HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-16-89 M I N U T E S REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 16, 1989 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session November 16, 1989, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Walker, Sinclair, Olson, Jones ROLL CALL STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath Bonnet, Rieger, Schrempp, Schroeder, Tiran, Brown, Hydrick, Taylor, Eddy, Cartwright, Schnakenberg, B. Eppler, Gilbert, Attorneys Weidman & Rollston GUESTS: Lou Pierini, Steve Onysko, Keith Klein/City Council, Bill Simonds, Jimmie Hoggatt, & Frank Mellor/Carollo Eng. Pembroke Gochnauer, Steve Teshara/Tahoe Preservation Council, Jim Depeso/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Scott Ferguson/Lahontan, Bill Craven/ Fallen Leaf Lake Protective Assoc., Chris Thomsen/Director-Standford Camp Steve Teshara from the Tahoe Pre- servation Council questioned Staff about the status of Phase I, Plant Expansion Lahontan Approval schedule. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Attorney Weidman, Manager Cofer and Scott Ferguson responded to Teshara's questions. Discussion followed. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 16, 1989 PAGE - 2 Manager Cofer requested the following changes: CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Action Items 7 & 8 be deferred; 2) Move Consent Item 2 to Action Calendar, Item No. 9; and 3) Add Item 10/Resolution 2502 and Item il/Resolution 2503 to the Action Calendar. Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve Corrections/ Additions to the Agenda and Consent Calendar. Moved Jones/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Adopted Resolution No. 2501 - Authorizing designated personnel to accept and consent to recorda- tion of conveyances. 2) Upper Truckee River Trunk Manhole Stabilization Project: A) Approved Change Order No. 1 reducing the Contract amount by $1,125. B) Approved Notice of Completion by adoption of Resolution 2499. 3) Santa Claus Dr. and St. Nick Way Project: Approved Notice of Completion by adoption of Resolution 2498. Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve the October 30, 1989 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES Director Olson and Director Jones thanked the Staff, Management, Legal Staff, & other Board members for a wonderful 12 years. They said the District accomplished many things that hopefully will help the commu- nity. Both expressed gratitude for the friendship and help over the years. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 16, 1989 None. 11/03/89 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ EID 11/3-4 - CASA 11/13/89 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items PAGE - 3 BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS PAST MEETINGS Manaqer Manager Cofer reported on: 1) Status of Luther Pass fire hydrants 2) 11/15/89 TRPA Meeting-allowing an additional 185 sewer unit allocations 3) State Parks Agreement 4) Plant Expansion Permits STAFF REPORTS Attorney Attorney Weidman reported on: 1) Schwake Eminent Domain Matters 2) Heise Eminent Domain Matters 3) TRPA Meeting 4) Working on the Step 3 Grant budget Proqram Manaqers John Bonnet reported on the Analysis of the Indoor Air Quality in the Furnace Building completed by J.M. Cohen, Inc. Discussion followed with Bonnet answering questions from Board members. Shop Steward No report. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed ~nanimously to approve payment in the amount of $910,012.82. This item was presented by Tim Rieger and discussed at the 11/13/89 Workshop. Tim Rieger reported the pump had been disconnected, so no action was required by the Board. No Board Action. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS SEWER DISCONNECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 359 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 16, 1989 PAGE Presented by John Cartwright. Moved Walker/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to proceed with water and/or sewer disconnection for delinquent accounts. (List is attached and becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein). DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS Jimmie Hoggatt reported on the progress, as a waiver had been obtained from TRPA. He said Tom Haen Co. will grout and a new line should be done in 2 weeks. SEWER LINE ABANDONMENT ON TAHOE AVE. BETWEEN SKI RUN BLVD. AND SONORA Bob Baer also reported he and Gary Schnakenberg were working on obtain- ing the easements and would report back in the near future. No Board Action. Presented by Bob Baer. Rick Hydrick reported on the chronological history of the system and its problems. Hydrick answered questions from Director Sinclair. FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM Bill Simonds from Carollo Engineers reported on their analysis of the system and their recommendations to develop solutions to increase the system's reliability to prevent future spills. Simonds also reviewed deadline dates imposed by Lahontan's Cease & Desist Order and responded to questions from the Board during the course of his presentation. Scott Ferguson from Lahontan stated what his recommendations to the Lahontan Board would be regarding the project. He said he would recommend to accept the Carollo Plan with the following conditions: REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 16, 1989 1) Treat both Phase I & II as a single project. Phase I, dealing primarily with the South side to be completed by 10/15/90 and set a date of 10/15/94 for Phase II (East side), to be put in if ne- cessary. PAGE - FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM (Cont.) He further stated Lahontan Staff would set up a reliability assess- ment program with So. Tahoe PUD to determine whether or not the corrections made on the South side (Phase I) were adequate and if so, they will say Phase II is no longer needed. 2) May have District Staff submit a "spill contingency plan" since Phase I has emergency storage, but Phase II does not, in the event there is a spill on the East side. 3) State there is a time schedule for Phase II, if it is necessary to do it, in the environmental documents* for Phase I. *Manager Cofer stated these would be in the form of a Negative Declaration. Chris Thomsen, Director of Stanford Camp, spoke to the Board and gave his views regarding the Phase I solution. Thomsen praised Rick Hydrick on his communication, time and work with the residents at Fallen Leaf Lake. Bill Craven representing Fallen Leaf Lake Protective Assoc. stated their association preferred: 1) A phased approach; 2) Installation of a meter system; 3) District's application for any "fix it" grant monies; and 4) To include FLL District in with the main District, with no special assessments (after the completion of Phase II if that phase should be necessary). REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 16, 1989 PAGE - 6 Craven also gave a brief history of past problems and repairs. He said the Homeowners Assoc. basically supported the proposed plan. FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM (Cont.) A lengthy discussion/question/answer session followed. Manager Cofer emphasized the need to act on these items due to the Lahontan Cease & Desist Order time schedule. Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/ Olson Abstained/Passed to Accept the October, 1989 Carollo Engineers Study. FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM: OCTOBER, 1989 CAROLLO ENGINEERS STUDY (ITEM 5. A) Moved Olson/Second Sinclair/ to adjourn this meeting to the 30th of November to take Board action on Items 5. B) & C). Director Walker asked if this delay would jeopordize the District meet- ing the Lahontan deadline. Discussion followed regarding the date of the Adjourned Board Meeting. Director Olson withdrew his motion. Moved Walker/Second Mason/Sinclair voted No/Jones and Olson Abstained/ Motion did not pass to approve Harland Bartholomew Task Order 4 (Item 5. B). ~oved Olson/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to hold action on Item 5. B) until 11/28/89 for an Ad- journed Board Meeting, at 4:00 PM. FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM: HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW TASK ORDER 4 IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000 FOR PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (ITEM 5 B) Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to hold action on Item 5. C) until 11/28/89 for an Ad- journed Board Meeting, at 4:00 PM. FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM: CAROLLO ENGINEERS TASK ORDER 15 IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $67,200 FOR PREPARATION OF THE FINAL DESIGN, PHASE I (ITEM 5. C) ITEM # 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. 20. 22. 23. 24. 25. 27. 28. ACCOUNT 22-181-021 22-322-621 23-211-321 23-311-401 23-311=521 23-591-031 23-592-121 23-613-061 23-623-011 23-691-321 23-732-471 23-733-171 23-741-251 25-405-011 25-491-031 25-733-151 25-832-121 25-864-101 26-039-121 26-039-131 26-084-121 26-094-281 27-010-041 27-114-221 27-135-021 27-153-321 27-221-291 27-313-071 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS NAME Ruth Wooten Said Fazeli Joseph Thomas Myers Marine Mike Adams Ruth Ann McArthur Deanne Jackson W. & F. Funderburk Sandra Banuet William Harootunian Arnold Garcia Jack Bergman Jess Madrigal Kennedy Trust Csitos Sandor Bruce Greene Lorraine Desomber Raymond Curley Karen Selby Mary Wilson Ed McCarthy Phil Patchin Gordon Kaneko G. Calhoun Artie Gordon James Jordanoff Charles King Monica Kinsey SERVICE ADDRESS 506 Christie Dr. 1629 Venice Dr. 2178 Eloise 2140 Dunlap 931 Third St. 536 Gardner 1865 Thirteenth 917 Julie 1821 Shady Lane 712 Gardner 2265 California 2337 Oregon 2278 Wyoming 1536 Glenwood 3210 Apple Dr. 1835 High Meadow 1827 Gentian Cir. 1977 Tooch St. 3155 Oakland 3161 Oakland 921 Tallac Ave. 734 Modesto 3361 Lake Tahoe Blvd. 1080 Bowers Ave. 1113 Ski Run 3671 Tamarack 1109 Oak Ave. 3630 Tamarack 11/16/89 AMOUNT $ 539.46 539.30 501.67 622.14 537.06 594.05 596.41 597.50 504.70· 597.40 594.05 597.93 597.29 594.02 594.05 551.17 597.54 597.29 673.88 918.04 668.78 623.92 534.24 594.20 514.46 594.05 594.05 551.77 Page 1 ITEM # 30. 31. 32. 33. 36. 37. 38. 39. 42. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. ACCOUNT # 27-381-061 29-041-091 30-401-081 31-071-031 31-076 111 31-085-101 31-111-111 31-163-141 31-201-051 31-284-151 32-241-101 32-242-191 BB-351-131 33-371-071 BB-604-021 34-242-071 34-267-021 35-151-131 36-475-101 81-151-141 31-071-0101 & 0102 ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS NAME Jerome Tobolski Tahoe Ail Season Jon Krause Adams, etal Robert Gardner Dennis Twardzik Judy Wilson George LaBranch Martha Edwards Feodor Koorganoff Harc!d Williams Judy Cristanelli Dick Yaghlegian Andrew Swiestra SERVICE ADDRESS 3310 Treehaven Dr. 4131 Manzanita 3970 Saddle 2520 Lake Tahoe Blvd. 2573 Chris 2~!{ Pa!mira 2657 William 1066 Lodi 2649 Bertha 2648 Osborne 2509 Ponderosa 951 Lodi 1145 Tata 1168 Tata ~^C Tata 733 Zuni Donald Pereira Patrick Riddell Rose Marie Pereira Greg Fountain A1 Boyajan Paul John Daryl McWilliams Gordon Kaneko 404 Grizzly Mtn. Ct. 1610 Arapahoe 1127 Sioux 1155 Apache 45 Tolteca 37 E. River Park 1324 Pine Valley 1011 Lodi AMOUNT $ 838.30 606.26 594.05 702.10 668.78 ~31.65 592.21 668.78 594.05 578.02 668.78 577.72 772.88 594.05 554.52 607.83 525.16 526.68 593.56 609.21 597.48 594.05 708.75 Page 2