HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-90MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 15, 1990 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, November 15, 1990, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Onysko, Pierini, Sinclair (One seat vacant). ROLL CALL STAFF; Manager Baer, Solbrig, Fischer, Mamath, Gilbert, Brown, Rieger, Eddy, B. Eppler, Hoggatt, Swain, Hydrick, Attorney Weidman GUESTS: Mary Lou & Barney Mosbacher, Mauro Capone, John Wynn, Tye Baldwin, J.C. Griffith, Tim Willis/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Malcom Pribyl, Bert Cherry, T. Johnson, Keith Klein/City Council, Kerry Miller/City Manager, David Kerry, Melvin Springmeyer None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE This item was presented & discussed at the November 12, 1990 Workshop. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: J.C. GRIFFITH Moved Onysko/Second Sinclair/Passed to approve partial transfer of 3 of 6 sewer units from APN 27-161-26 after completion of remodeling. Manager Baer requested Action Item 6/Indian Creek Reservoir Storage - Aqueduct I be deferred. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Director Pierini questioned the reason for deferral of this item. Manager Baer said he felt it would be best if the Aqueduct I staff came before the Board and presented their requests. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1990 PAGE - 2 Director Pierini said no staff or legal time should be spent on this item. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Attorney Weidman added an Executive Session/HDR Claim. Director Onysko requested an Execu- tive Session/Personnel Matter. Director Sinclair suggested a tempo- rary Personnel Committee be estab- ished. He feels the Committee should pursue having a study done to evaluate the District's assignment of positions, salaries and promotions. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed to approve corrections/additions to Agenda and to hold an Executive Session for two items. Director Pierini wanted clarifi- cation of Consent Item 6/Sierra Pacific Power Co. Easement/Land Acquired from U.S.F.S. CONSENT CALENDAR Attorney Weidman responded. It was decided to defer this item until clarification of land owner- ship and fee title was available. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed to delete Consent Item 6. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed to approve the following Consent Items: 1) Approved Board Meeting Minutes of: October 4, 1990/Regular Mtg. October 18, 1990/Regular Mtg. October 24, 1990/Special Mtg. October 29, 1990/Special Mtg. November 1, 1990/Special Mtg. 2) Authorized staff to implement two-week sewer disconnection procedures on APN 27-352-051 for non-payment of one reported sewer unit. ST054573 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1990 3) Authorized staff to implement two-week water disconnection procedures on APN 26-050-020, ANP 25-010-213, APN 25-010-210 and APN 25-010-212 for failure to complete backflow testing. 4) 5) 6) Authorized an additional $2,653 for a total repair cost of $27,659 + tax and shipping to Byron-Jackson Pump/Luther Pass Pump Station - Pump #3. Approved Charles Butts Constru- ction Change Order No. 4 reducing the contract amount by $5,735.76 and adding a 7-day time extension/ Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Collection System Improvements Project. Approved going to bid for water meters and related inventory. Director Pierini reported the Finance Comittee met to discuss various issues: Staff overtime, service charges on non-active sewer units & permits, District's transfer ordinance, & Ken Schroeder,s Underground Tank Report. Director Sinclair stated he & Barrie Fischer would go to Placerville for a meeting re- garding the charges proposed by the E1 Dorado Board of Supervisors. Directors Sinclair and Pierin~ voiced their views regarding this issue. PAGE - 3 ~ONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Attorney Weidman reviewed the selection process for filling the Board Vacancy. Director Pierini reviewed the Board's reasons for choosing to appoint a person to fill the Director-at-Large No. 3 Vacancy as opposed to holding a District- wide election and the estimated associated costs. He also reviewed the time restrictions imposed by law for filling the position. BOARD MEMBER SELRCTION REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15 1990 Chairman Mason explained the voting procedures to the Board members - The first ballot should have 0-3 names nominated; the second ballot should nominate one person. BOARD MEMBER SET,~ The first ballot was: Mary Lou Mosbacher) Kerry David ) Malcom Pribyl Douglas Thomas Mauro Capone Kerry David ) - LOU PIERINI ) ) ) - BOB MASON Mary Lou Mosbacher) Kerry David ) - NAT SINCLAIR Mary Lou Mosbacher) - STEVE ONYSKO The 9econd (and last) ballot was: Mary Lou Mosbacher) - LOU PIERINI Kerry David ) - BOB MASON Mary Lou Mosbacher) - NAT SINCLAIR Mary Lou Mosbacher) - STEVE ONYSKO Moved Onysko/Second Sinclair/Passed to appoint Mary Lou Mosbacher as the new Board Member to fill Director-at-Large No. 3 Vacancy. Chairman Mason thanked all those who applied for the Board position and said he was overwhelmed with the quality of people who had applied. Presented by Bob Eppler. Director Sinclair left the dias due to a conflict of interest on this matter. SEWER CONNECTION FEE REFUND Director Pierini explained the refund is complying with the District,s ordinance. He said there were others in the community who held similar sewer permits and were entitled to the same refund if they requested it. ST054574 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1990 PAGE - 5 Moved Pierini/Second Onysko Sinclair Abstained/Passed to approve refund for 104 sewer units assigned to Lakeview Development Corp. in the approximate amount of $207,000. SEWER CONNECTION FEE REFUND (Continued) Presented by Chairman Mason. The Board directed the Clerk of the Board to arrange a time/date with th candidates for interviews within the parameters of December 4,5, & 6th or 10-14th with a 2-hour time slot for each interview. ASSISTANT TO LEGAL COUNSEL: SELECT TIME/DATE FOR INTERVIEWS Questions to be asked the candi- dates were discussed. It was the consensus of the Board not to send a list of questions in advance. No Board Action. Presented by Linda Brown. Carol Swain and Linda Brown answered questions from Director Onysko regarding the microcomputer system. PURCHASE OF AUTO ANALYZER AND BLOCK DIGESTER It was decided to defer the micro- computer purchase (Agenda Item 4C) until further information from the Lab Director could be obtained. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Passed to authorize the following: A) Reject Bids No. 90-91-08/A, A-Alternate, B-Alternate, and Optional; B) Acc'ept lowest bidder, 90-91-08B Lachet Instruments, for a new AE 200 Dual Channel analyzer System for $43,001.15; and D) Authorize purchase from Scientific Instruments for a Block Digester and extra parts for $4,450. ST054575 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1990 PAGE - 6 Presented by Jim Hoggatt and Carol Swain who answered questions from Director Onysko regarding cost, reliability and use of the lap top computers. FALLEN LEAF LAKE FLOW MONITORING EQUIPMENT Moved Sinclair/Second Onysko/Passed to approve purchase of flow meters and lap top computer with the under- standing staff will look into a less expensive model computer with the Operations Committee; the total'cost of all items not to exceed $17,405 plus tax and shipping. Presented by Richard Solbrig who reviewed the revisions requested by Board members at the Workshop Meeting from the version submitted by staff. CONSULTANT PROCUREMENT POLICY A lengthy discussion followed. Additional changes were made to the policy by Board members. Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/ Passed to adopt the policy with changes as noted by the various Board members. (Final version of the policy is attached and becomes a part of the minutes by reference herein). Presented by Richard Solbrig who explained the differences between his proposal and the one Director Onysko had submitted. He stated Director Onysko's proposal called for the environmental work to be done by the Engineer rather than by the District. TAHOE KEYS FORCE MAIN/DESIGN OF SEWER FORCE MAIN EXTENSION AND SLIP LINING EXISTING SEWER: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Director Onysko stated the reasons why he felt the environmental work should be under the Engineer. He said he would like to try it this way at least once and noted the past experience of a water district in the basin who had a project designed by an engineering firm out of the basin whose design was un- buildable because of TRPA constraints. ST054576 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1990 PAGE - 7 Solbrig voiced his concerns about an Engineering firm making the selection of the firm doing the environmental work. He felt the permit application (environmental work) was a non-engineering function & really had to do with prior experience with TRPA and knowledge of Tahoe Basin regulations. TAHOE KEYS FORCE MAIN/DESIGN OF SEWER FORCE MAIN EXTENSION AND SLIP LINING EXISTING SEWER: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Director Sinclair felt the mitiga- tion fees might be less if the engineering firm was responsible for the selection of the firm to complete the environmental work. Moved Onysko/Second Sinclair/ Passed to authorize the Request for Proposals for Engineering Services in the exact form submitted by Director Onysko. Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $793,456.91. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 11/16/90 - 9:30 AM, US District Court/Schwake Water Rights Transfer 12/03/90 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. (Public Meeting) 12/06/90 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. (Public Meeting) 12/07/90 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ SLT City Council Chambers NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 5:30 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54945.8 and 54956.9(a), (c)4/South Tahoe PUD vs. HDR and 54957/Personnel Matters. 6:02 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION None ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION 6:02 pm ATTEST: ADJOURNMENT ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST054577 CONSULTANT PROCUREMENT GUIDELINE Fee Size $0 to staff authorization (list 2) Staff authorization to $10,000 (list 3) Over $10,000 (list 3) Involvement Staff Approval of Board of Directors Approval of Board of Directors Procedure Staff contact of consultant on pre-approved list 1 Staff contact of consultant on pre-approved list 1 Formal RFP sent out to all on District's list 1, plus advertisement in Tahoe Daily Tribune 2 3 LISTS List of companies which are qualified in type of work to be done, and who can provide adequate insurance as requested. Staff authorization level currrently $0 to $4,000 Subject to increase if staff authorization is increased. Lists initially established from informal contacts, and advertisement in Tahoe Daily Tribune and Sacramento Bee, and approved by Board of Directors. Note: Consultant selection based upon "demonstrated competence and professional qualifications" Adopted by the Board of Directors November 15, 1990/Regular Board Meeting. ll-16-90/rhs ST054578 BOARD MEETING ~HONE NUI.1BER: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME: ADDRESS: -- ST054579 NOTE: COMPLETTOH OF THE ABOVE TNFOi~L~T'I-OH TS VOT,UNT~RY AND HOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE.