HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-17-90MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 17, 1990 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 17, 1990, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Walker, Pierini, Onysko, Sinclair STAFF: Baer, Fischer, Mamth, Schroeder, Powers, Eddy, Swain, Hydrick, Bonnet, B. Eppler, Gilbert, Hoggatt GUESTS: Jim Dipeso/Tahoe Daily Tribune O.R. Coleman, Walt Howard/Carollo Engineers, Mary Lou Mosbacher, Drake Brown & Rich Smith/Hewlett Packard None Acting Manager, Baer, requested Item 6/Fire Intrusion Alarm System be deferred and an Item 10/F.L.L. Sewer Modification Project be added to the Action Calendar. Director Onysko requested an Executive Session be added to discuss the progression of the selection of the General Manager's position. Attorney Weidman requested an Item il/Grant Eligibility Assistance be added to the Action Calendar. Chairman Mason requested an Item 12/Scrubber for Furnace Building be added to the Action Calendar. ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ST054739 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 1990 PAGE - 2 Director Pierini requested Item 13/ Redevelopment Issues be added to to the Action Calendar. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve Corrections/ Additions to Agenda. Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to Approve Consent Calendar as presented: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Authorized Execution of the acceptance forms by the Acting Manager/Engineer for the Step 2 Grant Increase offers: $344,487/ Federal and $57,414/State. 2) Adopted Resolution No. 2524 to approve Sewer Budget for Fiscal Year 1990-91. 3) Adopted Resolution No. 2525 to approve Water Budget for Fiscal Year 1990-91. 4) Approved Change Order No. 1 reducing the Thomas Haen Contract amount by $10,200.00/7.7 MGD Immediate Expansion RAS Bar Screens. 5) Authorized staff to reject claim of Kathryn Jager. Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to approve Board Meeting Minutes of April 19, 1990. APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES Director Sinclair reported on the CASA Conference he attended in Southern California and the subjects which were discussed. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS Director Pierini reported he and Director Sinclair met with the Planning Agency subcommittee regarding the low-flow fixture ordinance. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEEREPORTS ST054740 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 1990 PAGE - 3 Chairman Mason suggested the Redevelopment Committee members be changed from Sinclair/Pierini to Walker/Pierini due to the Redevelopment conflict-of-interest issue. Attorney Weidman noted that even before the conflict-of-interest issue was raised, there was no discussion whatsoever of the merits of the MOU for the procedure until this matter was at least resolved to this point in time. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) 5/04/90 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ SLT 5/07/90 - 4:00 PM, Meeting with Heavenly Valley Ski Area 5/07/90 - 7:00 PM, Adjourned Regular Board Mtg. and Public Hearing/Water Conservation Ordinances 5/08/90 - 4:30 pm, Employee Relations Committee with Underground Repair 5/09/90 - Interstate Water Compact Meetings 5/09-10 - ACWA Conference @ So. Lake Tahoe 5/10/90 - Lahontan Board Mtg. @ Lancaster 5/11/90 - CASA @ Dana Point 5/15/90 - 10:00 AM, Alpine County Board of Supervisors 5/15/90 - 4:00 PM, Workshop on Projects with Operations & Maintenance Supervisors, Management Staff, and Design Engineer 5/17/90 - Finance Committee Meeting PAST MEETINGS Manager: Bob Baer asked the Board if they would like to meet with the City Staff to discuss South Tahoe Housing Study Group. STAFF REPORTS Discussion followed. Attorney Weidman reviewed Afford- able Housing and answered Director Sinclair's questions regarding the 372 sewer units available and ex- plained the Agreement with the League and AG office. ST054741 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 1990 PAGE Director Pierini suggested a sub-committee meeting to obtain comments on ways to provide affordable housing. STAFF REPORTS (Continued) Bob Baer reported the District had received only two Engineering responses and one Environmental reponse for Requests for Propo- sals for the 18.3 MG ERB Project. Reasons for the poor response was discussed. Bob Baer also reported on the Alta-Pacific/Contract 1 claim. Discussion followed. Attorney: Attorney Weidman reported he had been working on the following items: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Interstate Water Allocation Grant Eligibility Schwake Settlement & the opening of escrow Heise Emminent Domain matters F.L.L. Bond Counsel Redevelopment Proqram Manaqers: Rick Hydrick - Reported on: 1) Cold Creek Filter Plant 2) Fallen Leaf Lake Modification Project & offered to give Board members a tour of the facilities Rick Hydrick requested to adjourn today's meeting to 5/24/90 to review preliminary bids for the Fallen Leaf Lake Modification Project. Shop Steward: No report. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Director Pierini left the podium because of a possible conflict of interest on this item. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: MR. O.R. COLEMAN ST054742 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 1990 PAGE - 5 Presented by Bob Eppler who reviewed Mr. Coleman's property history and his future use of the property. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: MR. O.R. COLEMAN (Continued) Moved Walker/Second Sinclair/ Pierini Abstained/Passed to direct staff to allow a waiver to Ordinance 403 for the transfer of all 12 sewer units on APN 23-311-301. Presented by Carol Swain, who reviewed the present needs and cost savings related to the new system. She also introduced the two representatives from Hewlett Packard. Payment options and the Local Area Network (LAN) option were discussed. COMPUTER SYSTEM UPGRADE Moved Sinclair/Second Onsyko/Passed Unanimously to authorize entering into a new Lease/Purchase Agreement with Hewlett Packard for an HP 990 and LAN System with the understanding sales tax would be paid up-front. Attorney Weidman reviewed the Kronick/Moskowitz bill and method of payment of future payments for Water Rights/Tahoe Basin and our Agreement with TTSA & Tahoe City PUD to share the costs. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS He also answered Director Pierini's questions regarding billing proce- dures/payments to the Fred Girard law firm. Director Pierini noted he did not have time to complete his review of the Carollo payment included in today's payment of claims and stated he would like to authorize payment providing he found no errors in the billing. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ Passed Unanimously to approve payment of $429,517.84. ST054743 ~EGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 1990 PAGE Bob Baer presented staff's 5-point LUTHER PASS SPILL CONTAINMENT recommended plan to address some of .... the problems: 1) Install a shut-off valve and inspection Tee on the line leading to the surge valve. Depending on the inspection results, staff may need to request a second strainer - estimated cost: $25,000. Baer requested staff be allowed to procure prices for these items and come back to the Board with a recommendation; 2) Add the air actuated solonoid valves and control system recommended by Carollo - estimated cost: $5,000. Staff would acquire detailed pricing and return to the Board with the in- formation; 3) Determine the condition of Pump No. 3 and get it running like new; lower the tank level to determine the cavitation level for vibration and noise & monitor the pump for a period of time; 4) Address the corrosion in the tank. System will have to be shut-down for inspection of the tank; 5) Build a second, elevated 150,000 - 200,000 gallon tank and convert the existing tank for the surge valve for 1-million gallon surge capacity. Director Onysko questioned Baer regarding the old telemetry Page 6 system (level rising by 1/10th of a foot) and asked if the new system could be modified to allow a longer lead time. He requested staff report back at the next meeting. Walt Howard responded to questions from Board members. Discussion followed regarding shut-down, inspection, operation, control systems, and costs. The schedule for this work would have to consider the increase in population during the summer months. ST054744 ~EGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 1990 Director Pierini felt sending a man down the export line to remove the rocks would be the best solution. Mary Lou Mosbacher said the people living within the area were only asking for additional protection from spills; they didn't care what solution the District decided upon. It was the consensus of the Board to have Staff proceed with the first 2 options, plus try to de- termine the condition of the present tank. PAGE - 7 LUTHER PASS SPILL CONTAINMENT (Continued) Fo Board Action. Board members requested Baer have a report available at the May 24th Board meeting. Jim Hoggatt explained the planned work to be done. Director Pierini suggested the District purchase a used water truck. Discussion followed. EMERGENCY RETENTION BASIN SEALING PROJECT Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to Approve Ford Construc- tion Change Order No. 12 for addi- tional Erosion Protection/Seeding Plan in the amount of $13,285. Presented by Jim Hoggatt. Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Passed Unan~ to accept the low bid of David McKenzie in the amount of $52,155.00. 7.7 MGD IMMEDIATE EXPANSION - CHLORINE CONTACT BASIN MODIFICATIONS This item was deferred. Presented by Ken Schroeder. Discussion followed. FIRE INTRUSION ALARM SYSTEM FOR THE LOWER SHOP AREA PLANT SECURITY GATE This item was deferred for further study on the specific present and future needs of the District in regards to the type and location of a security gate. ST054745 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 1990 PAGE - 8 5:50 PM MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED 6:00 PM Presented by Chairman Mason. BOARD WORKSHOP SESSION Chairman Mason reviewed the need for Workshops. Director Walker & Director Sinclair agreed the Workshops were very beneficial and informative. Director Pierini felt the pre- sentation by the Staff should be made when the public was present at the Regular Board Meeting and one of the meetings should be at night. Director Walker & Sinclair felt a night meeting would not bring more members of the public to the meetings. Directors Onysko and Pierini did not agree. Discussion followed. Moved Walker/Second Sinclair/ Onysko & Pierini Voted No/Passed to re-instate the Monday Workshops @ 4:00 PM before the regular Thursday Board Meetings. Director Pierini requested the Workshop issue be considered again in a few months. Bob Baer requested direction from the Board as to the format for future Agendas. Discussion followed. Bob Baer said we would prepare an Agenda and ask Board comments on the new format. Presented by Attorney Weidman, who explained the changes in the Assessment Schedule appearing in the Engineer's Report. F.L.L. AD 1990-1 RESOLUTION 2526 TO CORRECT CLERICAL ERRORS IN ENGINEER'S REPORT Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to Adopt Resolution 2526. ST054746 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 1990 Presented by Attorney Weidman. GRANT ELIGIBILITY PAGE - 9 Attorney Weidman reviewed the meeting with Chris Rissetto, Mark Pritchard, Nat Sinclair & Barrie Fischer during the CASA Conference. He gave an overview of Mr. Rissetto's & Mr. Prithcard's qualifications. Director Sinclair reviewed his discussion with Chris Rissetto & Mark Pritchard at the meeting related to recovery of grant eligible funding. Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to authorize expenditure for an amount not to exceed $50,000 for assistance in recovering grant eligible funds under the Step-3 grant with the firm of Zorc, Rissetto, Weaver and Rosen. Presented by Chairman Mason. Chairman Mason recommended to proceed with the project as out- lined by Carollo Engineeers at the Workshop. SCRUBBER - FURNACE BUILDING Discussion followed. Moved Walker/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to: 1) Proceed with the project as out- lined by Carollo Engineers at the May 15th Workshop; 2) Authorize District staff to complete modifications to the screw conveyors; and 3) Authorize staff to investigate alternatives for immediate changes to the ventilation system in the Operations Building for an amount not to exceed $30,000 as a separate contract. This item was deferred. REDEVELOPMENT ISSUES ST054747 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 17, 1990 PAGE - 10 5/21/90 - Heise Settlement 5/23/90 - TRPA/FLL Project 5/23/90 - T-BAG (Director Pierini) 5/24/90 - 7:00 PM, Adjourned Board Meeting/Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer System Modification Project 5/25/90 - Federal Water Master Hearing/Harvey Place Water Rights 6/07/90 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. 4:30 PM, Public Hearing/ Drinking Water Variance 4:45 PM, Public Hearing/ F.L.L. 6/21/90 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. 6/22/90 - EDWPA Picnic @ Sly Park FUTURE MEETINGS 7:00 PM 7:27 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (b) 2. (a) South Tahoe PUD vs. F. Heise Land & Livestock; and General Manager' s position RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION None. ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION 7:27 PM ADJOURNMENT TO MAY 24, 1990 AT 7:00 PM (Location to be determined) ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST054748