HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-90~ I NU ~ E S REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 5, 1990 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Regular Board Meeting, April 5, 1990, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Walker, Pierini, Onysko, Sinclair ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Schroeder, Bonnet, Sinkevich, Gilbert, Taylor, B. Eppler, Cartwright, Swain, Powers, Hydrick, Schnakenberg GUESTS: Mickey Madden, John Wynn, Dr. Matt Luerkin, John Cefalu, Tom Faye, Norm Woods, Keith Klein/City Council, Kerry Miller/City Manager, Jim Dipeso/ Tahoe Daily Tribune, Bert Cherry, Mr. & Mrs. Connie Ross, and other members of the public who did not wish to sign in. None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE Director Onysko requested Consent Item No. 5 be moved to the Action Calendar as Item 10 and requested Action Item 8 C) be deleted. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Chairman Mason requested Item 8 A & B be deferred until after discussion during the Executive Session. He requested these same items be added to the Executive Session portion of the meeting. Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve corrections/ additions/ to agenda and consent calendar. ST054788 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 5, 1990 PAGE - 2 Moved Pierini/Second Walker/ Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended - Items 1, 2*, 3, and 4. CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved purchase in the amount of $774.00 plus tax for promotional hats/shirts with District logo. 2)* Accepted the bid from Alpine Roofing in the amount of $6,600.00 for Luther Pass Pump Station's re-roofing to a Class "A" fire rating. 3) Authorized execution of the loan agreement by Chairman of the Board with the E1 Dorado County Water Agency. 4) Authorized execution of an Agreement by the Chairman of Board with the California Sanitation Risk Management Authority Agreement for Property Insurance Program. * Consent Item 2 (Luther Pass Pump Station re-roofing) was discussed late~ in the meeting and deferred to a later date to allow staff time to obtain additional information on the Class "A" roof rating. (Please see Page-7 of Minutes). Moved Walker/Second Onysko/Passed Unanimously to approve the Board Meeting Minutes of: APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES 1) March 8, 1990 Special Board Meeting Minutes and; 2) March 15, 1990 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. None REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS None 3/20/90 - 1:00 PM, Pre-Bid Conf./ Luther Pass Spill Contain- ment Project 3/21/90 - 3:00 PM, Employee Relations Committee w/Lab Staff 3/23/90 - Heise Settlement Conf. @ Auburn 3/29/90 - 9:30 AM, TRPA Review/Luther Pass Project PAST MEETINGS ST054789 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 5, 1990 PAGE - 3 3/30/90 - 4:00 PM, Employee Rela- PAST MEETINGS (Continued) tions Committee w/Office Staff 3/30/90 - 5:00 PM, Employee Relations Committee w/Management Staff 4/02/90 - 7:30 PM, Public Hearing: 1990/91 Budgets @ City Council Chambers 4/03/90 - 2:00 PM, Bid Opening - Luther Pass Spill Contain- ment Project 4/03/90 - Schwake Settlement Conf. 4/05/90 - Redevelopment Meeting @ City Manager: Acting Manager, Bob Baer, reported on the following: STAFF REPORTS 1) Spanish-speaking employee survey. (only one part-time employee speaks Spanish). Director Sinclair requested an expan- ded report on the Spanish-speaking survey and a report on the District's Affirmative Action Program. Bob Baer said a report will be avail- able on these items at the next meet- ing. 2) Easements were accepted for Sewer Line Relocation/Redevelopment area; 3) TRPA approved the Luther Pass Spill Containment Project; 4) Requested the Board set a time and date for a Board of Directors Tour of Alpine County Facility. It was decided to go on 4/27/90, 8:30 A/~, (Workshop Meeting). 5) Presented National Water Pollution Control Federation Award to Margaret Sinkevich, Plant Operator, for her abstract paper on Alum vs. Lime Treatment for Phosphorus Removal. Chairman Mason and Board Members congratulated Margaret on her achievement. ST054790 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 5, 1990 PAGE - 4 Director Pierini suggested a Workshop before the Budget is approved. A lengthy discussion followed. It was decided to have a Workshop on 4/11/90 @ 4:00 PM. STAFF REPORTS (Continued) Attorneys: Attorney Weidman reported he had been working on the Schwake and Heise Settlements, Redevelopment and Fallen Leaf Lake matters. Attorney Rollston also reported he had been working on items on the Agenda and New Wells matters (also on the agenda). Proqram Manaqers: Diane Gilbert reported on the District Survey results. Rick Hydrick reported on the Water Conservation Ordinance and the full ordinance should be completed by April 19th. John Bonnet reported on the PEEP Program (Number in group, size of group members & our cost and cost savings we could expect by being in the program. 4:30 PM PUBLIC HEARING The Public Hearing was opened by Chairman Mason. Barrie Fischer, Finance Officer reviewed the Proposed 1990-91 Fiscal Year Sewer Enterprise Fund Budqet. Public comments were received from John Cefalu, Keith Klein, Marcia Schultz, and Mickey Madden. PUBLIC COMMENT Director Pierini commented on the Redevelopment Legal Concerns of the District Board members. Barrie Fischer, Finance Officer reviewed the Proposed 1990-91 Fiscal Year Water Enterprise Fund Budqet. There was no public comment on the Water Enterprise Fund Budget. ST054791 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 5, 1990 PAGE - 5 6:00 PM CLOSE HEARING Dr. Matt Leurkin, representing Tahoe Meadows Homeowners Assoc. requested permission to lay water lines for fire hydrants at the same time they lay the other under- ground utilities in their area. Dr. Leurkin responded to questions from the Board and stated the home- owners planned to rely on their private wells for drinking water. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: MATT LEURKEN Chairman Mason directed the Engineering staff to work with Dr. Leurkin on this matter. Director Pierini questioned the Carollo payment of $63,253.19. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $809,508.91. Presented by Ken Schroeder, who reported on costs related to 3 different sites and responded to Board members questions. WATER CONSERVATION FLOW MONITORING Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ Passed Unanimously to authorize purchase of one (1) flow meter on gravity feed line for the Pioneer Village area for an amount not to exceed $6,000 to measure the existing sewer flows. Presented by Ken Schroeder, who reviewed cost and installation information for residential water meters. RESIDENTIAL WATER METER INSTALLATIONS Board discussion followed. This item was referred to the Board's Conservation Committee for further study. No Board Action. ST054792 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 5, 1990 PAGE - 6 Presented by Gary Schnakenberg. Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to approve the project. Presented by Director Onysko, who stated he had discussed this matter with the firm of Brown & Caldwell while attending a professional conference & had suggested they contact Acting Manager, Bob Baer. Chairman Mason questioned the need for an additional study of this type as Boyle Engineering had studied this issue last summer and reported the actual detention time was 62 minutes. He said the Pump Station Operators had also tested the detention time at 66 minutes and the State Public Health Dept. had approved their tests and wondered what else could be gained. Director Onysko replied he felt the basic premise of the Boyle study and their calculations were incorrect. He explained his position on the matter and felt the key issue to the study should be how much detention time did the fastest molecules see. He did not feel the Boyle mathemati- cal calculations told the District how quickly the fastest molecules passed through the system. Chairman Mason expressed concerns regarding the upcoming summer season's water needs. He reminded the Board of the District's order from the State Public Health Dept. regarding the College Well. Rick Hydrick ex- plained the Health Dept. would allow the use of College Well water for 15 days only (stand-by status) and a fine of $5,000.00 per day would be imposed on the District if used arbitrarily. Discussion followed. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Sinclair voted No/Passed to refer the Study to the Operations Committee with authority to commission a detention time study in an amount not to exceed $5,000. COLD CREEK ACCESS ROAD EROSION CONTROL GRANT PROJECT COLD CREEK FILTER PLANT DETENTION TIME STUDY ST054793 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 5, 1990 PAGE - 7 This item was removed earlier in the meeting to an Executive Session. MANAGEMENT STAFF JOB DESCRIPTIONS No Board Action. Director Pierini requested the Board reconsider their approval under the Consent Calendar Action. (See Page-2 of Minutes) LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION REROOFING TO CLASS "A" FIRE RATING (Consent Item 2) Director Pierini stated he had requested additional information from Rick Hydrick regarding the difference between a Class "A" fire rating compared to a Class "C" (present roof) fire rating. Rick Hydrick responded and Board discussion followed. Moved Pierini/Second Onysko/Sinclair voted No/Passed to reconsider and refer back to staff: Consent Item 2, Luther Pass Pump Station Reroofing. Moved Onysko/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to defer this item to the 4/11/90 Executive Session. DEVELOPMENT OF CONSENSUS FOR DETAILS OF SEARCH FOR THE POSITION OF GENERAL MANAGER Director Onysko reported he had reviewed both proposals and noticed neither had included the determina- tion of the Aquifer parameters and asked staff to check with Boyle regarding this matter. BIJOU AND MIDDLE SCHOOL WELL PROJECT Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to authorize award of contract to Boyle Engineering Corp. to provide mechanical & electrical plans/specs in the amount of $9,918.00 4/06/90 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ EID 4/10/90 - E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors/Re Fallen Leaf lake Project 4/19/90 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. 4/23/90 - Calif. Water Pollution Control Assoc. @ Stateline, NV 4/30/90 -3:30 PM, Heise Settlement Conf. @ Auburn 5/11/90 - CASA @ Dana Point NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ST054794 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 5, 1990 PAGE - 8 7:15 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) (b) and (c): South Tahoe PUD vs. F. Heise Land & Livestock Co.; and, South Tahoe PUD vs. Melvin Schwake, Jr. et al; and, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956. 9 (b) 2. (a) and (C) 4.: Redevelopment MOU 7:55 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION None ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION 7:55 PM ADJOURNMENT TO BUDGET WORKSHOP ON 4/11/90 @ 4:00 PM - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST054795 Date: BOARD MEET ING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) PHONE NUMBER: NAME: ADDRESS: ST054796 NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFOR~tATION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE.