HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-91 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 6, 1991 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, June 6, 1991, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Sinclair, Director Onysko, Pierini, Mosbacher, Mason/Absent (on vacation) ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Fischer, Mamath, Swain, Schroeder, Miller, Bonnet, Hoggatt, Powers, Gilbert, Eddy, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Keith Klein/City Council, Steve Leman, Keith Gottschalk/City Parks & Recreation, Ty Baldwin, Duane Wallace, Don Radford/ city of So. Lake Tahoe Steven Leman reviewed his request to hook up to the District's water system. He offered to pay for a 2-inch water line running 490 ft. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: Steven Leman Discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Board for the Dis- trict to pay the difference between a 2-inch line & a 6-inch line at Mr. Leman's property. Moved Pierini/Second Mosbacher/Mason Absent/Passed for the District to pay an amount not to exceed $8,000 for a 6-inch Main Line Extension with an accompanying co-payment by par- ticipating parties. (Fire hydrant is not included). District staff will contact Mr. Leman prior to installing the line. None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE ST055357 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 6, 1991 PAGE - 2 Director Onysko requested Consent CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT Item No. 7 be moved to the Consent CALENDAR Items for Action. Director Mosbacher requested Consent Items No. 3 and 4 be moved to the Consent Items for Action. Manager Baer requested Action Item No. 1 be discussed in Executive Session prior to action and defer Action Item No. 2 to the June 20, 1991 Board meeting to give staff an oppor- tunity to evaluate the bids thoroughly. Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/ Mason Absent/Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of May 2, 1991; 2) Authorized execution by General Manager the ERB Grant Amendment - Project No. C-06-1414-120; 5) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for surge valves & rock screens/Luther Pass Pump Station: New Tank; 6) Approved Irrigation System for an amount not to exceed $10,000/ Heise Clay Pit Restoration, Alpine County. CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION 3) Ken Schroeder answered Director Mosbacher's questions regarding cost and prices. PRIMARY BUILDING ASBESTOS WALL SHEETING REMOVALANDREPLACEMENT WITH STEEL SIDING Moved Pierini/Second Mosbacher/Mason Absent/Passed to approve Jerry Eaton, Inc. Contract in the amount of $7,279; and Authorized District purchase of steel siding, plus installation of materials. ST055358 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 6, 1991 PAGE - 3 4) John Bonnet answered Director Mosbacher's questions regarding fines/fees, dumping, and identifica- tion of "waste" on the permit. Attorney Sare recommended adding the following paragraph on the permit: User hereby acknowledges receipt of Ordinance No. (359, Section VII) and the Waste Hauler Permit requirements and agrees to the terms contained therein. Moved Pierini/Second Mosbacher/Mason Absent/Passed to approve implementation of a Waste Hauler Discharge Permit, (with the inclusion of Attorney Sare's recommended addition), Permit Require- ments and recommended fee schedule. 7) Discussion ensued regarding setting a meeting date to review water and sewer billing procedures. It was the consensus of the Board to have the Clerk of the Board set-up a Workshop Meeting date and time. WASTE HAULER PERMIT SYSTEM WORKSHOP: REVIEW WATER & SEWER BILLING PROCEDURES ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION No Board Action. This item was deferred to the June 20, 1991 Board Meeting. Manager Baer reviewed the Memo from the City to the District regarding costs/fees, operation & maintenance of the Bijou School Well. Manager Baer reported staff recom- mended rejection of the City's offer with a counter-offer, with the follow- ing requirements: 1) The District offer the city the use of the well for $30,000 under a License Agreement; 2) The city would install the necessary equipment & pipelines to complete the facility; ASSOCIATE ENGINEER POSITION LOWER SHOP PARKING LOTAND SEWER REPLACEMENT BIJOU SCHOOL WELL ST055359 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 6, 1991 PAGE - 4 3) The city would be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facility; BIJOU SCHOOL WELL (continued) 4) The District would retain the right to use the well if it met drinking water standards in the future and the present existing connections to the golf course for irrigation would be disconnected. Manager Baer also highlighted the advantages to the District covered by the proposed License Agreement with the City. chairman Sinclair requested a member of the Finance Committee be present when the License Agreement was de- veloped with City staff. Keith Gottschalk stated he felt the Agreement would be beneficial to the City tax payers & the District's rate payers. Moved Pierini/Second Mosbacher/Maso~ Absent/Passed to approve staff's ne- gotiating a License Agreement between the City & the District which would include the 4 clauses listed by Manager Baer above. Presented by Director Mosbacher, who reviewed a request from a charitable organization (Sierra Recovery) for one of the District's surplus computers. DISTRICT SURPLUS PROPERTY Attorney Sare noted the District had no set policy established to deal with donations to charitable organ- izations, and that no guidelines have been adopted. He recommended the Board set definite guidelines for such donations/requests. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/Mason Absent/Passed to direct staff to loan the surplus computer to Sierra Recovery, while policy is being developed, should the General Manager see fit to do so. ST055360 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 6, 1991 PAGE - 5 Presented by Director Onysko, who requested input from staff and Board regarding this item. PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH A CHARITABLE ACCOUNT TO ASSIST LOW-INCOME RATE PAYERS Attorney Sare reviewed the billing system, legalities, advantages/dis- advantages of this type of an account. Discussion continued regarding the purpose of the account, mechanism of obtaining funds and who would have the benefit of these funds. Pat Mamath reported on her findings from other agencies involved in similar types of accounts/programs. Director Onysko said he would like to establish an account to allocate monies to offset this year's rate increase only and to entertain requests from anyone who wished to have relief from the recent sewer/ water rate increases. He suggested this account would be called the RAIN Account (Rate Assistance for the Ill and Needy). A) Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/ Mosbacher Voted No/Mason Absent/ Passed to establish the RAIN Account (non-profit, tax-deduct- able account) into which citizens could contribute money for the purposes of offsetting the 1991 water & sewer rate increases for our constituents. The mechanism for the distribution of such funds shall re- main to be determined at a later date. Chairman Sinclair & Director Onysko will be the committee to work with staff (D. Gilbert) to implement the program. Director Onysko stated he would like to defer Agenda Item 5: B) Establish a system for rate payers to contribute to account; c) Establish a mechanism for employees to contribute through payroll de- duction. ST055361 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 6, 1991 PAGE - 6 Director Onysko proposed an increase of Directors' salaries from $400 to $600/Month. He said he would be will- ing to commit his increase for the next three months to the RAIN account. PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH A CHARITABLE ACCOUNT TO ASSIST LOW-INCOME RATE PAYERS (continued) Director Mosbacher said proposing this increase was just taking money from the rate-payer & giving it to ourselves (the Board), only to give it back to the needy. She said this would only be shifting money around and was not a a good mechanism. Director Pierini said this was not an appropriate time to increase Directors' salaries, but felt the issue should be addressed again in the future. Discussion followed. Moved Onsyko to raise the Directors' salaries to $600/Month. Director Onysko withdrew his Motion. Public Comment: Duane Wallace agreed with many of the statements made by the Board & agreed a social conscience was good--but a Directors' raise at this time would not be appropriate. Ty Baldwin felt the public was confused on this issue & suggested to delay the raise for the Board until it is determined how much the public is willing to donate to this fund. Moved Onysko that the salaries for the Directors be increased from $400 to $600/Month with the intention that the incremental raise be donated to the newly established RAIN Account. Motion died for lack of a second. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Mason Absent/Passed to authorize payment in the amount of $548,819.21. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ST055362 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 7, 1991 5:30 PM PAGE - 7 ADJOURNMENT TOEXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6/Man~ment Salary Adjustments and MOU's - Direct Neqotiator; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b).2(a) and 54956.9 (b) 2. (a) and 54956.9(c)4./Alta Pacific Constructors claim 7:13 PM Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/ Mason Absent/Passe~ to adopt Resolution No. 2548/Management Salary Adjustments. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacherl Mason Absent/Passed to enact Ordinance No. 436 with the de- letion of Paragraph 1 (Lines 7 through 11). Moved Pierini/Second Mosbacher~ Mason Absent/Passed to approve MOU form and authorize execution of individual forms by Board Chair. It. was the consensus of the Board to direct the Assistant Manager to respond to the Alta Pacific Claim. None None 5/20/91 - County Water Agency/Review Loan Repayment Schedule Truckee River Operating Agmt. 5/21/91 - TRPA/1991 Sewer Connections 5/29/91 - Special Board Meeting/Adopt Budgets 5/30/91 - City of SLT/Bijou School Well Manaqer Manager Baer noted he, Pat Mamath, and Attorney Weidman were scheduled to meet with SWRCB staff on June 13th. re the Step 3 Grant Budget. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION BOARD MEMBER REPORTS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS PAST MEETINGS/EVENTS STAFF REPORTS ST055363 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 6, 1991 Attorney Sare informed the Board there is documentation that Grants are being given for projects (Clean Water Grant Funding). He asked the the Board's permission to pursue these funds. PAGE - 8 STAFF REPORTS (continued) Proqram Manaqers: No report. Shod Steward: No report. 6/10/91 - 7:00 PM, Luther Pass Pump Station Community Meeting 6/14/91 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA Picnic at Georgetown 6/20/91 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. (Public Meeting) 6/20/91 - 2:00 PM, Workshop/Water Rates (Public Meeting) NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 7:32 PM ADJOU__ RNMENT ~OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055364