HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-91REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 8, 1991 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Regular Meeting, February 8, 1991, 3:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Sinclair, Directors Mason, Pierini, Onysko, Mosbacher STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Fischer, Attorneys Weidman and Sare 3:00 PM 4:00 PM BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Sinclair, Directors Mason, Pierini, Onysko, Mosbacher STAFF Baer, Solbrig, Fischer, Mamath, Rudokas, Miller, Cartwright, Gilbert, Gunsch, Hoggatt, Rieger, Schroeder, Brown, Swain, Knight, Trella, Attorneys Weidman & Sare ROLL CALL ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 A.B.(c)/Pending Litigation: Contract 1/Alta Pacific Claim; Government Code Section 54956.9 A.B. (c))/Pending Litigation: Contract 8/Ford Construction v. Poly-Nova, et al.; and Ford Construction Company v. Laurentian Pacific Insurance, Poly-Nova Systems, South Tahoe PUD and John Carollo Engineers; Government Code Section 54957.6/ Employee Policy Rules - Instruct Negotiator re Meet and Confer; Government Code Section 54957/ Contract for Legal Services; Government Code 54956.9 (a) (b) 4 Lahontan civil Administrative Fine of $28,510 for Luther Pass Spill. RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION ROLL CALL ST055468 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1991 PAGE - 2 GUESTS:. Barney Mosbacher, Trudi Morgan D. Knight, Bob Weiteling, Keith Klein/City Council, Tim Willis/Tahoe Daily Tribune Chairman Sinclair disqualified himself from voting on this matter due to a conflict of interest. ROLL CALL (Continued) REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: TRUDI MORGAN, REPRESENTING CAMP RICHARDSON Trudi Morgan reviewed past events & data on this item and the reason for delinquency. She requested the delinquency/penalty charges be waived. Discussion followed regarding District billing procedures, deliquent notices, collection expenses, discounts, and revenues. Vice Chairman Pierini directed staff to determine whether the first delinquent bill was actually paid & logged on time and if so, the delinquent charges of $859.70 for the April-June, 1990 Quarter would be waived. None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE 4:35 pm Attorney Weidman explained the need for the Public Hearing: To officially amend the Code. (Adding two new designated employees: Mary Rudokas and Jim Hoggatt). None PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt Resolution 2542 Adopting Conflict of Interest Code and Authorizing the Filing thereof with E1 Dorado County Clerk and Superceding Resolution 2504 & 2507. PUBLIC COMMENT 4:40 PM CLOSE HEARING Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution 2542. ST055469 REGULAR BOARD ~EETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1991 PAGE - 3 Director Sinclair requested CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO CONSENT Consent Item No. ~ be moved C~L~NDAR from the Consent Calendar to the Action Calendar. Director Mosbacher requested Consent Item No. 5. be moved from the Consent Calendar to the Action Calendar. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher Passed Unanimously to move Consent Items 3 & 5 from the Consent Calendar to the Action Calendar. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbache~ Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Board Meeting Minutes of: 12/20/90 - Special Board Mtg. 12/20/90 - Regular Board Mtg. 01/03/91 - Regular Board Mtg. 01/08/91 - Special Board Mtg. 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week water disconnection pro- cedures on APN 23-231-061 (2100 Lake Tahoe Blvd.)/Failure to install backflow assembly in accordance with Ordinance 394. 4) Emerqency Generator: A) Declared a great emergency; B) Approved the repairs being made by Nevada Generator in the amount of $12,868 plus tax. 6) Authorized Legal Counsel to deny Woo Auto Accident Claim. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Presented by Greg Schrempp who answered questions from Board members regarding inspec- tion, pipe replacement, & the time allowance to comply with the District Ordinance. WATER DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR FAILURE TO REPAIR WATER LEAK (Consent Item No. 3) ST055470 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1991 Moved Mason/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to implement two-week water discon- nection procedures on APN 34-611- 031 (Lot 3, Chilicothe). Presented by Diane Gilbert who answered Board members questions regarding the need for the brochure and reviewed information to be included in the brochure for public information. Moved Mosbacher/Second Pierini/ Passed to approve design and production of brochures by Charter Graphics in the amount of $1,460. Director Onysko made a motion to add an item to the Agenda: Allocation of duties to the various Board Committees for discussion/action. The request was prompted because he did not feel the designation of the water operations committee and the wastewater operations committee properly reflected the functions of the committees. PAGE - 4 WATER DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR FAILURE TO REPAIR WATER LEAK (continued) GENERAL BROCHURE: WASTEWATER TREATMENT & EXPORT FACILITIES (Consent Item No. 5) CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Attorney Weidman said the requested item could be dis- cussed under today's Agenda Item No. 9/Board Policy Rules. Discussion followed. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Defeated Unanimo~ to add an item to the Action Calendar: Board Committees (Water Operations Committee and Wastewater Operations Committee). Finance: Director Pierini reported the provisions of the Mgmt. MOU were discussed. Another meeting was scheduled for 2/23/91. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS ST055471 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY $ 1991 Wastewater Operations:. Director Onysko reported he attended the Emergency Chlorine Demonstration and complimented the Operations Department on their presentation. He also reported that he concurred with the Operations staff on their report of the Polymer System. PAGE - 5 BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) Ad Hoc Committees: Conservation - Director Pierini requested the two (one water & one sewer) previous proposed Water Conservation ordinances be pre- sented at the next Board Meeting with the exclusion of mandatory retrofit due on sale of property. Chairman Sinclair stated he was opposed to rationing water. Public Information - Diane Gilbert reported she spoke with various community service groups regarding water conservation, Safe Drinking Water Act, status of present water system, & education of hazardous waste. She said the fact sheet went out on the new wells. Gilbert also reported on the Emergency Drought Response of California Water Resources Control Board Conference of 1/29/91. Redevelopment, Phase 1:. Director Pierini state~ he concurred with the decision of sewer transfers taking place at staff level--but would like to have it come before the Board in the new Ordinance. 1/17/91 - CASA 1/22/91 - 1:00 PM, SWRCB/Step 3 Final Budget 1/23/91 - 9:00 PM, TRPA/Approval of District MOU 1/24/91 - 9:30 AM, TRPA 1992-1996 Residential Building Allocations 1/29/91 - 3:30 PM, CSLT Fire Chief/ Fire Hydrant Installation Priorities PAST MEETINGS ST055472 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1991 PAGE - 6 1/30/91 - 9:00 AM, Manager and Chairman/CEO Workshop @ LTCC 2/04/91 - 3:00 PM, Redevelopment Agency Committee 2/06/91 - 9:15 AM, Employee Com- munication Committee PAST MEETINGS (continued) Manaqer: Bob Baer reported the leak in the Luther Pass Pipeline had been repaired. STAFF REPORTS Attorney: Attorney Weidman reported he has been working on Grant items. The majority of the items he has been working on were brought up in Executive Session. Attorneys Sare & Weidman clarified the history of the Sunset Motel water system site. Further clari- fication on the water service area is being researched. Attorney Sare reported on the Woo Auto Accident Claim. He also reviewed his proposed involvement & requested copies of District's liability policies on all vehicles. He will report to the Board at a later date with his recommendations. Attorney Sare also commended Safety Director, John Cartwright, for supplying each vehicle with accident guidelines/procedures. He stressed should staff attempt to obtain witnesses as soon as pos- sible after all accident incidents. Program Manaqers: Jim Hoqgatt gave an update report on the Luther Pass Pump Station Storage Tank. John Cartwriqht reported on the Field Trip to Investigate Chlorine Containment Facilities and answered questions from Board members. Bob Baer gave an update on the Sunset Well. ST055473 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1991 PAGE - 7 Rick Hydrick and Diane Gilbert gave a Water Conservation Update & State Water Board/Emergency Water Report. STAFF REPORTS (continued) Richard Solbrig reported on College Well & Bijou Well water blending. Barrie Fischer gave a report on the 1990/91 mid-year Budget Revew. Shop Steward: No report. Director Mosbacher spoke to the Board regarding converting vehicle gas fuel tanks to methanol fuel tanks & outlined the State's program. She said the City is trying it presently & would like to have the State representative attend the 7/21/91 Board meeting. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS Consensus of the Board was to have staff begin the preparation of the forms immediately. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Carol Swain, who explained/reviewed the bids. Director Onysko voiced his opinion/preferences on this item and the need to replace the District's present computers. Swain answered questions from Board members regarding the budget, standardization, maintenance, training & software programs. Barrie Fischer spoke to the Board & reminded them this item is not a budgeted item. PURCHASE OF SEVEN HEWLETT PACKARD PERSONAL COMPUTERS ST055474 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1991 PAGE - 8 Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher to accept the original low bidder's request to rescind their bid because of a mistake in that bid, and the Board further accept the next lowest bid from Computerland/ Sacramento for $20,592.88 for seven (7) HP-386-20MHz subject to the vendor's substantiation that no substitution has been used to reduce the cost of the equipment. PURCHASE OF SEVEN HEWLETT PACKARD PERSONAL COMPUTERS (continued) . Discussion continued... Director Onysko amended his motion for the Board to accept the request from the low bidder, to rescind their bid due to an error in their calculation (a material error), the Board will further accept the second lowest bid in the amount of $20,592.88 for 7 HP-386-20MHz computers from Computerland/Sacramento--provided the bill can be paid after July 15, 1991/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously. Presented by Mary Rudokas, who presented four alternatives to pursue into design: FIRE SUPPRESSION: STATION LUTHER PASS PUMP 1) Effluent Usage (not legal at the present time); 2) Placement of another tank or well on-site; 3) Route a water line out to Luther Pass Pump Station, provide chemical suppression for equip- ment in the building & replace the roof on the pump station; 4) Provide Halon systems to the fire department for the pump station and substation; replace the roof on the station and utilize the services of Lake Valley Fire Dept. to pull water from the Upper Truckee River; Rudokas reviewed the pros and cons of the various options and asked the Board if the project should be pur- sued at this time. ST055475 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1991 PAGE - 9 Attorneys Weidman and Sare ad- vised the Board to pursue the use of effluent on the Legis- lative level at a later date. FIRE SUPPRESSION: STATION (continued) LUTHER PASS PUMP Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to table this item. Presented by Mary Rudokas who explained/reviewed the draft EIR/EIS and requested authoriza- tion to respond to the EIR/EIS. LOOP ROAD Moved/Pierini/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to authorize a District response to the draft EIR/EIS and to include in the response a re- quest for a separate EIR/EIS on the Park Ave. Improvements. Presented by Mary Rudokas who requested approval for the design and construction of the chosen corrective alternative. LOWER SHOPS SEWER Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to table this item until the next regular Board meeting. Manager Baer gave the Board the dollar amount staff associated with this item as $22,500 plus tax and shipping. GARDNER MOUNTAIN VOC TREATMENT SYSTEM Assistant Manager Solbrig answered Board members questions regarding location and installation. Moved Mason/Second Mosbacher/ Passed Unanimously to purchase the Motorola Telemetry Equipment in the amount of $22,500 plus tax and shipping. Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the Agree- ment betwen Dale L. Sare & Assoc- iates and the District. LEGAL COUNSEL Manager Baer recquested authoriza- LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION CIVIL tion to appeal the fine to the LIABILITY FINE Lahontan Regional Board. Moved Pierini/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to appeal the fine to the Lahontan Regional Board. ST055476 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1991 Director Onysko proposed the BOARD POLICY RULES following motion: The present Water Operations Committee and Wastewater Operations Committee be redefined as the Water Committee and Operations Committee. Director Onysko gave his'reasons for the motion. Discussion followed. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/ Passed Unanimously to combine Water Operations Committee and Wastewater Operations Committee into one Operations Committee. (Water Committee will deal with water issues other than opera- tions and the Operations Committee deals With drinking water and Wastewater Operations. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini Mason voted No/Passed to allow any Board member to add an item to the Agenda.' Director Mason said he.voted "no" because he felt matters such as this should be resolved by adopting a Board Policy. A Board Policy Committee was established recently: Directors Mason, Pierini and Manager Baer. Keith Klein gave his recommenda- tions/suggestions for Board Policy Rules and Committees. Discussion followed. Moved Mason/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to authorize payment in the amount of $70,003.67. 2/21/91 - 4:00 PM Regular Board Meeting (Public Mtg.) 2/26&27 - 10:00 AM, Finance Committee 91-92 Budget Review. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 8:30 PM ADJOURNMENT PAGE - 10 ST055477 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 1991 PAGE - 11 NA OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT 'A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055478 BOARD MEETING PI4ONE NUHBER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME: ADDRESS' NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST055479 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STPUD BOX 19487 South Lake Tahoe, CA. 95706-3487 Notice of Public hearinq STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of El Dorado I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County foresaid; I am over eighteen years, and not a part to or interested in the above entitled matter, I am the principal clerk of the printer of the printer of The Tahoe Daily Tribune a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published Sunday through Friday in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of El Dorado, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of El Dorado, state of California uhder the date' of March 6, 1970 Case Number 18569, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any' supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: January 24, 31 all in the year of: I certify (or declare) under penalty, that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at South Lake Tahoe California, this 3 1 date of Jan 1991 Signed: ST055480 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO) I Declare: as the duly qualified Clerk of Board of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, California, did on the 7th day of February, 1991 post a NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT, i(a copy of which is hereto attached and by reference incorporated herein) conspicuously on or near the .door of the place where the Board meeting was held within 24 hours after the time of the adjournment as required by SECTION 54955 of the GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIF- ORNIA. I Declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 7th Executed at South Lake Tahoe, California this day of February, 1991 . PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST055481 NOTI CE OF ADJOURNMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, HELD ON THE 7th DAY OF February, 1991 4:00 P,M, AT THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE WAS ADJOURNED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO THE 8th DAY OF February, 1991 AT 4:00 P,M,, MEETING AT: City Council Chambers~ 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard due to a lack of quorum. The Public Hearing scheduled for 4:30 PM was also adjourned due to a lack of quorum and resheduled to 4:30 PM, February 8, 1991. PAT A, MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DATED: February 7, 1991 ST055482 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE 7th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1991 4:30 P,M, AT 1900 LAKE TAHOE BOULEVARD, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO CONSIDER Ratification of the ModeI. Conflict of Interest Code and amend the District Disclosure Categories and Designated Employee Positions. All designated employee position holders shall receive copies of the Model Conflict of Interest Code and the amendments considered and opportunity to comment. This Notice shall be published twine= on~ w~k h~t.... publications in the Tahoe, Daily Tribune newspaper: a newspaper of general pub]ination within fho Di~!r!Ct_ DATED: PAT A, MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 14, 1991 ST055483