HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-92MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 4, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session June 4, 1992, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Onysko Wallace, Mosbacher, Mason ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Mamath, Gilbert, Eddy, Powers, Hoggatt, Hydrick, Swain, Brown, Sharp, Paul, Rieger, Schrempp, M. Gray, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Danny Lukins, Keith Klein/City Council, Ty Baldwin, John Touryan, Jerry Lucas, Eric Thaden, Ira Rackley/Lakeside Mutual Rep. Jerry Lucas (builder) presented his problem which involved a sewer lateral in a newly established (by TRPA) Stream Environment Zone (SEZ). TRPA will not allow him to cross the SEZ and he requested a lateral be installed in the street at District expense to ac- commodate the TRPA zone change. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE It was noted the sewer lateral was in a legal area at the time the District installed it. Board members felt they needed to talk to TRPA staff. They also requested Mr. Lucas bring documen- tation from TRPA regarding this issue. Mr. Lucas was told the Board would have the item on the Agenda at the next Board meeting (June 18, 1992). Attorney Sare cautioned the Board about setting a precedent of accepting the responsibility when other agencies (TRPA, City, County, etc.) changed the rules. Further, he said we have a system which is already in the ground and it would not be equitable nor fair to our present users to pay for the changed rules for new housing. ST055025 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1992 PAGE - 2 Council Member Klein told the Board an upcoming meeting was planned between City staff and Dave Ziegler/TRPA re inconsistencies in interpretation of rules and perhaps this problem fell into that category. He also suggested if the District estimated the costs involved in moving the lateral, perhaps TRPA would be willing to pay them. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (continued) Shod Steward: No Report. Director Onysko requested an addition CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT to his comments on the May 7 1992 Board CALENDAR minutes--this item was removed from the Consent Calendar; Tim Rieger requested he be allowed to comment on Consent Item #6/Fallen Leaf Lake Retrofit to ULF Fixtures - Ordinance waiver--this item was moved to: Consent Items Brought Forward for Action/Discussion. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes of 5/4/92 and 5/21/92; Public Hearing Minutes of 5/4/92; Regular Board Meeting Minutes of 5/21/92; 2) Approved two-week water disconnec- tion procedures at 888 Emerald Bay Rd/Failure to perform annual back- flow prevention testing & at 587 Wintoon Dr/Failure to repair leak; 3) Authorized two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent accounts on the accompanying list. The list becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein as Attachment 1; 4) 5) Adopted Resolution No. 2565/Provid- ing for Customer Service Manager position Classification & Range; Authorized Carollo Engineers to in- clude new peak flow transport to the existing ERB in the Facility Plan. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Tim Rieger stated several other prop- erty owners had approached him about retrofitting their antiquated plumbing FALLEN LEAFLAKE RETROFIT TO ULF FIXTURES - ORDINANCE NO. 440 (Consent Item 6) ST055026 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1992 PAGE - 3 and they had been able to retrofit them FALLEN LEAF LAKE RETROFIT TO ULF without too much difficulty. He also FIXTURES - ORDINANCE NO. 440 reminded the Board of the water saving (Consent Item 6 - continued) benefits associated with the retrofit program. Eric Thaden/Fallen Leaf Lake Associates requested the Board support the proposed waiver. Diane Gilbert stated there were at least 10 property owners waiting for the Board's decision on this item. After discussion staff was instructed to investigate specific requirements for a waiver: (1) The dollar/hardship asso- ciated with the retrofit; (2) An extended schedule (for retrofit)--a two year window was suggested, for only this section of the Ordinance; (3) Flow restrictors behind the faucets. Tim Rieger said the District did not have enough inspectors to assure com- pliance to Item (3) above. No Board Action. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Richard Solbrig who re- LUKINS BROS. WATER CO. AND viewed his estimated calculations for DISTRICT INTERTIE the connection charge with the addition- al information supplied to him by Danny Lukins. The information was: the fire dept. had retested the fire hydrant flow from Lukins only (intertie closed) and it was 480 gallons per minute. Based on the new information, the con- nection charges for each 90 day period, after the first 90-days (which was free) would be $6,495. Danny Lukins stated the fire dept. had concluded, from additional recent tests, that there was enough water pressure to run the sprinklers in the buildings in question in the event of a fire. He objected to the proposed connection charges and requested the intertie stay on for the next two (2) weeks, maximum, with no signed agreement Attorney Sare clarified provisions in the proposed agreement: The District was only asking for 10% of the full con- nection fee after the end of the first 90 ST055027 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1992 PAGE - 4 day period. Further, he said the agreement was drafted to help Lukins Water Co. in this particular situation. LUKINS BROS. WATER CO. AND DISTRICT INTERTIE (continued) Board members felt the District should pursue our requests for documentation from the Fire Dept. (Chief Cherry) about the ~ire hydrant testing data, as the present data was inadequate. Board members agreed there was no need to execute the Agreement if Lukins did not plan to use the intertie longer than the first 90 day period. No Board Action. Presented by Richard Solbrig who com- LAKESIDE MUTUAL WATER CO.: mented on discussions in meetings be- INTERTIE BETWEEN THETWO SYSTEMS tween Lakeside Mutual, Calif. Health Dept. and District staff involving (1) the present problems Lakeside Mutual was experiencing with their lake-intake, (2) the possibility of a common filter plant between the two districts and (3) potential for the transfer of water rights from Cold Creek Filter Plant to the Lake. He felt (if water rights issue could be resolved) the considera- tion of lake-intake at this time was a real "plus" for the District. Ira Rackley/Kennedy-Jenks Consultants stated he was present to represent the Lakeside Mutual Water Co. Board of Directors and had their full authority to speak in their behalf. He reported on the recent actions of Lakeside Mutual to extend their lake intake further out into the lake. He also asked for the Board to consider a mutual effort and the mutual benefits to use Lakeside Mutual's lake-front property for a filter plant and lake intake. Board members felt the only way to agree to the intertie was to get an ex- emption from the Health Dept. for the use of the College Well for a number of years. Some felt 3-5 years; Director Mosbacher felt the District should ask for a permanent exemption to use the College Well water. Hydrick informed Board members, at the present time, the state could allow 3 consecutive 1-year exemptions only, under the Health & Safety Code. It also ST055028 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1992 PAGE - 5 does not allow the state to grant an exemption for a contaminant which ex- ceeds the exemption by 10 x's the MCL. LAKESIDE MUTUAL WATER CO.: INTERTIE BETWEEN THETWO SYSTEMS (continued) After discussion with Chairman Pierini, Hydrick stated Carl Lischeskie realized (1) it would take at least 3 to 5 years to get a filter plant on-line at the Lakeside Mutual location; (2) the District could not meet the Lakeside water demands unless it was allowed to use the College Well as its source; and (3) this could require a longer exemp- tion than the 3 years presently allowed. Attorney Sate suggested the Board direct staff to work out the best agreement with all parties for an exemption for a maximum time allowable under the law. Chairman Pierini requested a commitment from Lakeside Mutual to have low-flow fixtures installed by their customers. He also asked Mr. Rackley why they had waited so long to come to the Board re- quiring immediate action for an intertie after they had known about the problem for 9 months. Rackley responded that Carl Lischeskie had directed him to come to the Board only two weeks ago. Hydrick added to the discussion and gave his views of the mutual benefits to both districts. Moved Wallace/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to direct staff to pursue an agreement for assistance to the Lakeside Mutual Water Company through our inter- ties and pursue an extension from the state for a period of three (3) years or, if the law allows, a term greater than three (3) years or the maximum term under the law; with the understan- ding, the agreement with Lakeside would be contingent on STPUD reaching an agree- ment (which included the use of College Well) with the state (of California). Assistant Manager Solbrig explained the conditions under which he made the decision to turn the College well on in preference to the Cold Creek Filter Plant. OPERATION OF THE COLLEGE WELL He asked for Board direction/confirma- tion for staff's use of College Well in preference to the Filter Plant on peak- use occasions, but also stated the ST055029 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1992 PAGE - 6 District may be required to turn on OPERATION OF THE COLLEGE WELL the Filter Plant on peak weekend use, (continued) especially if we were providing water to Lakeside Mutual. The Board confirmed the Cold Creek Filter Plant should be used as a "last resort" water source. Solbrig also said staff felt the Dist- rict should be allowed to pursue the evaluation of a joint filter plant with Lakeside Mutual as one of the possib- ilities of providing water and comparing it with the probable cost of wells vs. a filter plant or upgrade of the Cold Creek Filter Plant (a planning level cost estimate). He asked for Board direction on this pursuit. Moved Onysko/Motion Died for Lack of ~ Second to direct staff that Board Policy is, in terms of water production sources, the Filter Plant shall be used last. Director Mason said the Board had already told the staff they confirmed the use of the Filter Plant as a last resort water source. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Voted No/Passed to direct staff to study the relative costs of (1) a new water supply from the lake (using info. from Lakeside Mutual for figuring the cost for Lakeside Mutual alone vs. a joint project with STPUD, (2) to revamp the Cold Creek Filter Plant (to bring it up to state standards), (3) new wells. 6:42 PM MEETING BREAK 6:53 PM Presented by Ross Johnson who reviewed the bid amounts and recommended award- ing the bid to low bidder, D. R. Technology, Inc. in the amount of $51,480. MEETING RESUMED ONE-TON EMERGENCY CONTAINMENT SCRUBBER SYSTEM Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to accept the lowest bid in the amount of $51,480 from D. R. Technology, Inc. ST055030 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1992 PAGE - 7 Presented by Jim Hoggatt who reviewed staff modifications to the report prior to submittal to Lahontan: STPUD lab staff to test quarterly rather than monthly with a 2 year cap on the tests. Moved Mason/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to approve the Geraghty & Miller Report (with the above described testing modification) and authorized distribution to the regulatory agencies. Assistant Manager Solbrig explained this item was brought before the Board because it exceeded the General Manager's payment authorization limit. He said staff concurred with the estimate from the City and wanted the Board's authorization that the District was responsible for $4,730/sewer and $16,858/water as part of the City's 1992 overlay program. He said these amounts would be used when staff entered into discussions with the City on the overall exchange of money (for services). Moved Mason/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to approve the amounts of $4,730/sewer and $16,858/water as the District's share of the City's 1992 Overlay Program. Chairman Pierini questioned a Harland Bartholomew bill for approximately $8,000 for work for various com- ponents of their sub work. Solbrig responded with an explanation. Director Wallace questioned a $50 ex- penditure on Director Onysko's VISA card as part of the Bank of America $5,612.59 payment on the payment of claims. Director Onysko said this charge plus subsequent charges which will probably appear on next months bill were incurred traveling to So. Calif. to attend a geographical information system seminar (computer software program, like AutoCAD). He said Director Wallace asked him if the course he had taken was consistent with Board policy. He said he told Wallace there was no Board policy on this matter. Onysko felt Board members should be en- titled to travel to these occasions if they view them to be directly relevant to their work with the District. He REPORT: SLUDGE DEPOSITS AT PLANT 1992 CITY OVERLAY PROGRAM AND DISTRICT'S SHARE OF COSTS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ST055031 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1992 said other Directors had attended CASA PAYMENT OF CLAIMS and ACWA and had gone to Washington D.C.(continued) to lobby (for the Basin-wide grant) and resisted being held to different stand- ards than the other Directors and main- tained his request for reimbursement was in no fashion whatsoever different from that of previous months where other Directors had traveled to such events. Director Wallace said he had a great difference of opinion and he was not willing to vote (for payment of claims) on something which might not possibly be right or even legal. He said he did not believe one Board member had the right to spend one penny of rate payers money without approval from somebody! Discussion continued regarding the attendance at CASA, the CASA agendas and conference costs by other Board members as compared to the computer conference attended by Director Onysko. Chairman Pierini felt a policy needed to be brought to the Board at the next meeting; Director Mason concurred. Director Mosbacher felt conferences should not be attended unless the in- formation was useful to the District and not just something which is useful to the individual; the whole Board needed to know who's going "where" and "when". Directors Mosbacher & Mason felt as long as the expense had been incurred, it needed to be paid and then discussed by the Finance Committee. Director Wallace said he would caution the Board about paying something which may or may not be legal. Attorney Sare stated misuse of public funds in the State of California is a felony; ratifying the misuse of public funds is an accessory after the fact. He said he could not comment on whether or not this was a misuse of public funds because he did not have all of the information. But, it was up to the Board, if it did not hurt the District's credit, whether or not to delay the payment of the $50 until the Finance Committee had a chance to meet on the matter. PAGE - 8 ST055032 REGULAR BOARD MEETING BOARD MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1992 PAGE - 9 Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Wallace Voted No/Onysko Abstained/Passed to authorize payment in the amount of $677,844.55 (this amount included the $8,000 & $50 amounts in question). PAYMENT OF CLAIMS (continued) Director Onysko reported on the geo- graphical information system seminar he had attended which was offered by the same people who market AutoCAD - a computer drafting program which allows you to create drawings, enter drawings, and manipulate drawings. He felt the seminar was related to his Board com- mittee. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Mosbacher (1) complimented Rick Hydrick on his report; (2) asked about employee suggestions and what was being done to follow-up on them; (3) asked what District crews were doing on Saw Mill Rd.--Baer said they were putting in flow monitors for 1993-98 sewer con- nections. Manager: Manager Baer reported on: STAFF REPORTS 1) Diane Gilbert has been appointed to the Affordable Housing Task Force at the request of city staff; 2) Receipt of a CASA letter re the tax shift Bill under consideration by Legislators and the District's par- ticipation in the opposition of it; 3) The call Ken Schroeder had re- ceived from the Calif. Division of Forestry re purchase of dead trees on District property and the potential for revenue. Past Meetings/Events 5/26/92 - Affordable Housing Task Force 5/27/92 - Union Negotiations 5/28/92 - Customer Svs. Mgr. Interviews 6/01/92 - Staff Engineer Interviews Attorney: Attorney Sare reported on two items: 1) He handed the Board a written report and also elaborated on an ACWA meeting he and Rick Hydrick had attended (under Board direction and approval); 2) He had reviewed the question of local purchasing preference after contact by local purveyors who had bid in Placer County and competed with a local (in ST055033 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1992 PAGE - 10 Placer County) 5% preference. He said the District is presently giving 1% local preference. Chairman Pierini said the 1% was justified due to the fact that 1% of the sales tax comes back to our area. Sare felt, if the Board was interested, staff could pursue the justification for a larger local preference percentage. STAFF REPORTS (continued) Assistant Manager Solbrig reported on the draft of the Harland, Bartholomew/ Carollo report on the Export System. He said comments were being collected from staff and requested the Operations Com- mittee give him their comments at the end of the meeting. Director Onysko commented on errors he felt were in the last section of the report and requested Carollo submit recalculations at their own expense. 6/09/92 - 11:30 AM - Annual District Picnic & Longevity Awards 6/12/92 - - EDWPA Picnic at Lake Tahoe 6/15/92 - 8:00 AM - Special Board Mtg. (Executive Session/Union Negotiations) 6/18/92 - *4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 6/30/92 - 10:00 AM - Co-Mtg w/Douglas Wheeler, No. Tahoe PUD, Tahoe city PUD, & City Council re Sierra Summit *Attorney Sare advised a regular meeting should be Noticed at 4:00 PM; the Board Clerk should arrive at 4:00 and trail the meeting until 5:00 PM. and the Notice should reflect this information. The Council Chambers was not available until 5:00 PM because city staff would be holding a meeting in the room from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 8:20 PM No Board Action Was Taken. ADJOURNMENT TOEXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/STAFF ENGINEER POSITION AND CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER POSITION 9:00 PM ATTEST: ADJOURRMENT LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD ~~OUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055034 Attachment 1 June 4, 1992 Board Meeting ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 4, 1992 ITEM ACCT. ~ 1. 27-241-231 NAME Steven R. Dillon SERV. ADDRESS 1098 Johnson Blvd. AMT.DUE 586.15 2. 28-061-221 James G. Gardner 3955 Saddle Rd. .456.26 3. 28-100-231 Stephen Ott 1339 Knoll Ln. 431.38 4. 28-121-321 5. 28-311-261 Joyce Stalie Don/Sharon Dilday 3747 Ruby Way 3381 Pine Hill Rd. 529.15 431.38 6. 29-402-071 Fred Power 3861 Figueroa Ln. 431.38 7. 29-402-101 Daniel Thiemann 3854 Steven Ln. 845.49 8. 31-161-011 9. 31-183-031 Juan Contreras Vincent Camacho 2664 Armstrong Ave. 2498 Kubel Ave. 401.75 600.16 10. 31-201-031 Tommy Varzos 2656 Osborne Ave. 434.66 11. 31-202-091 Stephanie Keusseff 2688 Osborne Ave. 430.47 12. 31-224-111 Daniel Slater 2605 Fountain Ave. 486.45 13. 31-284-251 14. 31-313-041 Joan M. Benson Robert White 940 Silver Dollar and 944 907 Sagewood Dr. 2228.30 431.38 15. 31-313-101 Mark S. Desando 910 Tanglewood Dr. 504.77 ST055035 PA~E - 2 - ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS - JUNE 4t 1992 16. 32-161-071 Dennis E. Jones 1371 Bonanza Ave. 431.38 17. 32-241-031 George Klingler 1173 Tata Ln. 429.92 18. 32-251-211 Joseph Haynes 1211 Tata Ln. 534.05 19. 32-252-051 20. 32-277-101 Joseph Haynes Timothy Wheeler 1204 Tata Ln. 1125 Julie Ln. 483.19 430.49 21. 32-278-411 David Altobell 1108 Dedi Ave. 456.26 22. 32-282-061 Michael utzig 1207 Margaret Ave. 431.38 23. 32-282-491 Cezar Jimenez 1214 Dedi Ave. 431.38 24. 33-342-171 25. 27-051-101 Mary Enser E1 Dorado General Improvement Dist. 659 Zuni St. 970 Ski Run Blvd. 431.38 1349.51 TOTAL 14,638.07 ST055036 Date: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) PHONE NUP, BER: NAME: ADDRESS' NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFORmaTION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A ~zco~?~o~ ~o~ ~?z~c~.. ST8~837