HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-06-90MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 6, 1990 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, December 6, 1990, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Onysko, Pierini, Sinclair, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF; Manager Baer, Solbrig, Fischer, Mamath, Miller, Swain, Eddy, Brown, Taylor, B. Eppler, Powers, Cartwright, Schnakenberg, Bonnet, Gilbert, Hydrick, Hoggatt, Trella, Adamski, Capitani, M. Gray GUESTS: Bob Weeteling, Jim Jones, Barney Mosbacher, Connie Ross, Tim Willis/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Keith Klein/City Council Keith Klein, City Council and TRPA Board Member for the City, gave an updated report on Resi- dential Allocations beyond 1991. He stated the TRPA Board intended to act on this item at their 12/19/90 Board Meeting. Discussion followed regarding avail- able sewer units, TRPA regulations and various meetings regarding this item. Ms. Luntao was not able to attend the meeting, but Bob Eppler in- formed the Board she had executed a payment agreement with the District. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: LILIA LUNTAO 'No Board Action. ST054555 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 6, 1990 PAGE - 2 Attorney Weidman requested Item 18/Aqreement between Lake Tahoe Community College, U.S.A, and the District be removed from the Action Calendar. He asked the Board to review the Agreement and if they had any problems with it to let Manager Baer know prior to the College Board Meeting on 12/11/90. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Director Pierini requested the following information: 1) The amount of money actually transferred; 2) The date of the transfer and when it was paid; and 3) Copy of the original documents. Chairman Mason reported Consent Item i/Approval of Board Minutes; Item 4/New Trucks: Pump Station Operations; and Item 6/Statement of District Investment Policy were removed from the Consent Calendar at the 12/3/90 Workshop to be presented as Action Items at today's meeting. Director Onysko requested to change the order of action items presented and to close the meeting with Action Items 12, 6, 11 and 14. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/ Passed Unanimously to approve corrections/additions to Agenda and Consent Calendar. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ passed Unanimously to approve the following Consent Calendar Items: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Authorized staff to implement two-week sewer/water disconnection procedures for delinquent accounts in accordance with Ordinance Nos. 372 & 373 on the attached list. The list becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein. 2) Authorized purchase from Wedco, in the amount of $6,447 plus tax for Pump #4 Backup Auto Transformer/Luther Pass Pump Station. ST054556 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 6, 1990 PAGE - 3 3) Approved Charles Butts Constr. Closeout Agreement & Release of Claims and Notice of Completion/ Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Collection System Improvements. CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont.) 4) Authorized purchase of HP 386/QS/2 Lab office Computer from Hewlett Packard for an amount not to exceed $6,000. No reports on regular committees. Later in the meeting, Director Mosbacher reported on the Rotenone Spill by the Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game and stated she would like to go to the January Lahontan Board Meeting as this would be an item on their Agenda. She wondered aloud if the Dept. of Fish & Game would be fined for their spills--the same as this District and others had been fined. She felt the spills were due to actual mistakes by Fish & Game, and not caused accidentally like the District's power outages. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Mosbacher asked how she was to get additional information on suggestions that come in from the Employees Suggestion Boxes. She wanted to know if she should ask staff or talk to Manager Baer about it. Chairman Mason said the suggestions were given to individual Board Committees--depending on the subject. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Carol Swain. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ Passed Unanimously to athorize purchase of upraded PC System Controller & related software in the amount of $10,364.20. Director Sinclair said he felt the the questions to candidates should be released at the earliest possible date. Pat Mamath said this had been done after direction from the Board at the 12/3/90 Workshop Meeting. PHONE SYSTEM UPGRADE ASSISTANT TO LEGAL COUNSEL ST054557 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 6, 1990 PAGE - 4 Director Pierini offered a schedule dividing the interviews into time segments. ASSISTANT TO LEGAL COUNSEL (Continued) Discussion followed; Other Board Members concurred with the inter- view schedule. No Board Action. Presented by Director Onysko, who said based on the discussion with staff at the 12/3/90 Workshop, this item should be tabled at this time. HEAVY MAINTENANCE BUILDING SHOWERS, ETC. FOR STAFF Richard Solbrig answered Director Mosbacher's question regarding alternative measures for showers, (portable showers). Director Onysko stated this project was the result of a suggestion made through the Board's Suggestion Box. He requested Staff look at the possibility of another toilet and shower, as well as another locker or two in the existing bathroom facility floor plan. Director Sinclair voiced his views on the Board's involvement with this project. He felt the Board should not be involved until staff has come before the Board with a plan that has been thoroughly evaluated. No Board Action. Director Onysko requested to to commence search for various companies that offer negotiating services. He thought the District should have a file of qualified firms in the event there was a need for this type of service in the future. OUTSIDE CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR UNION NEGOTATIONS ST054558 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 6, 1990 PAGE - 5 Director Sinclair said he hoped in the near future a Personnel Director would be considered for the District. He did not wish to see any type of division created between staff, directors, and the employees. He was reluctant to release any negotiating responsi- bilities to an outside entity. He again emphasized the Board should establish policy and let the staff implement it with the personnel on board. OUTSIDE CONSULTANT SERVICES UNION NEGOTIATIONS (Cont.) Director Pierini stated he viewed this in the same manner as hiring an Engineering firm for their expertise. Director Onysko said the motion was not to hire an outside negotiator, but to request for qualifications from companies and have them on file for future reference, if needed. Manager Baer answered Director Mosbacher's question regarding Staff's time involvement for this request. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to commence search for selection of an outside Negotiator for District/Union Contract Negotiations by accepting letters from firms qualified in this field. Director Onysko stated he did not feel there was a need for action on this item. MANAGEMENT VEHICLE ALLOWANCE/ VEHICLE USE It was the consenus of the Board to direct the Manager to communicate with the Management Staff regarding their input on the following issues: 1) $150/Vehicle allowance shown as $150/Income for those management employees who receive a vehicle allowance. 2) Limit assignment of District vehicles to Manager, Assistant Manager and Manager of Land Application. (The above would be addressed in the 1991 Management MOU's). No Board Action. ST054559 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 6, 1990 Presented by Director Onysko. Moved Onysko/Second Sinclair/ Passed Unanimously to table this item. PAGE - 6 NEW CHIEF SENIOR OPERATOR/LAND APPLICATION SYSTEM Presented by Director Onysko. COMPUTER PROCUREMENT Carol Swain answered questions regarding staff time involved in the solicitation of bids and the research involved for this item. Moved Onysko/Second Mosbacher/ Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to send out requests for price bids on seven (7) HP 386-SX computers to several HP computer dealers solely for the purpose of bringing that information back to the Board. Presented by Director Onysko. DISTRICT WORD-PROCESSING SOFTWARE This item was discussed at the 12/3/90 Workshop. No Board Action. Presented by Director Onysko, who said he was not prepared to offer a motion at this time. SEPARATION OF PRESENT WASTEWATER OPERATIONS GROUP INTO TWO DEPARTMENTS No Board Action. Moved Pierini/Second Mosbacher/ Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $1,002,191.73. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ Mosbacher Abstained/Passed to approve Board Meeting Minutes of: BOARD MEETING MINUTES November 1, 1990/Regular Meeting. November 12, 1990/Special Meeting. Director Pierini said he would like to defer this item after the mid-budget review (2nd meeting in January) because of many other unbudgeted purchases. NEW TRUCKS: OPERATORS PUMP STATION ST054560 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 6, 1990 PAGE - 7 Rick Hydrick said his Department (Pump Crew) could get along until after the mid-budget review, but not as efficiently. NEW TRUCKS: PUMP STATION OPERATORS (Continued) Director Pierini suggested use of a vehicle from another Department. No Board Action. Presented by Kay Taylor. Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/ Passed Unanimously to approve and accept Investment Policy as submitted. (The Policy becomes a part of these Minutes by refer- ence herein). The Executive Session was requested by Director Onysko. STATEMENT OF DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY PERSONNEL MATTER - EXECUTIVE SESSION Attorney Weidman said since there was no complaint against a specific employee, this should not be discussed in Executive Session. Director Onysko said if that were the case, he would request No Board Action at this time. Presented by Director Onysko. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini: To break out the present Customer Service Department personnel into a new Department indicated in the District's hierarchical structure answering to the Assistant General Manager with Bob Eppler as the Manager of the new Department with his job description modified accordingly, and a salary increase of approximately $150/month to the level of the Finance officer. CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHMENT The Board Vote was as follows: Onysko/Yes Pierini/Abstained Sinclair, Mason, Mosbacher/No Motion Defeated. ST054561 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 6, 1990 PAGE - 8 Chairman Mason said he would like to have the Staff Organization Study be done before any changes were made. CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHMENT (Continued) Director Pierini felt a change of this kind should be handled at the time the January MOU's were discussed. Director Sinclair stated a change of this nature should originate from the General Manager's office. He felt the Board had no business getting into such matters until it was brought to them, and initi- ating a request of this nature was frivolous. Director Onysko stated he would like to speak to the notion about hiring an outside consultant to evaluate our Organizational Structure. He said he saw a tendency to delay action on items with the expectation that this proposal will reach the Action Agenda and pass. He asked to go on record that he would not support such a Study and said there were others that agreed with him. Director Pierini stated the General Manager should make suggestions if he thought there should be any re-organization and if so, whether or not the study was needed. He felt changes should be made at the time the 1991 MOU's were done. Manager Baer stated he did not envision the Assistant Manager having the time for the additional responsibility of the Customer Relations Department; he was hired for his Engineering Expertise. Director Mosbacher said she was not comfortable authorizing additional expenditures at this time. She further said she needed to talk to Barrie Fischer to know how the Finance Department related to the Customer Relations Department. ST054562 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 6, 1990 PAGE - 9 Director Mosbacher also noted Bob Baer had only been General Manager for 4 months and felt he should be given time to get things operating the way he wanted and to have an opportunity to look at things to determine how they might be better done and to give him time to do these changes if he felt they were appropriate. CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHMENT (Continued) Director Onysko asked Director Mosbacher for a time deadline for her to look into these matters. Director Mosbacher said 3 to 6 months. Presented by Director Onysko, who asked for input from other Board Members. CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY FOR EMPLOYEES WITH REGARDS TO TRPA AND THE LAHONTAN BOARD Attorney Weidman reviewed the legal process for this item and the proper procedures to follow. He said from a legal point of view, if the Board wanted to make a change, first they had to make rules regar- ding this, then give Notice to the person(s) involved and allow them time to appeal to you and give them reasonable time to get out of what you think are incompatible duties. Incompatible duties deals with certain Government Codes. It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to ask the city and other Agencies for their policies on this type of issue and return to the Board with information at the 2nd Board Meeting in February. No Board Action. Presented by Chairman Mason. Director Onysko nominated Lou Pierini for the Chairman. Motion died for lack of 2nd. SELECTION OF BOARD