HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-21-91MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 21, 1991 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, March 21, 1991, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Sinclair, Directors Onysko, Pierini, Mason, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Fischer, Mamath, Gilbert, Swain, Miller, Sinkevich, Schroeder, Bonnet, Hydrick, Brown, N. Trebotich, D. Trebotich, J. Lee, Hoggatt, Rudokas, B. Eppler, Attorney Cherry GUESTS: Bert Ellsworth/State Dept. of Health Services, Brian Taylor/ Tahoe Daily Tribune, Keith Klein/ City Council, Kerry Miller/City Manager, Tom Fay, Brien Walters, Jeff Tillman, Carl Lischeske, Gary Midkiff, Scott Ferguson, Rick Brown, Rob Reitenour Chairman Sinclair recognized Margaret Sinkevich who gave a brief report on the California Water Pollution Control Assoc., and its projected goals. Sinkevich also reported on the Plant of the Year Award which was presented to South Tahoe PUD. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE Three District employees were also recipients of awards from CWPCA: 1) Delores Trebotich - Laboratory Person of the Year 2) Jeff Lee - Plant Operator of the Year 3) Bob Baer - Least Visible Person (one who was supportive & worked behind the scenes to realize goals) ST055434 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1991 PAGE - 2 Keith Klein gave a report on future single-family sewer allocations with a request that District staff expedite the paperwork and schedule a meeting to discuss this matter with City staff. He also answered questions from Director Mason regarding the 5-year plan, which would allow our District to plan ahead. Barrie Fischer informed the Board Mr. Rich Morales could not attend today's meeting and requested to remove this item from the Agenda. Director Mosbacher requested Consent Item No. 1 & 3 be moved to the Consent Action Calendar. Director Pierini requested Consent Item No. 4 be moved to the Consent Action Calendar. Director Onysko requested an Item No. 7/Executive Session be added to the Action Calendar (to provide the Board with a status report on the MOU subcommittee progress for Management MOU discussions) Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to remove Consent Items 1, 3 and 4 from the Consent Calendar and add an Executive Session to the Agenda. Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/ Passed to approve Consent Calendar as amended: 2) Authorized response to the 1990 Grand Jury Report under signature of Chairman Sinclair; 5) Approved design for submission to TRPA & authorize going to bid for Lower Shops Parking Lot & Sewer; 6) Authorized extension of an Ordinance waiver to South Tahoe Refuse Co. due to substantial progress toward solution of the discharge problem. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Continued) EVANSON DODGE REPORT CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST055435 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1991 PAGE - 3 CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Director Mosbacher questioned the 2/21/91 Regular Board Meeting Minutes, (Pg. 4). She said she did not think Attorney Sare recommended to adopt any Ordinances--that "he may have recommended that they were OK legally--but he wouldn't recommend to us whether we should/should not adopt an Ordinance". Pat Mamath, Clerk of the Board, said Attorney Sare did actually say recommend, but would listen to the tape of the minutes again to verify. Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to approve the following: 1) February 8, 1991 Regular Board Meeting Minutes; 2) March 1, 1991 Emergency Board Meeting Minutes. Bert Ellsworth/Dept. of Health Services explained the One-Time Fee and Annual Fee to Director Mosbacher & reviewed the letter sent to the District regarding measures imposed for compliance. He explained the measures taken by the District to reach compliance due to recently passed Assembly Bills. Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize payment in the amount of $5,965 for the Dept. of Health Services annual fee. Presented by Jim Hoggatt, who answered questions from Board members regarding fees, costs, final payment, dump trucks, and pump-testing pipe. BOARD MEETING MINUTES (Consent Item No. 1) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES ANNUAL FEE (Consent Item No. 3) DRILLING, DEVELOPING AND TESTING WATER WELLS (Consent Item No. 4) ST055436 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1991 PAGE - 4 Moved Mason/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to: A) Approve Change Order No. 3 reducing contract amount by $81,897.00; B) Approve Payment Request No. 3, Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims, and Notice of Completion. DRILLING, DEVELOPING AND TESTING WATER WELLS (Consent Item No. 4 - Continued) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Rick Hydrick, who reviewed the District's requests for extensions to comply with drink- ing water standards & explained the measures taken by the District to reach compliance and future plans to ensure compliance. He recommended submitting a plan to the Dept. of Health Services to replace the College Well water and backup for Cold Creek Filter Plant. Director Pierini questioned the need to spend money on all these regula- tions for only occasional use of the College Well. Director Onysko questioned the need for backup for the Cold Creek Filter Plant. He noted Cold Creek Filter Plant was our largest source of water and asked Bert Ellsworth/State Dept. of Health Services if the Health Dept. was applying this backup regula- tion uniformly throughout the state e.g., the Metropolitan Water District serving Los Angeles. Bert Ellsworth reviewed his interpre- tation of the State Dept. of Health Services regulations the Dept. was imposing on the District and his reasons for these views. He also confirmed the Dept. encouraged water conservation measures. NEW WATER SUPPLY TO REPLACE COLLEGE WELL AND BACKUP FOR COLD CREEK FILTER PLANT ST055437 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1991 PAGE - 5 He gave a brief overview of future regulations which will be imposed on water companies: Regulations for filtration, coliform testing, lead testing, fees, conservation efforts, radon treatment, disin- fection by-products, groundwater disinfection & fluoride monitoring. Ellsworth cautioned these regula- tions would impact consumer fees significantly. He said his Depart- ment could extend the deadline for submittal of the District's plan beyond the March 31st deadline. NEW WATER SUPPLY TO REPLACE COLLEGE WELL AND BACKUP FOR COLD CREEK FILTER PLANT (Continued) Director Mosbacher asked Bert Ellsworth what would be the consequences if the District did not submit a plan. He said he did not know. It was what the District was doing that would count--but his Dept. could not enforce an order--the Court does. It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to send the first portion of the draft letter in final form and stop with the sentence, · "If all of the above measures prove successful .... (Pg.1). No Board Action. 6:35 PM MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED 6:40 PM Presented by Manager Baer, who reviewed the two Ordinances and explained fees for sewer unit transfers and answered questions from Board members. He recom- mended enactment of Ordinance 432. ORDINANCE NO. 432 AMENDING AND SUPERCEDING ORDINANCE NO. 403 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT-SEWERUNITTRANSFERFEES Kerry Miller, City Manager, said the City agreed with the proposed amendment and is in total concur- rence & urged the Board's support. He felt the amendment is a benefit to the District as a whole--to all customers--and realized there are other issues dealing with matters of redevelopment. He hoped in future meetings these matters would be resolved. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1991 PAGE Director Pierini specifically asked Kerry Miller if he had read the Supplement to the Attachment of the Amendment To The Transfer Ordinance and the Attachment, Pages 1 and 2. (The first sentence of the first page beginning, "Follow- ing the District Staff Meeting with City Staff on March 15, 1991 .... "; ending with "then the District will proceed with the future course of action regarding Embassy Suites") and he (Kerry Miller) agreed with the entirety of this attachment. ORDINANCE NO. 432/AMENDING AND SUPERCEDING ORDINANCE NO. 403 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT (Continued) Director Pierini asked Kerry Miller if this was correct. Kerry Miller responded, "Assuming that the information that was re- searched in the hours prior to the preparation of the Supplement is correct, my response to that is, Yes". Barrie Fischer answered Chairman Sinclair's questions regarding funds that might not be claimed. Moved Mason/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to Approve Ordinance No. 432 amending & superceding Ordinance No. 403 South Tahoe Public Utility District. Presented by Rick Hydrick, who recommended not to pursue ultra low flow toilet retrofits at this time due to staff's perception of higher priority items facing the District & because there are no assurances of conservation credits from the Regulatory Agencies. He requested direction from the Board. ULTRA LOW FLOW TOILET RETROFIT Hydrick answered questions from Board members regarding reduction of flow, high-use flow properties, & capacity. Director Pierini recommended that staff identify the highest gallon-per-flush toilets first. Director Onysko stated he preferred to approve $75,000 for the retrofit program. ST055438 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1991 PAGE - 7 Director Mason preferred to see more specifics of the program and was not in favor of spending $50,000. He recommended it be returned to staff--based on whether or not businesses were willing to spend the money on installation. ULTRA LOW FLOW TOILET RETROFIT (Continued) Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/ Mosbacher, Sinclair, Mason Voted No/Motion defeated to approve the expenditure of $50,000 for ultra low-flow toilet retrofit program which did not include giving them away free. Bob Baer asked what would the Board "NO" voters need to vote "YES". Director Mosbacher said she would favor a voucher system that would be available to everyone. Director Mason requested more specifics on the program. Director Sinclair said he would like to be assured the District would receive Expansion Credits from the Agencies for the program to allow additional con- nections. Presented by Mary Rudokas, who reviewed the ERB/Emergency Power Project Report results & answered questions from Board Members re- garding EIR/EIS design concept, alternatives, costs, hydrograph flows, historical data, I&I and legal ramifications (Fines). ERB/EMERGENCY POWER PROJECT: RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE FOR PREVENTION OF FUTURE SPILLS DUE TO HIGH FLOWS OR POWER OUTAGES The power for plant expansion was discussed. Director Onysko stated we were not going to expand the plant beyond 7.7 MGD. It was the consensus of the Board they did not want to expend $4.2 Million on this project and a Workshop should be scheduled with staff. Mary requested the Board and staff submit their questions/ opinions/comments by next Wednesday, 3/27/91, 5:00 PM. She said she would have a response by Monday, 4/1/91. (Workshop to follow). ST055439 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1991 No Board Action. PAGE - 8 ERB/EMERGENCY POWER PROJECT: RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE FOR PREVENTION OF FUTURE SPILLS DUE TO HIGH FLOWS OR POWER OUTAGES (Continued) Director Pierini requested Invoice No. 06997 (Sierra Tahoe Insurance payment-.$2,630.00) be excluded until the back-up material is reviewed. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Moved Mason/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $444,163.59. Presented by Jim Hoggatt, who reviewed the bids, explained proposed repairs, and answered questions from Board members regarding costs, liability, insituform, bid quotes, prevailing wages and certified payrolls. TAHOE KEYS GRAVITY SEWER LINE EMERGENCY REPAIRS It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to hire a local contractor to do the backhoe work. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/ Passed Unanimously to accept the bid received from Contractor, Gelco Insituform, in the amount of $389,340.00. Jim Hoggatt distributed a written report to the Board regarding the Luther Pass Pump Station/New Tank Update and requested a Board Committee Meeting to evaluate the report. STAFF REPORTS Manaqer: No Report. Attorney: No Report. Shop Steward: No Report. ST055440 REGULAR BORD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1991 PAGE - 9 3/14/91 - 8:30 AM, City of SLT Sewer Transfer Ordinance 9:00 AM, Emergency Board Mtg./Tahoe Keys Gravity Sewer Line Repair 10:30 AM, 91-92 Budget/ Board Workshop 3/15/91 - 9:00 AM, Review of District Engineering Dept. by Operations Committee 10:00 AM, Management MOU Committee 3/19/91 - 2:00 PM, 91-92 Budget/ Board Workshop PAST MEETINGS None BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS None BOARD MEMBER REPORTS NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 4/04/91 - 4/05/91 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting (Public Meeting) 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ SLT Council Chambers 7:40 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6/Management MOU Negotiations. NAT S~IR, CHA~mN OF BOARD SOUTH T~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY D~ST~OT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055441 Date: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) ADDRESS' PHONE NUP, BER. NAME. ' I %~'o¥\ t--e r'c,,.~o,'x NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055442