HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-18-92 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 18, 1992 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met on June 18, 1992 in an executive session at 4:34 PM, 1052 Tata Lane; the 4:00 PM regular session was trailed to 5:05 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Wallace ROLL CALL FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION Director Onysko arrived at 4:39 PM STAFF Manager Baer, Finance officer Garton 4:34 PM - Attorney Sare explained the need for the executive session and, in general terms, the subject matter to be discussed. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1)/EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY AGREEMENT & LOAN PAYMENT Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to authorize Attorney Sare and General Manager Baer to prepare a MOU with E1 Dorado County, agreeing to have E1 Dorado County collect taxes in behalf of So. Tahoe PUD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Pierini, Directors Mason, Mosbacher, Onysko, Wallace ACTION ON ITEM DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION ROLL CALL FOR REGULAR MEETING STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Garton, Mamath, Brown, Hrbacek, Hussmann, Hoggatt, Twomey, Garcia, Gilbert, Paul, Bird, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Ty Baldwin, Paul & Vonna Wallace, Jim Jones, B. Mosbacher, Barbara Wallace, Keith Klein/City Council, Dave Rowe, Eric Schafer, Robert Bonadio, Ted McCoy, Ron McHenry, Ira Rackley, Ray Lamb, Dena Schwarte, Chris Strohm, Eric Thaden, John Hargrove, Jim Dimitri, Pembroke Gochnauer, Dan Henson, ST055009 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 18, 1992 PAGE - 2 Dena Schwarte/Lake Tahoe Golf Course REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD stated the fixture count had not changed since the original fixtures were installed. She felt the District should continue to use the old method of count- ing sewer units. Discussion followed with Directors Mason, Wallace and Onysko saying they felt this golf course should be treated the same as other golf courses in town in reference to counting sewer units. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to make the finding that the rest rooms should be counted as a part of the restaurant and direct staff to bill the golf course in accord- ance to the restaurant seating capacity. None. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Shop Steward - No Report Director Mosbacher asked to have Consent Item 4/Chemical Purchases brought forward for discussion/action; Manager Baer asked to have Consent Item 3/Delinquent Account Disconnections brought forward for discussion/action; Board Clerk Mamath asked to have Consent Item 2 removed as the problem had been resolved. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to Approve the Consent Calendar as Amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of May 7, 1992; 2) Item deleted; 5) Approved a connection fee refund to Steve Zigler in the amount of $14,762.20. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Chris Garcia updated the list of delinquent accounts by removing those accounts which had been paid. DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER/WATER ACCOUNTS (Consent Item 3) The District's lack of late fees and/or penalties were discussed. Staff was instructed to look into this matter and to bring it back to the Board for discussion/action. ST055010 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 18, 1992 PAGE - 3 Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to im- plement the two-week disconnection procedures for the revised delinquent accounts listed on Attachment 1. At- tachment 1 becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein. DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER/WATER ACCOUNTS (Consent Item 3 - continued) Director Mosbacher commented on the lower bid prices and asked about the remaining budget amount. Finance officer Garton noted the lower prices were due to efforts by the Purchasing Agent to seek more competitive sources and the efforts of the Operations Dept. to reduce the use of Caustic Soda. CHEMICAL PURCHASES-F.Y. 92/93 (Consent Item 4) Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to award the chemical bids as follows: Chlorine-$79,745.17/Sierra Chemical Caustic Soda-$86,261.54/Sierra Chemical Sodium Hypochlorite-$19,257.81/Sierra Chemical Zinc Orthophosphate-$9,429.00/Thatcher ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Assistant Manager Solbrig noted the LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION: Board had received a list of items INTERTIES WITH THE DISTRICT which staff felt were critical and should be included in the agreement to provide Lakeside Park Assoc. with water. Ray Lamb, Ira Rackley & Ron McHenry were present in the audience representing Lakeside Park Association. Ray Lamb, representing Lakeside Park Association's 9 member Board gave the background of his association with Lakeside Park Assn. He said the majority of their Board (at least 6 of them) were interested in entering into an intertie agreement with South Tahoe PUD to meet the immediate water problems of Lakeside Park Association. Attorney Sare reviewed staff suggested changes to the original list of agree- ment items and the planned schedule to implement the agreement. Board members added their comments and suggested changes to the list of items for the agreement. Manager Baer and Ira Rackley, Kennedy/ Jenks Engineer, responded to questions from Board members re back-flow ST055011 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 18, 1992 prevention devises. Manager Baer said his goal was to have the intertie open by the July 4th week- end. He talked about placing an order for a 6" meter and the cost for the box and meter was estimated to be $12,000. PAGE - 4 LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION: INTERTIES WITH THE DISTRICT (continued) Staff would strive to have the agreement finalized by the July 2, 1992 Board Mtg. for Board approval. No Board Action. Customer asked to have this item tabled as he did not have his re- quested documentation from TRPA. CUSTOMER REQUEST: RELOCATION OF DISTRICT SEWER LATERAL Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to table this item. Presented by Chris Twomey who explained COLD CREEK EROSION CONTROL: some provisions of the Agreement. GRANT FUNDING AGREEMENT Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to authorize execution of the Agreement between California Tahoe Conservancy and South Tahoe PUD. Presented by Diane Gilbert who reviewed ULF RETROFIT ORDINANCE NO. 440: the proposed Extension Policy. EXTENSION POLICY Eric Thaden/F.L.L. Associates, asked to have the retrofit program reviewed with exemptions in mind. He stated there were residents who already had very low pressure. Ted McCoy/F.L.L. resident, agreed with the comments made by Mr. Thaden because his system operated from gravity flow with very low pressure. He asked for flow tests rather than having to retro- fit his fixtures. Moved Mason/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to authorize POLICY FOR EXTENSION - ORDINANCE 440. (The Policy for Extension is included as Attachment 2 and becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein.) Presented by Finance officer Garton who explained the background of the legislation and felt the public should be aware the District was spending $9,288,428 less than the state mandated appropriation limitations. SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIA- TION PROCEEDS OF TAXES FOR F.Y. 1992/93 ST055012 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 18, 1992 PAGE - 5 Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Passed SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIA- Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. TION PROCEEDS OF TAXES FOR F.Y. 2566. 1992/93 (continued) Diane Gilbert explained why she felt it was mandatory to replace the Public Information officer position. CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION Board members agreed public information was necessary, but voiced concerns about the potential of the District losing funds ($2.7 Million) to the state to balance the state budget. The majority of Board members felt filling the position should be delayed until the state budget was finalized as it could affect District income. The potential for making this a part-time position and the appropriate person to dissem- inate technical information was also discussed. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to approve the reorganiza- tion of the Customer Service Dept. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to continue action on recruitment of the Public Information Officer position until the next reg- ular board meeting (7/2/92). 6:55 PM MEETING BREAK 7:12 PM Director Mason said the Board's policy committee recommended approval of Policy 2050 as submitted. Both policies were read aloud by Director Wallace for members of the audience. MEETING RESUMED BOARD POLICIES: 2050/REMUNERA- TION AND REIMBURSEMENT; 2120/ TRAINING, EDUCATION AND CONFERENCES Discussion followed with all Board members contributing to changes to Policy 2050 and Policy 2120. Ty Baldwin, a member of the audience, said he applauded the proposed policies and felt they were long overdue. He urged the Board to use the staff to enact the policies rather than bring them to the Board. ST055013 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 18, 1992 PAGE - 6 Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to adopt Policy 2050 and 2120 with changes as agreed upon by the Board. Policy 2050 and 2120 (showing these changes) becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein as Attachment 3. BOARD POLICIES: 2050/REMUNERA- TIONAND REIMBURSEMENT; 2120/ TRAINING, EDUCATION AND CONFERENCES (continued) Moved Mosbacher to table this item because there was no Policy in place to cover this situation. Motion died for lack of a second. REVIEW EXPENSES INCURRED BY DIRECTOR ONYSKO AND UPCOMING CLAIMS FROM COMPUTER CLASS Director Wallace said there wasn't a policy for many things (stealing, murder, etc.) and he was bringing this to the Board for 4 reasons: 1) trip was unauthorized and unneeded; 2) it was a poor example and poor fiscal policy; 3) the State of Nevada should pay the expenses; and 4) there has been a history of misuse and abuse. Director Wallace elaborated on the 4 points shown above. Chairman Pierini asked for comments from the audience on this issue. He received comments from 4 people who supported the views of Director Wallace. They were: 1) Bob Bonadio, 2) John Hargrove, 3) Jim Dimitri, and 4) Dan Henson. Ty Baldwin stated he thought this blatantly pointed-out that the policy was needed. (He was referring to the previous board action adopting policies.) Director Onysko responded to each audience member and explained his version of the circumstances surround- ing the incurred expenses. He said he felt this was a Chamber vendetta and referred to it as "Chambergate". Moved Wallace/Second Mason to pay the credit card bills as they come in for Mr. Onysko's bills; after the aggre- gate, bill Mr. Onysko for any expenses incurred from this trip. Motion Withdrawn. ST055014 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 18, 1992 PAGE - 7 Moved Wallace to deny payment of any claims resulting from the trip Mr. Onysko took for the class. Director Mason asked if he was saying, "don't pay the credit card?" He asked Wallace to restate his motion. REVIEW EXPENSES INCURRED BY DIRECTOR ONYSKO AND UPCOMING CLAIMS FROM COMPUTER CLASS (continued) Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Onysko Abstained/Pierini & Mosbacher Voted No/ Motion Failed to bill Mr. Onysko for any costs the District incurred for his (Onysko) taking the class. Director Mason reported the Policies Committee had met; Director Wallace reported the Finance Committee had met. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Mosbacher commended Greg Schrempp on the report he gave re the sewer lateral relocation request due to the SEZ problem. She also mentioned, as a member of the Planning Committee, she had to meet with Diane Gilbert to review the selection of a District slogan. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS General Manaqer: The General Manager reported on the following: STAFF REPORTS 1) He said Attorney Zeff had requested an Executive Session concerning Union Negotiations. The meeting was set for Sunday evening, June 28th @ 6:00 PM; 2) The cost of meters and materials for all customers with 1" or larger connections was investigated. The cost would be in excess of $ 1/2 Million; 3) After staff investigation, the Finance Committee decided to stay with the present 1% discount for local purveyors; 4) F.L.L. flow & traffic monitoring study test results (for 93-98 Sewer Connections) were done on June 6th and results are due soon; traffic monitor- ing procedures for the July 4th weekend are in place; staff is seeking funding assistance from the County & TRPA; 5) John Thiel has accepted the Staff Engineer position; he is due to start work on July 14th; 6) In response to employee sugges- tions: (a) trucks are being washed; (b) to move the control panel from the main operations center to the tertiaries would cost in the neighborhood of 6 ST055015 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 18, 1992 PAGE - 8 figures .... Baer recommended not moving the control panel; (c) Director Mosbacher questioned Baer about the suggestion to change the color of the uniforms from orange to blue .... Baer recommended not changing the color due to safety concerns; (d) Director Mosbacher questioned Baer about the suggestion to combine Wastewater Ops. with Pump Station Operations to form one department. This suggestion was discussed along with the Board's over- all handling of employee suggestions. Manager Baer said, in the past, the Board had not given him clear direction on his involvement with staff sugges- tions. Chairman Pierini said he wanted Baer to inform the employee that the suggestion had been received and read. Director Mosbacher said she felt the suggestions should be handled in a better fashion...we should not put out a suggestion box and then ignore it. Director Mason said Board members should read all suggestions and if they had an interest in one of them .... then tell the Manager. He also felt it was up to Board members to thank the individual employees; 7) The A1 Tahoe Well was going very well; drilled to 410', setting up for pump tests to take place on the weekend (June 20th-21st). Staff would have the purchase of the mechanical/electrical equipment on the 7/2 board meeting agenda; 8) The 1 Million gallon tank interior (at Luther Pass) has been painted; the painting of the smaller tank is being worked on at the present time; 9) The Bijou School Well is hooked-up to the golf course, but the City is ex- periencing some electrical problems; 10) We cannot sell the Tahoe Paradise property at this point...too many encum- brances. He suggested the Board declare it as surplus and list it with a realtor or run an ad. Garton & Sare will bring surplus property to the Board as an agenda item. STAFF REPORTS (continued) Past Meetinqs/Events 6/09/92 - Annual District Picnic & Lon- gevity Awards 6/12/92 - EDWPA Picnic @ Tahoe Keys 6/15/92 - Special Board Mtg. (Executive Session/Union Negotiations) ST055016 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 18, 1992 PAGE - 9 Assistant Manaqer/Engineer Richard Solbrig reported on So. Tahoe Refuse Company's plans to build a building to cover the garbage pile as requested by the District to reduce run-off into the sewer system. They plan a much larger facility to accom- modate recycling plans. He said this will delay meeting the District's requirement to reduce the run-off. STAFF REPORTS (continued) Attorney: Dale Sare distributed the ACWA news- letter and a letter from Attorney Piazza (mediator for HDR claim) to all Board members. 6/28/92 - 6:00 PM - Executive Session/ NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS Union Negotiations 6/30/92 - 10:00 AM - Co-Mtg. w/Douglas Wheeler re Sierra Summit 7/02/92 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Abstained/Passed to authorize payment in the amount of $593,771.36. (This amount excluded Check #11714/E1 Dorado County Water Agency-S175,000.) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 10:27 PM ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: ~-LOU PIERI RMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, ~LERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055017 Attachment 1 June 18, 1992 Board Meeting ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 18, 1992 ITEM ACCT. NAME SERV. ADDRESS ~.MT.DUE 1. 23-132-231 2. 23-191-071 ,.2_ 25-76{-23! 4. 28-081-081 5. 29-041-091 ,6. 29-963-021 29-063-041 8. 29-162-021 9. 33-411-071 10. 33-453-911 !!_ 33-461-031 12. 33-581-201 13. 33-632-041 14. 34-101-951 ~1_~ ~ ~ --1 ~--~1 1 16. 34-162-241 18. 34-282-111 ~9. 34-283-981 20. Zoeller, Greg Manzanita Motel 532 Emerald Bay Rd. $1,159.71 McDonald, Alexander 941 Emerald Bay Rd. 1261 Ski Run Blvd. 4131 Manzanita Ave. Cabin Resorts c/o Paul Gardner Tahoe Ail Seasons Motel/c/o Bernstein Stardust Vmc. Club Stardust V~c. Club 956 Fri~y St. Olympic Motel 3901 Pioneer Trl. c/o Jagdishbhai Patel 1,261.13 2~!.~_~ 1,244.37 Beaudoux, Deborah 1~111 ~.-,1 ~,'~ ~ 738.79 I ~'* I ~ 1,855.41 932 Kiowa Dr. 1389 Mt_ O!~ia 12°=~_ ~2.-r~=i-~ "ir.~ Kennedy, Don/Sylvia 1157 Country Club 441.85 299.69~ 2G~.GG 375.49 Garcia, Martin/Kim v, mw, Ronu!d/Dcun= Moniot, Paul Burford, Ransom Krider, Ne~! 1259 Pine Valley 304.64 1398 Iroquois Cir. 299.66 DIS.IG 1988 Hopi Ave. 400.67 2003 Hopi ~3ze. 384 ~ Truckee Rd. ST055018 PAGE TWO ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 18, 1992 BOARD MEETING ITEM ACCT. # NAME SERV. ADDRESS AMT. DUE 24. 34-722-111 Smithhart, Obie 1620 Oglala St. 597.87 25. 35-132-031 Johnton, Mark/Jill 2173 Cornelian Dr. 304.72 26. 35-285-081 Moore, Mary Y. 2676 Henderson St. 412.40 27. 36-421-131 Higuchi, Joyce 2839 Santa Claus Dr. 460.03 28. 36-472-041 Kruk, James 3506 River Park Dr. 307.51 30. 36-544-081 Ballachey, Peter 3439 Beaver Brae 351.93 32. 81-087-121 Swanson, Russell 1656 Tionontati St. 324.54 33. 81-092-121 Gibbs, Alest 1657 Tionontati St. 374.55 ~6. 9OAI~A~I~I N.I--~-- T.~ 1191 37. 322-522-301 Hein, Kenneth A. 1280 Tata Lane 746.79 TOTAL ST055019 Attachment 2 June 18, 1992 Board Meeting POLICY FOR EXTENSION - ORDINANCE 440 Fallen Leaf Lake Retrofit to Ultra Low Flow Fixtures The District wishes to cooperate with property owners having extreme difficulty with compliance to Ordinance No. 440 as it pertains to "antiquated" faucet fixtures. As applied to plumbing fixtures, the term antiquated is defined as old-fashioned, outdated, and obsolete. At the discretion of the General Manager or his designee, the District shall grant an extension to Ordinance 440, Section III, as it concerns faucet aerators only, as described in Section II., F., 2. until August 31, 1993, under the following conditions: 1) The faucet is deemed antiquated and recognized as more difficult to retrofit than modern style faucets. 2) The property owner can demonstrate a financial hardship based on a cost in excess of $500 for the faucets on his property. 3) Property owner shall submit a written request for extension and supply a copy of estimate from a licensed plumber. Owner shall state his/her proposed date of compliance not to extend beyond August 31, 1993. OR 4) The property owner can demonstrate that the property will be de~nolished within the extension period. OR 5) If requested, a review may be given on an individual basis and an exemption may be granted by staff if flow from faucets is deter~nined to be less than 3.0 gallons per minute. Any waiver from Ordinance 440 will be considered by the Board of Directors on a case by case basis. Adopted 6/18/92 ST055020 Attachment 3 June 18, 1992 Board Meeting POLICY TITLE: Remuneration and Reimbursement POLICY NUMBER 2050 2050.10 Members of the Board of Directors shall receive a monthly "Director's Fee", as provided by District Ordinance. 2050.20 Members of the Board of Directors shall be treated as Management employees for employment tax withholding purposes, and medical, dental and vision benefits. 2050.30 Members of the Board of Directors shall be reimbursed for all expenses, except those deemed unreasonable by a majority of the Board, incurred in attending any meetings or in making any trips on official business of the Board when so authorized in accordance with Policy # 2120. 2050.35 Documentation for expenses charged on District's credit cards shall be reported within five (5) working days upon return from the business trip. Ail other expenses should be reported as soon as possible, but no later than thirty (30) days after the expense was incurred. 2050.40 Ail expenses submitted for reimbursement must be accompanied by validated receipts. 2050.50 Reimbursement for the cost of the use of a Director's vehicle shall be on the basis of total miles driven and at the rate specified in the Internal Revenue Service Guidelines in effect at the time of the vehicle usage. 2050.60 Payments for all unauthorized expenditures are the sole responsibility of the Board member(s) that incurred them. ST055021 POLICY TITLE: Training, Education and Conferences POLICY NUMBER: 2120 2120.10 It is the policy of South Tahoe Public Utility District to encourage Board development and excellence of performance by re-imbursing expenses incurred for tuition, travel, lodging and meals as a result of training, educational courses, participation with professional organizations, and attendance at local, state, and national conferences, not deemed unreasonable, by a majority of the Board. 2120.20 Upon request, District Administrative Staff shall be responsible for making arrangements for per diem, travel, lodging and registration for Directors attending state and national seminars, workshops and conferences. 2120.30 Attendance by Directors at seminars, workshops and conferences must be authorized by the Board of Directors prior to incurring any reimbursable costs, except as provided in Section 2120.31. 2120.31 In the event a meeting, directly related to the duties of a Director, is noticed which does not allow time to receive prior authorization, Board members shall seek unanimous authorizaiton for attendance and payment of the expenses incurred from the General Manager and Chairman of the Board; or, in the Chairman's absence, the Vice Chairman. 2120.60 Upon returning from seminars, workshops, or conferences where expenses are reimbursed by the District, Directors will either prepare a written report for distribution to the Board, or make a verbal report during the next regular meeting of the Board. Said report shall detail what was learned at the session(s) that will be of benefit to the District. Materials from the session(s) may be delivered to the District office to be included in the District library for the future use of other Directors and staff. ST055022 BOARD MEETING Date: I P,~ON~ NUI~IBER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) ADDRESS '. NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFOR~ATION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A pRECONDmTION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST855823