HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-02-91MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 2, 1991 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, May 2, 1991, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Sinclair, Directors Mason, Onysko, Pierini, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Taylor, Mamath, Miller Swain, L. Brown, Hydrick, Hoggatt, Gilbert, Inglis, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Brian Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Keith Gottschalk/City of South Lake Tahoe, Roger Thomas, Mr. Springmeyer Diane Gilbert read STPUD's Procloma- tion regarding water awareness and proclaiming May, 1991 as Water Awareness Month. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to declare May as Water Awareness Month. Manager Baer requested Item No. 1/ Sewer Disconnection Procedures in Compliance with Ordinance 392 be deleted. The fees have been paid & required no Board Action. He also requested Item No. 5/Bijou School Well Disposition be removed per request from City Staff & will report on this further under the Manager's Report. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Director Pierini requested a staff report on Action Item No. i/Sewer Disconnection Procedures in Compliance with Ordinance No. 392 to be presented under Manager's Report. ST055382 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 2, 1991 PAGE - 2 Director Mosbacher requested Consent Item No. 6/El Dorado County Water Agency Loan: Amendment to Repayment Schedule be moved to the Action Calendar. CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) Director Mosbacher and Attorney Sare commended Jim Hoggatt for bringing in the Tahoe Keys Gravity Sewer Emergency Repairs Project on Highway-50 under budget, they said the public should be aware of the fine job Jim Hoggatt had done. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Approved the 4/4/91 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. 2) Approved Gelco Insituform Change Order No. 3 to reduce Contract Amount by $27,521.93/Tahoe Keys Gravity Sewer Line Emergency Repairs. 3) Directed Staff to submit a letter to our local Representative/ Senators: Indicating Advocacy for the Burton-Santini Lake Tahoe Land Acquisition Program. 4) Approved going to bid for annual purchase of chemicals/1991-92 Chemical Bids. 5) Approved staff's action requesting bids/Alpine County Property: 1991 Grazing Lease. 7) Authorized an additional $2,755 to Seebeck & Sons at the Middle School Well Project/Development and Water Quality Testing (work required by District outside original agreement). ST055383 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 2, 1991 PAGE - 3 CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Manager Baer explained the E1 Dorado County Water Agency Loan regulations and provisions. Attorney Sare confirmed the Loan Document was a legal loan to the District. Director Pierini agreed with Attorney Sare's findings. Moved Onysko/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize sending the repayment schedule amendment letter under signature of Chairman Sinclair. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY LOAN: AMENDMENT TO REPAYMENT SCHEDULE ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Rick Hydrick, who reviewed the draft letter to the Office of Drinking Water-Dept. of Health Services to meet the mandate of the State. He answered questions regarding current water supply storage, increased cost to current water budget, tank vs. pond facilities, financial cost implications, fire protection to Embassy Suites (Nevada side) and water conservation. He also answered Director Pierini's questions regarding the cost breakdown on the proposed plan (91-92 and 92-93 Fiscal Year Budgets). Director Pierini noted the estimate over the next 2-years for the items listed in the staff report/draft letter, was 1.2 million dollars. Director Mason suggested the Board tell staff how much they wished to spend over the next few years on these water supply items and then submit a letter to the Dept. of Health Services saying what they were going to do with those dollars, and the schedule the District would follow, e.g. $400,000 over the next three budget years. DISTRICT WATER SUPPLY: RELIABLE CAPACITY COMPLIANCE PLAN ST055384 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 2, 1991 PAGE - 4 Director Mosbacher felt the possi- bility of using lake water should be pursued. DISTRICT WATER SUPPLY: RELIABLE CAPACITY COMPLIANCE PLAN (continued) Attorney Sare reminded the Board that the District has an application for permits to draw from the lake in the Stateline area & has been encouraged by the State to re-activate or start pursuing those permits. Rick Hydrick noted the College Well could not be depended upon as a water source for a long, long time. Discussion followed regarding treating Lake Tahoe water, permits, fees, Safe-Drinking Water Act, under- ground water strata, water service fees, reliable system capability, restrictions, water conservation, construction costs, the Bijou Well, irrigation, surplus water, auxiliary power supply, adequate fire suppression/ protection, TRPA standards, storage in Stateline Zone, capacity, emergency storage, environmental work, the Boyle Report, District's Master Plan, Rede- velopment, State laws, Airport Zone, and alternatives. Director Mason said staff should include a $400,000 expenditure for water storage in the plan submitted to the Office of Drinking Water-Dept. of Health Services. Moved Onysko to send the letter as written Motion died for lack of a second. Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/ Onysko voted no/Passed to write a letter to the State Dept. of Health Services-Office of Drinking Water, telling them the Board could not commit funds until after the District's Budget process to address the reliable capacity compliance plan for the District Water Supply. ST055385 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 2, 1991 PAGE - 5 Presented by Jim Hoggatt, who LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION NEW reviewed the time schedules for TANK & REHABILITATION OF EXIST- the 3-phases of the bid packages ING TANK, PHASE I which are as follows: 1) 2) 3) Rehabilitation & new tank; Site work; and Landscaping & TRPA permits. Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to authorize advertisement of Bid Package 1. Presented by Richard Solbrig, who explained the need for soil investi- gation. He answered questions from Board members regarding excavation, safety procedures, special handling of excavated dirt, soil sampling & testing for extent of contamination of oil/gasoline products & construc- tion schedule. GARDNER MT. VOC TREATMENT SYSTEM: CLEMENT BARN SITE SOIL CONTAMINATION INVESTIGATION Discussion followed regarding the need for testing, relief from the State for funding (if more than $10,000), core sampling, & excava- tion by District crews. Director Onysko felt crews could remove the top 6-12 inches of dirt, and then send a few samples of the dirt left after scraping to AnLab for contaminate investigation. Moved Mason/Second Pierini/Mosbacher voted no/Passed to have District staff examine the soil and test it as necessary. City staff requested this item be removed from the Agenda. BIJOU SCHOOL WELL DISPOSITION Director Onysko requested Item No. 6/ Management MOU's be discussed in an Executive Session. MANAGEMENT MOU'S Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Mosbacher voted No/Passed to adjourn to Executive Session to instruct the negotiator on the Management MOU's in accordance with Government Code Section 54957.6. ST055386 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 2, 1991 PAGE - 6 6:00 PM MEETING BREAK 6:05 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 7:35 PM Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to direct the General Manager on the non-salary items of the MOU (benefit package) and the categories, without respect to salaries, of the different jobs discussed in closed session. Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $407,845.25. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Director Mosbacher reported the County Construction fees were back to $30.00, rather than the proposed $3,000. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS She also questioned the procedure and outcome of Employee Suggestions. She particularly felt the suggestion from Ross Johnson was a very good one. Director Pierini distributed pictures of the Angora Well and requested the General Manager give a staff report on it. He also mentioned the watering schedule for a drought situation needed to be reivewed. A brief discussion followed regarding the removal of the Chevrolet Dealership in Tahoe. The Board's consensus was to send a letter to General Motors regarding the District's concern of the removal of a Chevrolet Dealership from the Tahoe area due to the District's General Motor vehicles. Manager: Manager Baer discussed the receipt of a letter he received from Dave Antonucci/Tahoe City PUD, regarding support of candidate, Mike Wallace, for the Lahontan Board. It was the consensus of the Board not to support a specific candidate. STAFF REPORTS ST055387 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 2, 1991 PAGE - 7 He discussed the Meeting notes distributed to the Board rgarding the Truckee River Operating Agreement. He told the Board it was going to be a long, drawn-out process (technical and legal issues). He also reported on the meeting with the City on the Bijou Well. He said the City is still looking into the possibility of building its own well, and that the County Jail Contractor requested to hook up to the District's water system. Manager Baer informed him that no application had been filed, nor fees paid. STAFF REPORTS Attorney: Attorney Sare reported Attorney Weidman was working on metered flow fees. He said this work had to be done before the District restructured its connection fees. (This addresses Embassy Suites, County Jail, City Golf Course, and E1 Dorado Beach). He recommended a Resolution covering new water applications, fees/connec- tions. Attorney Sare said the District was involved with the old Schwake lawsuit, (between Schwake and another party) regarding boundaries. He said the District, as the new owner, was a party to the lawsuit as the bound- aries were never finalized. 5/07/91 - 9:30 AM, Alpine County Board of Supervisors/Report on ICR Operations and Fish Planting 5/16/91 - 4:00 PM, Sewer & Water Budget Public Hearing 5:30 PM, Regular Board Mtg. (Public Hearing) 8:00 PM, Sewer & Water Budget Public Hearing 5/17/91 - CASA at Incline Village 5/29/91 - 4:00 PM, Special Board Mtg. Sewer & Water Budget Adoption. (Public Hearing). NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ST055388 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 2, 1991 8: 07 PM ADJOURNMENT PAGE - 8 OARD SOU~TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAS ~AMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT