HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-02-92 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 2, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session April 2, 1992, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Onysko, Wallace ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Garton, Mamath, Swain, Brown, Johnson, Twomey, Hydrick, Taylor, Hussmann, Hoggatt, Schroeder, Attorney Sare ~UESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Attorney Tim Pemberton, Leonard Turnbeaugh & Tom Abdoo/Alpine County, Jim Jones, Jackie Johnson/Barton Hospital, Leanne Lear/Alpine County Attorney Pemberton/River Ranch Sub- division - Alpine County explained their request related to some of the District's effluent ditches and easements which cross a portion of the land they wish to subdivide. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD Attorney Sare identified the specific property in question. Attorney Pemberton distributed a draft Agreement and requested to be placed on the April 16th Agenda for Board action. Leonard Turnbeaugh/Alpine County Director of Public Works discussed the restrictions imposed on the project by Alpine County. District Board members expressed a desire to travel to the site prior to making a decision and questioned their ability to do this prior to the April 16th meeting. Shop Steward - No report. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ST055123 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 2, 1992 PAGE - 2 Director Pierini asked Roxanne Bruce COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE to come forward to express her opinions (continued) about the District's water system and her giardia problem. She asked the Board to contact the Nevada side and en- courage them to do the filtration they are now questioning. She also said her friends had told her there was human waste being dumped at Indian Creek Reservoir, which she thought the District had dumped there in the past. Director Onysko said he would like staff to collect information on the giardia situation within the District's water system by contacting local doctors, etc. Ms. Bruce offered to go to local doctor's offices and collect treatment data. Chairman Pierini suggested getting the information in writing from local doctors on the number of people being treated (not necessarily documented). He told Ms. Bruce the staff would be contacting her about the District's course of action on gathering this information. Manager Baer introduced Jeanne Lear/ Alpine County Administration. She spoke to the Board re meetings to review provisions in the contract between Alpine County and the District. Chairman Pierini asked to pull forward for discussion: Consent Item 5/Test Well Sites. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the consideration of Consent Calendar Items 1 through 4 and the Action Calendar as presented. Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of March 5, 1992. 2) Authorized Sanitation Risk Mgmt. Authority: Board of Directors Representation by Adoption of Resolution No. 2555-B. ST055124 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 2, 1992 3) PAGE - 3 Approved Negative Declaration and authorized filing Notice of De- determination/Cold Creek Reservoir Access Rd. Erosion Control Project. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) Authorized BW/IP International to rebuild Luther Pass Pump Station, pumps #3 & #4 rotating elements for an amount not to exceed $61,683. CONSENT ITEM BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Director Pierini asked about the land classification on the two lots under consideration. He was told they were both a "7". TWO TEST WELL SITES: HIGHLAND WOODS; AL TAHOE/PALOMA ST. (Consent Item 5) Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passed ~nanimou_~ to approve the land purchase agreement for a total amount not exceed $25,000 ($1,000/ea-right-of-entry; $11,500/ea-to complete the purchase, depending on test results). ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Nancy Hussmann explained the various components of the policy. DRUG FREE WORK PLACE POLICY Each Board member was provided an opportunity to express his/her opinion of the policy. A representative from Barton Hospital, Jackie Johnson, reviewed testing methods used by the Hospital and re- sponded to questions from Board members. Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Onvsko Pierini Voted No/Passed to approve the Policy with certain provisions. removed: extended-leave pay and insurance co-payments of treatment programs; and to add lan~uaqe: "except as prescribed by a licensed physician" and "proper notification to your supervisor". The motion included authorization for staff to meet-and-confer with Union represent- atives. ST055125 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 2, Presented by Ken Schroeder who ex- plained the price included 2 full days of training plus 2 follow-up days. He said the choice was between a Mitsubishi Diesel or a Chevy, gas engine. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize purchase o£ a one-ton Chevy truck with a mounted Sereco Rod Machine (equipped as spec- ified by staff) for the amount of $55,389. Presented by Jim Hoggatt who noted he had checked the references of the low bidder, T.W. West and all were very complimentary of the construction firm which had been in business since 1979. Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passed ~ to award the bid of $275,320 to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, T.W. West Construction. chairman Pierini stated the Bill was still in committee and under committee rewrite process, however he was still interested in writing a letter support- ing the concept of the Bill. Director Mosbacher said she could support a letter stating the Board was interested in the concept. Directors Mason, Wallace and Mosbacher said they sup- ported free and open meeting laws, but were reluctant to say they supported the concept until they saw the actual Bill. Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/Wallace, Mosbacher, Mason Voted No/MotioR Defeated to authorize a letter under the signature of the Board Chairman supporting the concept of Senate Bill 1538 and inclusion of a request to see the final version before the Board gives their full support to the actual Bill. Attorney Sare requested three checks be removed from the payment authoriza- tion: Tahoe Valley Campground in the sums of $14,873.06, $19,003.35 and $1,859.19 equalling $35,735.54. 1992 PAGE TRUCK MOUNTED ROD MACHINE PURCHASE TAHOE KEYS FORCEMAIN EXTENSION CONSTRUCTION BID KOPP SENATE BILL - SB 1538 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ST055126 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 2, 1992 PAGE - 5 Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $515,963.86 - $35,735.54 for the total amount of $480,228.32. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS (continued) Chairman Pierini stated he had staff BOARD MEMBER REPORTS research the cost of placing an advisory question on the next election ballot; it would be $12,000. He said he had not heard from any members of the public and would leave it open to maybe place it as an advisory question on the election after this November when three Board members were running for office. Manager: Manager Baer reported on 5 items: STAFF REPORTS 1) He and Attorney Sare had met with Dennis Crabb and Kerry Miller\City of South Lake Tahoe, to discuss the three parts of the present water agreement. The conclusion was Mr. Crabb would work on the in-kind service section and the parties had agreed to go to straight payment. One exception would be if there was a project which would be easily identifiable which would save all parties direct money. Attorney Sare said, basically, the City would get their 492,000 cubic feet per year and pay the District for any water over that amount. 2) The District would be negotiating for state comp. insurance which was due to expire 7/1/92. He recommended going with CSRMA who had changed their rate structure which was 10% less than State Comp.; they were also more agressive about investigating claims. Baer said the Property Insurance was also due soon and he would recommend continuing coverage with CSRMA. 3) Paul Hale, the person who had appeared before the Board with a request for sewer service to a fifth unit, was scheduled to appear at the City Council's next meeting. 4) He also reported on the status of the proposed property tax bill before the State legislature. ST055127 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 2, 1992 PAGE - 6 5) Past Meetinqs/Events 3/24/92 - City/Review Water Agmt. 3/25/92 - TRPA/Proposed Code Amendments 3/26/92 - Alpine Co./River Ranch Subdivision 3/27/92 - CSRMA/Worker's Comp Ins. 4/02/92 - Ex. Session/Union Negotia- tions Budget Workshop STAFF REPORTS (continued) Attorney: Attorney Sare said the District had received notice from County Health to have the tanks removed which were placed on District property by Mr. Uppendahl. Sare has given Uppendahl a notice allow- ing him 30 days to remove the tanks or they will have to be removed by the District at his expense. 4/15/92 - 1:30 PM - Presentation to NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS Congressman Doolittle 4/16/92 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 4/29/92 - 10:00 AM - EDWPA/Day in Capitol 5/04/92 - - Board in Alpine Co. 7:18 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1)/Discussion of significant exposure to lit- igation/PROPERTYTAXADMINISTRA- TIVE CHARGE and HDR CLAIM; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Discussion with designated representative regarding the salaries, salary schedules, or compensation to be paid to District's represented and unrepresented employees/ UNION NEGOTIATIONS and MANAGE- KENT STAFF NEGOTIATIONS. 8:15 PM ADJOURNMENT =--~L6U PI~RI~I, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055128 BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) PHONE NUI~IBER: NAME: ADDRESS' NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A e~CO~DZeZO~ ~O~ ~?e~.~D~CV.. ST055129 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 2, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Meeting, April 2, 1992, 12:00 Noon, District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. BOARD MEMBERS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Wallace, Onysko/Absent ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Garton, Hussmann, Attorneys Sare and Zeff 12:00 Noon LUNCHEON SERVED Chairman Pierini called the meeting to order at 12:33 PM pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/ Union Negotiations: Instructions to Negotiators. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION No formal Board action was taken. 1:59 PM ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, ~LERK OF-BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055130