/Safe Drinking Water Act Compliance - JANUARY 13 1992 PUBLIC HEARING (continued) NEW WATER SUPPLY PAGE -___~5 PAYMENT OF CLAIM~ BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORT~ STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer introduced the newly hired Human Resources officer, Nancy Hussmann. Attorney Sare discussed the upcoming CASA meeting schedule. 1/16-18 - - CASA/Palm Springs 1/31/92 - 10:00 AM - Area Mgrs/NTPUD 2/01/92 - 11:30 AM - Tahoe CEO Mtg. 2/06/92 - 4:00 PM - Reg. Board Mtg. NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ST055209 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 13, 1992 PAGE 6:17 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9. (B) (1)/HDR CLAIM; and Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/LABOR RELATIONS ATTORNEY 7:02 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION None ACTION TAKEN ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 7:02 PM ADJOURNMENT LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055210 Attachment 1 January 13, 1992 Board Meeting Minutes ACCOUNT8 SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORZSATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS 1992 BOARD MEETING ITEM ACCT. ~ NAME 1. 25-331~H John Falzone BERV. ADDRESS 1421 Black Bart ./~IT.DUE 568.04 2. 25-483-101 Paul Morris 1630 Glenwood 575.38 3. 25-842-041 Eleanor Fleming 1848 Koyukon 554.56 4. 25-843-121 Gilbert Wetenkamp 1188 Canarsee 573.43 5. 25-854-221 James McGough 1890 Minniconjou 446.15 6. 25-864-101 Raymond Curley 1977 Tooch St. 546.02 7. 26-261-091 Richard Smith 8. 27-084-111 Harry Crosby 973 Bigler Crt 3769 Forest 435.55 582.06 9. 27-113-381 Robert Parr 3592 Bill 448.66 10. 27-132-251 11. 27-152-041 Jeffrey Rianda Ramon Teele 3716 Forest 3724 Larch 408.82 524.49 12. 27-222-121 Bernard Faye 1096 Juniper 412.95 13. 27-321-141 Gabrielle Whalen 3625 Spruce 490.71 14. 27-352-051 Arthur Peterson 1069 Glenwood 436.56 15. 28-301-221 Margot Link 1289 Timber Ln 480.60 ST055211 Page - 2 - accounts Submitted for authorization of Disconnection Proceedings - January 13, 1992 Meeting 16. 29-074-041 Frank Marinez 4014 Azure 466.44 17. 29-141-341 Maureen Daggett 3921 Cedar 425.69 18. 29-381-431 Anthony Hemenes 1052 Glen 551.88 19. 30-352-221 Kenneth Geist 3725 Regina 417.23 20. 31-030-151 Lila Rohrich 2680 Milloer 545.70 21. 31-111-091 Bradford House 1090 Lodi 408.82 22. 31-131-101 23. 31-163-151 Paul Herrera Timothy Hoenig 1068 Martin 2651 Bertha 408.68 419.83 24. 31-183-091 Jack McCollum 1187 Lodi 532.93 25. 31-192-101 Daniel Baj one 2599 Kubel 540.55 26. 31-192-151 John Romo 1168 Carson 436.32 27. 31-203-141 John Cody 2649 Alma 529.34 28. 31-224-141 Judy Cory 2617 Fountain 408.82 29. 32-278-391 Robert Brown 1116 Dedi St. 676.75 30. 33-283-051 Mike Hines 807 Lake Tahoe Bi. 517.42 31. 33-286-011 John Lilygren 1141 Coyote Ridge 483.91 ST055212 32. 33-362-461 33. 33-371-011 34. 33-416-031 35. 33-812-021 36. 34-221-241 37. 34-254-101 Alfred Montano John Hammaker Jim Conniff Richard Stone Jeff Scott John Pendleton 38. 34-434-081 Roy Rhodes 39. 34-653-011 Norman Ludwick 40. 81-092-121 Alest Gibbs 41. 270-900-603 Wm. Barboni 42. 270-900-604 Wm. Barboni 491 Cayuga 631 Grizzly Mtn. 788 Kiowa 1633 Ponca 1612 Choctaw 1758 Arrowhead 1838 Nez Perce 1889 Osage 1657 Tioantati 3438 Lake Tahoe Bi. 3430 Lake Tahoe Bi. 540.56 551.76 603.75 527.63 616.30 612.76 559.42 540.55 673.42 525.26 458.60 ST055213 January 13, 1992 AFFORDABLE HOUSING: (Excerpt from discussion) Pierini - We need to get consensus that we will lend support - maybe make a motion like lending support here without specifically supporting the legislation. Mosbacher - Lend support to the project as opposed to lending support to change in legislation. Pierini - Right. Mosbacher - I could support--because I want to support the project. I just don't want to get this District, and Rhonda I'm awfully glad you're here today because that was an excellent question that I wouldn't have thought about. But with that financial mind that you're using for us--that would occur to you and it wouldn't have occurred to me and I think it is a very important point; if we get ourselves legislatively in a spot, it has broad implications for all of our operations. And I am not unsympathetic because I am one of the people who is always yelling that we need that type of housing. I am not unsympathetic to your project or any projects, be they 2, 4 or upwards in larger numbers. It is just that I don't want to get this District in a spot where everybody is coming to us and to be fair we have to give everybody--if you could have attended this afternoon's meeting and see how many millions and millions of dollars the State is going to require us to spend, you would understand why I'm so dog-gonned worried. Pierini - O.K. Wallace - Let me float one out first - this will be my first motion and the reason I've held off 'til now was because I thought I would save this type of rhetoric for something I really felt strongly about. So, subject to review by our attorney of previous agree- ments and contracts, I would like to make a motion that we direct our legal counsel to meet and confer with the City Attorney for the purpose of writing and introducing State legislation to give the District the latitude to reduce and/or waive sewer and water charges under California Proposition 84 and to look into our ability to grant special dispensation to this particular project under Proposition 84. Pierini - I have a motion; we need a 2nd. Onysko - Do you need a second on that? Pierini - Yes. Onysko - Could I get you to change your motion, just to say, rather than this particular project--affordable housing projects? ST055214 Wallace - Yes. Onysko - Then I'll 2nd it. Pierini - I'll call for the question. Moved Wallace/Second Onysko/Mosbacher & Mason Voted No/Passed, subject to review by our attorney of previous agreements and contracts, to direct the District's leqal counsel to meet and confer with the City Attorney for the purpose of writinq and introducing State legislation to qive the District latitude to reduce and/or waive sewer and water charqes under California Proposition 84 and to look into our ability to qrant special dispensation to affordable housing projects under Proposition 84. ST055215 January 13, 1992 AFFORDABLE HOUSING: (Excerpt from discussion) Pierini - We need to get consensus that we will lend support - maybe make a motion like lending support here without specifically supporting the legislation. Mosbacher - Lend support to the project as opposed to lending support to change in legislation. Pierini - Right. Mosbacher - I could support--because I want to support the project. I just don't want to get this District, and Rhonda I'm awfully glad you're here today because that was an excellent question that I wouldn't have thought about. But with that financial mind that you're using for us--that would occur to you and it wouldn't have occurred to me and I think it is a very important point; if we get ourselves legislatively in a spot, it has broad implications for all of our operations. And I am not unsympathetic because I am one of the people who is always yelling that we need that type of housing. I am not unsympathetic to your project or any projects, be they 2, 4 or upwards in larger numbers. It is just that I don't want to get this District in a spot where everybody is coming to us and to be fair we have to give everybody--if you could have attended this afternoon's meeting and see how many millions and millions of dollars the State is going to require us to spend, you would understand why I'm so dog-gonned worried. Pierini - O.K. Wallace - Let me float one out first - this will be my first motion and the reason I've held off 'til now was because I thought I would save this type of rhetoric for something I really felt strongly about. So, subject to review by our attorney of previous agree- ments and contracts, I would like to make a motion that we direct our legal counsel to meet and confer with the City Attorney for the purpose of writing and introducing State legislation to give the District the latitude to reduce and/or waive sewer and water charges under California Proposition 84 and to look into our ability to grant special dispensation to this particular project under Proposition 84. Pierini - I have a motion; we need a 2nd. Onysko - Do you need a second on that? Pierini - Yes. Onysko - Could I get you to change your motion, just to say, rather than this particular project--affordable housing projects? ST055216 Wallace - Yes. OnyskQ - Then I'll 2nd it. Pierini - I'll call for the question. Moved Wallace/Second Onysko/Mosbacher & Mason Voted No/Passed, subject to review by our attorney of previous aqreements and contracts, to direct the District's leqal counsel to meet and confer with the City Attorney for the purpose of writinq and introducin~ State legislation to qive the District latitude tq reduce and/or waive sewer and water charqes under California Proposition 84 and to look into our ability to ~rant special dispensation to affordable housin~ projects under Proposition 84. ST055217 Date: BOARD MEETING PHONE NUI,IBER: GUES! SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) I,~AME'. ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055218