HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-90MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 18, 1990 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, October 18, 1990, 4:00 PM, city Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Onysko Sinclair, Pierini (One seat vacant) ROLL CALL STAFF: Manager Baer, Mamath, Schnakenberg, Miller, Brown, Cartwright, Rieger, B. Eppler, Hoggatt, Gilbert, Hydrick, Inglis, Bonnet GUESTS: Keith Klein/City Council, Ed Guttry, B. Weiteling, Mauro Capone, Mary Lou Mosbacher, John Brissenden/Alpine Co. Board of Supervisors, Jim Norton, Nello Stafani None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE Property owner, Nello Stafani, briefly reviewed the history of his property (APN 27-113-231). He requested return of back charges during the time he did not own the property. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: NELLO STAFANI Mr. Stafani and Bob Eppler answered Director Pierini's questions re- garding the sewer permit & sewer units on Mr. Stafani's property. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Passed to return the back charges in the amount of $456.48 (representing 1-year) to Nello Stafani on property described as APN 27-113-231. ST054602 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 1990 PAGE - 2 John Brisseden answered questions from Board members regarding the pipeline, use of money, discharge requirements & fire hydrants on the Alpine County Agreement/Fourth Amendment. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: JOHN BRISSEDEN No Board Action until 11/1/90. Manager Baer requested two items be added to the Action Calendar: 1) Luther Pass Pump Station #4 - Purchase of Auto Transformer; 2) Connection & Transfer fees for Redevelopment. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Attorney Weidman requested an Executive Session regarding Redevelopment Water Connection Fees be held at the end of the meeting. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ Passed to Approve Corrections/ Additions to Agenda Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as presented: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of 9/20/90. 2) Authorized Staff to implement two-week water/sewer disconnection procedures in accordance with Ordi- nances 372 & 373 on properties on the attached list, which becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein. 3) Authorized two-week disconne- ction proceedings for water in accordance with Ordinance 394 at 2227 Lake Tahoe Blvd./King's Center, APN 23-211-191. 4) Authorized two-week disconne- ction proceedings for water in accordance with Ordinance 394 at 2620 Lake Tahoe Blvd./7-11 Store, APN 31-081-0901. 5) Authorized Lab Fee Schedule (attached) to perform Chemical Microbiological Tests. ST054603 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 1990 PAGE - 3 Director Pierini addressed his views regarding: BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS 1) Agreement between the City and District for water use. He requested staff check various clauses in the MOU and see if they were being carried out (Fees/charges for City; Status report on in-kind water usage). Director Sinclair commented on the water issue with the City. He said the City should have its own well at the Bijou Golf Course. Director Pierini clarified the the issue. He said the City was using the water to test their irrigation system and for the erosion control work for the Bijou Meadow Restoration. He said this was not a permanent connection-- just for temporary use, dependent upon an Agreement with the City. Manager Baer confirmed Director Pierini's clarifications and said he had met with Keith Gottschalk from the City to clear up the water usage/charges matter. 2) Questioned recent District's Underground Fuel Tank Inspection by Haen Construction. He wanted to know what qualifications/certi- fications were required for inspe- ting underground tanks. 3) Asked if a response had been received from the District's 9/18/90 letter to the Redevelopment Agency regarding the transfer of sewer units & sewer transfer fees. Director Sinclair brought up the delinquency date on the District's billing. He said many customers were complaining that the delinquency dates were misleading & confusing. Director Pierini explained his and Director Sinclair's solution to the problems. (To be on the November 1st Agenda). ST054604 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18,1990 PAGE - 4 He felt a follow-up letter would be appropriate with copies to Embassy Suites & Ski Run E1 Dorado Improve- ment Corp. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) Attorney Weidman stated a meeting had been held with Dennis Crabb, Kerry Miller, Bob Baer and himself. Manager Baer said Kerry Miller would have a response to him by the first week of November. Manaqer: Manager Baer reported the EDWPA Board passed a resolution thanking Noel Walker for his service to the Agency. STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported the Manager's Retreat Meeting was a success. Everyone felt a lot of work was accomplished. He said internal communication with Managers and field crews was of great concern and on everyone's priority list. Diane Gilbert will be compiling a summary of the retreat activities and will distribute to Board members. Attorney: Attorney Weidman reported on the following: 1) Meeting with League to Save to Lake Tahoe regarding ERB and the potential alternatives, expansion alternatives, Luther Pass Export Pipeline relocation & monitoring, and the "H" Street easement on League lots and the League's desire to sell them to the District. Rick Hydrick explained this issue to the Board. Directors Pierini and Sinclair suggested alternatives for access to the property. Discussion/Question/Answer session followed and it was decided to look into all available alternatives and report to the Board at a later date. ST054605 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 1990 2) Meeting with Jerry Wells and Rick Angelocci regarding their allocation of future sewer units. District staff was told they could plan on 156 sewer allocations per year for 1992-1996. These alloca- tions include no commercial and Director Sinclair stated he felt strongly against allowing TRPA to tell the District how many alloca- tions were available when the District had the capacity for more. Keith Klein offered a clarification of the allocation system as it relates to TRPA. 3) Status of the Interstate Water Bill. 4) Possibility of a land appraisal next to "H" Street tank. 5) Working on Water Connection Fee studies. 6) Working on Alpine County matters. Attorney Weidman answered questions from Board members regarding sewer allocations, TRPA, Expansion and related EIR/EIS. Proqram Managers: Rick Hydrick - reported on the Luther Pass Pump Station regarding recent modifications by District crews & operational parameters. Findings during the shutdown were also reported. Hydrick stated staff's goal was to do everything they could & exhaust every possi- bility to improve that Station so there would never be another spill. Discussion followed. Gary Schnakenberg - reported on the Bijou Well & Middle School Wells. They both have been capped and revegetation is complete. PAGE - 5 ST054606 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 1990 PAGE - 6 Schnakenberg also reported on the Sunset Well and said the pipeline, underground vault & electrical has been installed; the earthwork is complete. He reported Boyle had made a recommendation on the pump & motor size, but the pump/motor size would depend on whether or not the College Well would be in use. STAFF REPORTS (Continued) Director Pierini stated he would be inclined to go with the bigger motor on Sunset and not continue to use the College Well because he felt the water treatment costs were prohibitive. $chnakenberg told the Board Boyle would have to redesign the electri- cal portion of the Sunset Well to run on 100 HP rather than 75 HP. He estimated this would cost $1,000 and requested Board's direction on this matter. Director Pierini stated he would be reluctant, unless the Operations Committee approved it, to increase the capacity of the pump from 75 to 100 gallons. Pierini asked "If we go ahead with the 75 HP pump, when is that water going to be in our system?" Schnakenberg answered "4-6 weeks". Pierini asked "and, if we go with the 100 HP pump, how long is it going to take to get that water into the system?" Schnakenberg replied "the same, 4-6 weeks." Director Onysko stated he tended to agree with Director Pierini's opinion--to stay with the 75 HP pump at this time. Schnakenberg also reminded the Board that a treatment for the odor problem was still pending. Chairman Mason said it was the consensus of the Board to stay with the 75 HP pump. Shop Steward: No report. ST054607 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 1990 PAGE - 7 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Chairman Mason read aloud Reso- lution No. 2539 - Proclomation for Service/Noel B Walker. Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/Passed to adopt Resolution No. 2539. Jim Norton was present to review the rates and deductible amounts related to the policy. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ Passed to approve award of General Liability, Business Automobile and Umbrella Liability Insurance to Industrial Indemnity through Sierra Tahoe Insurance Brokers. Presented by Rick Hydrick who reported nine (9) proposals were received and reviewed. His re- commendation was to table this item for future consideration until staff could gather more information. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair Passed to defer this item. Presented by Rick Hydrick. Rick Hydrick answered questions from Board members regarding weight and shipping costs for the rotating element. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ Passed to authorize staff to ship the rotating element to Byron-Jackson Service for evaluation with costs not to exceed $25,0000 with the under- standing the cost amount would be taken to the Operations Committee for approval. Presented by Rick Hydrick. Rick Hydrick requested a Great Emergency be declared and authorize purchase of Auto Transformer in an amount not to exceed $10,000. PROCLOMATION FOR SERVICE/ NOEL B WALKER DISTRICT LIABILITY INSURANCE REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED WELLS (College, Julie, South "Y", Clement, and Tata) REBUILD ROTATING ELEMENT FOR PUMP #3 AT LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION LUTHER PASS PUMP #4 - PURCHASE OF AUTO TRANSFORMER ST054608 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 1990 PAGE - 8 Discussion followed; Director Sinclair suggested two back-up transformers should be purchased. LUTHER PASS PUMP #4 - PURCHASE OF AUTO TRANSFORMER (Continued) Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Passed to Declare a Great Emergency and authorize purchase of Auto Trans- former in an amount not to exceed $10,000. Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Jim Hoggatt reviewed the need for the Change Order & answered questions from Board members. PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT: BAR SCREENS, ODOR CONTROL AND RAS PUMPS Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ Passed to approve Haen Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $7,428 and 61-day time extension. Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Jim Hoggatt reviewed the need for the Change Order and answered questions from Board members. FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/ Sinclair Voted No/Passed to approve Charles Butts Constr. Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $8,870.00. Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/ Passed to Approve payment in the amount of $394,698.44. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Presented by Director Onysko. Discussion followed. PROPOSITION 128 OR THE "BIG GREEN" INITIATIVE Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/ Mason voted No/Sinclair voted No/Motion Failed to Adopt a Board Resolution in favor of California Proposition 128. Presented by Diane Gilbert. Diane Gilbert answered questions from Board members regarding public notification, water quality, reporting, and water usage. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2540 - OPPOSING PROPOSITION 141 ST054609 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 1990 PAGE - 9 Mary Lou Mosbacher spoke to the board requesting they not adopt Resolution 2540. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2540 - OPPOSING PROPOSITION 141 (Continued) Discussion followed. Moved Onysko/Second Sinclair/Onysko voted No/Sinclair voted No/Mason voted No/Pierini voted No/Motion ~ailed. 5:58 PM 6:05 PM MEETING BREAK ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 and 54956.9(b)2. and 54956.9(c) 4. - Connection and Transfer Fees For Redevelopment Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/ Passed to increase the amount of the Task of conforming to uniform applicability of com- mercial charges and relief of charges in an amount not to exceed $3,000 to Public Utility Rate Consultants, subject to approval by Director Pierini and Manager Baer. 6:10 PM ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST054610 ~TEM 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. CONSENT CALENDAR #2 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 18, 1990 ACCOUNT NO. 25-331-011 NAME SERV. ADDRESS DELINQUENT AMT. John Falzone 1421 Black Bart $ 522.71 25-351-111 26-039-131 26-067-111 Tom Swinger Mary Wilson Fred Swanton 1417 Meadow Crest 3121 Oakland Ave. 737 San Francisco 490.00 555.70 471.47 26-139-201 Barbara Coleman 865 Paloma 443.59 27-082-161 Ariel Sanchez 3797 Paradise 404.45 