HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-19-90MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 19,1990 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, July 19, 1990, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Walker, Pierini, Onysko, Sinclair ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Miller, Hydrick, M. Gray, Schroeder, L. Brown, G. Eppler, Cartwright, Rieger, Schrempp, Schnakenberg, B. Eppler, Bonnet, Attorney Weidman GUESTS Mr. & Mrs. Vindum, J. Gussman, Keith Klein/City Council, Dena Schwarte, J. Tillman, and others who did not wish to sign the attendance sheet. None COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Bob Baer requested Action Item No. 1/Request to Appear Before Board: Linda Prehoda be deleted and defer Action Item 8 B./Sunset Drive Well. Director Onysko requested Consent Item No. 2/7.7 MGD Plant Expansion Project Bar Screen & Ras Pumps - Thomas Haen Co. Change Order be moved to the Action Calendar. Chairman Mason requested an Executive Session after today's meeting to review information that has come up since the posting of the Agenda, which shows a need for action. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to approve corrections/ additions to the Agenda and Consent Calendar and hold an Executive Session to review materials related to the General Manager's vacancy. ST054662 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 19, 1990 PAGE - 2 Moved Onysko/Second Sinclair/ Passed Unanimously to Approve Consent Calendar as Amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Board Minutes of June 15, 1990. 2) A. Authorized implementation for failure to install backflow protection in accordance with Ordinance 394 on property located at Meyers Agricultural Inspection Station/APN 34-040-031. B. Authorized implementation for violation of water service payment procedures in accordance with Ordinance No. 360 on property located at 2132 Dunlap/APN 23-311-46. 3) Approved purchase of 10 flow bins from Fabricated Metals for an amount not to exceed $14,000 - Carbon De- watering System. 4) Approved payment in the amount of $7,728.00/Annual Support Service for Computer Software Applications. 5) Approved going to bid for Hydro Truck Purchase. 6) Authorized Notice of Completion for South Upper Truckee Well #2 Project. 7) Approved the creation of a new position: Engineering Technician. Chairman Mason awarded cash prizes to Mark Gray and Dennis Grafton for their suggestion to purchase T-shirts with the District's logo for all employees. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Mason thanked Mark and Dennis and said the employees are utiliizng the Suggestion Box favorably. ST054663 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 19, 1990 PAGE - 3 Myrna Vindum and John Gussman reviewed facts/requests/fees regarding sewer units purchased from the Tahoe Conservancy. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: MYRNA VINDUM A lengthy Discussion/Question/Answer session followed regarding fees, allocations, procedures, connection charges, and transfer ordinances. Bob Eppler and Attorney Weidman answered questions from Board members. No Board Action. Ail questions were answered to Ms. Vindum's satisfaction and any further questions regarding this matter will be covered in the new Transfer Ordinance which is presently in the draft stage. John Mc Dougall reviewed his request regarding the water hook-up to his property. He came before the Board to request a refund for water lines he has paid for but are not on his property, (next door). REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: JOHN MC DOUGALL After Discussion by the Board, this item was deferred until Mr. McDougall obtains further information regarding costs and expenses. Clarence Burr did not appear. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: CLARENCE BURR John Gussman, representing the Tahoe Conservancy, reviewed his request for reclassification of 11 commercial sewer units from APN 23-231-03 to be used for other than commercial, provided the General Manager detemines the reclassified use would be no more intensive than commercial. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: JOHN GUSSMAN/TAHOE CONSERVANCY Moved Sinclair/Second Onysko/ Passed Unanimously to have staff authorize reclassification of sewer units to equal or lesser use should it become necessary. ST054664 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 19, 1990 PAGE - 4 Chairman Mason left the podium for this item due to a conflict of interest; Director Sinclair conducted this portion of the meeting. SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE COMPANY Presented by John Cartwright. John Cartwright reviewed the meeting District staff had with the South Tahoe Refuse Company on July 18th concerning the sewer unit connections, Ordinance No. 359, & District's requirements/corrections. Dena Schwarte spoke to the Board and reviewed highlights of the meeting with the District. She felt the meet- ing was productive and reviewed the many measures the South Tahoe Refuse Co. had taken to comply with District and other Agency standards for this project. Director Onysko said he strongly felt there was a threat to the Treatment Plant from a Public health standpoint, and agreed with staff's recommendations regarding alterna- ives/corrections to solve the potential health threat problems as listed in the attached memos. The memos become a part of these minutes by reference herein. Directors Pierini, Walker, and Sinclair concurred with Director Onysko's conclusion. Sue Schlerf, Assistant to the City Manager, reviewed the City's alterna- tives for the project. It was the unanimous concensus of the Board the Tahoe Refuse Co. had to comply with the District's Ordi- nance & staff's recommendations. (See attached memos). No Board Action. Chairman Mason returned to the podium to conduct the remainder of the meeting. ST054665 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 19, 1990 PAGE - 5 Staff requested the Ford Const. Closeout Agreement and Notice of Completion be deferred to a later meeting. EMERGENCY RETENTION BASIN SEALING PROJECT Director Pierini requested the following payments be discussed: PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 1) Carollo Claim/Request for Payment (PO# 18683/Invoice #29291 - ERB Sealing Project) 2) $5,194.00 bill from Ken Schmidt. 3) Ford Const. payment, $13,285.00/ Change Order for Hydroseeding & Cutback. 4) Kronick, Moskovitz, Tiedemann & Girard forwarding bill. Discussion followed. Bob Baer clarified the Carollo Claim/ Request for Payment. Attorney Weidman said he will review the Kronick bill and get back to the Board with the requested information. Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to Approve payment in the amount of $165,245.90 + $989,158.14 (Total: $1,154,404.04). Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Jim Hoggatt answered Director Sinclair's question regarding prevailing wages and certified payrolls. BIJOU & MIDDLE SCHOOL WELLS - MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to award contract in the amount of $141,131.00 to Thomas Haen Co. The Board deferred the authorization SUNSET DRIVE WELL for ordering equipment. Presented by Gene Eppler. ALPINE COUNTY FACILITIES STORM DAMAGE REPORT Gene Eppler reported on the damage to District facilities by the recent storm and answered questions from Board members. ST054666 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 19, 1990 PAGE - 6 Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/ Passed Unanimously to approve Change Order 2/Thomas Haen Co.- $150.00. 7.7/MGD PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT BAR SCREEN AND RAS PUMPS Mary Lou Mosbacher reviewed the fire hydrant situation in her neighborhood. She related information from Lahontan: They are not in favor of allowing the fire hydrants. She asked the Board how it can be brought to the attention of Lahontan to approve the fire hydrants. PUBLIC COMMENTS Director Pierini suggested proposing the District install the fire hydrants at the same time the District replaces the 100,000 gallon tank. The Board agreed it would be a good plan to approve the hydrants with the Mitiga- tion measure. Discussion followed regarding the fire hydrants, fish kills in Alpine County and problems with electrical power outages. Bob Baer gave highlights of the tour of Alpine Co. & meeting with the Bureau of Reclamation. He also reviewed requirements/information on the 40-year no interest loan for the Replacement of the Export Line Project. Discussion followed. 7/30/90 - 4:00 PM - Workshop (Public Meeting) 8/02/90 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. (Public Meeting) 8/03/90 - 10:00 PM - EDWPA @ SLT Council Chambers 8/13/90 - 1:00 PM - Lake Tahoe Basin Groundwater Study @ Incline Village GID 8/13/90 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. (Public Meeting) (This is a MONDAY meeting) 8/15/90 - CASA 8/21/90 - 12:00 PM/Noon District BBQ Picnic @ District 9/06/90 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. (NO WORKSHOP) (Public Mtg.) NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ST054667 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 19, 1990 6:40 PM 6:45 PM PAGE - 7 MEETING BREAK ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.7/GENERAL MANAGER POSITION ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST054668 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEMORANDUM APRIL 12, 1990 TO: BOB BAER, BOB EPPLER FR: TIM RIEGER, GREG SCHREMPP SJ: SO. TAHOE REFUSE CO. I & I INSPECTION On March 27, and April 2, 1990, Greg and I along with help from Underground Repair, began an inspection of all drains at the South Tahoe Refuse property located at 2140 Ruth Ave., APN 23- 311-48, 23-311-53, and 23-201-58. Mr. Jeff Tillman was present during the inspection. The inspection included the dye testing of outside drains including roof drains suspected to be a source of I & I. Upon completion of our check, we found five drains at the site which we feel contributes to our I & I problems. One of these drains is located at the southwest corner of the Transfer building. I mention this drain first because it is situated adjacent to the trash dump area where it takes in considerable amounts of runoff. Currently, Greg is working to have this drain removed. The other four are located in areas where they take in runoff from a combined surface area of approximately 6,467 sq. ft. I have attached a map of the area highlighting the drains we found that add to the District's I & I problems and should be removed from the District's collection system. At this time I would like to mention that we also found large amounts of motor oil and cleaning solvents within the Refuse Co. sewer lines. Although the Refuse Co. lines discharge to some type of interceptor prior to entering the District's system, I feel sampling of the Refuse Co., effluent should be done to check for harmful chemicals, and if chemicals are detected the District should require the design and installation of a pretreatment system to prevent these wastes from entering the District's collection system. ST054669 ST054670 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEMORANDUM Date: April 19, 1990 To: .Bob Baer, Acting General Manager / District Engineer From: Terry Powers, Laboratory Director Subject: Tahoe Refuse wastewater sampling I would like to comment on the request that the Lab monitor the wastewater discharge of the South Tahoe Refuse Company. ~ Before any monitoring is performed, other wastewater plants should be contacted by the Inspections Department to determine what parameters they use in regulating or assessing industrial wastewater discharges. This will enable us to plan for the type of tests to perform. Certainly the general wastewater pollutants should be determined: BOD, COD, SS, TKN, Oil & Grease, Ph, EC and temperature. Other constituents, however, may better characterize the discharge for its potential to cause interference to, or upset, the wastewater treatment plant's unit processes. These tests include the EPA's priority pollutants (a total scan of toxic pollutants), total petroleum hydrocarbons (oils), and volatile organic chemicals (solvents). We should, also, ask how they perform their monitoring: Do they get samples upstream and downstream of the discharger? Do they obtain 24-hour composite samples? How many sets of samples do they obtain to determine, with reasonable assurance, the discharge's strength and composition? o The time required to obtain composite samplers, whether we purchase or rent, may exceed the schedule requested by the Refuse Company. Sewer line composite samplers might as well be purchased if this type of. monitoring will become routine. A new unit is about $2,200 while renting costs $800/month '(1989 figures). o The cost of commercial labs to perform the additional analyses may exceed $1,000/sample. ST054671 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEMORANDUM Date: July 18, 1990 To: Bob Baer, Asst. General Manager From: John Bonnet, Manager of Wastewater Operations Topic: Proposed Project of the Refuse Company ***************************************************************** Ail across the country, Landfills are fighting to keep hazardous waste out of their systems. It seems to me that South Tahoe Refuse has figured out a way to eliminate a great deal of the problem. First they said that they will do the community favor by reducing the amount of material that has to be placed outdoors. This will reduce odors and ground contamination in the area. We all know this is true and agree that its a good project. The problem with their project, as related to South Tahoe Public Utility District, is that by utilizing a more efficient compaction, the greater the quantity of hazardous materials will be squeezed out of the gar- bage and into our collection system. They propose to utilize a sand filter, that will accommodate two drains, in the compaction area. This is meant to pretreat this material prior to discharge to our system. A third drain will remain outdoors and will have a valve that will enable them to go either to the sand filter or directly to our collection system. It was suggested that a roof of sorts be constructed to reduce the amount of run-off to the drain and ultimately to our system. The worst possible time for us to accept this material is during periods when there will actually be run-off (I&I). The district spends thousands of dollars each year to reduce the run-off into our system. The roof will alleviate most of this problem. However, aside from the small hydraulic load that is created, the Sand Filters will do nothing to reduce the hazardous waste that will go into the collection