HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-01-88 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 1, 1988 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session December 1, 1988, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Olson, Walker, Jones, Sinclair ROLL CALL STAFF Corer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Miller, Schroeder, Taylor, Tiran, Bonnet, Cartwright, Schnakenberg, Attorney Rollston GUESTS Keith Klein-City Council Steve Teshara-Preservation Council Richard Solbrig-Carollo Engineers None None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR None CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Olson/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to Approve the November 3, 1988 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. None None APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS 11/28/88 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items PAST MEETINGS 11/30/88 - TRPA/Dist. Sewer Plant Presentation Discussion followed regarding the Allocation Program and Permits. Manager Cofer and Keith Klein answered questions directed from the Board. Keith Klein also commented on the TRPA meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 1, 1988 PAGE - 2 Manager: Manager Cofer reported he has been working on the Plant Accommodation and the Alpine County Condemnation Proceedings. Manager Corer announced the date for the STPUD Annual Christmas party: December 11, 1988. Attorney: No Report. Program Managers: Kay Taylor, Accountant,reported on the 11/28/88 meeting held with the Finance Committee to discuss the proposals submitted for a financial consultant. Presenta- tions will he made on 12/7/88 by the two financial consultants out of the five who submitted propo- sals. The presentations will be at 1:00 PM. Shop Steward: No report. STAFF REPORTS ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Olson/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $994,562.06. Presented by John Cartwright. Moved Jones/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to set the time and date for a Public Hearing Prior to Adoption of Ordinance No. 410 as 2/2/89, 4:30 PM. Presented by Manager Cofer. Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to Authorize Execution of Agreement Between the District and Fallen Leaf Lake Associates. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ORDINANCE FOR COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT CHARGES AND PENALTIES (NO. 410) FALLEN LEAF LAKE ASSOCIATES CONNECTION TO SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 1, 1988 PAGE - 3 Presented by Manager Cofer. Moved Olson/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to postone adoption of Ordinance No. 411 to 2/2/89. INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT PROGRAM AND RULES AND REGULATIONS THEREFORE Presented by Gary Schakenberg. Moved Olson/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to: TROUT CREEK II - EROSION CONTROL PROJECT A) Approve Change Order No. 2 Decreasing the Contract Amount by $5,491.44; B) Adopt Resolution No. 2477 Approving Notice of Completion. Presented by Richard Solbrig. Moved Olson/Second Sinclair/ Passed Unanimously to Approve Change Order No. 92 - 116 for the Total Amount of $9,651.19. PLANT MODIFICATION, CONTRACT NO. 1 - ALTA PACIFIC CHANGE ORDERS Presented by Richard Solbrig. Moved Jones/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously to Approve Change Orders No. ll, 16, 74 - 97, 99 for the Total Amount of $142,358.96. ALPINE COUNTY PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 5 KIEWIT PACIFIC CHANGE ORDERS 12/02/88 - 10:00 AM, So. Shore Water Purveyors @ District 12/09/88 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA, @ City Council Chambers (SLT); E1 Dorado Water Committee Meeting @ Placerville NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 12/11/88 - STPUD Annual Xmas Party 12/12/88 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items 12/15/88 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting 4:17 PM ADJOURNED TO 12/7/88 AT 1:00 PM, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO HEAR ORAL PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FINANCIAL CONSULTING FIRMS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 1, 1988 PAGE - 4 ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOTI CE OF ADJOURNMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICTj HELD ON THE 1st DAY OF December~ 1988 4:00 P,M, AT THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE WAS ADJOURNED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO THE 7th DAY OF December, 1988 AT 1:00 % M,j MEETING AT: 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA - City Council Chambers PAT A, MAMATH~ cI~ERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DATED: December 2, 1988