27-144-231 27-144-241 Larch Manor 3777 & 3781 Larch 1,127.96 27-151-221 27-154-061, 151 & 161 Delores Ramsey Broche/Zoeller 3678 Larch 3740 Birch & 3745 Tamarack 1,203.25 1,148.01 27-364-261 27-381-061 Madgid Mirzadegan Jerome Tobolski 3356 Treehaven 3310 Treehaven 683.92 883.87 28-081-061 Ron Zehren 3574 Pioneer Trail 504.96 28-301-471 29-141-161 Northridge Capital Bantam Associates 3324 Pine Hill 3988 Pine Blvd. 429.54 1,362.30 29-162-031 29-403-111 Gerald Feagley 3897 Pioneer Trail Monahan & Mikkelson 3829 Steven 1,443.21 461.23 31-030-251 31-081-081 31-111-091 Del Uppendahl Hanna Acceptance Bradford House 980 Link Rd. 2596 Lk. TahOe Blvd 1090 Lodi 601.97 1,720.24 440.25 31-141-081 Susan Abrams 2487 Knox 501.49 ST054611 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 18, 1990 PAGE - 2 - ITEM ACCOUNT NO. Ni~ SERV. ADDRESS 21. 31-155-211 Dennis Trout 1147 Sierra 22. 31-192-151 John Romo 1168 Carson 23. 31-275-011 Jesse Corona 1256 Lodi 24. 32-152-131 David Cameron High Country Lodge Alfred Montano Thomas Johnson 25. 32-201-161 26. 33-362-461 27. 33-433-041 28. 33-464-061 Vernon Jahn 29. 33-502-021 30. 33-811-031 31. 34-183-021 32. 34-243-041 33. 34-282-111 34. 34-322-061 35. 34-384-071 34-461-221 34-513-021 35-233-111 35-282-021 36. 80-145-241 37. Nelson McCary Joseph Riboli George Toman William Calandra Ransom Burford Del Uppendahl Joe Montes De Oca Dick Jurgens Henry Ciappa Esther Rambo Daryl Bodick Richard Redlein 38. 39. 1254 Bonanza 1227 Emerald Bay 491 Cayuga 834 Nez Perce 1504 Snow Mtn. 544 Lk. Tahoe Blvd. 1189 Nottaway 902 Apache 1132 Sioux 1988 Hopi 1063 Magua 1008 Modoc 554 Koru 1955 Mewuk 2328 Blitzen 2710 Lipan 1031 Golden Bear DELINQUENT AMT. $ 580.40 529.16 543.63 553.71 1,345.94 611.26 608.91 620.57 498.05 432.35 621.86 608.91 494.04 804.02 460.08 498.05 544.84 517.74 483.59 498.05 ST054612 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 18, 1990 PAGE - 3 - ITEM ACCOUNT NO. NAME 41. 80-171-111 James Wilbert 42. 81-092-121 A~&T Travel 43. 294-040-601 John Molnar 602 44. 311-911-201 Jack Miller 202 SERV. ADDRESS 1213 Lone Indian 1657 Tionontati 3794 Steven Ln. 2565 Kubel DELINQUENT AMT. $ 628.85 486.63 721.06 742.66 ST054613 LABORATORY FEE SCHEDULE Test DISTRICT 10/1~/90 CONSENT CALENDAR #5 STPUD MICROBIOLOGY Coliform, 5 tube confirmed .............................. Coliform, 5 tube confirmed & fecal ..................... Coliform, 15 tube confirmed & fecal ..................... $16.00 $19.00 $27.00 PHYSICAL Color ................................................... Odor .................................................... Suspended solids (SS) ................................... Total dissolved solids (TDS) ............................ Settleable solids ....................................... Turbidity ............................................... $11.00 $22.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $11.00 CHEMICAL Alkalinity, to pH 4.5 ................................... Ammonia-N, titrimetric .................................. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) ......................... Boron (B) ............................................... Calcium (Ca) ....... Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ............................ Chloride (C1) ........................................... Chlorine Residual (C12) ................................. D olved oxygen (DO) ................................... Ei=ctrical conductance (EC) ............................. Fluoride ................................................ Hardness ................................................ Iron (Fe), spectrophotometric ........................... Nitrate-N (NO3-N), Cd reduction ......................... Nitrite-N (NO2-N) ....................................... Nitrogen, Organic ....................................... Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl (TKN) .......................... Oil & Grease ............................................ Phosphate, ortho (PO4-P) ................................ Phosphorus, total (P) ................................... Sulfate (SO4) ........................................... $15.50 $18.00 $28.50 $16.50 $12.5o $27.00 $12.00 $13.50 $15.oo $11.50 $18.5o $14.50 $15.5o $20 50 $14 00 $27 00 $30 oo $37 00 $18 oo $25 50 $10 50 $24 00 OTHER SERVICES Sampling, per hour ...................................... Milage .................................................. $57.50 $.30 ST054614 Date BOARD MEETING ~HONE NUMBER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME: ADDRESS: ST054615 NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE.