HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-21-92 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 21, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 21, 1992, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Onysko, Wallace ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Garton, Mamath, Brown, Johnson, Hrbacek, Hussmann, Hoggatt, Rudokas, Garcia, Gilbert, Attorney Cherry GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Danny Lukins, Bert Cherry/City Fire Chief, Paul Hale, Keith Klein/City Council Lee Bassett/Fallen Leaf Lake Property Owner rescinded his request by phone earlier in the day of the meeting. He did not request to be rescheduled. None. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Shop Steward - No Report None. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT C~T.RNDAR Moved Mason/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as presented: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) 2) Approved the Gardner Mt. VOC Treatment System project Closeout Agreement & Release of claims and Authorized filing Notice of Com- pletion; Accepted the SWRCB share of the ERB grant increase in the amount of $1,298 by authorizing execution of the Grant Amendment by Manager Baer. ST055038 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 21, 1992 3) Authorize staff to implement the two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer/water accounts listed on Attachment 1. Attachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) 4) Permitted the General Manager to hire up to 2 college students, preferably Engineering students, to assist on Summer, 1992 Engineering projects. PAGE - 2 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Chairman Pierini asked Danny Lukins LUKINS BROS. WATER CO. AND (who was present in the audience) if DISTRICT INTERTIE he would prefer to defer this item until the next Board meeting in order to allow the attorneys time to work-out the provisions of the Agreement. Lukins responded in the affirmative. Chairman Pierini noted the intertie had been opened and Assistant Manager Solbrig added the figure on the meter had been read at the time of opening the intertie valve. Chairman Pierini also said the 90-day clock had started to run on the date of opening the intertie valve and the reading of the meter. Finance Officer Garton reviewed the circumstances which brought this item before the Board and why staff was recommending sewer and water discon- nection procedures. ILLEGAL SEWER UNIT CONVERSION AND DELINQUENT ACCOUNT: APN 23-502-461 (804 CLEMENT) Paul Hale (the property owner) addres- sed the Board regarding the lien notice he had received from the District. He also said his attorney had advised him not to sign the Agreement (which he was supposed to sign by April 16, 1992 in accordance with the March 5, 1992 Board meeting minutes) because the Agreement did not reflect the terms of a refund mentioned in the same minutes. Staff agreed to amend the Agreement to reflect a refund clause as indicated in the March 5, 1992 minutes. ST055039 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 21, 1992 PAGE - 3 chairman Pierini noted there was a two- ILLEGAL SEWER UNIT CONVERSION week time period involved with discon- AND DELINQUENT ACCOUNT: nect procedures to allow Mr. Hale time APN 23-502-461 (804 CLEMENT).. to comply with the earlier (3/5/92) (continued) Board decision. Mr. Hale was also informed that the only way the District could refund his money was if city would not allow the 5th unit to be a legal living unit and the unit was abated; that under no other circumstances would he be given a refund by the District. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize the two-week disconnection procedures on the 5th unit if the Agreement is not signed and the 1st installment is not paid within this first 2-week period and with the understanding the moneys to be refunded (in the event the City does not authorize this to be a legal living unit) are the connection fees only and not the monthly use fees. Presented by Mary Rudokas who reviewed Montgomery Engineers' scope of work. She also informed the Board there were other people (TRPA and E1 Dorado County) who would be interested in the traffic information and willing to share in the proposed $31,800 costs (TRPA/Air Quality Mitigation funds). Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to approve the plan of study and associated costs to gather and analyze data. 1993-98 CONNECTIONS FLOW AND TRAFFIC PLAN OF STUDY Ross Johnson answered questions from Board members regarding carbon use, disposal of old carbon, present supply, and regeneration costs and time schedule. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously approve going to bid for carbon regeneration service. Director Mosbacher asked about the water line replacement projects and the Redevelopment costs covered in the proposed budget. Director Mosbacher also went on record saying she was CARBON REGENERATION SERVICE 1992/93 FISCAL YEAR BUDGETS ST055075 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 21, opposed to the "water educators" (she referred to them as "water cops") which were included in the budgets. She said, for this reason, she would vote "no" on the present budgets. 1992 PAGE - 4 1992/93 FISCAL YEAR BUDGETS (continued) Finance officer Garton reviewed the proposed duties for the Water Ed- ucators and the percentage of time allotted to each duty. Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Mosbacher Voted No/Passed to adopt Resolution No. 2563/Adopting the Water Enterprise Fund Budget. Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Mosbacher Voted No/Passed to adopt Resolution No. 2564/Adopting the Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget. Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $1,396,925.09. The Government Committee reported they had met on the Lukins intertie and an update on the water ordinance. Director Wallace reported a meeting was being set-up with Mr. Wheeler of Sierra Summit and the City Council. Director Mosbacher gave a CASA meeting report. She said the annual District dues would increase substantially over the next few years (up to $8,000 by 1998). She suggested having a Board Workshop to formulate a letter to CASA requesting certain changes in CASA. Chairman Pierini suggested turning this matter over to the Planning Com- mittee. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Onysko asked to discuss the Lakeside Mutual water situation with the whole Board, the related water rights and the proposal from the Health Dept. for conditional use of College Well water to help resolve the Lakeside Mutual water problem. Discussion followed. ST055076 ~ETING MINUTES - MAY 21 1992 Assistant Manager: STAFF REPORT~ Assistant Manager Solbrig reported on Employee Invention Policy information he had gathered from informal phone contacts with other agencies. It was decided to bring a draft policy back to the Board in a proposal format from the Planning Committee. PAG_~E- 5 Manaqe~ Manager Baer highlighted discussion at the past meetings noted with an (*): Past Meetinqs/Events 5/07/92 - 1992/93 B~dget Public Hearing 5/15-16 - CASA @ Berkeley Hills 5/18,19,21 - Union Negotiations ,5/19/92 - Truckee River Operating Agmt. *5/20/92 - SWRCB staff w/Rissetto & Baer for additional Step 3 Grant money 5/21/92 - Gardner Mt. Air stripping Tower site/Project Review Baer also reported on the applications received for the Staff Engineer position, the Customer Service Manager position and the Water Service person and the planned recruitment schedules for all three. No Report. 6/04/92 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETING~ 6/09/92 - 11:30 AM - District Picnic & Awards @ District 6/12/92 - - EDWPA Picnic/Tahoe 5:47 PM ADJOURNMENT ~~~OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055077 ATTACHMENT 1 May 21, 1992 Board Meeting Minutes ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS MAY 21v 1992 ITEM ACCT. ~ 1 · 14-120-052 NAME Sanderson Smith SERV. ADDRESS Lot 10 Alpine Falls AMT.DUE 144.96 2. 18-200-122 Shirley Norton 12 Spring Creek 367.02 3. 21-261-151 Gartley Grant 990 Fallen Leaf 219.83 4. 22-032-181 Kafco Sales Co 2172 Venice Dr. 303.09 5. 23-221-531 Robert Gier 2300 Eloise Ave. 1261.13 6. 23-241-251 7. 23-241-251 John Carrillo Kenneth Conklyn 2145 Helen Ave 2139 Helen Ave. 383.47 299.66 8. 23-462-161 Kenneth Corrigan 814 Tata Lane 308.56 9. 23-481-151 Robert Crow 973 Tata Lane 311.24 10. 23-502-461 Paul Hale 804 Clement St. 714.53 11. 23-522-061 A,1 Glass Service 1963 Tucker Ave. 628.57 12. 23-693-041 Angela Beam 717 Wentworth 269.56 13. 23-695-101 James Lane 687 Taylor Way 299.67 14. 23-754-041 Burl Walker 731 Michael Dr. 302.95 15. 23-821-481 Kenneth Takeshita 2347 Sky Meadows 302.95 ST055078 Page- 2 - Accounts Submitted for Authorization of Disconnection Proceedings - May 21,1992 Board Meeting 16. 23-821-501 Nobu Matsuda 2355 Sky Meadows 299.66 17. 25-372-351 Ted Avila 3343 Marlette 459.10 18. 25-371-031 Edward Rock 1191 Jobs Peak 347.99 19. 25-433-061 Dolores Russell 2554 Humboldt St. 331.98 20. 26-064-011 James Thomas 3120 Bellevue 378.00 21. 26-104-171 22. 26-125-101 Helen McNie James Thomas 807 Los Angeles 729 E1 Dorado 535.49 347.99 23. 31-030-251 Delmar Uppendahl 980 Link Rd. 442.51 24. 32-272-031 T. Schlaich 1883 Delta St. 621.48 TOTAL $ 9,881.39 ST055079 BOARD MEETING Date: PHONE NUI~BER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME___L ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055080