HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-16-91MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 16, 1991 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, May 16, 1991, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Sinclair, Directors Mason, Onysko, Mosbacher, Pierini ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Fischer, Mamath, Gilbert, Knight, Powers, Miller, Hydrick, Brown, Bonnet, Hoggatt, Cartwright, Attorney Sate GUESTS: Ty Baldwin, Chris Strohm, D. Knight, Brien Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Dr. Hembrow, Duane Wallace/Chamber of Commerce, Jim Buell, Keith Klein/City Council, Keith Gottschalk/City of So. Lake Tahoe, Carl Lischeske/CA Dept. of Health Services, Roy Hampson, John Hargrove, Dave Kurtzman, Ron Cyr, John Cefalu, Chris Beni, Bess Jensen, James Deaton/City of So. Lake Tahoe 4:00 PM - PUBLIC HEARING: SEWER/WATER BUDGETS Chairman Sinclair opened the Public Hearing at 4:00 PM. Comments were received from the following people: 1) Chris Strohm/Contractor - Who would like to see sewer capacity enlarged for more allocations; recommended unified direction & development of a 1, 3, or 5 year water plan. OPEN HEARING PUBLIC COMMENTS ST055368 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1991 PAGE - 2 2) Carl Lischeske/State Dept. of Health Services - The consensus of his comments is as follows: PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) Two years ago State of California adopted a standard for uranium: 20 pico curies per liter. College Well exceeded the standard by a factor of about "2". This imposed an immediate water supply problem for the Stateline Zone. The District received a temporary exemption to allow time to find new water sources to replace the College Well water. Four of the five wells were not very good for one reason or another, and costs were expended with not very good results. His Dept. felt our problems were due to the following: 1) Additional water sources and/or storage facilities are necessary if water demands are to be met, particularly in the Stateline area. 2) Situation will be critical in summer of 1992. The loss of pro- duction capacity is only partly due to the drought. 3) The loss of production of the Cold Creek Filter Plant is a long-term problem, partly due to the newly adopted surface water treatment regulations. To deal with the problem, his Dept. said they were asking for the following: A plan to alleviate the above, which would include: 1) Identification of the production & storage facilities that will be needed to satisfy the short-term & long term requirements of this service area; ST055369 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1991 PAGE - 3 2) The schedule to build them which would include the possibility of failures (mechanical) & problem- atic weather; PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) 3) Reasonable ways to prevent water outages while the necessary faci- lities are being built; If the District should decide not to address the problems in an acceptable manner, the Dept. of Health Services would: 1) Issue an Administrative Order which would require the District to build the necessary facilities; 2) The Order would specify a time frame, fines & penalties for failure to comply and a ban on connecting new customers to the Stateline Zone until facilities are placed in service. Duane Wallace/President, So. Lake Taho- Chamber of Commerce - Stated he repre- sented 800 members. He recommended an increase in water & sewer rates due to concerns of fire dangers in the State- line area & the need for sewer plant expansion. He supported the water conservation measures. He said the Chamber viewed the District as the key for growth control in the South Shore. When questioned, he said the Chamber Board would support a 50% water rate increase--whatever increase it would take to run the Plant to meet the needs of the community. 4) Ty Baldwin/So. Lake Tahoe Resident - Encouraged long-term planning; felt costs should be cut, rather than rates increased. 5) Roy Hampson/Local Enqineer - Felt water supply would control growth. He said the District's present water rates were low. He observed the Dept. of Health Services was asking the District for a plan of action at the present time and suggested acquiring bonds to help finance the more costly construction portion. ST055370 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1991 PAGE - 4 He also felt there might be State and/or Federal monies to help Finance our water problems. PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) 6) John Cefalu - Mentioned a letter he had sent to the Board earlier on rate increases. He did not support rate increases. 7) Cynthia Thaw/Local Resident - A letter was read aloud by Chairman Sinclair sent to the District by Ms. Thaw. She felt rates should not be increased due to the current economic situation; she felt the present employee wages were adequate. She was against sewer and water Plant Expansion. 8) Ronald Cyr/Local Laundromat Owner - Felt laundromats were paying their fair share. He was against rate increases. The Board and Staff responded to the public comments as they were made. 6:08 PM PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 6:08 PM MEETING BREAK 6:15 PM RESUME REGULAR MEETING COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR None. Consent Item No. 3 was removed by staff; the matter had been resolved. Director Onysko requested Consent Items No. 6 & 8 be moved to Consent Items Brought Forward for Action. Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved the April 18, 1991 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. 2) Authorized staff to implement two- week sewer and/or water disconnection procedures for delinquent accounts on the attached list which becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein. ST055371 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1991 PAGE - 5 4) Approved Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims and the Notice of Completion with Gelco Insituform/Tahoe Keys Force Main Rehabilitation Sewer Line Inversion and Ancillary Services. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) 5) Authorized Request for Bids for Bid Package 2: Luther Pass Pump Station Site work for new tank. 7) Authorized staff to advertise for Construction bids: Gardner Mountain VOC Treatment System. 9) Approved purchase of Telemetry Equipment from Sierra Electronics in the amount of $8,667: Helen & Glenwood Wells. 10) A) B) A1 Tahoe Well Rehabilitation: Declared a Great Emergency; Authorized Seebeck & Sons to attempt to improve water pro- duction by rehabilitating the well for an amount not to exceed $14,025. 11) Authorized the expenditure of additional funds in the amount of $50,000 for the services of Chris Rissetto after the March, 1991 Billing. 12) Approved Payment of Claims in the amount of $941,282.49. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Onysko Abstained/Passed to authorize Montgomery Engineers Task Order 10 with Jere Williams as subconsultant in an amount not to exceed $55,126. Presented by John Bonnet, who re- viewed the Special Use Permit and answered questions from Board members regarding permit fees/ costs, discharges, and sampling/ testing. TAHOE KEYS FORCE MAIN EXTENSION FINAL PLANS & SPECS PREPARATION (Consent Item No. 8) SPECIAL USE PERMIT: GEOSYSTEM APPLIED (Consent Item No. 6) ST055372 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1991 PAGE - 6 Moved Pierini/Second Mosbacher/Passed SPECIAL USE PERMIT: APPLIED Unanimously to authorize issuing a GEOSYSTEM permit allowing discharge of ground- (Consent Item No. 6 - Continued) water contaminated with petroleum pro- ducts into District's collection system. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Linda Brown, who reviewed the bids and answered questions from Board members re- garding the definition of "animal unit", irrigation, bids, and grazing/grass conditions. Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to award lease to the highest bidder: Neddenriep Ranch, Alternate A, in the amount of $815.00 from 6/15/91 - 10/15/91, with the understanding this matter would be brought back to the Board next year with a contract for a longer term. Presented by Director Pierini, who stated the Finance Committee re- commended the firm of Perry-Smith of Sacramento. Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the firm of Perry-Smith to perform audit services. Presented by Attorney Sare, who reported he and John Weidman were preparing a report on the fairness and the cost to produce water to the users. He said the report and a recommendation would be complete within 30-days. The Resolution brought before the Board today puts customers on legal notice regarding compliance with future rate con- nections and transfer ordinances for water hookups for metered users and non-metered users. He wanted all future connections to be put on notice the cost of water is going up. ALPINE COUNTY PROPERTY: GRAZING LEASE 1991 ANNUAL AUDIT CONTRACT FOR FISCAL YEARS ENDING 6/30/91 6/30/92 and 6/30/93 RESOLUTION NO. 2545/NEW WATER CONNECTION APPLICATIONS AND FEES FOR METERED SERVICE ST055373 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 16, 1991 PAGE - 7 The Water Use Agreement between the City and the District was discussed. Keith Gottschalk/Parks & Recreation commented on in-kind services mentioned in the Agreement. RESOLUTION NO. 2545/NEW WATER CONNECTION APPLICATIONS AND FEES FOR METERED SERVICE (continued) Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2545. Director Onysko requested changes in the Summary Sheets of the proposed budget for the Budget Workshop. Discussion followed regarding the date, time, and location for the next Budget Workshop. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Pierini reported the Finance Committee met and approved the RFP's for Auditing Services. Director Mason reported he & Director Onysko met with Rick Hydrick on water matters, which will be presented to the Board in the near future. Diane Gilbert reported the District will conduct a Neighborhood Community Meeting at the Luther Pass Pump Station on June 10th to discuss the upcoming project. A Notice will be sent to neighborhood property owners. Director Mosbacher commented on the "Digest" information. She felt the costs of projects should be included with the other information. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Sinclair complimented the Public Information Officer on the Water Conservation Posters. Manager: Manager Baer gave an update on the meeting with the Alpine County Board of Supervisors on 5/7/91 & the Lahontan Board Meeting in Susanville on 5/8-9/91. STAFF REPORTS Attorney: Attorney Sate reported on the following: 1) CASA/CSRMA Meeting to review the Pool of Insurance & the potential savings; ST055374 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1991 PAGE - 8 2) Senate Bills dealing with grant funding that would deal with the District's mitigation programs; & STAFF REPORTS (continued) 3) Potential donation of District surplus survey equipment and other property at the request of Director Mosbacher. He said it was perfectly legal to donate District property or equipment to other governmental or non-governmental service agencies, as long as it was in the best interest of the community. Historically, all items of this nature has gone to public auction. Proqram Managers: No Report. Shop Steward: No Report. 5/17-17 - CASA @ Incline Village 5/20/91 - 10:00 AM, County Water Agency/Request for Revised Loan Payment Schedule 5/29/91 - 1:30 PM, Truckee River Opera- ting Agreement @ Tahoe City PUD 5/29/91 - 4:00 PM, Special Board Mtg. Adopt Sewer & Water Budgets (Public Meeting) 6/06/91 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. (Public Meeting) 6/10/91 - LPPS/Area Property Owners Mtg. NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 7:15 PM MEETING BREAK 7:30 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Authority: Government Code Section 54957.6/Management MOU's regarding salaries, salary schedules and compensation/ Discussion with designated representative. 8:10 PM Chairman Sinclair opened the Public Hearing. RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION AND PUBLIC HEARING ST055375 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1991 PAGE - 9 Comments were received from the following people: PUBLIC COMMENTS 1) Roy Hampson - Asked a question about the Sewer Capital Outly Budget. He also questioned Agency approvals on various projects. 2) Roqer Thomas - Questioned the District Vehicle Capital Outlay Sewer Budget. 3) Mary Lou Baisley (Her letter was read aloud by Chairman Sinclair) - Her concerns were directed toward the number of sewer units assigned to laundromats. 4) David Kurtzman - Commented on the Employee COLA increases and multi-year contractural obligations. 5) Margo Osti - Asked what the dollar increases would be if this budget was adopted. She also discussed the public perception related to the budget increases. Attorney Sare highlighted the re- quirements imposed by the Dept. of Health Services & reviewed comments and statements made to the Board at the previous 4:00 PM Public Hearing. 6) Connie Ross - Asked about Special Rates for rate payers on fixed incomes. 9:17 PM ADJOURNMENT NAT SINCLAIR, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD MEETING Date: PI4ONE NUI~IBER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) I~AME. ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055376