OFFICERS AND EDWPA REPRESENTATIVE Director Mosbacher nominated Nat Sinclair for Board Chairman because he would be running for re-election next November. Director Onysko questioned Director Mosbacher's reasoning for the nomination. ST054563 REGULAR BOARD MEE ING MINUT - DECEMBER 6 1990 Moved Mosbacher/Second Sinclairl Pierini Abstained/Onysko Voted No~ Passed to Elect Nat sinclair as Board chairman. Moved Sinclair/Second Mosbacher~ Passed Unanimously to Elect Lou Pierini as Vice-Chairman. Manager Baer requested the immediate appointment of the EDWPA representative, the Redevelopment Committee and the Tahoe Keys Force Main study Committee. It was decided the EDWPA repre- sentative would be Nat Sinclair with Lou Pierini as the alternate. The Tahoe Keys Force Main Study Committee would consist of the present Operations Committee, and the Redevelopment Committee would be Directors Mosbacher & Pierini. 12/07/90 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ SLT city Council Chambers 12/10&ll - 1:00 PM, Assistant Legal Counsel Interviews 12/13/90 - 9:00 AM, Alpine County Grand Jury 12/17/90 - 4:00 PM, Workshop (Public Meeting) 12/19/90 - 2:30 PM, Scoping Meeting for EIR 12/20/90 - 4:00 PM, Regular Meeting (Public Meeting) 12/22/90 - 4:00 PM, christmas Party @ Valhalla 5:30 PM PAG_~E- 10 SELECTION OF BOARD OFFICERS AND EDWPA REPRESENTATIVE (Cont.) NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BOARD DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST054564 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ACCT. # 18-200-122 18-291-071 22-051-741 22-251-221 22-371-071 23-101-231 23-131-191 23-141-311 23-211-221 23-211-321 23-321-101 23-371-021 23-442-271 23-501-111 23-502-101 23-502-461 23-522-061 23-623-011 23-623-121 23-625-031 23-654~031 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 6, 1990 NAME Shirley Norton Marita Whittaker Donald Borges Betty Johnson Lowell Heath James Gerte Jerry Ross Adelard Ouellette E1 Nido Motel Joseph Thomas Dave Hobbs Steve Zigler Frederick Rianda Karl Magidson William Velez Paul Hale Jack Chavarria Sandra Banuet Steven McGuigan Cynthia Ferko John Genzale SERV. ADDRESS #12 Spring Creek ~7 Cascade Prop· 2173 Inverness 1920 Kokanee Way 336 Ala Wai #251 2139 West Way 575 James 2014 Thirteenth 2215 Lk. Tahoe Blvd. 2178 Eloise 614 Glorene 1066 & 1074 Second 1909 Thirteenth 753 Clement 752 Clement 804 Clement 1979 Tucker 1821 Shady Ln. 747 Panther 780 Taylor 786 Anita AMT. DUE $ 406.72 $ 406.82 $ 400.34 $ 597.37 $ 535.75 $ 522.41 $ 523.40 $ 401.22 $1,214.92 $ 586.00 $ 700.66 $ 491.34 $ 510.77 $ 481.02 $ 481.02 $ 757.00 $ 406.85 $ 481.02 $ 460.52 $ 459.33 $ 471.66 ST054565 PAGE TWO ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 6, 1990 ITEM ACCT. # NAME 22. 23-661-281 23. 23-732-471 24. 23-733-171 25. 23-733-321 26. 23-761-081 27. 25-225-181 28. 25-302-121 29. 25-312-151 25-342-121 31. 25-394-031 32. 25-491-031 Thomas Bishop Arnold Garcia Jack Bergman Kurt Holobaugh Randall Redington John Jamison James Bussell Donald Whitehead Michael McCluskey Dara Walker Sandor Csitos 33. 26-085-031 Frank Perez 34. 26-094-281 35. 26-103-131 Philip Patchin Carol Stark Neal SERV. ADDRESS 2289 Tahoe Vista 2265 California 2337 Oregon 2288 Washington 888 Tahoe Keys Blvd. 1394 Herbert 1511 Horace Greeley 1566 Horace Greeley 1355 Chinquapin 3412 Bruce 3210 Apple 944 Alameda 734 Modesto 3070 Sacramento AMT. DUE $ 440.90 $ 481.02 $ 481.02 $ 483.63 $ 464.36 $ 496.12 $ 518.36 $ 457.62 $ 492.09 $ 401.60 $ 481.02 $ 476.03 $ 669.52 $ 465.82 ST054566 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY (California Government Code Section 53646) Introduction: The purpose of this document is to identify various policies and procedures that enhance the District's opportunities for a prudent and systematic investment policy. Activities which comprise good cash management include, but are not limited to: the expeditious collection of revenue, the control of disburse- ments, and cost-effective banking relations. In concert with these requirements are the many facets of an appropriate and secure short-term investment program. II. III. Scope: It is intended that this policy cover all funds and investment activities under the direct authority of the agency. Objectives: A. Safety: It is the primary duty and responsibility of the Finance Department to protect, preserve and maintain cash and investments placed in their trust on behalf of the citizens of the community. Liquidity: An adequate percentage of the portfolio should be maintained in liquid short-term securities which can be converted to cash if necessary to meet disbursement require- ments. Since all cash requirements cannot be anticipated, investments in securities with active secondary or resale markets is highly recommended. Emphasis is on marketable securities with low sensitivity to market risk. $T054567 Adopted by the Board of Directors at the 12/6/90 Regular Board Mtg. ~ Co Yield: Yield should become a consideration only after the basic requirements of safety and liquidity have been met. Diversification: The investment portfolio will be diversified to avoid incurring unreasonable and avoidable risks regarding specific security typgs or individual financial institutions. Prudence: The agency adheres to the guidance provided by the "prudent man rule", which obligates a fiduciary to insure that: "...investment shall be made with the exercise of that degree of judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation but for investment considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived." (Civil Code #2261) Public Trust: Ail participants in the investment process shall act as custodians of the public trust. Investment officials shall recognize that the investment portfolio is subject to public review and evaluation. The overall program shall be designed and managed with a degree of professionalism that is worthy of the public trust. In a diversified portfolio it must be recognized that occasional measured losses are inevitable, and must be considered within the context of the overall portfolio's investment return, provided that adequate diversification has been implemented. ST054568 IV. Ve Delegation of Authority: Government Code #53607.- Refer to Resolution #2304 dated 8-4-83. Resolution #2412 dated 9-4-86. Reporting: A. Monthly: - The Finance Department shall submit a monthly investment report to the Governing Body. This report will include all required elements'of the monthly report as prescribed by Government Code Section 53646. Required elements of the monthly report: a) Type of investment b) Institution c) Date of maturity d) Amount of deposit or cost of the security e) Current market value of securities with maturity in excess of 12 months f) Rate of interest g) Statement relating the report to the Statement of Investment Policy h) Statement that there are sufficient funds to meet the next 30 days' obligations. i) Effective January 1, 1991, Accrued Interest as prescribed by the California Code Section 53646, if required by the Legislative Body. Additional information may be included in the monthly report, but it is not required by the Government Code. ST054569 Investment Limitations and Maturities: Security purchases and holdings should be maintained within statutory limits imposed by the Government Code. PERMITTED INVESTMENTS/ DEPOSITS Securities of the U.S. Govt. Certificates of Deposits. Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Bankers Acceptances Commercial Paper LAIF Passbook deposits Repurchase agreement Reverse Repurchase agreements Mutual Funds Medium Term Notes County Pooled Funds Current limits are: PERCENTAGES MAXIMUM MATURITY Unlimited 5 years* Unlimited 5 years* 30% 5 years* 40% 270 days 30% 180 days 10MM*** n/a - n/a - 1 year - 1 year** 15% n/a 30% 5 years* Unlimited n/a *Maximum term unless expressly authorized by Governing Body and within the prescribed time frame for said approval. **Governing Body approval is required. Further, it is suggested that the final maturity of the underlying investment security be less than or equal to the maturity of the reverse repurchase agreement. ***Limit set by L.A.I.F. Governing Board, not Government Code. ST054570 VII. VIII. IX. Banks and Securities Dealers: In selecting Financial institutions for the deposit or investment of District funds, the Finance Department shall consider the credit worthiness of institutions. The Finance Department shall continue to monitor financial institutions' credit characteristics and financial history throughout the period in which agency funds are deposited or invested. Risk Tolerance: The District recognizes that investment risks can result from issuer defaults, market price changes or various technical complications leading to temporary illiquidity. Portfolio 'diversification is employed as a way to control risk. Investment Managers are expected to display prudence in the selection of securities, as a way to minimize default risk. No individual investment transaction shall be undertaken which jeopardizes the total capital position of the overall portfolio. The Finance Department shall periodically establish guidelines and strategies to control risks of default, market price changes and illiquidity. Statement of Investment Policy: Government Code 53646 - The Statement of Investment Policy shall be reviewed and submitted annually to the Governing Body. ST054571