HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-19-90MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 19t 1990 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Regular Board Meeting, April 19, 1990, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Walker, Onysko, Pierini, Sinclair ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Schroeder, Taylor, Hydrick, Gilbert, Hoggatt, Rieger, Hrbacek, Schrempp, Swain, Schnakenberg, Powers and Attorney Weidman GUESTS:. Walt Howard & John Fraser/Carollo Eng., Jerry Goodman, Keith Klein/ City Council, John Wynn, Jim Jones, Dan Brown, Bob Weeteling, Jim Dipeso/ Tahoe Daily Tribune, Rudy Vogel, Mr. & Mrs. Springmeyer, Mickey Madden, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Tuck, Diane Vitto, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mapes, Fran Cocking, Daniel P. Browne, Jr. Edward Leach, J. Read Brown, David Kurtzman, and Raymond Fieldcamp None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE Director Onysko requested Agenda Items 7 & 11 be moved to the top of the Action Calendar as Items 1 & 2. He also requested an Item (B) be added to Action Item 6 as: Air Scrubber System Clarification for discussion. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Director Pierini requested Consent Item 2 be moved to the Action Calendar as Item 3. Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve corrections/ additions to Agenda & Consent calendar. ST054767 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 1990 PAGE - 2 Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Accepted City's lowest bidder, Sierra Mountain Paving, and share one-half the cost of overlaying Venice Dr. within the limits of the District's 1989 Pipeline Project - Venice Drive Overlay. 2) Approved Purchase of Lamson Aeration Blower in an amount not to exceed $22,174 plus tax and shipping. Moved Walker/Second Sinclair Passed Unanimously to approve the April 5, 1990 Regular Board Meeting minutes. APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES None REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Pierini said the ERB and Luther Pass Spill Containment Projects were discussed earlier with Carollo Engineers and will be discussed further in today's meeting. 4/06/90 -10:00 AM., EDWPA @ EID 4/10/90 - 9:00 AM, E1 Dorado Co. Board of Supervisors Re/ Fallen Leaf Lake Project 4/10/90 - 2:30 PM, Employee Relations Committee w/Electrical Dept. 4/11/90 - 4:00 PM, Adjourned Regular Board Mtg. re: Budgets 4/12/90 - 2:30 PM, Employee Rela- tions Committee w/Heavy Maintenance 4/17/90 - 4:00 PM, Adjourned Regular Board Meeting PAST MEETINGS Manager: No report. STAFF REPORTS Attorney: No report. Shop Steward: No report. ST054768 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 1990 PAGE - 3 Program Manaqers: Kay Taylor reported on the Disstrict's Affirmative Action hiring procedures. STAFF REPORTS (Cont.) John Bonnet: Bob Baer reported John Bonnet was not present to report on the Ultra- Low-Flow Toilets/Impacts on Col- lection System and Treatment Plant, but this information will be covered in today's Action Item No. 10 - Water Conservation Ordinances. Presented by Director Onysko. Dan Brown and John Wynn expressed their views on the Advertisement for Manager's position. ADVERTISEMENT FOR MANAGER'S POSITION Board discussion followed. Attorney Weidman reviewed the events and benefits of the Advertise- ments and gave his recommendations. Director Pierini said the expendi- ture did not necessarily need to be approved by the Board, and placing the ad was the issue--not the amount. Chairman Mason agreed with Director Pierini that it was the way the ads were placed--not the amount, which was in question. Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Director Sinclair Voted No/Director Onysko Abstained/Passed to approve payment of expenditure for classified ads on Sunday, March 18, 1990 in the sum of $2,216.59. Presented by Rick Hydrick. Rick Hydrick reviewed the four quotes and methods to be used for contact time. COLD CREEK FILTER PLANT TRACER STUDY Director Onysko agreed there was a need for this study and gave his opinion regarding his preferences. He also answered Chairman Mason's question regarding fluorometers and disinfection methods. ST054769 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 1990 Jamie Mapes & Dan Brown, residents of the Cold Creek area, thanked the District for using well water most of this winter. Ms. Mapes said residents in the Montgomery Estates area are still experiencing water problems (brown-discolored water, sediments remaining in tubs/sinks, strong sewer & chlorine odors). She asked that the District make every effort to ensure the Creek water is safe for human consump- tion this summer. Dan Brown encourgaged the Board to complete the proposed Tracer Study. PAGE COLD CREEK FILTER PLANT TRACER STUDY (Continued) Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to award contract in the amount of $3,664 to Systek Co. effective Monday, 4/23/90 pursuant to additional information by staff. Presented by Diane Gilbert. Diane Gilbert answered questions from Board members regarding con- servation measures and future campaigns for water conservation. WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM 1990 Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve expenditure of $13,520 for the District's share of So. Shore Water Purveyor's Associ- ation's Water Conservation Program with the provision Items 2, 3, & 5 would be ommitted from the list. The list becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein as Addendum 1. Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Onysko Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $446,166.49. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Presented by Greg Schrempp; Tom Fields was not present. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: TOM FIELDS Greg Schrempp gave the history and correspondence on the 3 accounts regarding installation of back-flow assemblies. Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to proceed with discon- nection procedures on Parcels: ANP 34-270-49; 34-270-51; and 34-321-14. ST054770 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 1990 PAGE - 5 Presented by Tim Rieger. Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/ Passed to approve water discon- nection on APN 31-072-081, 2540 Lake Tahoe Blvd. TWO-WEEK DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 360 & 394 Terry E. Tubb was not present. Correspondence & payment history of Mr. Tubb's account was discussed. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: TERRY E. TUBB Moved Pierini/Second Onsyko/Walker, Sinclair voted No/Passed to waive late charges in the amount of $10.45. Chairman Mason requested Finance Officer, Barrie Fischer, set up a meeting with the Finance Committee to review and establish a policy for similar charges in the future. Presented by Jimmie Hoggatt. Jimmy Hoggatt reported all bids were reviewed and appeared to be in order. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION SPILL CONTAINMENT PROJECT Walt Howard of Carollo Engineers reported on the difference in the dollar amounts of the Engineers estimate and the reasons for these differences. Ail Board Members commented. Walt Howard responded to questions from Board members. Mary Lou Mossbacher commented on the Project and the fire protection she felt the neighbors in the area deserved. Director Pierini stated the original idea for the Spill Containment Project was to find a substitute for the $71,000 Lahontan fine. The Project was up to $321,000 right now which was about $250,000 over the original amount and would translate into a 5% rate in- crease per sewer service customer. He felt it would not be prudent to go ahead with the Project until alter- natives had been reviewed. ST054771 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 1990 PAGE - 6 Moved Sinclair/Second/Pierini Passed Unanimously to reject all bids and directed staff to investi- gate alternatives to the Project. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION SPILL CONTAINMENT PROJECT (Continued) Presented by Bob Baer & Walt Howard/ EMERGENCY RETENTION BASIN Carollo Engineers. SEALING PROJECT A report was given by the Project Designer, John Fraser/Carollo Engineers, who also responded to questions from the Board regarding the wash-down procedures and odor problems. Director Onysko requested written responses from Grade V Operators on the Carollo report. Other Board members felt responses would be valuable from all Operators. No Board Action. Presented by Director Onysko, who elaborated on the concerns expres- sed to him by the Opertors regard- ing the planned modifications for the elimination of odors in the Solids Building. PROPOSED SCRUBBER SYSTEM FOR SOLIDS BUILDING Acting Manager, Bob Baer, responded to Director Onysko's question about the present contract schedule and the intent of the design for this project which he stated was to address the concentrated odors over the Centrifuges, (the vents) not the general ventilation of the building. John Fraser stated the present design had been modified to a two- stage system to meet The E1 Dorado County Air Quality Board's standards. It was the consensus of staff and the design engineeer that the intent of the design for this project was not the same as the design needed to ad- dress the concerns of the Operators. Director Onysko discussed his concerns about the project and felt the Operators input should be considered regarding the odors and the potential for freezing. ST054772 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 1990 PAGE - 7 Chairman Mason stated the Operations Committee had distri- buted sets of plans to the Opera- tors and Heavy Maintenance. Comments had been received from the Operators, but Heavy Mainten- ance had not had sufficient time to respond. Further, he said the Operations Committee (Mason/Walker) felt a standing committee should be formed with a representative from each department to review plans and to contribute ideas at the inception of a project. PROPOSED SCRUBBER SYSTEM FOR SOLIDS BUILDING (Continued) The Board, District Staff & Carollo's staff discussed the District's obli- gation to the contractor & the options available to address the odor & freez- ing problems which concerned Director Onysko. No Board Action. Presented by Diane Gilbert who ex- plained the provisions within the three ordinances and requested the Board set dates for Public Hearings. WATER CONSERVATION ORDINANCES (3 Topics discussed under this issue were: Inspection, Enforcement, Calif. Building Codes, and Hearing dates. Public Hearing dates were set for: 5/3/90 @ 4:30 PM & 5/7/90 @ 7:00 PM. No Board Action. Presented by Diane Gilbert who elaborated on the various ways to save water which will be pre- sented to local businesses, schools and the community at large. She said Mayor Roberts has been asked to proclaim the week of May 6-12 as Water Awareness week. WATER AWARENESS WEEK: MAY 6-12 Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2516, declaring May 6-12 as Water Awareness Week. 5:55 PM 5-MINUTE BREAK MEETING RECONVENED 6:00 PM ST054773 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 1990 PAGE - 8 Presented by Gary Schnakenberg, who reported eighteen (18) well drilling companies were sent invi- tations to bid, but only one bid was received from Layne-Western. BIJOU AND MIDDLE SCHOOL WELLS Schnakenberg said he was requesting the Board reject the Bid due to the construction time condition and the high cost. He also requested the Board declare a great emergency and acquire informal bids for this project. Tom Day of Layne-Western spoke to the Board and outlined their reasons for the costs related to their bid. Discussion followed regarding Layne- Western's presentation. Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to: A) Reject the one bid received as non-responsive from Layne-Western Co., Inc. and; B) Declare a great emergency with the understanding staff would make requests for qualifications from prospective drilling companies to identify the most qualified drillers and negotiate the work from the most qualified drilling companies. Rick Hydrick requested this item be deleted from the Agenda at this time until he is able to acquire more information on the present roof. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION RE-ROOF TO CLASS "A" FIRE RATING Presented by Rick Hydrick. Rick Hydrick reviewed the Resolu- tions before the Board for approval. He stated the estimated costs for the Project was $1,318,000. FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Director Sinclair expressed his concerns regarding the Fallen Leaf Lake sewerage system and wanted to be assured the District was not responsible for the Fallen Leaf Lake system until it had been ST054774 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19, 1990 PAGE - 9 certified by someone other than the District that the modified system was competent. FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) Attorney Weidman stated this action did not modify the Fallen Leaf Lake Homeowners Agreement. Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/ Passed Unanimously to authorize execution of Resolution No. 2517 - Intention to make Acquisitions & Improvements; No. 2518 - Prelimi- nary Approving Engineeer's Report, Appointing a Time/Place for Hearing Protests & Directing Notice Thereof; Describing Proposed Boundaries and Directing Filing of a Boundary Map; No. 2519 - Approving Plans/Specs, calling for Sealed Proposals, and Fixing Liquidated Damages for Failure to Complete the Work Within the Time Specified; and No. 2520 - Determining to Undertake Proceedings Without Further Action Under Division 4 of the Streets & Highways Code for Assessment District 1990-1. Presented by Bob Baer. He reviewed the requirements for the State Revolving Loan Program and stated RFP's will be sent to various engineering firms and environmental Consultants. 18.3 MG EMERGENCEY RETENTION BASIN Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to authorize issuance of request for proposals for engineering services and environmental consulting services. Attorney Weidman requested this item be continued to the May 3rd meeting. SCHWAKE PROPERTY CONDEMNATION - ALPINE COUNTY 4/23/90 - CWPCA @ Stateline, NV 4/27/90 - 8:30 AM - Board Tour of Alpine Co. Facilities & Luther Pass Pump Station 4/30/90 - 3:30 PM, Heise Settlement Conference @ Auburn 5/03/90 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. 5/04/90 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ SLT Council Chambers NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ST054775 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 19. 1990 PAGE - 10 5/11/90 - CASA @ Dana Point 5/09-11 - ACWA 6:45 PM 7:05 PM Discussion of Advertisement for Manager's position was continued to another meeting. None NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS (Continued) ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (a) and (c) : South Tahoe PUD vs. Melvin Schwake, Jr., et al. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION 7:10 PM ADJOURNMENT TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS TOUR OF ALPINE COUNTY FACILITIES AND LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION, APRIL 27, 1990, 8:30 AM ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST054776 Addendum 1 4/19/90 Regular Board Meeting Minutes SOUTH SHORE WATER PURVEYORS ASSOCIATION 1990 WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM/BUDGET Proposed Progra~ 4) ~ 6) 7) 8) 9) lO) ii) 12) Water conservation table tents supplied to all restaurants in the District informing guests of water on request only. (N/C - from inventory) gpanish) tc :ir cn cur !oc=-! r=-die st=-tiens- ......................... Produce a semi-professional 60-sec. water conservation video using theme of tree ring study, dead trees, yellow jackets. ($650) ~4~ t~c V~C~ Produce a 4-color water conservation poster for distribution to all members of the Chamber of Commerce, encouraging business owners to.display prominently. ($700 plus $125 postage) Newspaper spot display ads to run May - September with various water awareness/conservation messages. ($3300 Trib., $990 Reader) Visit elementary schools for conservation talks in classrooms. Meyers Elementary April 27th. (N/C) Provide water conservation material to those applying to the District for new water services or additional sewer hookups. (N/C) Target various industries such as restaurants, laundries, hotel/motels, schools, etc. with specific water saving practices for their special activities. ($125 postaoe) Contribute to Demonstration Garden Project. ($1000) *Poster Contest to include elementary, middle, & high school and also the college. Cash prizes ($1000) ST054777 Proposed Budqet 1988 1989 SSWPA Adopted Budget SSWPA Adopted Budget 1990 4/6/90 1990 Proposed Budget *Added Poster Contest ($1000) Adopted Budget $16,288 $14,014 $15,000 1,000 $16,000 ST054778 B 0 A R D M EE T IN~G GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) PHONE NUMBER: NAME: ADDRESS: ST054779 NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFOP~LATION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE.