HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-05-92 ********************* MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 5, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session March 5, 1992, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Onysko, Wallace ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Garton, Mamath, Gilbert, Knight, Eddy, Poulson, Brown, Swain, Johnson, Twomey, B. Eppler, Rudokas, Hussmann, Hoggatt, Garcia, Powers, N. Trebotich, Capitani, Schroeder, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Paul Hale, Ty Baldwin, Nat Sinclair, Sue Schlerf/City, Dawn Armstrong/ Humane Society, Keith Klein/City Council, John Gussmann/Tahoe Con- servancy Shop Steward - No report. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Employee Awards Manager Baer introduced three District employees who had received awards from the California Water Pollution Control Assn./Sierra Section: 1. JIM CAPITANI - OPERATOR OF THE YEAR 2. NEAL TREBOTICH - LEAST VISIBLE PERSON OF THE YEAR 3. TERRY POWERS - SUPERVISOR OF THE YEAR Manager Baer also introduced T.O. Poulson the new Underground Repair Supervisor who was present in the audience. Director Onysko asked to separate Item 6/Al Tahoe Well Replacement into two items, one for discussion only (Item 6) and the other for Board action (Item 7). This request changed the Payment of Claims to Item 8. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055140 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 5, 1992 PAGE - 2 Moved Onysko/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to change Item 6 to A1 Tahoe Replacement Well/Discussion and Item 7 to A1 Tahoe Replacement Well/Hydrogeologic Services and renumber Payment of Claims as Item 8. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of February 6, 1992; and Public Hearing Minutes of February 6, 1992. 2) Authorized staff to implement two- week disconnection procedures for the delinquent accounts shown on Attachment 1. Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein. 3) Approved going to bid for purchase of a Rod Machine. 4) Revised dates for 1992/93 F.Y. Budget Public Hearings to 5/4/92 and 5/7/92. (5) Authorized Filing CEQA Notice, Advertisement for Bids and approved Montgomery Task Order 11/$22,900 for the Tahoe Keys Force Main Relocation. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Attorney Sare stated he had sent letters to holders of approximately 90 (later corrected to 99) sewer units which were issued between 1977 to 1988 prior to designating a particular cat- egory of sewer unit: Residential, Recreation, Commercial, Public Service. He recommended removing the 3 sewer units assigned to M/M Woods from the list because they were purchased after the League Agreement and the Plant Expansion (7.7 MGD) project. Sare proposed the District pay back to the holders of the sewer units the initial fees + 6% interest because they did not have a right under the Ordinance to "hold" these sewer units. Further, these same people would be issued a will-serve letter to guarantee sewer units for when they REVOCATION OF PREVIOUSLY RESERVED SEWER UNITS ST055141 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 5, 1992 PAGE - 3 wanted to use them prior to 1996 and to be allowed to repurchase sewer units at the same price they originally bought them. The rebought sewer units would, however, be taken from a desig- nated category: Commercial, Public Service or Recreational. REVOCATION OF PREVIOUSLY RESERVED SEWER UNITS The Board listened to comments from members of the public: 1. Dawn Armstrong/Humane society 2. Sue Schlerf/City of SLT 3. John Gussmann/Tahoe Conservancy 4. Nat Sinclair Manager Baer noted the District had received written correspondence on this subject from: 1. Tahoe Valley Campground 2. Carl Antles (Included in Agenda Packet) Director Onysko asked for language clarification on the 6% interest calculations. He also asked for a list of the assignments to the categories where each of these sewer units would be taken: Commercial, Public Service, Recreational, Etc. Director Pierini asked Attorney Sare if there would be a problem in delaying this issue for two weeks (next Board meeting). Pierini asked Sare to draft a letter (will-serve) to the involved parties guaranteeing each of them sewer units in the year they want them, up to 1996. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to table this item (with the above direction to Attorney Sare). Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Onysko Voted No/Wallace Abstained/Passed to direct property owner to pay for four (4) additional sewer units or abate the tables & chairs or have staff proceed with disconnection procedures. LORRAINE CAFE & BAKERY APN 23-201-36 ST055142 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARC~ 5, 1992 Paul Hale stated he was returning to the city to find out what they would allow him to do. Prior to the meeting he submitted a plan of action to the Board in the form of a letter. chairman Pierini explained to Mr. Hale that he (Hale) was getting use of this particular building and the rest of the people of the community was subsidizing this use because he had not paid con- nection fees. Director Pierini said he was reluctant to set this sort of a precedent. Keith Klein discussed the restrictions which had to be considered by the City to make this property a five-plex in- stead of a four-plex (zoning laws, TRPA, Lahontan, etc.). Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Onysko Abstained/Passed to assess the amount of $7,741.10 to be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments, with the first payment to be made April 16, 1992; if Mr. Hale is denied by the City to make this a legal unit, all funds paid by Mr. Hale to the District related to this issue shall be refunded with the understanding the 5th unit would be taken out. Finance officer Garton noted Mr. Hale was not, presently, paying monthly sewer fees for the 5th unit and until now, the District had never set-up a payment plan for sewer connection fees. Discussion followed regarding assessing Mr. Hale back charges for the monthly sewer fees. Presented by Mary Rudokas who explain- ed the negotiated dollar amount and the services related to same. Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Passed Unanim~to approve James Montgomery Task Order No. 12 in the amount of $149,820. Presented by Jim Hoggatt who responded to questions from Board members. Director Mosbacher suggested contact- ing the Seabees to see if they could PAGE - 4 DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES: NON PAYMENT OF UNREPORTED SEWER UNITS/PAUL HAT.R-APN 23-502-461 1992-98 SEWER CONNECTIONS: FACILITY PLAN SLUDGE DEPOSITS AT PLANT SITE ST055143 ~TING MINUTES - MARCH 5 1992 do the work on the well drilling for less money than the proposed amount. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the submitted Addendum to the Work Plan. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/Passe~ Unanimously to approve Geraghty & Miller Task Order No. 3 in the amount of $37,890 and approve laboratory analytical services in an amount not to exceed $20,760, depending on price quotes for same, with the understanding staff will attempt to interest the Seabees in drilling the monitoring wells. Director Onysko asked about a proposed report on the pump test data. He also asked questions about the computer software to be used on the report. PAGE__- 5 SLUDGE DEPOSITS AT PLANT SITE (continued) AL TAHOE REPLACEMENT WELL: DISCUSSION Director Onysko removed himself from AL TAHOE REPLACEMENT WELL: the dais due to a conflict of interest. HYDROGEOLOGIC SERVICES The services covered under the proposed Task Order were reviewed by Jim Hoggatt. Director Mason noted the Operations Committee had met with staff to re- view the Task Order. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Abstained/Passe~ to approve Simon Hydro-Search Task Order No. 3 in the amount of $40,490. Moved Wallace/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $478,819.84. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED STAFF REPORTS. 6:10 PM 6:18 PM Diane Gilbert reported on two items: (1) the Low Flow Plumbing Fixtures program and showed the display she had placed in various retail stores in the basin advertising our rebate program. She also reported on the status of the budget for the rebate program. (2) the proposed legislation which would shift funds from the Utility District to ST055144 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 5, 1992 PAGE - 6 the School District and her plans to STAFF REPORTS address various groups in the community (continued) to bring this to their attention. Discussion followed regarding the avenues the Board could take to deal with the proposed shift of funds. Rhonda Garton gave a report on the current fiscal year budget status. She used an overhead visual display to present the 1991/92 mid-year budget figures (revenue and expenditures which included encumbrances) as of January 31, 1992. Director Mason reported the Operations Committee had met to discuss some of the Agenda items. He had also attended the Alpine County Board of Supervisor's meeting on 3/3/92 with Manager Baer. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS AND BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Wallace said the Finance Com- mittee was going over the 1992/93 Budget item-by-item in an attempt to cut costs. The goal was to bring as trim a budget as possible to the Board. Director Mosbacher questioned staff about: (1) the old construction materials found lodged in the suction side of the pumps at the Luther Pass Pump Station. Richard Solbrig said the debris had been there since the original construction; (2) the water meters purchased by the District from Western Nevada Supply. Staff said this was how the District controlled the type of meters purchased and they were then sold to the customer; (3) Lahontan's agenda items which affect the District and who, on our staff, is responsible for the follow-up. Manaqer: Manager Baer reported on the 1992 Sewer Unit Release by TRPA and said they had approved a portion of the District's application which was enough for the 1992 building season. MANAGER'S REPORT He complimented Richard Solbrig on his persistence in pursuing additional grant dollars related to a construction change order for asbestos removal in the amount of $105,000. ST055145 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 5, 1992 He explained the need for the change in the Agenda publication schedule to allow more staff review time. MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) PAGE - 7 Past Meetings/Events 2/24/92 - Landscape Ordinance Review w/TRPA, SCS, CTC, CSLT & Contractors 2/25/92 - TRPA Approval/Reprogram Commercial Sewer Units for Residential Use 3/02/92 - Alpine Co. Board of Spvrs. Attorney: Attorney Sare reported: 1) The Federal Grant Funding bill is being reworked to become a Public Works Bill to go to Washington Committee before Spring break if possible. 2) He would prepare an annual report for the first meeting in April. ATTORNEY'S REPORT 3/13/92 - 8:30 AM - Lahontan Board Mtg. NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 3/19/92 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Discussion with designated representative regarding the salaries, salary schedules, or compensation to be paid to District's represented and unrepresented employees/ UNION NEGOTIATIONS 7:18 PM 8:53 PM ADJOURNMENT ...... ~A/~~ <--~DU ~IERINI~,-C~AI~-OP BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, -CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055146 Attachment 1 March 5, 1992 Board meeting Minutes ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS MARCH 5, 1992 ITEM ACCT. # 1. 23-481-151 NAME Robert Crow 8ERV. ADDRESS 973 Tata Ln. AMT.DUE 319.76 2. 23-481-171 Lyle Shelton 981 Tata Ln. 299.66 3. 23-482-021 Dan Hannum 920 Tata Ln. 460.80 4. 23-592-121 Deanne Jackson 1865 Thirteenth 310.66 5. 23-602-191 Thomas Henderson 748 Julie Ln. 428.51 6. 23-691-321 William Harootunian 712 Gardner St. 442.40 7. 27-144-101 Thomas Greven 1121 Wildwood Ave. 354.67 8. 28-090-971 Keith Chapel 1323 Wildwood Ave. 226.15 9. 29-343-191 Robert Gordon 1061 Echo Rd. 310.85 10. 29-401-111 James Nickerson 1021 Shepherds Dr. 494.34 11. 29-411-011 Gary Werchick 1041 Shepherds Dr. 298.40 12. 31-275-011 Jesse Corona 1256 Lodi Ave. 299.18 13. 31-278-051 Don Regis-Bilar 1199 Beecher Ave. 390.47 14. 31-323-051 Richard Gubera 2812 Springwood Dr. 453.61 15. 31-341-051 Shelly Hoff 2934 Pinewood Dr. 295.59 ST055147 PAGE - 2 - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - MARCH 5, 1992 16. 31-342-071 Jack Decker 2949 Pinewood Dr. 314.00 17. 31-351-191 Mario Mediti 957 Tanglewood Dr. 299.66 18. 32-241-111 Gary Burroughs 1141 Tata Ln. 455.78 19. 32-251-211 Joseph Haynes 1211 Tata Ln. 499.18 20. 32-252-051 Joseph Haynes 1204 Tata Ln. 430.47 21. 33-304-041 Jeanann Dana 1414 Pebble Beach 370.09 22. 33-362-121 Frederick ciccarelli 644 Shoshone St. 381.51 23. 33-414-041 Bruce Petke 748 Seneca Dr. 322.08 24. 33-422-261 Tekla Schlaich 860 Kiowa St. 401.96 25. 33-433-211 Andrew Senf 1824 Kickapoo St. 422.13 26. 33-453-031 Marc Royer 1379 Mt. Olympia Cr. 322.08 27. 34-462-091 Raymond Celeste 602 Kiowa Dr. 401.30 28. 33-484-131 Ronald Myers 1421 Mt. Shasta Cr. 338.96 TOTAL TO BOARD -- $10v344.25 ST055148 BOARD MEETING PItONE NUI,IBER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) ~4AME. ADDRESS' PLEASE PRINT Agenda item/Subjec_t as Listed on Agenda: ,,3cvh ( [ ] Available to Respond to Questions. -I Wish to Testify on Agenda Item No. Estimated Time Required for My Testimony: [ ] Other Comments: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFOR~ATION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. $T055149