HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-89 Public Hearing Continued MINUTES CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 17, 1989 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met for a Continued Public Hearing, April 17, 1989, 3:30 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Walker, Jones, Olson. Director Sinclair arrived at 3:45 PM ROLL CALL STAFF: Cofer, Mamath, Taylor, Gilbert, Schroeder, Fischer, Attorney Weidman GUESTS: Andy Hauge-Quad Consultants, Jim Dipeso-Tahoe Tribune, Allan Patton- SWRCB, Daniel Siegel, Deputy Attorney General-State of CA, Tom Martens-League to Save Lake Tahoe 3:30 PM Hearing reopened by Chairman Mason. Public Comment: Attorney Weidman stated there were two members of the public who wished to make oral state- ments concerning the Draft EIR/EIS: PUBLIC HEARING: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, 0.2 MGD WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EXPANSION, DRAFT EIR/ EIS, MARCH 1989 Dan Sieqel, Deputy Attorney General, State of California, made an oral statement to the Board. He acknowledged the Draft EIR/EIS recognized the need to relocate the export pipeline out of the flood zone, the need for an additional emergency retention pond and pointed out the District's ongoing I/I program, but felt certain changes in two areas needed to be made in the EIR/EIS to be legally adequate. First, a commitment to make improvements needs to be "tied-down". His office does not believe an expansion is justified without definitive, concur- rent actions to remedy existing problems. Second, he felt the present document could be read (interpreted) as if the 0.2 expansion is, in fact, part of a larger project and under CEQA law, one cannot CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1989 Paqe 2 avoid an analysis of a large project by chopping it up into many small projects. He believed, however, remedies could be found and offered to work with District staff to reach solutions. Director Jones pointed out how costly it is for the District to postpone plan- fing of this project in the manner identified by Mr. Siegel; that Public Works projects took a long time to plan. Chairman Mason agreed with this statement and commented on this issue. Discussion ensued. Tom Martens, Executive Director, League To Save Lake Tahoe, made an oral state- ment to the Board. He stated he felt there was confusion between this short- term expansion and the connection to the EPA grant and what's going to come up in the long-term, but added, no one knew what that was because TRPA has not taken a very long-term view of it. He felt the present document does not account for (number count) the changes he's hearing about going on now and we seem to have 57,000 gallons that remain unallocated that's in our plan, which he assumes is available. He said STPUD has additional capacity reserve from the Forest Service and State Parks (150,000/ gallons). He stated this information was not in the document but has come out in the newspaper under various stories. Based on these figures he felt the Dis- trict didn't need the 200,000 gallons to accommodate the 3 years growth of TRPA because it was there already. He stated his second concern was the District's plan to add to the capacity with the present bottlenecks in the plant, i.e., the export line. He also mentioned the restraints put on the District by EPA. He would like to see a specific com- mitment by District staff as to what actions will be taken to put in these CONTINUED PULBIC HEARING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1989 Page 3 correctiVe actions to deal with pre existing problems: lining the holding pond, con- struction of the 2nd holding pond and the leaky export line. They would like these problems resolved prior to plant expansion. He stated he felt there was a half-way point they can come to agreement with District staff on all of these issues so they will know these spills in the long run are not going to occur again. The other area of concern is the 98 EPA mitigation measures and the District's role in tracking them. He reviewed the ones he felt the District could and could not control and gave examples in both catag- ories. He felt one glaring mitigation measure missing from the document was water supply and water supply monitoring. The last thing he felt was missing from the document was the policy of borrowing and loaning (to be recaptured at a later date) sewer capacity, particularly by public agencies,(i.e., Community College) and should'be addressed in the document, especially if it crossed over into the private sector. He wanted to be sure there would be enough reserve for public projects. Mr. Martens stated he would be willing to work with District staff to resolve the issues he addressed. Attorney Weidman responded to some of the issues Mr. Martens reviewed. Chairman Mason stated he would like to have something worked out so the plant could run at 75%-80% capacity rather than 95%-99% capacity and hoped there would be a solution for more flexibility in operating the plant. Director Jones noted that prior delays caused by the League To Save Lake Tahoe and others have contributed to some of the spills experienced by the District and felt these delays were the League's way of controlling growth within the Lake Tahoe Basin. Director Jones further stated he felt TRPA was the Agency where the League should address Tahoe growth and the District was only trying to pro- vide a service to the community. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1989 Page 4 Hearing Closed: Chairman Mason closed the Public Hearing at 4:00 PM ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PA- MAMATH~ C~ERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON April 6, 1989, 3:30 PM HAS BEEN CONTINUED TO April 17, 1989 AT 3:30 P,M, AT the City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO CONSIDER the South Tahoe Public Utility District, 0.2 MGD Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion, Draft EIR, EIS, March, 1989. PAT A, MAMATH, CCERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DATED: April 10, 1989