HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-15-90MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT M~RCH 15~ 1990 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Regular Board Meeting, March 15, 1990, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Walker, Onysko, Pierini, Sinclair STAFF: Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Gilbert, Hydrick, Cartwright, Schnakenberg, Schroeder, Powers, Swain, B. Eppler, Bonnet, Eddy, Attorneys Weidman and Rollston ~UESTS: Keith Klein/City Council, Jim Dipeso/ Tahoe Daily Tribune, Roy Hampson, Arthur Griffiths None Acting Manager, Bob Baer, requested Consent Item #5 be moved to the Action Calendar as Item 10; Director Onysko requested Consent Item #1 be moved to the Action Calendar as Item 11. Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve Corrections/ Additions to Agenda. Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended: 2) Authorized advertisement for bids - 7.7 MGD Wastewater Plant Expansion/Chlorine Contact Basin Modifications; ROLL CALL COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST054802 ~EGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 15, 1990 3) Authorized execution by the Chairman of the Board for a supplemental response to the 1989 Grand Jury Report. 4) Authorized a merit increase to the amount of $3,750/month beginning 3/15/90 for the Manager of Water Operations/Public Infor- mation Officer. PAGE - 2 CONSENT CAI.~NDAR (Continued) 6) Authorized execution of Agree- ment & Payment of $7,300 for shared O&M costs with the U.S. Dept. of the Interior-Geological Survey for Alpine County Streamflow Gauging Stations. Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve: APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES 1) February 15, 1990 Regular Board Meeting Minutes; and 2) March 1, 1990 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. Director Pierini brought up the following items for discussion: REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS 1) Asked if District had a Spanish- speaking member of the staff who was available to communicate with the Public and asked Staff to investigate. Director Sinclair suggested a Spanish message might be included in the regular District telephone message recording. 2) Inquired about District's retro- fit plans for residential water service when they are connected to meters & questioned Staff regarding the comparative ease of retro-fitting old lateral connections compared to new construction. He suggested Staff revise the installation process on new residential construction to allow less labor intensive costs by District to install meters. Chairman Mason directed Bob Baer to place this item on his list of priorities for future study. ST054803 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 15, 1990 Finance Officer, Barrie Fischer, answered questions from Dirctor Walker regarding risers for meters and potential freezing problems. Discussion followed. PAGE - 3 REPORT BY BOARD MRMBERS (Cont.) Chairman Mason directed Board's attention to the Committee Meetin~ Minutes in the Board packets. Director Onysko announced he had distributed a Draft Advertisement for the District Manager's position and requested all Board members review the Draft Ad and advise him regarding it. He stated the Draft Ad was an attachment to his Committee Report Minute~. Chairman Mason in- quired if he was asking for action on this item. Director Onysko said he was not. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS 3/02/90 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ South Lake Tahoe - CANCELLED 3/02/90 - 1:00 PM, CA Dept./Health Svs: Variance for College Well 3/08/90 - 10:00 AM, League to Save Lake Tahoe: Water Conser- vation/Low Flow-Toilet Concept 3/08/90 - 4:00 PM, Special Board Mtg.- Lahontan Regional Board/ Luther Pass Spill Contain- ment Waste Discharge Permit 3/09/90 - 9:00 AM, Finance Committee/ Budgets @ District 3/15/90 - 2:00 PM, Special Workshop/ Budgets @ Council Chambers Acting Manager, Bob Baer, announced Terry Powers received the 1989 Lab- oratory Person-of-the-Year Award by the Calif. Pollution Control Assoc., Sierra Section and will be nominated for the State-wide award. PAST MEETINGS STAFF REPORTS Chairman Mason presented Terry Powers the award with congratulations. Attorney Attorneys Weidman & Rollston stated the items they had been working on were on the Agenda. ST054804 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 15, 1990 PAGE - 4 Attorney Weidman asked the Board to note the large balance in Water Agency Funds: $1,000,000/surplus Carry-over and $680,000/annual tax revenue increasing @ 7%. He stated this indicated our area had not re- ceived its share of tax revenues and a surplus had been built up at our expense and others. STAFF REPORTS (Continued) Program Managers: Rick Hydrick gave a status report on the Demonstration Garden. Hydrick also reported on the meeting regarding low-flush toilets with the League to Save Lake Tahoe. Director Onysko stated he did not wish to have an Engineering firm's study on water conservation, but would endorse a pilot program at Pioneer Village and monitor the results our- selves. Discussion followed regarding the impacts of changes in the composition of sewage entering the treatment plant and the need to track the existing flows. The costs related to metering the sewer flows and water usage were also discussed. Shop Steward: No report. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair Passed Unanimously to approve pay- ment in the amount of $464,766.85. Presented by John Cartwright. Moved Walker/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to authorize two-week disconnection procedures on the accounts presented to Board this date. (A list of the accounts are attached and become a part of these Minutes be reference herein). PAYMENT OF CLAIMS DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS PER ORDINANCE 372 AND 373 ST054805 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 15, 1990 PAGE Presented by John Bonnet. John Bonnet answered questions from Director Sinclair regarding costs of this program for air toxics testing. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT: POOLED EMISSION ESTIMATION PROGRAM Moved Sinclair/Second Pierini/Passed ~nanimously to authorize execution of Agreement with 17 other agencies and authorize payment of $5,000. Presented by Gary Schnakenberg. Discussion was held regarding costs, long-term maintenance, re-vegetation, permits, regula- tions and funding. COLD CREEK EROSION CONTROL GRANT PROJECT Keith Klein commented on the City's experience with projects completed with Conservancy grant funds. It was the consensus of the Board to continue this item until more detailed information was available regarding related costs. No Board Action. Presented by Attorney Rollston, who reported on the School Board Meeting he attended with Gary Schnakenberg. He distributed revised copies of the Agreement and reviewed two changes requested and approved by the School Board. DISTRICT WATER SUPPLY: TWO WELL SITES ON SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPERTY Attorney Weidman discussed the TRPA Environmental Assessment Document and the submittal of Modified CEQA Notice of Exemptions. Attorney Weidman and Rollston answered questions from Director Onysko regarding emergency provi- sions. Moved Pierini/Second Walker/Passed ~ to: A) Authorize School District changes to the previously Board approved Agreement on 3/1/90 and approve exe- cution by the Chairman of the Board; ST054806 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 15, 1990 PAGE - 6 B) Authorize submittal of the TRPA Application; C) Authorize submittal of modified CEQA Notice of Exemptions; DISTRICT WATER SUPPLY: TWO WELL SITES ON SCHOOL PROPERTY (Continued) D) Authorize obtaining bids/quotes for drilling, developing & testing two production wells. Attorney Rollston presented the proposed easement and Agreement on the 10-acre Northrop property site on Sunset Drive. He stated the Agreement was not ready for Board action at this time, but reviewed a portion of the proposed provisions within the Agreement. Attorney Rollston also said the District needed to issue a letter to the City stating our fees have been satisfied. Director Pierini suggested the 10-acre site should be available for disposal of the test water, and this provision should be addressed in the Agreement to avoid additional costs. He also requested the window period be at least 24-30 months. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to issue a letter signed by Chairman of the Board to the City stating the related fees had been satisfied. Presented by Bob Baer. Director Onysko commented on the proposed study. He felt this was just a paper study and would not have any beneficial value to the District. TAHOE GROUNDWATER BASIN STUDY: JOINT EFFORT WITH OTHER BASIN AGENCIES AND DISTRICTS Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to authorize execution of letter of intent requesting grant monies in the amount of $17,000 with District share not to exceed $3,000. ST054807 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 15, 1990 PAGE - 7 Presented by Bob Baer. EXPORT PIPELINE RE-ALIGNMENT Discussion followed regarding location, boundaries & costs of the pipeline re-alignment. Also, Director Sinclair suggested an above-ground pipeline. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/ Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2414 authorizing submittal of Notice of Intent to apply for Federal loan financing in the amount of $7,500 (75% funding) with Bureau of Reclamation. Presented by Rick Hydrick who re- sponded to questions by Board Members. FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Director Sinclair asked if the District will be responsible for the costs relative to the project. Hydrick stated these costs would be reimbursed to the District through the Assessment District to be created for the Phase I costs. Director Sinclair also questioned if the District would be committed to accepting the Fallen Leaf Lake area as part of our sewer system (not an Assessment District). Attorney Weidman said the Fallen Leaf Lake residents had requested they be accepted after Phase I, but as yet the District had not agreed to that. Moved Pierini/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to: A) Authorize Quad Consultant's Task Order 4/Amendment 1 in the amount of $6,000 to complete the Environmental Assessment; B) Adopt Resolution No. 2510 requesting County Health Officer's recommendation to proceed; C) Adopt Resolution No. 2511 requesting County Board of Supervisors approval; ST054808 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 15, 1990 PAGE - 8 D.1) Adopt Resolution No. 2512 appointing an assessment engineer & Jones, Hall Hill & White as bond counsel; FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Continued) D.2) Authorize engineering services in an amount not to exceed $15,000; and E) Adopt Resolution No. 2513 appoint- ing Kelling, Northcross & Nobriga as financial consultants. Presented by Nat Sinclair and discussed among the Board Members. Moved Walker/Second Sinclair/ Onysko Voted No/Passed to adopt the policy with the changes discussed. BOARD POLICY: STAFF DIRECTION AND INTERNAL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND DISTRICT STAFF Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moved Walker/Second Pierini/ Passed Unanimously to approve going to bid with the City for this work. MANHOLE & VALVE BOX RAISING DURING CITY'S STREET OVERLAY ON VENICE DRIVE (AREA OF VENICE DRIVE FORCE MAIN) Presented by Barrie Fischer, who reviewed the changes he had made to the Job Description. PURCHASING AGENT POSITION The qualifications within the job description and the District's testing procedures were discussed. Recommendations for additional changes were made by Director Onysko which included the direct supervision of the position be changed from Accountant to Finance Officer. Barrie Fischer requested this change not be added because at the present time only Program Managers reported to him directly and because of his work load, he requested the person in that position continue to report to the Accountant. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Passed Unanimously to accept the job description with the exception of the question of the Supervisor and with the following changes: ST054809 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 15, 1990 PAGE - 9 1) 10-Key adding machine changed to calculator; PURCHASING AGENT POSITION (Continued) 2) Salesman changed to Salesperson; 3) 3-years of experience in Govern- ment Purchasing be retained, but "or closely related field" be added to the language. Moved Onysko/Second Pierini/Mason Voted No/Passed to change the job description to say: Under the general direction of the Finance Officer in lieu of the Accountant. Chairman Mason stated he had voted "No" on this action because he pre- ferred not to make any personnel changes until he could see the whole inter-action of the District's re- organization. 3/21/90 - 3:00 PM, Employee Relations Committee w/Lab staff 3/30/90 - 4:00 PM, Employee Relations Committee w/Office staff 4/02/90 - 7:30 PM, Public Hearing: 1990/91 Budgets @ Council Chambers 4/04/90 - 8:00 AM, Employee Relations Committee w/Pump Crew 4/05/90 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Mtg. 4/06/90 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ EID NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS Chairman Mason recognized Mr. Griffiths from the audience who wished to speak to the Board. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mr. Arthur Griffiths spoke to the Board requesting they maintain James R. Cofer until a new manager was hired or as a consultant because of his long- term experience with District matters. Director Sinclair responded to Mr. Griffith's comments, and said he had asked Mr. Cofer to stay on for a 3-6 months period until a new manager was hired, but Mr. Cofer had declined. ST054810 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MARCH 15, 1990 Chairman Mason told Mr. Griffiths that Mr. Cofer would be used as a consultant on several District matters pending at the time of his resignation. 6:00 PM PAGE - 10 COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Cont.). ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), 94956.9 (b) 2. (a) and 54956.9(c)4./South Tahoe PUD vs. Melvin $chwake Jr., et al; and, Government Code Section 54956.9(b)2. (a) and 54956.9(c)4./Redevelopment MOU 7:03PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION None ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION 7:03 PM ADJOURNMENT ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST054811 ~M 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 2' 25~. 26. ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS AT MARCH 15, 1990 ACCOUNT # 22-232-061 23-161-201 23-321-171 23-561-201 23-644-311 23-654-211 23-655-051 23-771-191 23-771-271 25-252-071 26-038-011 26-104-151 27-073-191 27-134-171 27-311-171 27-501-041 27-531-281 27-621-031 27-621-161 27-631-181 27-631-291 29-036-281 29-141-341 31-094-081 31-283-091 32-277-101 BOARD MEETING NAME Robert Seyranian Richard Munk Lou Davis Moe Zakeri Kevin Athanacio Marvin Mowlem B.A. Banathy Gary Hoag Ronald V. Kealen Randall Adams Joseph Wright Joe Aven Jeffrey Hayes John Simmonds Daniel Salerno Lawrence Newman Ronald Kuchera Jerry Simmons Alan North Carl Fair and Joe Brandt Gloria Cuevas Timberwolf, Inc. Maureen Daggett Lita Ortiz Jerry Smith Timothy Wheeler SERVICE ADDRESS PROPERTY TYPE 2023 Marconi Way SFD 780 Eloise SFD 660 Glorene SFD 697 Patricia SFD 703 Anita SFD 779 Hazel SFD 784 Hazel SFD 891 So. Shore Dr. SFD 935 So. Shore Dr. SFD 1254 tIeather Lake SFD 824 Merced 793 Los Angeles 3675 Paradise 3747 Aspen 3620 Larch Lakeland Village Lakeland Village Lakeland Village Lakeland Village Duplex SFD SFD Duplex Duplex Condo Condo Condo Condo Lakeland Village Lakeland Village 4085 Pine Blvd. 3921 Cedar Rd. 1135 O'Malley 2459 Ponderosa 1125 Julie Ln. Condo Condo Motel SFD 4-Plex Duplex SFD March 1,'90 TOTAL DUE $ 476.72 476.77 464.69 468.28 468.28 476.78 476.77 468.28 473.25 476.77 433.94 450.05 421.60 433.94 433.94 325.14 476.78 394.86 456.48 476.77 476.77 565.85 476.77 859.45 433.94 464.69 ST054812 Page - 2 - Accounts Submitted for Authorization of Disconnection Proceedings at rch 15, 1990 Board Meeting ITEM ACCOUNT # NAME 27. 33-160-151 Spinardi Invest. 28. 33-703-121 29. 34-085-061 30. 34-103-041 31. 34-222-021 32. 34-223-041 33. 34-521-061 34. 36-130-032 Dan Mahoney Barbara Grigsby James Ruthven John Romo, Jr. SERVICE ADDRESS Thomas Sanfilippo 1621 Choctaw Edward Dolan Richard Day PROPERTY TYPE 35. 36-543-071 John Ryberg 3~. 36-591-041 James Findlay Incline Rd. at Hwy. 50 SFD 1924 Apalachee SFD 1874 Apache SFD 121 Narragansett SFD 1648 Choctaw SFD SFD SFD 1965 Nez Perce Lot 13 Upper Truckee 3427 Upper Truckee 242 Egret Way SFD SFD SFD March 1, '90 TOTAL DUE $ 476.58 472.18 551.25 464.69 428.32 441.45 447.08 476.58 473.61 492.19 ST054813 DISTRICT POLICY FOR STAFF DIRECTION AND INTERNAL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND DISTRICT STAFF To provide an internal line of direction/communication between District staff and the Board of Directors. Identification of Direction/Internal Communication Board direction to staff shall be by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board, by a majority vote, may delegate directions to staff and to a two-member committee. Any Board member wishing to initiate action or changes in the programs and facilities of the District shall present his/her suggestions to the Clerk of the Board who will, in turn, bring the concern(s) to the Board of Directors through the Board Chairman at a meeting of the Board. Staff action in implement- ing such suggestions shall be taken only at the direction of the Board. Policy Number: March 15, 1990 Board Approval Date ST054814