HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-18-91MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 18, 1991 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, July 18, 1991, 4:00 PM, city Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. Chairman Sinclair, Directors Mason Pierini, Onysko, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Mamath, B. Eppler, Swain, Schroeder, Cartwright, Brown, Rieger, Taylor, Gilbert, Hoggatt, Miller, Hydrick, R. Inglis GUESTS: Tom Perry-Smith/Auditor, Guy Lease/ Community College, Kevin Esslinger & Tim Levine/Embassy Suites, Keith Klein/ City Council, Marjorie Springmeyer, Pembroke Gotchnauer Kay Taylor introduced Tom Perry-Smith/ recently hired auditor for the District for the past F.Y. (1990-91). COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE Tom Perry-Smith spoke to the Board and said his firm was looking forward to working with the District. Keith Klein/City Council spoke to the Board regarding the City's possible water use violations. He said the City wants to cooperate in every way and if there was a problem, the City would like a streamlined solution. Discussion followed regarding the City's water use at the Bijou Golf Course. Consensus was that as soon as the Bijou Well is on line, there should be no further over-usage. ST055329 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 18, 1991 PAGE - 2 Marjorie Springmeyer complimented Rick Hydrick and staff on the Demonstration Garden. She also asked if it were possible to have a drinking fountain installed in exchange for the fire hydrant easement on her property in front of Safeway, and whether it would be possible to have flowers planted under the "Marjorie Springmeyer" sign on A1 Tahoe Blvd. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (continued) Discussion followed regarding current legal matters regarding Mrs. Spring- meyer's property on Highway-50. Director Mosbacher said she had "quickie questions" on Consent Items 3, 5, 8, and 12 and asked they be removed to Action/Discussion so she could ask her questions. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Attorney Sare recommended to Board members that in the future if they had simple, "quickie questions", perhaps they could call staff prior to the Board meeting rather than pull them off. He noted that is what he had to do on other Boards he served on. Manager Baer requested Action Item No. 6/Cold Creek Erosion Control Project be deferred to the 8/1/91 Board meeting. Attorney Sare requested Action Item No. 9/State Parks Sewer Permits be removed indefinitely. Director Onysko requested the Shop Steward's report be moved forward, before Item VI/Items for Board Action. Moved Mosbacher/Second Onysko/ Passed Unanimously to approve corrections to Agenda and Consent Calendar. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA/CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/ Mason Abstained on Consent Item No. i/Passed to approve Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Board Meeting Minutes of June 6, 1991. ST055330 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 18. 1991 PAGE - 3 2) Authorized two-week water disconnection procedures on: APN 32-191-151/1171 Emerald Bay Rd; APN 31-071-031/2502 Lake Tahoe Blvd. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) 4) Authorized renewal of annual contracts for computer software support with: A) Hewlett-Packard B) Projitek 6) Approved purchase of Centrifuge Feed Tube from Bird Machine in an amount not to exceed $5,000 plus tax & shipping. 7) Approved purchase of 3 large over- head doors for the large vehicle bldg. from Incline Overhead Doors in the amount of $7,080. 9) Approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $6,800 with Thomas Haen Co., Inc./Gardner Mountain VOC Treatment System. 10) Authorized staff to solicit construction bids/Gardner Mountain Intertie Piping Project. 11) Authorized staff to solicit Geo Technical firm proposals and select a firm for Quality Control Services for 4 projects: 1) Luther Pass Site Work 2) Lower Shops Sewer/Parking Lot 3) Gardner Mt. Intertie/Air Stripper 4) Tahoe Keys Force Main CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION 3) Moved Mason/Second Pierini/ Mosbacher Voted No/Passed to Adopt Resolution No. 2552 authorizing transfer of unpaid service charges to the E1 Dorado County Tax Roll. UNPAID SERVICE CHARGES TO BE TRANSFERRED TO EL DORADO COUNTY TAX ROLL 5) Moved Onysko/Second Pierini Passed Unanimously to approve going to bid (to include trade-in) for one new backhoe. BACKHOE PURCHASE: OF BACKHOE # 23 REPLACEMENT ST055331 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 18, 1991 PAGE - 4 CONSENT CALENDAR BROUGHT FORWARD (continued) 8) Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve going to bid for design and construction. MATERIAL STORAGE BUILDING 12) Moved Pierini/Second Mosbacher/ Passed Unanimously to authorize Walters Engineering Task Order No. 5 in the amount of $38,000 for services during construction. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: TANK AND SITE WORK NEW No Report. SHOP STEWARD REPORT ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Director Pierini, who felt water leaks should be placed on a higher priority--once the District goes to Stage-2 restrictions. Ken Schroeder explained the reasons for delays in fixing leaks: "DIGS" had to be called first, prior to District staff digging into the leak area. "DIGS" requires 48-hours notice to come out and mark areas. Director Pierini wanted all breaks to be called an emergency--once the District goes to Stage-2 restrictions. Schroeder answered Director Mosbacher's questions regarding payments & member- ship to local "DIGS" and USA. It was the consensus of the Board to attempt to get better cooperation from "DIGS" and USA to respond more quickly in identifying underground lines after Stage-2 water restrictions had been established. No Board Action. Presented by Rick Hydrick, who reported the Operations Committee had met with staff to discuss seven potential locations of test wells. It is staff's recommendation the District look into the existing A1 Tahoe Well site to drill a high-producing well & look into WATER LEAKS WITHIN DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW WATER SUPPLY ST055332 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 18, 1991 PAGE - 5 the Highland Woods area for a potential production well, and then report to the Board. NEW WATER SUPPLY (continued) Discussion followed regarding access, production well fees & test well fees. Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to direct staff to pursue the locations for test wells. Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize sole source purchase of two (2) roll seal valves from Hydrosol. Presented by Jim Hoggatt, who noted the Board had authorized him to negotiate with the contractor, Advance Tank, for the cost to cut down the old tank and replace it with a new tank. He reported the negotiated cost was $721,509 to tear down the old tank and installation of two new tanks. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: SURGE VALVES LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: TANKS NEW Discussion followed regarding cost, residue, disposal, contamination, insurance/liability, hazardous waste and time restraints. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/Onysko Abstained/Passed to approve the ne- gotiated contract with Advance Tank to cut down the old tank and remove same and the installation of two new tanks for a total amount of $721,509. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Mosbacher & Sinclair voted No/Passed to table this item. TAHOE KEYS FORCE MAIN EXTENSION Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to direct Attorney Sare to review the Montgomery Agreement and take action if it is legally permissable to remove the subcontracted environmental work from the Task Order .and allow District staff to complete the work. This item was deferred to the 8/1/91 Board Meeting. COLD CREEK EROSION CONTROL PROJECT ST055333 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 18, 1991 PAGE - 6 Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to table this item. RAIN PROGRAM Presented by Director Onysko, who voiced his preference regarding qualifications & advertising for the position. FINANCE OFFICER POSITION Discussion followed regarding a CPA license, advertising, salary and the job description. It was the consensus of the Board a CPA is not a requirement, but rather a desirable quality and to defer this item for the General Manager's recommendations at the next Board meeting. No Board Action. At the request of Attorney Sare, this item was removed indefinitely. STATE PARKS PERMITS Presented by Attorney Sare, who re- viewed the history of this item and recommended executing the easement. SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY EASEMENT ON LAND ACQUIRED FROM U.S.F.S. (ERB PROPERTY) Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize execution by the Board Chairman of the Sierra Pacific Power Company Easement on the ERB proper~y located at Black Bart & Pioneer Trail. Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $1,586,693.76 (Last Pmt. for 1990-91 F.Y.) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/Passesd Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $119,511.51 (First Pmt. for 1991-92 F.Y.). ST055334 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 18, 1991 PAGE - 7 Presented by Director Onysko, who requested each Board Committee have the authority, if the two members are in unanimous agreement, to spend up to $1,000 between Board meetings. BOARD POLICY: BOARD COMMITTEE SPENDING AUTHORITY Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Sinclair, Mosbacher and Mason voted No/Motion Did Not Pass to allow each committee, if there was unanimous agreement, to direct the General Manager to exercise his prerogative to spend up to $1,000 of his $4,000 limit. 5:00 PM (Separate minutes were prepared for the Public Hearing). PUBLIC HEARING Director Mason reported a sample Board Policy Manual had been ordered. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS None BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Manaqer: Manager Baer reported Fallen Leaf Lake flow meter readings revealed approximately 86,000 gallons/day and noted the contract and EIR was for 60,000 gallons/day. He felt large water conservation measures were needed in the area. STAFF REPORTS 7/02/91 - Clean Water Grant Legislation Meeting PAST MEETINGS/EVENTS 7/23/91 - 12:00 Noon, District Picnic at Plant 8/01/91 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. (Public Meeting) 8/02/91 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ EID 8/07/91 - CASA @ San Diego 7/24/91 - TBAG Meeting NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 8:35 PM ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section54956.9(b.1)/Discussion of significant exposure to lit- igation - CWC-HDR Claim None ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 8:36 PM ADJOURNMENT ST055335 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 18, 1991 NAT~INCLAIR, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOU~H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAGE - 8 ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, C~ERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055336