system. The State is very concerned about VOCs for example. I'm convinced that if the South Tahoe Refuse is allowed to discharge to our system, as proposed, ST. PUD will be spending much more money cleaning it up here at the plant. Not to mention the fact that it will move us closer to filing a Health Risk Assessment with Air Pollution. I think our inspection department is correct, let them truck it out of the basin. Hydraulicly, its only about 500,000 gal- Ions/year and it would relieve us of any liabilities and costs of treating and testing it. Also it is not consistent with our ordinances or our policy of pretreatment. I would suggest that in tandum with the sand filter, an Activated Carbon Filter be required prior to discharge to our system. The discharge following the Carbon Filter would have to be sampled, frequently and analyzed to insure that all of our requirements are met. Our requirements should be those of drinking water standards or very close to them. One other problem could be the build-up of explosive materials or materials that may react with each other to create an explosive atmosphere within the collection system. We all know that there is a great deal of household chemicals sent to the garbage com- panies that are hazardous. I am working to standardize requirements for contaminated water discharged to our system, of ground water contaminated with pet- roleum products. I feel that this project should be treated the same way. We must insist on efficient pretreatment of this material. ST054672 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEMORANDUM DT: APRIL 20, 1990 TO: BOB BAER FR: JOHN CARTWRIGHT SJ: COMMENTS ON DENA SCHWARTE LETTER REGARDING SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE BOB: As you're probably aware, on March 27, 1990 our Inspectors performed a Drain System Inspection on the South Tahoe Refuse (STR) site. This was followed up by a sewer unit count on March 28, 1990. The main points involved here are: -Lahontan is mandating that STR not allow contaminated runoff to infiltrate soils or ground water. Therefore, STR is requesting purchase of additional sewer units (which are already in use), and proposing a modification of their existing drain system. -The District has been receiving STR's contaminated drain flows and a large amount of surface I&I. This substantial source of I&I was previously suspected but unconfirmed until now. The bottom line is, we don't want these contaminated I&I flows either, especially in light of recent HAZMAT regulations, and the fact that Lahontan is mandating that we prevent I&I. In discussing this situation with Tim Rieger, the letter from Dena Schwarte contains several proposals which don't seem relevant to what should be done according to our ordinances. In her letter, she proposes placing berms in certain areas and proposes a valve system. Berms may keep flows off adjacent ground, (which might satisfy Lahontan) but don't address our key concerns that the flows shouldn't enter the sewer system either. The facts are: -The sewer unit count revealed the existence of at least ten (10) additional sewer units. -The five (5) drop-inlets are I&I sources for an estimated 103 gallons per day each. -A substantial portion of these flows could be categorized as hazardous waste. Berms around these drain areas won't change that status. ST054673 BOB BAER PAGE - 2 - RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. One drop-inlet for a truck wash-rack only, be allowed to remain, in conjunction with a sand-trap. 2. Four of Five drop-inlets should be disconnected from the sewer system entirely. As to continued use of sand-traps as pre- treatment to mitigate the use of these other drop-inlet drains, their effectiveness with toxics is questionable. The District would need to do much additional study. This certainly would involve substantial cost for sample monitoring to determine if hazardous waste is still entering the sewer. Therefore continued use of this type of system is not recommended. If this type of process continues, all costs associated with monitoring such a system should be borne by STR. (See Terry Power's memo). 3. For now, if STR must retain use of a drop-inlet drain system, then it should not be tied into the sewer system at all, by valves or otherwise. We recommend perhaps installing water-tight holding tanks which would periodically be pumped out to tank trucks and disposed to appropriate areas outside of the Tahoe Basin. 4. A final unresolved issue is that of back charges and new hook-up fees for the use of the ten (10) additional unreported sewer units. It's apparent STR installed and has had use of these unreported sewer units for years. JC:ss cc: Bob Eppler Tim Rieger File PAGE - 2 - APRIL 20, 1990 ST054674 Date: BOARD MEETING ~HONE NUI.~BER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) 'ItAME: ADDRESS,. ST054675 NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE.