HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-13-90MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 13, 1990 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, August 13, 1990, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Onysko, Sinclair, Pierini, Director Walker/ Absent ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Miller, Schroeder, Taylor, Powers, Fischer, Hrbacek, L. Brown, Bonnet, Gilbert, Hoggatt, Schrempp, Attorney Weidman GUESTS: Mr. & Mrs. Springmeyer, Dave Kurtzman, Mary Lou Mosbacher, Maryann C. Simonds, Bill Simonds/Carollo Engineers, and others who did not wish to sign the attendance sheet. None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE Director Pierini requested Consent Calendar Items 3, 4, 6, 7, and $ be moved to the Action Calendar. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/Walker Absent/Passed to move items 3,4,6,7, & 8 from the Consent Calendar to the Action Calendar. Director Onysko requested the addi- tion of an item to the Action Calendar: Discussion of Purchase of an AUTOCAD System; staff attendance at classes related to the operation of the equipment. Moved Onysko/Second Sinclair/Walker Absent/Passed to approve the above addition to the Action Calendar. Director Pierini mentioned the import- ance of the current meetings dealing with Interstate Water Allocations and Water Rights issues. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS ST054641 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 13, 1990 PAGE - 2 Director Pierini also reported on the 8/13/90 Finance Committee Meeting and the 3% local discount (Ordinance No. 380). BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) 7/30/90 - 4:00 PM, Special Board Mtg. and Workshop 8/02/90 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. 8/09/90 - 7:30 PM, Lahontan Board Mtg./ Luther Pass Spills 8/10/90 - 10:00 AM, TRPA, Harland Bartholomew, Staff/18.3 MG ERB 8/13/90 - 1:00 PM, Lake Tahoe Basin Groundwater Study @ Incline Village GID PAST MEETINGS Manager: Manager Bob Baer reported on the following: STAFF REPORTS 1) Lahontan Board Meeting: District was granted an extension of one year on the Luther Pass Spill Containment Project; 2) Letter to the SWRCB regarding concerns/oppositions the District has on Rotenone use in the basin; Mary Lou Mosbacher answered questions from Board Members in reference to the Fish & Game's position on fish kills, Lahontan's position, and the potential danger of polluting the drinking water. 3) Meeting with Bureau of Reclama- tion regarding their Groundwater Study and data. The Draft Report should be ready by September. Attorney: Attorney Weidman reported on the Interstate Water Allocations regarding water use for snow-making, (% of snow loss). Attorney Weidman answered Director Pierini's question regarding the District's position on this matter. Discussion followed. ST054642 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 13, 1990 PAGE - 3 Staff Secretary, Margo Miller, clarified Director Pierini's inquiries regarding back-up information on the Item/South Tahoe Refuse Company in the July 19, 1990 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. STAFF REPORTS (CONTINUED) Director Pierini commended staff on obtaining the extension from Lahontan for the Luther Pass Spill Containment Project. Program Manaqers: John Bonnet reported on liquid and dry polymer. He reviewed testing, suppliers, and costs, and answered questions from Board members. Shop Steward: No report. Greg Schrempp reported Consent Item 2.B & C had been resolved. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Walker Absent/Passed to approve Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes for July 19, 1990; and Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes for July 30. 1990. 2) Authorized implementation of two-week procedures on the following properties in accordance with Ordinances 394 and 359: APN 34 - 070-11/Failure to install backflow assembly (water); and APN 30-401-511/Eailure to repair damaged clean-out (sewer). 3) Approved Change Order i/Charles Butts Construction reducing the Contract by $1,000 for the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer System Modification Project. ST054643 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 13, 1990 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION PAGE 4 Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Jim Hoggatt reported on the current progress and explained costs/prices of the Change Order presented for Board action. PLANT EXPANSION: BAR SCREENS, ODOR CONTROL, AND RAS PUMPS Jim Hoggatt and John Bonnet answered related questions from Director Pierini regarding shop drawings, and costs on carbon for the carbon scrubber. Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/Walker Absent/Passed to approve Thomas Haen Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $5,980.00. Presented by Bob Baer. Bob Baer and Attorney Weidman reviewed the Cattle Grazing Property Lease. SCHWAKE PROPERTY CATTLE GRAZING LEASE FOR 1990 Director Sinclair said he would like to have more information on this item and felt additional people should be invited to bid on the lease. Mr. and Mrs. Springmeyer came before the Board and expressed their desire to be included in the right to cattle- graze the Schwake land. The Board directed staff to publish a request for bids in the local papers circulated in Alpine County for cattle grazing rights on the Schwake property. Staff was to return to the 9/6/90 meet- ing with the results of the bid. No Board Action. Director Pierini explained Attorney ASSISTANCE FOR LEGAL COUNSEL Weidman will be retiring as the District's sole counsel; however, Attorney Weidman would still be involved with some future District matters. ST054644 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 13, 1990 PAGE - 5 The Legal Committee had met previously to discuss alternatives to find a replacement. Director Pierini said the consensus at the meeting was to hire an attorney through Board Action in response to a Request- for-Qualifications, (RFQ's). The selected attorney would act in an interim program or be the assistant counsel and hopefully eventually replace Attorney Weidman's position. Director Pierini said RFQ's should be advertised in various publications. He asked the RFQ's receiving date schedule be moved forward to 9/13/90. ASSISTANCE FOR LEGAL COUNSEL (continued) Discussion/Question/Answer session followed regarding changes/additions to the RFQ's. Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/Walker Absent/Passed to Authorize Request for Qualifications/Legal Counsel (containing changes to the schedule and wording in the EVALUATION OF QUALIFICATIONS section) from attorneys interested in assisting District Legal Counsel. Attorney Weidman reviewed his present position and duties in relation to Redevelopment issues. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE, WATER CONNECTION ORDINANCE: REDE- VELOPMENT ISSUES Director Pierini explained Attorney Rollston had a perceived or actual conflict of interest on this item and should not be involved in drafting sewer transfer ordinances and/or water connection ordinances in relation to Redevelopment issues. It was the consensus of the Board to have only Bob Baer and/or Attorney Weidman represent the District during discussion with City staff on Redevel- opment issues, including the sewer transfer ordinance and water connec- tion ordinance. Ken Rollston could assist Attorney Weidman in a minor role, but not enter into disucssions with City staff. No Board Action. ST054645 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 13, 1990 PAGE - 6 Director Pierini questioned the following invoices: PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 1) Joint Study with L.A. County Sanitation District (PEEP Program). John Bonnet responded by explaining the invoice costs and past and future costs shared with other Districts. 2) Boyle Engineering firm - $9,659.13/ Bijou & Middle School Wells - Mechanical & Electrical Plans & Specs. Bob Baer & Jim Hoggatt answered Director Pierini's questions regarding this item. 3) Principle Insurance payment - $12,117.00/Management Medical Insurance. Director Pierini clarified the Kronick, Moskovitz & Tiedemann invoice for Director Onysko. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Walker Absent/Passed to approve payment of claims in the amount of $383,179.41, with the condition the $12,117.00/ Principle Insurance payment is for the Dresent medical insurance policy. (The $7,127.00 payment for PEEP was not approved). Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Walker Absent/Passed to add to the Action Calendar: Letter to SWRCB explaining District's concerns regarding Rotenone use. ROTENONE USE BY FISH & GAME Manager Baer read the proposed letter. Mary Lou Mosbacher reviewed the ingredients/known carcinogens shown in the State Analysis Report and the past history of use of Rotenone by California Fish & Game. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Walker Absent/Passed to send a letter to SWRCB protesting the use of Rotenone by Fish & Game because of potential contamination of District's drinking water. ST054646 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 13, 1990 PAGE - 7 Presented by Ken Schroeder. Director Pierini said he felt the fence should be installed by seasonal help presently employed by the Dist. CHAIN LINK FENCING FOR TAHOE PARADISE YARD Ken Schroeder assured the Board that District staff is involved with numerous projects and would not have time to do the chain link fence. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Walker Absent/Passed to approve purchase and installation from Tahoe Fence Co. in the amount of $8,268. (Bid Alternate A). Presented by Attorney Weidman. Attorney Weidman explained the payments/premiums on the policy and the options open to the Board. MANAGEMENT MEDICAL INSURANCE PLAN Director Pierini explained to the other Board members, his under- standing of the new plan. It was the consensus of the Board to have staff obtain a proposal from the insurance agent for switching over to the PPO, effective January 1st (1991). Barrie Fischer explained it was very difficult to receive an advance quote from any insurance agency. No Board Action. Presented by Jim Hoggatt who ex- plained the need for the Change Order. PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT: CHLORINE CONTACT BASIN Hoggatt answered questions from Director Pierini regarding the availability of District equipment to accomplish this work. Hoggatt explained some equipment was not available and some would not accom- plish the task. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Walker Absent/Passed to approve Change Order 1/David E. McKenzie increasing the contract by $2,798.85. ST054647 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 13, 1990 PAGE - 8 Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Jim Hoggatt presented the current events and progress on the project. Hoggatt explained he had to ask Carollo Engineers for additional assistance due to his time schedule with the Wells and other Projects. PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT: BAR SCREENS, ODOR CONTROL AND RAS PUMPS Bill Simonds/Carollo Engineers, explained the proposed expenditures were based on the amount of support District staff had estimated they would require. He said they were available to support the District; if the District called - they would go. The $11,077 estimate was based on the time District staff has asked for support services to date. He did not anticipate the District would need more time, but if the District re- quired more, then the $11,077 would not be enough. Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/Walker Absent/Passed to approve Amendment 1/ Carollo Task Order 17 in the amount of $11,077. Presented by Bob Baer. Bob Baer answered questions from Director Onysko regarding Request for Proposals. WATER SUPPLY FOR GARDNER MT. ZONE: REDUCTION OF URANIUM AT COLLEGE WELL, REMOVAL OF ODOR CAUSING AGENT AT SUNSET WELL SITE Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Walker Absent/Passed to authorize Request for Proposals to Identify Alternatives for Replacing Contaminated Water Supply Areas. Director Onysko proposed the Board authorize the Operations Committee work with Gary Schnakenberg or another individual to identify a list of necessary equipment and send bids out to prospective bidders without further approval from the Board. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: SYSTEM AUTOCAD Director Onysko said the AUTOCAD would be very useful for in-house design purposes. He also suggested Board approve a training course that may be offered for the equipment. ST054648 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 13, 1990 PAGE 9 Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Walker Absent/Passed to refer this item to the Operations Committee and authorize the Committee to solicit hardware and software bids from vendors without any monetary commit- ment by the Board on these items. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: AUTOCAD SYSTEM (continued) At the request of Director Onysko, Diane Gilbert reported on the Flyer sent to customers regarding the District Wells/Water situation. STAFF REPORT Diane answered questions from Board members. Director Onysko suggested the Lab be involved in answering the technical questions customers may be asking on the subject. Terry Powers, Lab Director, answered questions from Director Pierini regarding State & Federal EPA reg- ulations. 6:50 PM ADJOURNMENT ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST054649 Date: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) ~HONE NUI.~BER: NAME: ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. ST054650